If you thought Starbucks’ Three Years in the Making #RaceTogether Ploy, culminating in the Philadelphia FALSE FLAG Event, where two Black Shills were said to receive a Single Dollar Each for their “troubles”, was the retiring CEO’s Drop the Mic moment , then THINK! Now Howard Schultz hopes to be the Next President of the United States of America.

While it is easy to get flustered by the news and troubling events it is imperative to note that a new Social Impact paradigm, complete with Behavioral Economics and NUDGE Science Based Brainwashing Ploys is being applied by a CABAL of Conspiring jewish Subversives who hoped to TAKEOVER Our Entire Nation under the Banner of the Deep State.
If you haven’t sensed that there is something very wrong in America, then you probably are not paying attention, and furthermore you could not have seen how the former Starbuck’s CEO’s announcement ties into a greater diabolical plan.
What we can see coming, however, is more like circumstantial evidence. We are now awash in wave after wave of, seemingly, unconnected events that are being amplified by a Cabal’s Suggestive media Narratives designed, expressly, to alter the overall emotional state and milieu of American’s who are, one way or another, being affected profoundly and psychologically, as planned.
From #NIKE’s Celebratory embrace of the Black Lives Matter Ambassador, Collin Kapernik, who hoped Every Mighty American Black MAN would bow down onto one knee, when, and exactly as told, to #Gillette’s racially Divisive Anti-Man Rant posing as a cutting edge progressive commercial, the CABAL is now applying long-studied, military grade BRAINWASHING Tactics to Evoke instantaneous public REACTION, and more importantly to them, their Hoped for American Spring via a twenty first century version of divide and conquer stratagem

The cabal of America’s OLIGARCHS in question have deep ties into Russia, particularly, with the plethora of double agents now emerging into their fake news regarding President Donald Trump. They are, indeed associated with the Oligarchs Russia managed to thwart and therefore, second to hating President Trump it is the Russian President Vladimir Putin they loath the most.
Collective Social Incites, including Philadelphia’s STAGED Starbucks event are part and parcel to a well coordinated effort to Incite the American public via behavioral economics schemes that align with the Social Impact goals set fourth by Sir Ronald Cohen in his stated plan to “Topple the World”.
Likewise, the Oligarchs in Philly have sidled up into a disturbingly close relationship with a foul lyric, miscegenatist, malcontent, Meek Mill, who has a growing list of Dead Rappers associated with his label . After wisking him away from his jail-cell into their Usurped NBA Arena Stage they work daily to make him a staged Hero, Though Leader , Social Justice Icon and Poster Child for black injustice in Philly, even while it was their Gal’s Hillary Clinton and the Democrat police Commissioner, Raymond Ramsey’s diabolical reforms that got blacks all caught up into dubious laws forwarded by the Michael Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation complete with Israeli borne policing objectives.

There will be many Protest events scheduled around the jewISH Oligarch’s boy-toy, Meek Mill, who is now feigning Activism when he’s not shirking his probational obligations in Philly. You may notice the Cabal’s hoped for Unrest appears very similar to the hoped-for events publicized by Boris Brasol and Henry Ford in the infamous Protocols of Zion.
Thanks to Market News and A.I. Reporting of Stocks and Bonds the Two Black Shills in Philly, who got paid Far More than One Dollar by the Hidden Handed Cabal who first set them Up, will be marked in the minds of triggered Starbucks’ investor forevermore.

Schultz ‘s #RaceTogether strategy and Eric Holder’s grandiose efforts to snuff out ‘apparent” racism in every Starbucks store nationwide, was practically designed to NUDGE white investors into the notion that hapless Blacks, ended Starbucks’ “stellar rise”, regardless of the CEO’s cunning plans to Downsize, Retire, and/or run for the Highest Office in our land.
His Race Bate plans were hatched together under the banner of Starbucks’ #RaceTogether ploy that was over three years in the making. His emphasis on race was a part of a strange marketing campaign hatched well before the Public Spectacle hit the Cabal’s highly suggestive Media Monopolies stocked full of mindless Media Matters trained fake news peddlers obsessed with TRIGGERING, both, Black and White ire and Protests in our Oligarch Usurped City of Brotherly Love, now known as the Sister City to Tel Aviv.
Currently, Robinson and Nelson are being USED to further the Philadelphia School TAKEOVER Plan implemented by the first NHS Czar, Tom Ridge the former republican Governor of PA., who was working in behalf of Barack Obama’s Good Pal, Bill Ayers, of the Weather Underground.
Ayers first introduced his failed Edison Schools in Philadelphia in order to carry out a plan for systematically turning America’s Youth into Useful Idiots, otherwise known as, Social Justice Warriors. It was hoped that these new American loathing warriors could join with the Oligarch’s funded Sleeper Cells, ANTIFA, stationed inside of the LAVA building on Lancaster Ave. in Philadelphia, just behind my own Alma Matta, Overbrook High school.

The mantle of American School Takeovers was also taken up by the jewISH American Oligarch, Bill Gates, who stationed his Experimental School of the Future on Parkside Avenue in Philadelphia , just a Block away from my birthplace.
After Tom Ridge’s efforts to establish Bill Ayers’ Edison schools failed, the Walton’s of Walmart gladly stepped in to help shift Ridge’s Republican effort into a Democratic Objective along with their leading Black Shill and Hedge Funder , Howard Fuller, and his duplicitous BAEO paradigm imparted by the Oligarch’s highly funded Philly democrats, Anthony H. William’s and Dwight Evans.
Much like Robinson and Nelson , William’s and Evan’s, were given their own School programs to run in the exchange for the delivery of Philadelhphia’s entire School System which was given into the hands a the jewish hedge funder Eli Brode.
With all of the Behavioral Economics and NUDGE Science Base Brainwashing Ploys being applied daily by the CABAL of Conspiring jews, you might have missed the fact that they hoped to TAKEOVER Our Entire Nation by 2016.
Every new social upheaval, and each and every trying day in America, including the Racial Profiling Arrest of “Two Innocent Black Men in Starbucks” is being systematically conducted under the Brands and Banners of the Deep State Subversive Oligarchs.
If you were not paying attention to all of the shenanigans at the Philadelphia DNC, you could not have seen this announcement on the heels of Starbucks’s #RaceTogether ploys coming next.

The CEO’s in question are the American Oligarchs for whom Princeton University and Jimmy Carter openly warned us all about nearly a decade ago. Their collective acts of Sabotage, Social Incites, Subversion and False Flag Events included the highly STAGED Starbucks RaceTogether ploy with Eric Holder Waiting in the Wings as a continuum of the Subversive work that was already done with Barack Obama at the helm.
The financial bottom line for Oligarchs who’d recklessly abandon industry for the greater prize, including, State Ownership of all American enterprise, is the Trippe Bottom Line Profits envisioned by Sir Ronald Cohen who dreamed aloud about expanding all of Israel from sea to sea and beyond.
If we don’t wake up soon and smell the coffee, Cohen and “friends” will, indeed, parlay Brittan’s Stolen Unclaimed Assets into complete world domination.
Cohen’s jewISH cohort has tipped his cup over on the backs of Philly blacks just in time to throw his hat into Race for a win.