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Jay-Z and “the Antisemitic Problem”

As I know to be mindful of relative Powers and Principalities based on Biblical Principal, the questions for me are these…

Is this just another Post Builderberg Pivot? 

That is, is Jay-z  now “Flipping the Script”, so that he may be enjoined into the ranks of the , so called, “truthers” that are embedded into the emerging “Alt-News” space all for the Purpose of Controlled Opposition? 

Note: The Controlled Opposition Truther’s current job #1 is to sew the seeds of Mental Defeatism (NUDGE Science 101) by illustrating that We are all relatively Small in the Shadow of the “Powerful”, and Black Destiny Changing Fake Jews as per Rev 3:9.

This is why David Ick’s very “enlightening” Rhetoric will always culminate into an ultimate “Serpent Race” “Conclusion”. (see also the, so-called, Light Workers Cult, the Galactic Federation of Light,  an the Grooming of the Masses via Cult-Like Mind Control)

It is also clear to me that America’s resident Oligarchs have desired, desperately, to INCITE America-wide Race Riots or an American Spring by Fall of Last year.

We can see how Jay-Z’s wife, an illustrated Illuminati Shill, has also been tapped to Portray ISIS/Ishtar, i.e. the False Deity that is represented, symbolically, throughout the plethora of recent Allegories , such as, the Shocking Der Spiegel Cover , featuring, the Beheaded Statue of Liberty in the Hands of Donald Trump, as well as, the relative symbolic thru-line to Kathy Griffith who pivoted the same Beheading Theme making our President, Donald Trump’s severed head the focus of her Ilk’s, relative, Ire.

NUDGE Science, Brainwashing, Mass Brainwash
Mass Brainwashing thru Allegory.

Note, one of The Highest Degrees a Black (Boule) Freemason may “achieve” is marked by the symbolic Latter of Ishtar.

Likewise, Beyance has been stylized into the embodiment of a relative, “Best Practice” , in that, the Riotous Black Panthers was a jewISH Made Black Opposition Group, expressly, Elevated at the Bequest of FAKE Jews for the sole purpose of Leveraging and RACE-BATING unbeknownst Blacks against their sworn enemy, the so called, Goyim.

However, I also realize, Jay-z’s, sure to be epic “HIT”, could be 100% something else entirely.

That is, we have all been witness to highly ranked, Satanic Black adherents getting THROWN UNDER THE BUS, shortly  after having a Profound epiphany and/or for simply becoming “Too Damned Big for their Britches “. (Perhaps the Tidal Debacle is a Tell)

Just as with, Philadelphia’s, Michael Nutter, who is affectionately known as Hillary Clinton’s pet-named, “Nutter Butter”,  and the recently Sentenced, Philadelphia D.A., Seth Williams, the relative usefulness of these Misleading Black Shills who are being used outright for the purpose of keeping a Hidden-Hand presence,  their usefulness as Plausible Deniability has certainly run its course.


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Party People Wow the Sleeping Crowd and for it PHILLY and our Constitution therein is Going, Going, GONE!

We see, thereby, Under the Bus they Go! (See also, Sammy Davis Jr’s horrid downward death-spiral and, likewise , Bill Cosby’s Damned luck and fate, both, Church of Satan pledges.

We can also see the tangential works of the Hidden Hand relative the ones who have basically Sold Their Souls only to awaken into a world of Strife just after their appeal for some form of earthy Redemption, albeit, far too late, I.e Michel Jackson, Prince, and the currently Embattled “friend” of Jay-z, Kanye West.

As with everything the previously hidden hand Oligarchs do under the cloak of secrecy (such as, Chatham House Rule), all they do must be factored Algebraically and for greater understanding, I will be looking for Relative “X-factors”, not limited to Every asset that the DEEP-STATE own.