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According to Twitter, Facebook and FB’s Instagram, I am as Dangerous as Laura Loomer

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All in one week, as the Democrat National Convention takes their virtual stage “to the people”, I am purged from my social media platforms, along with countless other advocates against the Democrat’s barrage of veiled threats and terrorist acts portrayed on our troubled, democrat run streets from coast to coast.

To kick off their presidential and vice presidential nominations Biden questioned our blackness, he accused one of the most capable journalist, who might otherwise give him a free pass as a member of the National Association of Black Journalists, of us of being on dope like his son Hunter Biden, then Kamalah Harris’ followed Biden by alluding to herself as being strapped into her baby stroller and hauled out to protests by her mother, just like the ones our nation has been besieged by, since the Democrat’s 2016 bid to get Hillary Clinton into office.

As I worry about ANTIFA’s scheduled uprising in my hometown, Philadelphia, on September 5th 2020, I made the rounds on all of my social media group pages, plus the group pages I belong to to quip my Facebook friends.


during the period

Author: ecofer