Now, I am not alone in naming the Hidden Handed Deep State, or the Globalist Oligarchs etc, as the key culprits, but still, there is more info to be had and ferreted out in order to Flush the Cancer that is effecting our Republic and more importantly, Black Lives all by way of the Back Channeled ASSAULTS and countless Paradigms that have Brought Black America back into Social Impact Bond Slavery and Markets where Peddlers can Even Profit off of our Dying Body Parts by the pound.
What is Bringing our Black NFL associated Millionaires down onto their begging knee still eludes many, but it is clear to me that the prime strategy is to give All Blacks Just Enough Rope to Hang Ourselves With!

Sadly, Philly is Ground Central to much of these dubious paradigms and one of the Key Culprits was Tom Ridge from the Start!
It is becoming more and more clear to see why Breitbart is Dead too soon and why all associated with such a stellar Institution (the fourth estate) in the face of our Usurped American Media is tared and feathered by Fascist who deem truth tellers Alt Right Racists , Fake News and even Russian Bots when Nothing Could Be Further from the aggressively suppressed TRUTH.
Take one more look at our PhillyThink Cover Illustration taken from our Facebook page showing the Philly School Usurpation by Eli Brode and the hidden handed Deep State, as per Bill Ayer’s long-standing Edison School plan, then consider how Blacks like the ones in the Picture (Al Sharpton, Kenny Gamble and Federally Indited, Congressman, Chaka Fattah) were all Given a REPUBLICAN (Tom Ridge) and moreover a Deep State conferred License or Mandate to ENSLAVE, RADICALIZE, INCITE and/or MURDER fellow Blacks in exchange for Political Standing, Favor, Awards, Post Political Employment and Cold CASH.

Such Hungry , Democratic, Blacks are, indeed, our Worst Enemies to date.
While they are just as Expendable as the Blacks they have mislead, they represent the Deep State’s Strategy of Giving Blacks Just Enough Rope to HANG OURSELVES WITH, such as the Kermit Gosnell Case in Care of the First Homeland Security Czar, Tom Ridge who seems to have codified such a “hands off” stratagem into the Deep State’s dubious NSA and DHS Laws.
Light is indeed a great sanitizer, however, even the strongest light nor 20/20 vision in hind-sight can bring back all of the blacks who were systematically rendered dead and gone at the hands of the Deep State. The FBI Murdered Roxanne Grinage and ex Senate Nancy Schaffer come to mind, both, persecuted for highlighting the victims of the DHS tooled CPS.
One would have to be amerced in biblical truth and faith, alike, with the eyes to see and the ears to hear in order to snap out of the spell that is effectively brought on by the Deep State and their aggressive Collusion ploy to Take Down Our Nation for themselves, complete with hidden handed operatives using Military Grade stratagem in a War most do not even realize was waged.
Having Blacks Delivered in the name of Socialism, other isms and Awards is a trade-craft perfected for 100 years and that too has it’s impetus in our Oligarch Usurped first capital, Philadelphia, with the help of the prototypical black shill, W.E.B. Dubois, who was tasked to spy on every well to do black family from the river to University of Pennsylvania where he worked as a sociologist before helping to deliver us into a Baltimore NAACP form of erudite and Greek god lead hell .

At the crux of their ploys to garner Black Assistance for the Facilitation of our systematic Demise stands the dubious Planned Parenthood project first introduced by the black euthanasia proselytizer , Margaret Sanger, who needed DuBois to make our systemic murder and the consequent sale of our Aborted Baby Body Parts our “Choice” forevermore.

As a deep state litmus test and a key factor in the life-work of high ranking members like Tom Ridge, paradigms such as Planned Parenthood remain, both, a Crown Jewel and the Feather in the Cap of their Pussy Hat Adorning Freak-Mobs who’d threaten to Blow Up the White House that blacks built along with our entire Nation with the help of useful idiots in order to keep their status quo for blacks alive and well into perpetuity.
Woe unto to any White or Christians who’d have the deepest compassion for our cause and the cause of a Solvent Republic, such as, they proved at the time of the Revolution and our hard-fought emancipation as a result.
The Christian Conservatives and the Breitbarts of the World have become enemy #2 just after the targeted blacks. because they had the guts and God Given continence to care.
Tom Ridge’s Gosnell/Abortion ties represent just the Tip of the Deep State Iceberg, yet the overall Ideals that guide each deep state principal is becoming more clear by the day.