First and foremost, PLEASE GET WELL SOON Jussie Smollett!
While the OLIGARCH’S Media Monopolies are Social Impact Narrating the Empire Star’s recent Attack in Chiraq as RACIALLY TIED DIRECTLY TO OUR PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP, our Wise Elders, such as W.H.A.T.’s Mary Mason would want you to know that President Donald J. Trump has NEVER BEEN THE ENEMY OF BLACKS!
Wise historians would also want you to know the Definition of False Flags in the era of Fake News (visit my FB group page to learn more) which is what we are, indeed, being subjected to just days after the Oligarch’s ridiculous Attack on an Innocent Christian youth who happened to be adorning his Make America Great Hat while Fighting for Black Aborted Babies in our nation’s capital last Friday.
Sharon Stone, Muhammad Ali, Diana Ross and Doanld Trump (Photo by John Shearer/WireImage for PMK/HBH) Jesse Jackson, businessman Donald Trump, Fight Promoter Don King and John H. Johnson attend Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks Boxing Match on June 27, 1988 at the Trump Plaza in Atlantic City, New Jersey. (Photo by Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImage)
The fact is, PHILLY, our Nation’s first Capital is Under Siege just like Chicago and other Usurped Cities, nationwide, by those who are mentioned in Rev 3:9. America is now in a Revolutionary War and under attack, daily, by Hidden Handed operators of a certain Ilk who are working overtime to destabilize several sovereign nation’s at once using historically developed ploys, such as, False Flags, Color Revolutions, Divide and Conquer Strategies, Useful Idiots, and Usurped Media BRAINWASHING tactics now known as #NUDGE.

The hidden handed Oligarchs first mentioned in a Princeton University expose are the ones who have made Philly, and their U.N. Targeted Stronghold Chicago, into CHARAQ and sanctuary cities, respectively…
Besides the Use of Corporate MERCENARIES in America, (some are headquartered in Chicago) such as, the ones that were swiftly Leveled against over 60 Targeted Blacks in Chicago just four days after Marching on Rahlm Emmanuel’s office, such “ACID’ and Chemical ATTACKS are now indeed, the Mode of Operandi of Certain foreign actors who have been INVITED in to Wreak Havoc EVERYWHERE George Soros et al have Implemented their forced MIGRATION stratagem for systematically destabilizing Whole Nations.
Other possible suspects in a clearly premeditated attack include CIA Assets and or Useful Idiots, such as the Dunce in Florida who curiously hand delivered his Fake Bombs to Key Chicago Politician’s, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, etc. in his newly embellished Trump Support Van with MAGA stickers and alt-right collages made from whole “cloth”.

The envelope said to be delivered to Fox Studio’s just Two Days after the ridiculous claims of Maga Hat Wearing Teens attacking a documented Soro’s Shill, appears to be written by a small child or imbecile that might otherwise be known as a Useful Idiot doing the dirty work of the poorly orchestrated, and ever more brazen, Oligarchs.
Indeed, the NUDGE science based Brainwashing ploy to implicate MAGA hat Wearing President Trump Supporters was forwarded in the Chicago Tribune on January 24th, just five days before the premeditated attack on Smollett, yet, such ORCHESTRATED, STAGED, FALSE FLAG EVENTS remain difficult to prove for as long as Hillary Clinton’s Justice Goons are still running the show.
Until AMERICA Purges the Olgarch’s Rogues from Government and the Fourth Estate all we have to go on is Crowd Shared FACTS and Circumstantial EVIDENCE.

Regarding Circumstantial Evidence, as well as, the hallmarks of the Oligarch’s STAGED False Flag Events, our nation’s Usurped First Capital constitutes a virtual Front Row. It is no secret that TARGETED BLACK COMMUNITIES, such as, Philadelphia, are now being, aggressively, GENTRIFIED block by block by the aforementioned OLIGARCHS who needed Hillary Clinton To Win “yesterday” in order to forward their AMERICAN TAKEOVER Plans, however, their full intent, including the use of the U.N. who were, once, poised to Takeover Chicago, is a tightly held secrete propagated by the Orchestrating Oligarchs who keep their objectives well under wraps by way of their strictest of Chatham House Rules.
Indeed, you’d have to be metaphysically attuned to Biblical prophecy spelled out in Rev 3:9 to overcome Internationally Imposed Fear of Pointing out the actual Deep State Culprits of such Catastrophic Events being Orchestrated in America . Many many folks have already lost their lives for knowing too much. A willingness to be a Modern Day Martyr for God Almighty is what it will take, yet, far too many are shielded by such faith and, thereby, the true armor of God.
Due to Daily BRAINWASHING, I will no doubt be ATTACKED for publishing these FACTs on my Social Media Platforms, yet, Killing the Messenger will only help the ENEMY of our Implausible ENEMY for whom they are craftily pegging yet another high profile attack on. Such cognitive dissonance will not stop the Good Works of President Donald J. Trump anytime soon for as long as he humbles himself before God, but, indeed, TARGETED BLACKS will Continue to be systematically consumed and annihilated as planned.
Be Warned, for as long as the AMERICAN PUBLIC is relatively CLUELESS the oligarch ilk who have Declared their Revolutionary WAR against Our Nation and only home will be Committing Such Brazen False Flag Events Nationwide under the auspice of MAGA Race-Bating.
Their hopes of Fomenting George Soros’ Long Awaited AMERICAN Spring will be done on the backs of Gullible Blacks, first and foremost, IF WE DON’T WAKE UP, and No Matter How Many TARGETED BLACKS, AMERICAN POLICE officers and/or Reputations, THEY HAVE TO KILL in the Process!
(Sir Ronald Cohen’ s Goldman Sachs managed Social Impact Bonds = SLAVERY 2.0!)
And… The STORY/Back-Story Unfolds: Commentary, Suspicions, Propaganda, Fake News and Accountability.
In April 2018 BET Reported, Jussie Smollett “Crafted” a Melody Around his HATRED for President Donald J. Trump… Among other things on Jussie’s curious mind.
January 31st 2019…

Of course, No MAGA narrative is complete without further PUNISHING the Deep State’s auditioned “Thought Leaders” who’d Dare go off the “Plantation” .
Kevin Hart is now being mercilessly maligned not for selling his soul in drag on SNL or dissing Katt Williams who pointed out the Genuine Hard Work it Takes for a Self-Made MAN to make it in the Comedy World, but for his open out-pour of sympathy for Justin Smallett, who is said to have been attacked for his being Gay and Black too.
Until they get Hart back in line, he will certainly get the Treatment Maxine Walker Recommended for All Donald Trump Respecting, American Loving, Patriots, Christian Children, and Kanye West, alike, who would Dare Wear their beloved MAGA hats out in Public.
CHICAGO — “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett has refused to turn over his cellphone to detectives, who are investigating the alleged attack that sent him to the hospital earlier this week, Chicago police said Thursday.
The actor declined to share telephone records that could show he was speaking with his manager just as the alleged assault happened early Tuesday morning in Chicago, police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told NBC News.
Smollett has told police he was confronted by two men who allegedly hurled racist and homophobic slurs just before they beat him up. They are investigating the case as a possible hate crime.
The manager has told police he heard the attackers say, “This is MAGA country,” during the assault, officials said.
When police asked Smollett for his cellphone and records to confirm the call, he refused to share them, according to Guglielmi.January 31st, 2019:
While I am usually alone in my assessments that lead me to Develop my Facebook “False Flags and Fake News” group page in 2015, well before Fake News was news”, there are many people growing openly skeptical of recent events, particularly on the heels of Shawn King’s efforts to Race Bate blacks for George Soros, once again by forwarding the narrative claiming a nine year old black Child was Murdered by a White Man just before two Black Assailants Confessed to the crime just days latter.
There’s now no shortage of commentators openly questioning the efficacy of Smullett’s claim. The fact that he refuses to release his cell phone only adds more cracks to the story for people to anaylize just as I have knowing the history of recent False Flags perpetrated by the same ilk now chomping at the bit to forward the RACE BATE NARRATIVE on their Monopolized Media Platforms for full effect .
Predictably, by now, we can see how the FAKE NEWS contingency is working hard to Throw In their Obligatory Jussie Smollett/MAGA “question” into President Trump’s unrelated press conference on the Wall and Making America far Safer among other relative things in our Subversive troubled nation.