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What Does Johnathan Isaac Know that Most of us Have Yet to Realize?

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The ever more brazen Oligarch OWNERS of NIKE, made Certain we All Knew What Bo Knows, but, what else should we know about the Corporate Oligarchs who now Own, far more than Nike, thanks, in part, to an initial Chicago Bull’s Sacrifice?

Likewise, well before Johnathan Issac was born, we were all made aware, deep down in our subconscious minds, that NIKE’s “Michael Jordans” were “worth” killing another Black Father and Fathers to be for, yet, we have yet to fully realize the power of such commercially vane pursuits and, all of the relative, human sacrifices that are allegorically tied to the other Godly deity and it’s deeply profound namesake, NIKE .

The owners of NIKE made us All know whi Collin Kaepernick is. NIKE sponsors the Know Nothing athlete who Staged his curious series of Events in the same era that Beyonce was commissioned to sing her praises for Bill Gates in her Earth shattering NFL Halftime Show which amounted to her “handlers”, Reintroduction of the Palistine occupying Black Panthers, and the hidden handed fake jews’ latest FORMATION, the dubious BLM that parallels Gates’ BMe (black male engagement efforts) and Agenda 201 plans.

The significance of Robert Kraft’s NFL Partnership with the Spirit Cooker Marie Abromavich’s Dance partner, JayZ and Meek Mill is completely lost on most black, just like the reason Labron James stood up in behalf of NIKE’s China benefactors.

While saints are implored by GOD to pray for our leaders, James’ vitriol against President Trump is as palpable as Lavar Ball, the ungrateful father and Hollywood Auditioned ham, who’s NBA prospected son was Freed by President Donald J Trump from a life inside a Communist China jail cell where prisoners are know to loose organs that are marketed as agressively as a pair of NIKE Shoes.

Like James’ involvement with black school aged children, we have come to know of Kobe Bryant’s Satanic leaning as illustrated in his Black Momba legacy. His Black Momba series of children’s books were slated to introduce our children into Bryant’s Satanists/partner’s emerging world of “Black Magic”.

The , so called, founders of the dubious Black Lives Matter movement are open practitioners of Black Magic and the home of the fake Jews’ NAACP farce is emerging as ground Zero for a Black Women’s Black Magic Movement, no doubt, with direct ties to BLM and the self proclaimed Nasty Women of the Democrat Party, namely, Hillary Clinton.

Kobe, who likely attempted to rennegg on financial grounds much like Bill Cosby, another Pennsylvania native who sold his soul to Satan, is now Sacrificed and Buried in California’s, similarly named Corona Cemetery, just weeks before before the Oligarchs launched their, so called, Corona Virus Pandemic.

NIKE’s nationwide reenforcement efforts, are now being bolstered by Disney, as it relates to Colin Kaepernick’s amplified BLM ploys.

Like every jewISH oligarch engaged in Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, Disney is now upscaling Kaepernick’s Social Justice Warrior project to be delivered to our young.

Thanks to the hidden handed Cabal’s ongoing efforts to uteterly destroy America, they are begining their latest efforts on the backs of the post Civil “Rights” comprmized black families nationwide.

Thanks to NIKE sponsorship, we have also come to know more about Serena Williams’s affinity for Twerking, her Nasty Woman behaviors, her interacial Sperm Donorship and the Baphimet-like Transvestites who are now featured in public libraries, and via the Kardashian’s skelleton closet full of broken men remains, brought to you by TMZ and CNN.

Kaepernick, and Serena’s NIKE commercials were allegorically telling, indeed, but one would have to be vigilant on top of their prescribed watchtowers with the word of GOD affixed between their brow on a frontlet in orderer to know that there is much that is gone afowl.

With that said, what do the Anointed, like, Johnathan Isaac Know that most of the NBA’s Owned Black Shills, have yet to realize? What was Isaac so moved to illustrate for the rest of black America and the whole entire world at large?

Lord knows not many of us realize the Merchant’s long-standing use and employment of orher God’s, such as NIKE. We have yet to fully realize the demonic relationship between NIKE and BEGUILED blacks the world over, nor do we understand the Oligarch owners of NIKE, use of the so called Talented Tenth BOULE, consisting of Auditioned Blacks and Black Greeks, alike, who are all made in the mould of Margret Sanger’s best asset, to date, W.E.B. DuBois, the biracitial front-man for the fake jews’ NAACP, who’s dubious headquarters is located in Baltimore’s latest American Murder Capital “for” hapless, TARGETED, blacks.

We can gauge the relative consternation emanating from Isaac’s brave and GODLY Stand and Stance, as the Wheat among us is separated from the Tares among us.


Indeed, via the Holy Spirit poured upon the faithul, Johnathan Isaac Knows he is of the Tribe of Judah. We can see his biblicsl understanding manifest in his telling, Twitter handle @JJUDAH1.

Johnathan Isaac Knows, that he, much like Moses, is, indeed, Anointed.

Johnathan Isaac knows that the entire world can see that he is, indeed, the most “Magical” NBA player, to date just like Moses was equipted by God to be the most Magical among the Pharos most powerful Magicians who might , otherwise, dissuade God’s Chosen people from seeking God’s Grace and the everlasting Promises that God’s favor entails .

Johnathan knows, as surly as the world knows about Moses’ good deeds in the face of the Pharos’ Tyranny what he has done for saints arround the world.

Jonathan realized the full implications illustrated in his stand as he is surrounded by Owned Blacks who’s conditional return to “Egypt/Slavery” is now allegorically immortalized in the Deep State’s ubiquitous, all seeing eye emblems, that can be found Branded onto the bare, muscular, chests and arms of so many NBA mionons.

Johnathan knows that his MAGIC 1 stance has resonated in the faithful hearts and mind Saints arround the world. We know Isaac’s public stand and stance is a nod to Moses and Moses’ freeing of God Chosen isrealies from the throews of enslavement.

Johnathan Isaac’ stand and stance in the name of Christ, is now being viewed arround the world and back again.

With Isaac’s hair like wool and skin like burned brass there gleaming so tall on the floor of the NBA’ lit areana, we can all see how Isaac stood up Strong and so Rresolved, ammong a sea of purposefully fallen black men.

Johnathan, who’s Sir name is Isaac and who’s Twitter handle is @JJudah1, knows full well that he is, indeed, a God Chosen Israelite who is born on this earth directly in the line of Christ.

Much like the Isrealite, Malachi, who refused to Bow Down before men, Johnathan knows he is related to the same family as Ester.

When Ester’s uncle REFUSED To bowl down to Hammond it CHANGED THE COURSE OF HISTORY in favor of Hammon’s soon to be persecuted israelites.

The Pursian King who married Ester determined to spare all of the Isrealites who were slated for Murder at the bequest of Hammond.

Our utter ahnnalalation now reflected in Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood Fever-dream, would be completely thwarted, all thanks to her uncle’s refusal to bowel down.

Johnathan Knows they who say they are jews are the Owners of the other Godless NIKE company and the NBA teams, alike.

Johnathan knows that the Oligarch OWNERS of the NBA are in league with George Soros’, and that they are the ones who are funding the NBA wide, Black Lives Matter Charade.

Johnathan knows the Cabal of hidden-handed, conspiratorial jews are now orchestrating and weaponizing all of their corporate owned assets in order to, systematically Race Bate Americans narionwide.

With a tin ear for deails they are doing the exact same Paradigms among the Europe based Blexiters too.

Johnathan knows the orchestrating cabal using Black Lives Matter as Cover to. Topple America, are nothing more than the ones who are Mentioned in “our” disregarded Bible’s Rev 3:9.

Johnathan knows he will be virtually tarred and feathered like the others (See the Philadelpha Eagle’s DeSean Jackson) for calling out “the Synogog of Satan” and “they who say they are jews”.

Johnathan knows he is effectively beIN used by God to show the entire world how Christ stood up to Satan who tempted him for 40 days.

Johnathan knows he has given Streagnth and guidance to the fake jews’ Socislized Blacks and targeted White Christians now being implored to bowl down at the bequest of the hidden handed cabal of mind F’ing satanist.

Johnathan also knows that Trump is humbled and anointed by God, much like Cyrus and the Pharos were before him, hence, Johnathan in the line of Issac, Moses and Abraham, was made the high priest of Soros’ troubled “Egypt”.

Johnathan knows that President Donald J. Trump signed the First Step Act on the eve of 400 years woth of Captivity for God’s Chosen People, from 1619-2019, hence the fake jews’ dubious, 1619 project out of the jewISH Oligarch Usurped, New York Times.

Johnathan knows the same , hidden handed, curators of BLM are the same Oligarch Cabal who funded the Patented Corona Virus and Margret Sanger’s Planned Parentood, alike.

Johnathan knows that Dean Koontz’s foretold Wuhan 400 would be unleashed in 2020, just like the race based Bioweapon AIDS was unleashed, as it is foretold in Koontz’s 1982 , “Eyes of Darkness” book, where Dr Fouci’s US funded, Wuhan Lab work product, was spelled out in full detail.

In the name of Christ and the Holy Spirit Jonathan and Saints arround the world know what you, apparently, don’t, including what is occuring simultaneously in America at the hands hands of Stage Crafting Oligarchs’ now engaged in Social Impact Paradigms, post Project Paperclip Mind Control, SS Tactics, NUDGE Science Based Brain initiatives and Game theory, alike, along with their Comunitst China cohorts who have become direct sponsors of the NBA and Expendable Kobe Bryant types, alike.

Johnathan knows that the nation destabilizeg cabal, is now using their NBA shills to RaceBate as they work overtime to Corona Virus to Topple America

Johnathan Knows that the hidden handed Oligarchs’ orchestrating the NBA-wide BLM farce are the same hidden handed rabble-rousers who vying to keep Status Quo in CHIRAQ, where the first calls for their planned UN Takeover of America imanated from.

Johnathan knows that targeted black, Planned Parenthood survivors are to be to be the first ones who are , systematically, subjected to Bill Gates’ dubious Covid19 Vacinne protocals.

And now those with Eyes to see and Ears to hear KNOW EXACTLY WHAT JOHNATHAN KNOWS by Way of his openly awowed Faith and the Holy Spirit.


Author: ecofer