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The Perils of Serving Two Masters is Palpably Manifest in the DeSeaun Jackson and Nick Cannon REVELATIONS.

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Both, Nick Cannon and DeSeaun Jackson are expected to publicly apologize for admitting, aloud, that WE ARE THE LOST TRIBES/Hebrew Israelites, in contrast to the Rev 3:9 mentioned, “jew”.

Much like Kunta Kinte was forced to admit his name is Toby, their relative owners, ie, the PHILADELPHIA EAGLES, Jeff Lawrie, are pressured by their ilk at large, to make our Mighty Men, who are feeling themselves, pay a high price for “crossing the line”.

Likewise, Public Enemy’s Professor Griffin, practically had to reinvent himself on more than one occasion outside of the jewISH Agency that helped place his Public Enemy group on a National Stage.

The latest to follow in the footsteps of Ben Carter, turned Ben Amin, the Black Israelite who made his way back to Jerusalem, where his group is barely tolerated, may be forced to say goodbye to the resulting life-styles their cohorts, like Flava Flav, have come to lavish in and enjoy, as their evermore pathetic and demoralizing Bread and Circus acts power on.

Perhaps, like Dave Chappelle, who admitted the criteria along with Katt Williams who was forced to suffer a thousand cuts thereafter, they will find a way to gain the good graces of those who can claim to have Made them.

The other’s facing the same peril are Philly natives, Bill Cosby, Will Smith, Kevin Hart and Meek Mill.

Author: ecofer