Fact about the Demorat’s Status Quo…
Even in the face of Facts, statistics and empirical evidence, they will smile in your face, piss on your heads, and tell you it’s raining.

Call it the charm offence, when a Deep State intity wants us all dead, such as, Bill Gates Sr. , who served proudly as Chairman to Margret Sanger’s, Planned Parenthood.
Still lost on American blacks who remain die-hard Democrats, Sanger is the same woman who sold the Democrat’s KKK arm on the efficacy of black euthanasia, with the help of the first black BOULE shill, W.E.B. DuBois.
DuBois was the charming black figure-head who was used to discredit, Booker T. washingtipn’s Tuskegee plan for post black by calling it an Atlanta Compromise.
After Washington visited the President of the United States in the Whitehouse he was subject to the same caliber of attacs as Kanye West.
Ultimately, Washington was blugened over the head in NYC, home to Rockefeller who facilitated his infamous syphilis studies on unsuspecting Tuskgeegee men.
On the contrary, after spying on the well to do free-blacks who were systematically gentrified out of Philly’s Rittenhouse Section and beyond, DuBois was poised as the head of the jewISH spawned, NAACP.
Yes, the same NAACP headquarted in the lastest Urban Center deemed a Murder Capital of the World, “for” targeted blacks who were being systematically underserved by Deep State celebrated black shill, Elijah Cummings, aka, #goodtrouble.
Simply put, blacks cannot be systematically ahnialated in in America, without the help of key black Overseers.

We might only recognize the hand select, BOULE, Overseers when we realize our systematic demise in Docrat run cities is in no way normal.

Once we snap out of our, media manufactured Stockholm syndrome, we may begin to notice, in spite of empirically evidenced outcomes worth marching in organized protests for, our, so called, Democrat “leaders” presiding over all we complain about are quite proud of their works, wherever Planned Parenthood Survivors are Gunned Down in our Democratically Neglected Streets!!!!
The sooner we accept basic Facts in the midst of suffering Stockholm Syndrome and Cognitive Dissonance, alike, the sooner we can all break free of the Democrat Plantation and the fraudulent, hand-select, Democrat “leaders” who are hardly worth our hard fought votes in the first place.