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Wrong Thinking Mad Blacks and Their Wayward “Uprising”, ie, Saul Alinsky 101

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After Mark Zuckerburg and Jack Dorsey determined to Target and Remove free Thinkers, like me, from the new Public Square, I continue to engage with those I have left to engage with on instagram.

When I do get outside of my work as a self employed American, I find an intolerant and brainwashed contingency of fellow blacks and a few whites Snowflakes who are utterly decieved, due to rarer personal encounters.

When I was on Facebook, with my various Group Pages and the desire to share certain FACTS, I was slowly and steadily edged out by those in power along with those who could not handle the TRUTH. Stokholm Syndrome is real.

First, I was removed from the group pages developed by prolyphic Overlords who may be organizing blacks for those who constitute Silicon Valley based social media. Groups like Bill Gates’ BLM and

Then I was removed by Public Officials, such as, my own City Councilman Cousin, when his Campeign manager recognized me to be a liability.

Next, I was shadow banned and frequently suspended for a pre determined amount of time, I guess to teach me a lesson.

Finally, all I warned would happen in my hometown Philadelpha popped off just as I predicted.

It was a week before ANTIFA/Occupy Philly engaged in a planned Riot, deemed, yet, another Peaceful Protest in America when I got my final notice from Facebook.

One week later I was removed from Twitter too.

Author: ecofer