In Bazzaro World, First Step Act, HBCU Funding, OPORTUNITY Zone Building, Jobs Making, President Trump is the bad guy.
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In Bazzaro World, First Step Act, HBCU Funding, OPORTUNITY Zone Building, Jobs Making, President Trump is the bad guy, and Third Strike, “They gonna put y’all back in chains” , Biden is the Good Guy!When Fake News is all there is, and Facts no longer matter…For Not Voting at all, and Voting For f’ing Democrats every Damned time, I am Convinced, Murdered, Complaining, Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks Get All that they DESERVE in KILLADELPHIA, CHIRAQ and Murder Capitals USA! Sad, but, We Brought it All Upon Ourselves!!!!STOP! THINK!!! Get off the Democrat’s PLANTATION!!!LIFE, LIBERTY and The Persuit of Happiness is Ours to be had if only Blacks Would Get the Hell Out of Bazzaro World!!!!#thankobama #woke #resist #impeach45#BLEXIT #WALKAWAY