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August 2019 is the Month of Oligarch Obfuscation as the God Fearing Patriots Hover Squarely Over The Targets they Hope to Preserve.

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Upon the EVE of Countless Missing Black Girls Purged from Washington D.C. and beyond, along with JEFFERY EPSTEIN’s NEW TRIAL for his Lolita Express and Pedophilia Escapades on Epstein’s Island, Reason TV Follows a Long Standing TRADITION of Sewing Public Doubts via a method that is now FORMULAIC… The FORMULA is Applied so that the SYSTEMATIC EXPLOITATION of our Children, which is the long-standing and Historically Noted RITUAL of a CERTAIN Hidden Handed Cabal, can Survive Another Damned Day! On the CABAL’s penchant for CIRCULAR REPORTING and using Bad Actors as Controlled Opposition is well documented …

see Timestamp 1:30 for the Former Village Voice Owners portended REVELATION. If you know what I knew about Members of UPEN and their “Academic” Work on PEDOPHILIA DENIAL you would be thinking the same thing I am thinking… That is, LEAVE IT UP TO UPEN and their Systematically Coordinated CABAL TO Purposely Muddy the Water regarding PEDOPHILIA!!

UPEN is where the False Notion of Satanic Panic first got it’s legs, along with the Associated Group who’s principal expert Exported Pedophile DOUBT in Jimmy Savo’s neck of the deep dark woods of SYSTEMATIC, Deep State Government Pedophilia that functions much like Jeffery Epstein’s Operation in tandem with the CIA and the Systematic Obsession that was found inside of the Catholic Church that happens to be the number two proponent of Open Borders and Utter Kayos in Westernized Nations where George Soros funded D.A. are now ADVOCATING for Legal Prostitution in Oligarch Usurped Cities where the clinical acceptance of Pedophilia and Little Boy Cross-dressers are ENCOURAGED and ORGANIZED into a Protesting, so called, Protected Class!!

Author: ecofer