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Israel on Stage; Babylon is Fallen; Rev 3:9 is Real

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Israel Staging after being Shot Down effectively inside of Troubled Syria

STRONG SHOWING, notwithstanding, Two Israeli Fighter Jets were Shot Down this week in Syria by Syrian Defense Forces.

Without the Ability of PUPPETEERING Syrian’s Proxy War, America -v- Russia, Israeli is STARTING SOMETHING on their own accord, or shall I say, FINITO!

Trump, largely, Pulled Americans Out of Syria, but, into Jerusalem, in theory for now, just like a Jenga Block rested on the Occupying Shoulders of Rev 3:9 Mentioned “jews”.

Likewise, Palestinian Power-brokers, no longer Paid for relative Passivity are now Bound and FREED, at last, to Unite with AUTHENTIC-Unfettered Allies and therefore, with a clearer view of history, in full context, the Entire #WOKE World may Cave in Against Zionists, even from within as Netanyahu gets Grilled by his own people also.

Meanwhile, the Zionist CABAL stateside and Meat-Head, Rob Reiner, are now Openly Calling for an American Civil War, but of course, on the Backs of INCITED Blacks, mad #MeToo women, and ILLEGAL, Imported FORIGN Disruptors, alike, all in time for their Hoped-for, but Year-late (Bolshevik Anniversary) Race Wars. 🙁

Exceptionally, Fully Employed Blacks are no longer Gunned Down by Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reformed Goons w/ Full Immunity, Monthly (“PURGE” & “Meet the Blacks”), effectively Culling the Ranks of Race-Bated Battering Rams and the BLM Radicalized in Eli-Brode run Schools have been Effectively Liberated by President Trump when Brode’s Leech Funds were Dried Up.

A-Plus,it was the God Fearing NFL Team that Won the Super bowl with No Overt Race-Bating, Halftime Demonisim and the TALL, Upstanding, Grown MEN Refraining to Get Down on their Knees like George Soros SLAVES, indicating a STRONG Character VICTORY for us and Each of our HOME Nations (Haiti Withstanding), at last! 😀

Rev 3:9 is REAL! 😀

#MAGA #qanon #BLM #Deplorables #RussianBot #Cyrus

Author: ecofer