Days after Candace Owens was accosted, once again, in Philadelphia by ANTIFA Goons, a guest writer for the Student Republicans posed the following questions…
His questions made me curious enough to ask, why would Solomon Jones, a notable published writer, write an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer comparing Owens to a “house slave” and a “black overseer in Africa during the time of the slave trade?”
Considering Philadelphia’s history, I got my Answer: Because my facebook friend, Solomon Jones, follows the tried and true tradition of the First BOULE Black Shill, W.E.B. DuBois, who was hand-selected by hidden handed jews to foment a Baltimore MD, NAACP reality for targeted blacks, nationwide.
That is, thanks to black Boule sellouts like, DuBois, Baltimore MD was developed into a relative Hell-Scape and pathetic model for all blacks nationwide.
The son of a Frenchman and former slave, DuBois, was put to work building a newly minted Sociology discipline in the University of Pennsylvania not long after Fredrick Douglass touted and highlighted the progress, independence, and relative solvency of a thriving free black community in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia was the home of notable blacks and in fact it is one of Ameica’s greatest cities where our entire nation was delivered into the hands of American Revolutionaries who were directly aided by Richard Allen in a pandemic no less.
Allen and his AME Church community were respected luminaries in the same city Dubois was tasked to Spy in. Like a Socialist brown-shirt, it was DuBois’ job to keep detailed tabs on the Progressive and Well to do Blacks who lived in dignity in the famous Seventh Ward, which remains one of the most valuable sections of our nation’s first capital where most blacks can no longer afford to live.
When DuBois was not busy selling Margret Sanger’s Negro euthanasia plans to gullible blacks he could convince to murder their own children, he was tasked by his hidden handed jewISH overlords and founders of the NAACP, to help discredit the most Powerful Black Freemen, such as, the venerable Marcus Garvey. Today, the Gates family who still funds Planned Parenthood, maintains a stable full of black shills via Beyonce’s telling Formation song and tribute to the jew’s, first cabal of Palestinian occupiers called the Black Panther’s and via his BMe, Black Male Engagement group with mandates to sell us on tyrannically enforced mask-wearing and Gates plan to ply hapless, brainwashed, blacks with his dubious Covid19 vaccinations and control/tracking/tracing paradigms that go with.
As sure as it is D.L. Hugely, the covid19 poster-child’s job
to nip at the heals of reasonable Mighty Men, like Terry Crews and Herman Cain, like a lap-dog when told, one of DuBois’ most notable “jobs” was to help turn Booker T. Washington’s Industrious plans for post-slavery blacks in the south into a mere, Atlanta compromise.
Turning other Americans against Washington, was done in the exact same manor modern-day BOULE were tasked to turn the world against America’s most prominent blacks, such as, Steve Harvey and Kanye West, just for daring to meet with the post Barack Obama candidate, turned, President Donald J. Trump.
I have no doubt, the hard work of the first BOULE helped sidetrack Garvey’s newly manifest, Black Star Shipping Company, and it he who allowed the Rothchilds to gain a relative inroads into Washington’s life-work at the Tuskegee Institute, but not before Washington was waylaid in NYC and bludgeoned mercilessly about the head.
Today, the so called, “Talented Tenth”, are hand-selected from the Black Community, and they are still being commissioned and USED by hidden handed jewish Oligarchs, now, aggressively, Usurping and GENTRIFYING Philly, our Nation’s first Capital. (See Meek Mill’s jewISH HANDLERS, the New England Robert Kraft and Sixers Owner, Michael Rubin).
You would think such an astute writer, as Solomon Jones, who portended to care about so much about what Candace Owens does relative to Slaves in Africa, would have something to say about Barack Obama who actually order the brutal Murder of Muramar Gudaffi in Libya, where his void allowed a brand new slave trade to be reconstituted and flourish even now, as you read this blog.
Hand select and deep state oligarch BOULE, like Obama are now engaged in the Deep State’s post project paperclip ploys. They are at the forefront as , so called, influences, who are now working to deliver Sir Ronald Cohen’s declared Social Impact Bond Revolution.
Sadly, as the hand-select, talented Tenth work the monopolized channels they do not have the decency, tenacity, or wherewithal to take ownership of themselves, our black American citizens, who are being spoon-fed a daily diet of their lies, remain utterly clueless about the unadulterated truth.
Meanwhile, thanks to the Entertaining Blacks tasked to discredit the true all while eliciting every BLM themed lie, the jewISH cabal of American Subversives never run out of expendable blacks to Use.
Thanks to Obama who is, Bill Ayers’, personally trained pet, the home-land Terrorist’s plans are all but lost on American’s who have yet to fully understand the controlling oligarchs coordinated efforts are all designed to topple our nation on the backs of Targeted blacks.
Fake News, False Flags and ANIFA insured plans, including ramping up the Corporate Mercenary Murders in CHIRAQ, are now spilling out onto the troubled streets of Key American cities as if the curators of Planned Parenthood are running out of time.
While President Trump enacts uplifting laws such as FULL FUNDING For HBCU’s, Opportunity Zones, and his First Step Act to release Joe Biden and Bill Clinton’s Three Strikes Crime Bill victims sentence to fill for-profit prisons for life, the OWNED, Elite and, so called, Talented Tenth are tasked by their hidden handed Oligarch Master’s to publicly take a knee.
While they have their owned Athletes build up the ranks of George Soros’ BLM, you are to believe that begging others to believe and accept that Blacks Lives Matter, is what the Richest Americans among us truly need to do in order to get ahead in America.
The Black Shills of the NAACP and Solomon’s “job” among other notable black shills, in Philly, is to assure the Status Quo blacks complain about year after year after year is always maintained lest their bureaucratic overlords fail to get their Saul Alinsky free lunch. It is the job of the BOULE to make sure that Chicago turned CHIRAQ is stayed unfettered and that the ecosystem designed to Murder Planned Parenthood Surviving blacks nationwide is protected at all cost. Hence, Philadelphia is now called Killadelphia for the very same reason Baltimore is now the Latest Murder Capital “for” blacks in America and why Obama’s Chicago became CHIRAQ upon his rise to the highest and most powerful office in the Unted States of America, and perhaps the entire free-world.
In response to Owens, Solomon, like DuBois before him, is tasked to Turn All Blacks against anyone who Might Remind Us of our Strong REPUBLICAN roots. We are to stay feeling like victims while forgetting the Republican’s Emergence under Abraham Lincoln and the consequent extraction of Blacks from the grips of the jewISH Merchant’s dubious SLAVE Trade upon the eve of their Civil War Victory.
Solomon, like every BOULE Black, is working overtime to allow today’s, hidden handed, merchant class Oligarchs to complete their newly implemented SOCIAL IMPACT BOND paradigms, which were begun , in part, in Obama’s Chicago.
Just like Obama worked directly with Bill Ayers, who brought his Edison schools into Philly, Black Shills were hand-select and Trained by , hedge funder, Eli Brode and to help his ilk Monetize and Capitalize off of our targeted kids, first and foremost.
The Black, Hillary Clinton sycophant who is pet ]-named, Nutter Butter, according to wikileaks, had no qualms doing everything the usurping Oligarchs who now occupy Philly, asked him to do, including handing over Philly’s kids into the care of Bill Gates who opened his Microsoft School of the Future in Philly and Michael Bloomberg who not only wrote Philly’s onerous Soda Tax laws, but his associated Center for Court Innovation was allowed to retool the entire criminal court house in Philly and rewrite Philly’s criminal court laws to mimic post slavery black laws.
Likewise, Chicago’s compromised Police Chief trained, underling, Raymond Ramsey was brought into my Oligarch Usurped home-town to implement Hillary Clinton’s, dubious, Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform as well as the Oligarch’s hoped for, Federalized Police.
Thanks to the BOULE, when the near Monthly Cop-Kills of Black Men began in ernus , we can see it is because Obama, Nutter and Ramsey were a great help to the Oligarchs, as our American Police were effectively infiltrated and trained to become the Corporate Oligarch’s deep state Mercenary forces, but not before being trained by Israeli’s Mossad.
Today the jew’s Neo-Slave trade in America is otherwise known as, Sir Ronald Cohen’s “Second Bounce of the Ball”. He and his Subversive jewish Ilk are committed to toppling our nation after his Venture Capital Ploys, effectively, Robbed our City & State Pension Coffers Blind.
Cohen’s Revolutionary Social Impact ploys were launched from the impetus of Cohen’s ill gotten gains in Brittan (He, with the help of Geramey Corbin, stole the citizen’s Unclaimed Assets) Usurped, Kennedy School of Business and are forward by the highly coordinated jewISH Oligarchs, such as, the Waltons of Walmart, Jeff Basos, George Soros, Bloomberg, etc etc etc.
The jewISH Oligarch’s Revolutionary Social Impact Bond paradigms are being forwarded in Philly under the guise of their Eli Brode/William Hite Managed School System takeover. The paradigms are also manifest in part, by the Bloomberg associated Center For Court Innovation, alike. The Center for Court innovation are the author of Philadephia’s Neo Black Code Laws brought in under the auspice of Clinont’s 21st Justice #REFORM . The paradigms now carried fourth under Meek Mill and Jayz’s, so called, Reform Alliance were no less than the Continuation of the Deep State Oligarch’s “Federalization” of our nation’s Police Forces.
The newly minted Social Impact Bond agenda to Monetize (re-enslave) targeted Blacks, included the extension of the Wall Street traded Prison industrial complex into a new OPEN AIR Imprisonment system. Targeted blacks sentenced in newly arrayed criminal courts that were placed strategically within every black neighborhood and inside of targeted Eli Brode managed schools, alike, were to be monitored from cradle to grave via newly developed Compstat policing ploys. Z
Sadly, it was my own first cousin, Philadelphia City Councilman Curtis Jones Jr. , who was tasked to forward the NYC Written laws, as well as, establish a city wide Surveillance system, not long after he was accused by by Philly’s honeypotted D.A. , Seth Williams, of rigging a million dollar dummy surveillance system, within his own associated business district via his PCDC organization set up under Mayor Wilson Goode, when Goode wasn’t busy bombing the notorious, University of Pennsylvania Made Move group and their multi home compound on Osage Ave.
Nutter who was the front-man tasked to serve Move an ultimatum prior to the Bombing of their home, and Chicago’s Raymond Ramsey helped to developed the hidden handed Oligarch’s special Constitutional Law Free Police Zones. Nutter also helped to develop Clandestine Work Centers tied to the Oligachs participating corporations such as, Compstat who used the newly sentenced Philadelphians to restore and manufacture Compcast equipment under the guise of anti recidivism training. The Oligarchs used their own companies, but they even signed on other major companies and the entire city of Philadelphia to receive government subsidized workers who can now be be sentenced via the Center for Court innovation’s far reaching criminal court laws. Their laws were written expressly to target Black and Minority men aged 15-35. One criminal court law states that men who lived in the same block as other’s who were deemed gang members could be sentenced to serve time themselves, after a, so called, associate was caught committing a crime.
To ensure the newly established community based courts remained busy, misdemeanors that once warranted a fine now became cause for more onerous sentencing, likewise, the George Soros’ D.A. was called on to open up the less than profitable prisons so that the targeted population could be filtered into the more ambitious, open aired, systems tht functioned more like slavery than the ole prison industrial complex.
To further incite the targeted demographic to participate in the more lucrative, open aired, prisons model vices were glorified via Auditioned Gansta Rapers who can be seen receiving Awards, Red Carpet Galas and Spirit Cooking Dances thrown in their Honor. And of course we can all see how much they value their symbolic, ubiquitous, multi thousand dollar Chains.
With Robert Kraft’s help, Meek Mill was turned into a national Cause Celeb. As their Anti Cop poster child used to continue their open aired prison system and dubious justice reforms plans, Meek Mill was flown directly out of jail, to be celebrated by his Corporate Oligarch Overlords at a nationally televised event. He was staged to ring the replica liberty bell at the Oligarch Owned Seventy Sixers game for the same reason every NBA Player is told to kneel and trash our Flag and Anthem two years later.
Not only were the hidden handed Oligarchs salting the wounds of dead Patriots, including Richard Allen by staging their boy and their Slow Motion Overthrow with the help of Philly’s Black Shills, they kicked into the next phase of their SOCIAL INCITE Paradigms by using compromised American Sports team assets to Race Bate in hopes of George Soros’ three plus years late Ameican Spring, Race War or Civil War.
They Staged Meek Mill, turned into their Anti Cop Poster Boy, prior to their open calls to completely Defund Ameica’s Police. They brought him directly from jail to be celebrated inside of the 76rs Arena. The Revolutionary Oligarchs did so because 1776 Signifies the fomentation of Free Black Philadelphia and the UNITED STATES as a Nation, in general. They did this to signify how they would go about Overthrowing our nation completely, both, from within and with the help of hapless blacks needed as the pretense and justification for utter Kayos at the hands of the oligarchs’ strategically Stationed Anifa goons.
Robert Kraft with his direct ties to Sir Ronald Cohen, who is a Fellow Alum at the Usurped Harvard School of Business, was using Meek Mill and other rappers to teach Blacks to do all that is not in our best interest, such as, never snitch as the Corporate Oligarchs engaged in the Population Reduction of Planned Parenthood Survivors nationwide who are now being Culled each and every summer by unfettered Corporate mercenaries who work the streets in cities like Barack Obama’s Chicago Turned Chiraq. The oligarchs realize they could more easily get away with our copious murders, as blacks were trained simultaneously to blame it all on ourselves while whites were being trained BLACKS MURDERING BLACKS IS A FAVORITE PASTIME OF GANGSTA RAPPING BLACKS and the JAYZ and CARLY Wanna bees.
The Oligarchs used their entertainers to illustrate their new plans like governmental trial balloons. On their HBO show the wire, we were shown the Kennsington Philadelphia plan to allow Drug Users a Cop Free Zone and all of the free needles they could hope for thanks to dubious NGO’s who were stationed in Kenzinton to cater to their additions.
George Soros’ funded Krazner would begin taking a anti-cop stance, while working to help make Killadelphia far more lawless. Ultimately he codified taxpayer funded Drug Galleries while avocation the Decriminalization of Prostitution. Even while Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Experiment was severely retracted upon Clinton’s defeat. The Fourth Strike for Blacks as seen on the “The Wire” and on the HBO’s follow up show,”Drug Inc” would move forward in stride.
After Clinton was no longer able to execute the oligarch’s plans, we saw how the Oligarchs began to become, relatively unhinged. Their sloppiness was reflected in the curious crime that was committed by Jussie Smollet, a member of the Empire Cast, who’s fellow cast members are from Philly.
Smollet was used to stage a , so called, MAGA Hat assault and Race Hate Crime in Raymond Ramsey’s Chicago, where the Black Shill Bruce Boykins was tasked to call on the UN to Takeover Chicago, all while breaching America’s sovereignty as a self determined nation. This hoped for UN-NATO takeover was in fact to be the culmination of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Tyranny and the Resulting Black Lives Matter Revolts all orchestrated from behind the scenes by the same hidden handed Oligarchs who controlled it all.
Using Hagalian Dialectics, False Flag Events followed by Social Incites fomented by the Oligarch’s Fake News channels, targeted blacks who were to Rise Up as a modern day proletariat full of Useful Idiots who’d Spill into the Streets in utter anger. Blacks were to Burn Down Buildings within their own Aggressively Gentrified Communities as a Pretense for the Total Overthrow of America.
After Hillary Clinton lost, however, Donald Trump instinctively dismantled her Rouge Justice Department on the Federal level then he began training his Feds onto the Rouge Cities that were deemed Sanctuaries by George Soros et al who hoped to rely on their MS13 gangs and other forgin imports, such as, Michigan’s Ilhan Omar. Not only would the Replacement Americans be used as a Democrat Voting Block who could be instructed to vote for those who are unknown to locals, many of them were to be used as Corporate Mercenaries. Not only were people being brought in from countries to overwhelm America’s sovereignty, the CIA’s ex FARC members that were systematically disbanded in South America would become the murderous MS13 gangs used to Murder Seth Rich after he allowed the World to see what Hillary Clinton was really up to via the notorious Wikileaks files. It is no accident that Philadelphia served as the nexus to Clinton’s deception and ultimate downfall as the Bernie Bro Groupies revolted against her in real-time, costing her the election.
None the less, Clinton continued to count on all of her remaining political assets who are currently working overtime to salvage the deep state plans as sure as you reading this updated blog. As the full debt of the subversive Oligarch’s showdown in America continue to go over the heads of most Americans, their ANIFA Goons continute to hope for full cover granted to them by compromised Democrats, including Joe Biden who are all consigned to follow the deep state’s prescribed plan.
Weather they are leading Bill Gates’ vetted BMe Shills, or Graduates of Eli Brode and Bill Ayers Black Lives Matter Curriculum, each and every black on the wrong side of history are carrying the bathwater for the George Soros ilk.
Sad to say, but Black, Auditioned Shills like Solomon Jones are doing the heavy lifting for ANTIFA and as Paid employees for the hidden handed Oliarchs vying to topple our nation, it is sad to say, these smart, yet, UTTERLY IGNORANT USEFUL IDIOTS are just doing their “job”.