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Will Brainwashed Blacks Let The Trump Admistration Lock Bill Gates Up, As Needed?

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Regarding The PLAN, and the Cabal of Rev 3:9 Mentioned Planners… WHO’s Side are they on? Who’s side are you on?

Did you really think Beyance’s strange bedfellow shout-out to Bill Gates in her Formation release was just a creative nod, like her husband’s dance with the spirit cooking, Marie Ambromavich?

The answer is Hell No! It’s no way key blacks are being elevated by fake Jews for no reason at all, just like there was no way the fake Jews developed their Black Panther namesakes from whole cloth just to help America’s blacks.

How else did the Saul Alinskites and Hillary Clinton score all of their Free lunch in America, but on the backs of Agitated, Socialized Blacks made to clamor for handouts and there keeping of status quo in our targeted cities brought so low since the fake jews’ Civil Rights Farce began!

With Stokholm Syndrome in full affect, Does the TRUTH hurt Targeted blacks more than the potential Cure?

Just go ask all of the Democrat wayayed blacks who followed Willie Brown, Nancy Pelosi and Dian Feinstene’s besty into Gyanna and strait to their VIA Sponsored , KoolAid, Graves.

Based on the recent Attack on America’s Surgeon General, deemed #UncleTom for his effective work in the White-house, Are blacks systematically forbidden to discuss, hear and/or process the TRUTH and Primary Sources?

The White-house correspondence black BOULE shills are effectively used to render blacks in the white house into, so called, coons.

The Black Boule are so effective and ignoranly beholden to their jewISH Overlords that they even attacked a black Mole who was secretely instalked into the White-house in order to topple the Trump administration from within.

Dumb, sloppy blacks like, Don Lemon, Juan Williams and Yamiche Alcindor sould make it apparent that the CIA’s Mockingbird media now constiutes all mainstream media and PBS too. They all have one single job to do, and they can care less how bad or souless they look doing it.

Sadly, thanks to Bill Ayers’ foundational work with his made “man”, Barack Obama, there is no shortage of Radicalized, Mind’fed Blacks to help our Rev 3:9 mentioned Enemies take God Chosen Blacks down.

Regarding the MICROSOFT School of the “Future” and Bill Gates’ Black Male Engagement (#BMe), run in concert with his second generation legacy funding of Planned Parenthood, we’ve yet to see if Philadelpha, now called Killadelphia, will serve as a primary Testing Grounds for Covid19 riddled blacks as well as the Oligarch’s best bet for whipping up more black ire against President Donald Trump.

Michael Bloomberg, who practically bought, Michael Nutter, realized what Hillary Clinton has known all along. Oh things jews can achieve in KILLADELPHIA with the unwitting “help” of Brainwashed blacks, like our Thought Leader friend, Mannwell Glenn.

Likewise, is the Spike in Covid19 cases in KILLADELPHIA, Louisiana and CHIRAQ the only way left for the Deep State Cabal to Leverage Our nation in time to Resume business as usual…

That is, is their CoronaVirus Plandemic the only way the Deep St has left in order to take America back to a time when Unemployed, Targeted Blacks, not held up inside of Joe Biden filled Three Strikes Prison jeapordy were rendered Expendable Planned Parenthood Survivors on the democrat’s worsening, gun-grabed, Plantations during Barack Obama’s watch?

Certainly, I’ve warned Philly that the ANTIFA Loving, Good-Cop Hating, #DanielleOutlaw was, indeed, brought in from Portland just in time to OVERSEE Utter Kayos in Philly along side the George Soros’ funded D.A., Larry Krasner, yet, for over a decade of speaking out, I’ve only been attacked by Brainwashed blacks who try to clown my character by calling me a coon.

Thank God, I’ve not been Murdered like the Philly Paraalegal, Roxanne Grinage, who dared Warn Philly and the World, alike,  about Obama’s child dissapearing DHS/CPS farce!

While useful idiots in Philly strive hurt my feeling, Ms. Grinage is joined, in death, by several other murdered Whisle-blowers who stood up to the Deep State relying on the Obama administration to Deliver far more than stollen children from Haiti.

Nonetheless, will Trained Minions who’s minds are tooled to Blame the Trump Administration be enough to ALLOW the Gates funded BioWeapon PLAN , blamed on China, to Garner it’s Full, and Umitigated effects on the dwindling black community in Philly?

Will socially incited, Brainwashed blacks deliver Gates a victory, even though Viable Cures, short of Gates and Fouci’s Global Vaccine efforts, have been brought fourth by Donald Trump, himself?

Will there ever be a Cure for, Low IQ, feeble-minded blacks who are so easily made to believe in a #VoteBlueNoMatterWho paradigm, even though it’s expressly designed to keep Status Quo on #DemocratPlantations now “affectionately” called, CHIRAQ, KILLADELPHIA, and/or Baltimore’s Latest, MURDER CAPITAL, alike?

Are Media Matters and Pro-publica TRAINED, black Journalist as culpable as Mercinary minded thugs, like Meek Mill and AR AB, who get Paid by Oligarch Owned Record Labeles to Sing Don’t Snitch, all while Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks are, either, Gentrified and/or Taken Out in record Numbers by the Cabal of hidden handed Oligarchs, like Sir Ronal Cohen’s, Kennedy School of business pal, Robert Kraft, et al, who can always count on their jewISH Assets, like the NBA, the NFL,  JayZ and/ or Meek Mill to forward their Social Impact Bond Revolution plans??

What will the unleashed #Plandemic gain the hidden handed Satanists who already Own the minds of Gullible Blacks they, both, secretly loath and depend on so much as per Rev 3:9?

How will this Dubious and Thoroughly Planed, False Flag Event effect the upcoming elections?

With President Trump out of the way, will Gates’ Depopulation Dream be fully realized with the help of Brainwashed blacks in Philly, just like Margret Sanger’s Black Euthinasia plan was realized with the help of the Cabal’s first, Philly Made, Socialist Shill, W.E.B. DuBois?

Is the emerging #BLACKXIT Farce, introduced in the jewISH Owned #Essence Magazine part and parcel to DuBois’ virtual Exile into Ghana?

In the era of pending Bernie Bro Reeducation Camps, are the CHINA owned nations in Africa being readied, like Obama readied Libya? 

Is Libya’s post Obama Slave trade suited for #Blacixiting Blacks the Gates Cabal Can no longer Control?

Do my fellow blacks realize None of what Blacks Complain About is Possible without the help of the , So Called, talented Tenth, BOULE, Blacks who are paid as handsomely, as Barack Obama?

Do my fellows realize key blacks are USED to Convince Gullible Blacks to go blindly along with our own systematic demise in Cities now named CHIRAQ?

Do my fellow blacks realize my Birthplace, Free-Black Philadelpha, first won by Richard Allen, is now called Killadelphia, due to the proven and utter effectiveness of BOULE Shills who are far more proficient than, DuBois’ Planned Parenthood and the Democrat’s KKK combined?

Will Blacks Ever Wake Up and Open their Eyes to the Deep State Cabal’s Satanic, Global PLANS had with the help of Blacks Before it’s too late?

Harriet Tubman, James Brawner , Mark A. Harrell, Melvin Howard, Naacp Baltimore Philadelphia NAACP Branch, NAACP, Denise Clay, Councilman Kenyatta Johnson, Johann Calhoun, Bill Anderson FOX 29, Nabj Print Task Force, PABJ, Emmanuel Bussie, Eric Banks, Ahmir Khalib Thompson, Benjamin Lee, Darin Toliver, Camari Ellis – The Finance Rebel Solomon Jones #CurtisJonesJr Chaka Fattah , Renee Chenault Fattah Ron Burke

Author: ecofer