The following is my response posted in the comment section of one of the last black News Outlets in Philly, The Philadelphia Tribune, which, since the death of it’s founder, is being slowly adulterated by Ad Buying Philanthropists, hidden handed funders and dubious black Though Leaders tasked to write and publish Social INCITES for targeted blacks, daily, via new NUDGE Science based paradigms, including, Hagalian Dialectics, Mass Hypnosis, and old fashioned Brainwashing ploys, alike.
By way of analysis, we can begin to see exactly how blacks have been railroaded into championing all that is Not in our Best Interest since the craft of duping gullible blacks was first developed in the heart of Free Black Philadelphia over a decade ago.

Why can’t blacks get ahead, you ask?? Because, Black Shills continuously serve the Interest of Rev 3:9 mentioned jewISH Oligarchs (Henry Kissinger’s Cabal) just like hapless, Lenin Styled Socialists.
The bottom line take away is, key Blacks have been Useful Idiots for Far too Long!!!
Case in point: Read Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals to learn who gets a Free Lunch off the backs of Mad Blacks who’d Burn down N. Philly for the Sake of Million Dollar Northern LIBERTIES, and why the Seventh Ward is now “their” Ritten House Square paradise where those who are Trained to propose Black Lives Matter aloud dare not traverse after dark, less he be accosted then charged for murder for acting in self defense.
Truth be told, Hungry, Ignorant and/or Godless BLACK SHILLS ,such as, the ones first Forged in GENTRIFIED Philly in the Mold of the NAACP’s, W.E.B. DuBois, continue to be the death of Us, collectively.
See how Baltimore’s Black Murder rate is now exceeding that of CHIRAQ, CMDs Murder Capital, and KILLADELPHIA combined, all while Though Leaders insure that History Repeats itself for the ignorant and gullible ones they are tasked to, both, indoctrinate and mislead.
This is Because the, so called, Talented Tenth and those who Hearken to the Allegorical, All Seeing Eye and Pineal Gland Icons currently Housed, for all to see inside of the Pedophilia leaning Jesuit’s Vatican Headquarters, are placed in charge of our Thoughts.
That is, they are the, so called, Vanguard, the BOULE and KEEPERS of the Secrets on display at the Archival headquarters of our Crusaded Downfall into the Merchant Class SLAVE MARKETS of America.
This metaphysical and Ungodly/Other-godly conundrum for blacks has certainly been the case since the Making of the self proclaimed erudite, DuBois, who ultimately woke up to find himself exiled to die in relative obscurity in Ghana which was a far better fate than Malcom X and MLK suffered after, they too woke up to shake off the yoke of all seeing eye Shilldom.
In DuBois’ name, Other Godly Black BOULE Shills, such as, the rank and file leadership under the banner of the NAACP, FOI, Black Moors etc, etc, etc are all mislead by hand-select Minions who get their marching orders from above.
For instance,ask yourselves, after they were tasked to Gun down Malcom X after Harassing him first in Philly, why are the gullible FOI rank and file members being delivered (back) to El Ron Hubbard’s Dyanetics Cult????
It is because, hand select Blacks who operate under the Allegorical all seeing eye are Elevated To Steer the rest of us, emotionally and metaphysically, into championing What is Not in our Best Interest, thus, Booker T. Washington’s Atlanta Plan was Penned a mere “Compromise”, and they demonized him right along with his Meeting with The President of the United States of America, much like the BOULE did to Kanye West who is verbally accosted, even while his Wife spearheaded our Modern day Emancipation from Clinton’s Three Strike Hell and, thereby, his wife’s fourth strike to be had under the auspice of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice #REFORM forwarded by the CHIRAQ Hack, Ramond Ramsey.
Note, Clinon’s latest deep state paradigm for targeted blacks is now ReBranded with the help of Robert Kraft’s personal Black Shill, Meek Mill’s #REFORM. With the help of Black Thought Leaders and Shills, Blacks in Test City Philly are Converted into Social Impact Bond Slaves and entreated to Modern Day Black Code Laws that were actually submitted into law by my own duped cousin, Curtis Jones Jr. who Delivered Your Criminal Courts into the hands of Bloomberg;s associated Center for Court Innovation!!!
It is Commonly Known, the ENEMY OF OUR ENEMY is Truly a Friend, yet, mislead blacks have Yet to get the Memo, thanks to Made Men who Serve the Deep State Oligarchs now TAKING Philly right from Under Your Thought Leader Misguided Noses.
BTW, Who else here would defend ANTIFA, who are the gentrifying “hipsters” the Ruling class Oligarchs now Usurping Philly use to keep blacks on the Democrat Plantation?
Leave it to the writer, we are to Contemplate our Metaphysical Pineal Glands which would amount to your Voluntary, Virtual, Lobotomy had by way of mere Suggestion. That is, you are now being BRAINWASHING in the City the Project Paperclip Legacy and the Masters of Mass Hypnosis still work in and experiment in freely. See UPENN’S Dr. Orne and research Donald Glassey, the UPENN Professor who MADE the notorious MOVE CULT via experiment. Also, consider why the CIA asset, Jim Jones, got his best tips from the late Great, God Fearing, Father Divine, who’s Virtue will Never be Taught by godless thought leaders still tasked to introduce us to Greek Gods and Black Magic, alike.
Black Shills are now working overtime all while the Deep State CABAL finishes Converting duped blacks in Philly and in every Oligarch Usurped Democrat hell scape into Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Goldman Sachs Managed Social Impact Bond SLAVES.
In the same manor black shills in the Senate, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker were tasked to delivered a curious Anti-Lynching Bill in congress just days before Jussie Smollett was used to Stage his disgraceful Chicago MAGA Lynching Hoax, with the help of the George Soros funded D.A. Shill, Kim Foxx, the attorney / activist, Coard in Philly is here to incite ignorant blacks, by way of his craftily penned FAKE NEWS obviously mandated to parallel continued bad acts in D.C.
Coard’s, Watergate article was clearly evoked by way of a coordinated 4AM Memo forwarded by the American Subversive’s and their well timed Racketeering Operation. He is working overtime while the Circus in D.C. is Continued at the bequest of Jerry Nadler, proving that, yet, another black shill is being used to deliver George Soros funded timely Talking Points.
Here we are witness to how George Soros’ Media Matters Meddling into America’s News Papers nationwide, is how the CABAL’s , newly developed, NUDGE Science based Social Incitements are being delivered. Key thought leaders are tasked to spread the Cabal’s Bull Shit directly into the minds of an unsuspecting public, just as the Watergate Hack, John Dean, was scheduled to Testify in Congress for the hope of impeaching our BLACK JOB CREATING, PRO BLACK LIFE Delivering President , Donald J. Trump.
If you truly want Blacks to Get Ahead it is now time Get out of your Emotions, Your Feelings, and Your Own Damned Thought-Lead Tainted Heads! Here’s how… Open your Ears to Hear and your Two Eyes wide, first and foremost, to See before you Go to Sleep on the Satanist’s Magical Third being delivered inside of our Hijacked Fourth Estate!!!