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Oligarchs want NO POLICE to Serve & Protect Americans & CHAZ, but Outside of Propaganda & Group-Think, What Say You?

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While Nancy Pelosi and the Rouge Dems nationwide bend over backwards working on daily schemes to repress citizens while fomenting a soft coup against our duly elected President, George Soros’ open cities minions are all doing their part to overthrow our nation from within too.

Philadelphia just so happens to be Ground Zero for, not only Bill Gate’s Microsoft school of the (dubious) future, it is also the place where the curators of 9/11 hoped to Seed Bill Ayers’ Edison Schools for the making of Useful Idiots needed for the hidden handed Oligarch’s Bolshavick 2.0 Revolution in the United States of America, which was scheduled just in time for the emerging jewISH Oligarch’s 100 year, Russian Revolution anniversary.

Make no mistake, the Police Officer arrested by, Portlan’s, Danniel Outlaw and the Soros funded, Larry Krazner, ARE THE ROGUE COPS THAT WERE SYSTEMATICALLY INSTALLED under the banner of Clinton’s 21st Century “Justice” Reforms​ via Chicago Native, Raymond Ramsey.

Much like the old southern mantra, I brought you into this world so I can take you out, each of the Infiltrated Police Forces, nationwide, under the Clinton’s 21st Century Justice reform paradigms, are built up via a hierarchy of extensibility and interoffice treachery, alike. Two officers from two American coasts serve as Canary in the Coalmine or troubled Bookends, highlighting what was to come in our Oligarch compromised nation.

Between the bookends we can see a few key linchpins, such as, Bill Bratton, the so called, father of CompStat policing. Bookend one is Officer Christopher Donar, the California police officer who snapped and turned against his commanding officer, Bratton.

In his long manifesto, Donar signaled a racist paradigm being developed within Bratton’s department. Donar indicated that emerging, systematic, racism was so pervasive that it caused him to go out in a blaze of murder, and inglorious demise in a shack which was engulfed in flames at the hands of his former colleges, after fellow officers were hunted down and murdered by Donar in retaliation of the treatment he claims to have received.

The other bookend is officer Adrian Schoolcraft in New York City.

Before you get to celebrating his highly publicized removal as the symbol of All loathed Police Officers manifest in the minds of the Brainwashed citizens Nationwide, you must understand the tenants of Hagalian Dialectics and the series of False Flag Events that Opened up your city of KILLADELPHIA to the hidden handed, jewISH OLIGARCHS and their Half-Baked ROGUE, JUSTICE SYSTEM, all of the way up the CHAIN OF COMMAND to, Chicago’s Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s former State Department.

The Rogue chain of command was indeed, broken asunder by @Donald J Trump, who has, since, Purged the Rouge elements in the Alphabet Soup Agencies, such as, the CIA, DHS, and FBI, yet, relative to Usurped Cities, all Rogue Elements below the Federal jurisdiction include George Soros’ Installed D.A. on top.

Hagalian Dialectics (PROBLEM-REACTION-“SOLUTION” or Rahlm Emanuel’s NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WAIST) is now being used Nationwide to Topple and Destabilize our Major Cities, in lock-step. Abruptly dismantling America’s Police Forces is now at the forefront of the hidden handed oligarch’s national Agenda.

Nationwide, the hidden handed Oligarch’s are using the channels that were developed by Michael Bloomberg’s Campaign Manager, Michael Nutter, who was also a key sycopant of Hillary Clinton.

Nutter, being the Mayor of our Nation’s Birthplace, was hand-select to make the Oligarch’s initial Inroads into our systematically Bankrupted Cities, via his chairmanship of the Conference Of Mayors, which, like many of our Civic Institutions, was Usurped by the Soros Ilk of hidden handed, Social Impact Bond REVOLUTIONARIES.

The Oligarchical Insurgency includes a Cabal of jewISH Oligarch’s all working under the banner of Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, and dismantling America’s Police forces from within is part and parcel to the evermore desparate Cabal of jewISH Oligarch’s effort to “Tip the World” , according to the former chairman of the G8, turned G6 under Cohen’s “leadership” doled out from our Usurped, Kennedy School of Business at Harvard University and from his Unclaimed Asset Robbed, Great Britain/London base.

Please note, the systematic Bankruptcy of America’s state and local pension coffers are the result of Sir Ronald Cohen’s dubious Venture Capital Investment Pension ploys begun on George Bush Sr.’s watch.

The purging of our Pension funds made the Oligarch’s Silicon Valley benefactors, like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Jack Dorsey from whole cloth. These are the defacto, Fascist, Technocratic Overlords who hope to alter our First Amendment Rights, and ultimately our Voting “Choices” from within their newly established, electronic Public Square, where they can Brainwash targeted Americans and Play with Our Emotions 24/7, 365 days per year.

Their newly established Brainwashing techniques are called NUDGE and Social Incites respectively. Via a series of Staged Events illustrated in the Movies, The Truman Show and Collateral Beauty, along with Traditional False Flags, such as the nine minute long, George Floyd Cop Kill the Oligarch’s Fake News assets go into overdrive to Condone the Olgarch’s ANTIFA Mobs and the Useful Idiots who are now being used as Cash Cows and Cover in the George Soros’ funded BLM movement.

EACH OF THE HIDDEN HANDED OLIGARCH’S, HIGHLY CHOREOGRAPHED ACTS, Including Bringing in your Portland Oregon-ANTIFA Trained, Anti-Cop Commissioner, Danielle Outlaw is done to forward their 2017 goal of UN-NATO Takeover and Corporate Oligarch lead Martial Law, with their Bernie Bro’s in the ready to establish American Gulags and Reeducation Camps for people like me.

I know this is a lot to THINK about for a population spoon-fed on JayZ and Meek Mill Circus Act’s where the greatest takeaway message is Don’t Snitch for the Planned Parenthood Survivors in Killadelphia, but at some point YALL GONNA HAVE TO WAKE THE HELL UP AND THINK PEOPLE!!!


Author: ecofer