Watch “Chicago says,” nobody kills more kids than me.”” on YouTube
While it is difficult to get our minds arround the promise introduced below, I think we will have to accept the very real possibility that Planned Parenthood Survivors in Gun Free CHIRAQ are being Gunned Down, unfettered, by Paid Corporate Mercinaries.
Think about it! Before Kanye West’s, Diamond are Forever hit, Companies like DeBeers routinely used Black Mercinaries to keep blacks from Pocketing the Rocks they were forced to mine at slave wages.
Just Think!
Where are America’s, relatively, new Mercinary Firms located????
Google the words, “Obama” and “Mercinary” together and you may be surprised the Obama is materially tie to a Mercinary firm as a stakeholder.
Think! The New World Order, ex CIA Guru, George Bush began using Mercinaries to manage the dubious Iran Contra Ploys where drug gangs in America were purposely organized to make crack inroads into our targeted Black Communities.
Fast forward, the, so called, War Hawks in politics who championed , not only the Clinton’s antics, starting in Arkansas where the CIA used entire Ports to enter their I’ll gotten gains, George Bush Jr was tasked to spearhead copious and ongong wars throughout the Middle East after his Crusades speech from a Navy carrier ship was given.
Due to our lack of knowledge, the term Crusades meant very little to blacks and the implications that got blacks over from Africa as Kaffir/Slaves in the first place, is lost on most of us who don’t realize their was life for Black NEGUS led kingdoms everywhere, including Europe & South America, long before our captors, masters, and Team OWNERS thought to peg us all to West Africa, the main objective for
When we begin to THINK, Globally, History and Logically we can indeed rap our minds arround the FACT that, Barack Obama is made of CIA Stock. We can accept the FACT that Obama was formally Trained by America’s most notable home land Terrorist, Bill Ayers and his wife having direct ties to Bernadine Dohrn, Ayers’ s partner in crime who taught and employed, Michelle Obama.
We can THINK back to the Obama administration’s ties to Kidnappers in Haiti and Obama’s direct ties to PA, where some of the Bush Sr. Era Franklin Coverup boys were sourced. Likewise, PA served as the entry point for Kidnapped Hatian Babies.
We can THINK back to when Chicago was systematically turned into Gun Free, CHIRAQ, and then galvanized as such by an Auditioned and celebrated Black, Hollywood minion, Spike Lee, one of the early black hacks Commissioned by his jewISH managers to flip his open admiration for President Trump into publicaly displayed vitriol.
We can beggin Thinking deeply about Obama’s decision to Target and Murder Muamar Gudaffi after Gudaffi rolled out his mentus African Union plans, which were,expressly, designed to reconstitute the entire African diaspora all of the way into the Clinton’s exploited Haiti, and back along our own Anchient Trade routes.
We’d realize, not only, China’s Scull and Crossbones ties from Yale to the, so called, Deep State actors in America, namely, Obama’s besties in the Bush family, we’d also understand Communist China’s ties to the Gates / Fouchi Invested, CoronaVirus.
We’d analyze China’s ties through Sir Ronald Cohen’s Usurped Harvard University and, therefore, why Gudaffi’s ambitious African concept was hijacked and seeded by Henry Kissenger’s Communist cohorts in China via, Xi’s, Belt and Road initiative.
We would realize how the Chinees’ Agressive initiatives in War-Torn Africa, via Bush’s crusade, parallels Israel’s involvement, including via it’s United States based, Deep State, Assets, including newly minted Drone bregades under Obama’s leadership, in troubled Yemen. We’d understand the Cabal’s plans manifest in Egypt, Nigeria, Ethiopia along with their Open Borders ploys which include, Ilhan Omar’s post Samali moves in George Floyd’s war torn, Michigan, etc.
We would fully understand the hidden handed Cabal, and how their False Flag Cop-Kills, perfected on Obama’s watch are indicative of the same Hagalian dialectics wich were expressed so profoundly in Obama’s key cabinet member, Rohm Emannual’s, infamous, “never let a Crisis go to waist” commentary.
that’s plunder throughout Who was Used in Jussie Smollett’s False Flag Event, not limited to Smollett but Orchestrated along with Cory Booker, & Kamalah Harris Noose law need, and George Soros’ funded Chicago D.A. Kim Foxx. Think! Israel entered into a Military – joint mission, of sorts, where Nigeria lent it’s military aged men to Isreal’. Their military men and Mossad joined forced for training and, I will assume, possible missions.
Clearly, stage crafting Hollywood types played their role, either way. Also, Smollett was in touch with Empire “management” at the time of the event, according to leaked phone records. “Hollywood” assets and Civil Rights Assets were deployed. Jussie Jackson’s Rainbow coalition served as Smollett’s lax restoration terms that feigned as punishment. There’s Mark Zuckerburg’s financial ties to Booker and Chicago Democrats. Zuckerburg and Brice Boykins did a Photo Shoot with a young man who ended up gunned down in Chicago. Boykins was USED to call for UN INTERVENTION , Wich is the Deep State’s old, and now new again Plan. No doubt Corporate Mercinaries who NEVER GETS LOCKED UP BY OFFICIALS is Sweeping Through Chicago weekly. No doubt the fallen are getting their organs harvested. I know it sound unreal, but I will never accept We Hate Each Other to Death, with No end in sight!