This Means You!!!!
One of the First Jobs for the Socialist BOULE Gatekeepers, Modeled after W.E.B.DuBois , was to “Sell” fellow Blacks the false notion that Margret Sanger’s Planned-Parenthood-Served Black Euthinasia Plan is a Good Thing for the Democrats to Federally Fund with your hard-earned tax dollars.
As Planned Parenthood began Selling Our Body Parts by the Pound, the Democrats Argued to Keep Federal Funding Pouring In to Finish the Job!!!! Black BOULE Shills at DuBois NAACP, headquarted in the newest (Black) MURDER CAPITAL to join KILLADELPHIA and CHIRAQ still work Overtime to Perpetuate All that is Wrong in the Democrat Ruled Black Community until the Job is Done!
Then, when DuBois peddled Sanger’s plan, we were 18% of the Population. Now, we are Reduced by well over a Third and Counting as Planned Parenthood Survivors are now being Gunned Down in the Urban Streets just as the Powers that Be have Designed.
There are people who get away with MURDER in your, so called, No Snitch Culture, where Meek Mill types are Crowned King of your lyrically Ravaged Cities by the George Sor0s’ associated Oligarchs (Robert Kraft, etc) who flew him strait out of jail.
Our Democrat run Cities are Where Planned Parenthood Sellers Thrive and where Corprate MERCINARIES, such as the Black Ops Firms in CHIRAQ can Get Away with Murder every Damned year as your Sor0s Funded D.A. and lame Duck Police Commidsioner, alike, makes certain no one person is Arrested for the Crimes!!!!
WakeUp Philly!!!!! Trump’s trying to Save the Dumb A$$ Democrat Voters, and those Who Refuse to Vote at All from Everything Blacks Complained About!!!!
#WalkAway and Live! #BLEXIT and Thrive!