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A “Slap in the Face” is China Building Belts and Roads On the Graves of Black Royalty

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On this recent Chinese, state owned, presentation the broadcaster repeats the term, “SLAP IN THE FACE” while hosting anti-Trump rhetoric spewed by her Foul-Mouthed, disloyal, American Subversive guests, who are no more than Globalist Pets like so many of the regulars on her , unbalanced,PROPIGANDA Show.

The globalist, status-quo sympathizers, are there to help China SLANDER Our, beloved, President with No Regard, Whatsoever, about the Constant Pang in the Gut of American Blacks and the related “Choice” to Terminate Lives in the Womb of American Women who are unsure of a future, all while Alibaba Chief , Jack Ma, BRAGS about the Higher Quality of China’s Mass-PIRATED Goods Blatantly STOLEN From Our American Innovators, such as my Dad, a U.S. patent holder who once worked for the recovering American Navy Aeronautics Division !!!!

A Slap in the Face to all of humanity is using the “Deep-State’s” Borrowed Money to Build Belts and Roads On the Graves of Black Royalty as China Beats Away on the Path of God’s Chosen who were virtually Purged and Systematically Enslaved by Obama’s Hamitic Clan and China’s new Merchant-Class Lender “friends” in Desolate Africa upon the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade!

Trump, like CYRUS Is, in fact, redeeming us now!

Only the GODLESS Ones seem to have a Problem with that!

Author: ecofer