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Like Conduits for Syphilis, the BOULE, Rainbow Coalition & the Harvey Milk LGBTXYZ Cult Just Want Us to CELEBRATE!

Just weeks after America was shocked to learn just how low some would go to pull off an American FALSE FLAG designed, expressly, to Throw Our Nation into a Race War and Utter Kayos, the CABAL of Bad Actors, Fake News Purveyor, Useful Idiots, Corrupted Democrats and the Hidden Handed Oligarchs who CONTROL them All Regroup in time to Present Jussie Smollett with the NAACP Award. :/

Meet the, so called, TALENTED TENTH, otherwise known as the BOULE, for whom, W.E.B. DuBois was the Prototype.

They are the Post SLAVERY Set of Negros, practically, MADE and they are the Celebrated Blacks who continue to Stay in-service like Black Overseers in order for their hidden handed, merchant-class, Hander’s to Stay in full Control of the rest of us.

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For this cause, clear divisions were Made and Maintained, between the, Resourceful, Southern Negro (ex Slaves), exemplified greatly by Booker T Washington, who literally Picked Up the former Slave, Brick by Brick while advocating Education, Industrial Training, and Fair Wages for the Hard Work Inventors who are blessed with the raw Ingenuity that comes so naturally to the black men and women Washington encouraged. 

After reading the Allegory of our downfall couched in old Greek classics, Dubois was dutifully commissioned to Pen the industrious Black Man and Woman further from our Reality as  Emperors, NEGUS KINGS, First Nation Builders and Members in good standing in Free-Black Philadelphia etc, into a mere West AFRICAN Garrisoned, COMPROMISE.

Conversely, and by design, the fanciful dreamer, W.E.B. DuBois, fathomed the Negro as Bell of the Ball erudites who’s Greatest Achievements could come by paying Gnostic homage to Greek Gods and Boot Licking too, all while Striving to be  and loath Whites at once, ie, “BlackIsh”.

The BOULE Black would be Commissioned to Pen us a whole new Socialist “Reality”, all while Focusing our Ire Away from our True, Merchant Class Oppressors, the Jews who made us Democratically Maintained American SLAVES. These are the Communist Styled Useful Idiots and But Buddies, alike, such as, James Baldwin, who Gifted His Masters with New Negro and the higher Probability that White Christian Men Would Never Risk their Lives and Limbs to EMANCIPATE the emerging Black Neo Slaves again.

While we were effectively Three Striked by the First Black President, Bill Clinton, and George Bush’s CIA Supplied Crack, the BOULE would be used to teach blacks to Simply Accept the Hot Sauce and the Fourth Strike Slated to be Issued by his Wife, Hillary Clinton, who was not suppose to Loose to President Donald J. Trump.

Let it be known if you haven’t figured it out yourself, the BOULE’s primary task was and always will be, giving license to haters like, Margaret Sangar, and High Society hacks who thought our Genetic Modification at the Tuskegee Institute and Abortions, alike, could actually eradicate our standing as God’s Chosen People.

Even while DuBois finally woke up, just, to find himself, practically, exiled to die alone in Ghana, and even while the rest of the Auditioned, BOULE and Talented Tenth who remained Loyal to their jewISH Founders and Funder’s were close enough to get Splashed by Martin Luther King’s Blood, they are still just as dedicated to their hidden handed handler’s jewISH Causes. They are still here and Used to Couch the Negro, once Again, and that includes keeping every black community stayed and built upon the Baltimore Hell-Scape Design , which is Forever Upheld by the NAACP.

We only need to look just beyond the Bad Actors to see what’s next for the black community as hidden just beyond their performances are the Deep State’s “Trial Balloons”.  One or the Oligarchs paradigms for the Urban Blacks is other know as HBO’s “The Wire”  where the Hidden Handed Merchant/Oligarchs have illustrated exactly what is in store for the NAACP Controlled blacks trapped in Baltimore. This includes, Compstat Policing , and FREE NEEDLE Supped Cop-Free Opioid Zones now happening in the Oligarch’s USURPED Test City, Philadelphia, who’s Kensinton EXPERIMENT was Featured on their HBO’s Drug Inc., as a follow up.

Anthony Anderson, withstanding… as always, the BOULE GATEKEEPERS are Assembled to Keep Up Appearances in Chicago and Beyond.

Now, the old guard at the Rainbow Coalition with MLK’s Blood on their hands, are now Working Overtime in CHIRAQ, and as always, we are to Pretend that they are working “for” the Ravaged People and communities developed on their watch, all with Jussie Smolletts “help”.

Meanwhile, the hidden handed ilk in Chicago who Fear President Trump the most (namely, Full EMPLOYMENT FOR Blacks) are tuning Up Their Fake News Narratives and SPIN to Smooth over their latest, and Woefully Botched, FALSE FLAG EVENT, staged to make Blacks Feel like we were now being Lynched in America in real time.

They will, no doubt, Pivot Black Ire away from Jussie Smollett, back onto the intended Purpose set fourth by George Soros, who is just One Degree Separated from Kim Foxx, the Black Mamie empowered, regardless of her first RECUSAL, to set the Dominoes Back In Motion, ie. the, so called, “MOVEMENT” Smollett referred to.

It is no Secret that George Soros wants an American Spring, a Race War and the Total Downfall of America, all had on the Backs of Gullible Blacks held in the Urban Bastions his Ilk of Subversive Oligarchs have Prized the most. What is a Secret is the Hidden Handed Relationship had with the BOULE and the Fact that is it is the one that he is Using now to get exactly what he and his CABAL of jewISH OLIGARCHS want, no matter how many Blacks and Goyim Must Die.

While the UNCOVERED Tyrants who hale from Chicago buy Themselves More Time, the hidden handed, Deep State ilk have determined Blacks shall be made “Happy” again so that Business as Usual Might be Resumed.

As always, Select Muses, Favored by their Hidden Handed jewISH (Agents) Handlers the most, are held up to KEEP US Mad inside of our Ravaged, Concrete Jungles, while we wait to be Organized as Protesting Beggars, so the Saul Alinsky Ilk can continue to take their Free Lunch.

The hidden handed CABAL must Stop all of the Possibilities brought about by BLEXT, while they Strive, as always, to KEEP US within the NAACP developed Status Quo so many Blacks are, sadly, accustomed to.

That is, “Happy” Blacks must Stay CONTENT inside of our Ravaged, Concrete Jungles, like BALTIMORE MD and CHIRAQ, while Simply Enjoying the Bread and Circus Act Kept Going by their Auditioned Actor’s and Talented Tenth who are Always Glad to Speak and Perform Political ACTS On Que.

We are to remain “Happy” that Our Disarmed Innocent Ones in Gun-Free Chicago and Urban Communities Nationwide are not Shot, yet, and we are to remain “Happy” that the Base Lessons Learned from Watching Murderous Shows like, The Wire and EMPIRE, will go on another Damned Day, as usual.

Just like W.E.B. DuBois, The Helpful BOULE will ensure Our Abortion Rates will Sky-Rocket far beyond Margret Sangars’ wildest dreams, while they are Awarded and Kept Up On Stage in exchange. Their, evermore brazen ACTS, will ensure that No Black Shall Suspect, for a second, that the Fix was in All Along!

As long as American Blacks can be Lulled Back to Sleep by the Auditioned and Bad Actors, alike, the hidden handed jewISH ilk of Agents and Purveyors of the NAACP will keep Taking (Gentrifying) Whole Urban Blocks , Aborting Black Babies, and Taking the Customary 90% of the Golden Bricks that are made on the Backs of the Talented Tenth.

Thanks to the BOULE, Neo Slaves are now being hatched, not only in Libya, thanks to Barack, but also under the dubious #REFORM banner, which serves as cover for Sir Ronald Cohen’s Goldman Sachs Managed Neo SLAVE TRADE aka, Social Impact Bonds.  Meek Mill’s, so called, REFORM  is one and the same as the Clinton’s 21st Century Justice REFORM Farce begun by Chicago’s Raymond Ramsey in our Nation’s Usurped First Capital, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, like Chicago is now Overrun by Hidden Handed Oligarchs thanks to they BOULE BLACK OVERSEER, Michael Nutter who was tasked by Michael Bloomberg, George Sorors, et al to TAKE EVERY Major CITY DOWN by way of the Conference of Mayors.

Sadly, Blacks Maintained in the Style of DuBois ie, the BOULE Black, remains the FEW that are needed to Keep All Blacks Down. They are the ones that Hidden Handed Jewish AGENTS count on, just like the ones who developed the NAACP did. These are the Blacks the Hidden Handed Jews, like George Soros, Still Manage these are the Blacks that Fake Jews USE to Control Us All to this day.

Rev 3:9 Says, It’s time to Wake Up!!!


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The Black BOULE & the Deep State, A “Match” Made in Hell!

…Speaking of Deep State, the BLACK Straw-Man, Juan Williams, is likely DEDICATED to George Soros’ Ilk via the Usurped, Clinton Sycophant Group, called the National Association of Black Journalists (#NABJ) .

He begins leading his Useful Idiot Brigade by starting his Talking Points off with, “I Don’t Get It” while feigning to be an ex NPR Journalist!

In the age of the Jussie Smollett False Flag, and his “DirtyPolitics” explicable, abrupt, exhoneration, These UnAmerican Subersives are now PREDICTABLE, while having as much nuance as they have Shame, which is, Obviously, NONE!!!!!!

It’s time for both Patriots and Saints to WakeUp!!!

The BRAINWASHING SUBVERSIVES ARE AT WAR and MUST BE DEALT WITH CONSTITUTIONALLY, Least their Coordinated Racketeering Have it’s intended affect, e.g, AMERICAN SPRING, already two years late, Thanks to President Donald J. Trump and that would mean Business as Usual excalating to far worse (See Chicago turned Chiraq) for, Never Satisfied, Targeted, Blacks!

TOGETHER, INDIVISIBLE, WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD AGAIN only After this Daily, Fake News, Threat, including Controlled Opposition, is Neutralized!!!

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Speaking of Black Lynchings…

Here are, So Called, Coons and Uncle Tom Blacks the New Zealand ” White Supremacist and Black BOULE Shills, who are our Modern-Day Overseers Need, Want, and Hope you to Hate and Destroy in their Hidden Handed Task-MASTER’s behalf.

Candace Owens, name is now “mysteriously” woven into the manifestoed web of the determined Australian’s, 70 plus page murder rant now being dutifully forwarded, in-part, by the Cabal’s Narrating Media Networks just days after Tony Podesta’s visit to into gun free New Zealand.

Sadly, just days after the Podesta visit, New Zealand is now saddled with a consequent FALSE FLAG mass shooting just like the one in Podesta’s “visited” Florida, where Hillary Clinton’s Police Pal told his men to Stand-Down during the mass shooting event at the Stoneman Douglas High School.

The highly suspicious High School Shooting, thought to be a False Flag by thinking and astute Americans, took place just weeks before the CIA Kid, David Hogg, and the victims of the Mass Shooting in Florida went on their curious “field trip” to New Zealand after seeing their CNN Orchestrated Anti-Gun Campaign went, virtually, nowhere in the U.S.

On the matter of another curious False Flag Event in America, the topic of Lynching was “ceremoniously” introduced into the public spear by democratic Presidential candidates, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, just days before the politically active actor, Jussie Smollet, colluded with two Nigerian Born actors in the city of Chicago.

Chicago was publicly dubbed MAGA Nation in the Harris noted American False Flag Event that deemed a Modern Day Lynching before it was fully uncovered and Stopped in it’s tracks in our most beleaguered American city that was systematically turned into Chiraq over the course of Barack Obama’s presidency.

On the topic of the hidden handed Cabal’s High Tech Lynchings, the phenomenon was illustrated so well by the Black Republican appointee to the American Supreme court, Clearance Tomas, Owen’s is sitting with Paris Dennard, the black man who suffered CNN’s last straw. as he proved to be more effective as a Powerful Black Leader than a Straw Man whipping boy for whom they hoped to defeat verbally in their Three to One Pile Ups complete with ex CIA members, one of whom’s proverbial panties were balled all up into a knot on live tv in the face of Dennard’s TRUTH and true Patriotism prowess.

They, the Black Boule, such as, Al Sharption, Don Lemon and all of the obvious CNN Shills, along with Shawn King, the White- Black Thought Leader, are all the modern day Overseers who are ACTIVATED upon Every Deep State Perpetrated FALSE FLAG Event. They are expressly TOOLED to say their 4AM Memo Lines and repeated ad nauseam Talking Points, with the full understanding, duly Brainwashed Blacks can No Longer Think for themselves, nor can they fathom the mechanics and patterns of NUDGE Science based paradigms, game theories, and Technocratic shenanigans that are now hard at “play” behind the scenes.

Who are the Deep State Overloads who tell gullible blacks to dispose of and persecute such FREE THINKING BLACKS who lead rather than follow like Uncle Tom? Simply, follow the money to see who is paying Your most prominent “Thought Leader’s” Paychecks, and more importantly, Note the Cabal who have Usurped EVERY URBAN Media Station and Outlet, to date, …. hint the Hidden Handed, Deep State, Overlords are “Related” to the Two jewISH hacks who Follow up the Rear of Meek Mill in EVERY Media Appearance since they Bought and Fetched him from Jail.

I.e. Michael Rubin and Robert Kraft, are part and Parcel in a bunch of Harvard School of Business Usurping , coordinated American Oligarch Conspirators who’s Cabal of Lawless American Subversives operate in secrete under the leadership of , London based, Sir Ronald Cohen, want nothing more than their CONTROLLED Blacks to Want what they want for EVERY Targeted Black in America.

That is, the continuation of status quo, blacks have been Complaining about for over thirty years and, particularly, Clinton’s 21st Century “Justice” #Reform, which was cover for Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Goldman Sachs Managed, Social Impact Bond ploy, which is a new financial instrument to follow upon their SilliconValley / Venture Capital based Urban Pension Thefts and Black Middle Class Targeting, Prime Rate Mortgage Schemes and the consequent, systematic bankrupting of America’s major cities. The unfettered completion of their dubious new paradigms will, indeed, amount to our Modern Day Enslavement 2.0, but the election of President Donald Trump has gotten in the way.

With the help of Angered Blacks, who are Social Impact Brainwashed daily, the Conspiratorial Cabal hopes to finish their newly arrayed Criminal Court Systems that are now brought and fully operational inside of Targeted Black communities and select Eli Brode Managed School systems Near You.

Our stolen Cities mainly run by Democrat Shills, are Oligarch Usurped and complete with Bloomberg associated, Center for Court Innovation Laws that Work Exactly like Post Slavery Black Code laws.

The newly enacted laws were imparted under the “leadership” of Barack Obama, and under the auspice of his, dubious, “Pay for Performance” farce.

Pay for Performance was one and the same as the Goldman Sachs managed Social Impact Bond scheme which was developed by the, so calked, father of Venture Capitalism, Ronald Cohen.

Cohen’s plan developed in the same city the West Indian (Slave) Trade Company was borne, is designed to Convert the entire, systematically targeted, black community into HUMAN CAPITAL, i.e. profitable Social Impact Bond managed SLAVES who are now being sentenced in specially tooled, pension/ bankrupt cities, to work for free, yet, the targeted blacks are working for “free” at the Taxpayers expense, as the money still slated for public works and government services was promised and siphoned off to Goldman Sachs, Bloomberg et al via back-room Social Impact Bond deals made with Well Paid Politicians just like Michael Nutter who are still being bank-rolled by Oligarchs for whom Shills like Michael Nutter still work for to this day.

Today, while useful idiots are used to sell the Oligarch’s #Reform scheme, to society at-large, Blacks are being Sentenced in the Oligarch’s Retooled Criminal Court Systems so they, the new Social Impact SLAVES can continue Replacing Blue Color Workers throughout early adapting “Test” Cities where the Oligarchs are in still charge.

Thanks to Black Shills like, Barack Obama, Michael Nutter and the Chicago native Police Commissioner , Raymond Ramsey, who was tasked to Deep State “Federalize” American Police forces from Our Oligarch Usurped, first Capital, Philly the Subversives still troubling our divided nation nearly had it all, if it were not for Hillary Clinton’s utter defeat!

While the Subversive Cabal continues to Orchestrate the Kidnappings of DHS/CPS #Separated Urban Youth and Coordinated False Flag Events, alike, in our stolen cities, they need you, the Media Maddened Black Brainwashed Shill, to Go Against President Trump, expressly, for the Return of all we complained about including the vast Human Trafficking channels established in our Stolen Urban Cities, now called Sanctuary Cities tooled to “welcome” untraceable, Undocumented Children they hoped to exploit after dispensing with the children TAKEN and DISAPPEARED from our rapidly Gentrified Black communities.

By way of Socially Impact Media Narratives that are Coordinated to work hand and hand with the FALSE FLAG EVENTS happening unfettered with the exception of the Smollett event, Black Are being Written Into the Narrative and Spoon Fed Lies with the hope that the Oligarchs can Continue on, TAKING our Nation Down With your help.

In short order, The Cabal of Subversive Oligarchs hope for the Resumption of Clinton’s ravaged Haiti, the flood of MS13 Gangs into our Stolen Cities and Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious Armed S. Americas to storm the border unstopped. They hope to continue the Newly Revived Slave Trade in Libya where Obama’s wicked mistress, Hillary Clinton, stated She Came, She Saw, now Qaddafi us Dead!

That is, Murmar Qaddafi was Murdered by black Shill Barack Obama, after he began to embarked on Global Black Reunification of Blacks of the, so called, African Diaspora. Quddafi’s objectives included the Revamping of our Post Crusade Trade Routes plus their extension all of the way into Haiti and beyond. Qaddafi spoke of the Restoration of our Usurped Libraries once housed in places like Alexandria Egypt and Timbuktu, and spoke of the Return to the Gold standard, all while Chicago was being , systematically,converted into Chiaq, where Mercenary Murdered Blacks are Shot like Sitting Ducks in Chicago’s GUN FREE ZONES!

Candace Owen’s #BLEXIT and her commentary on Black Lynchings with Paris Dennard on her new Pragger U show means Wake Up! But the Mind F’ing Cabal will have none of that!

They will orchestrate more False Flag Events with the help of their Democrat and Republican/RINO Shills, alike, and the Group-Thinking, Brainwashed Blacks Responding to their highly crafted False Flags and Fake News events are key for making the Complete Overthrow of our Nation and it’s conversion into a Remotely Controlled Socialist Hell Hole depends on You, the Modern Day Social Impact Bonds Slaves, and the High Tech Lynched Blacks they and their BOULE Shills, now Strive to Silence Daily!

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Who to BLAME for the New Zealand FALSE FLAG? “They” Will Find One Person, Indeed…


Incredibly, yet, Predictably, #CandaceOwens is Named and Blamed for the #NewZealand FALSE FLAG, As Profoundly as Jussie #Smollett’s blaming MAGA too.

The Orchestrating Cabal behind it all Will Stop at Nothing, because, We are All Fair GAME and Expendable to them, for as long as their Means can Justify their Ends in the Global #EndGame they are playing from behind the scenes!