Some say ALL is FAIR in LOVE & War…
…therefore, it’s not enough that WE THE PEOPLE would LOVE for Blatant Tyrants and the hidden handed Oligarchs they serve to Suddenly be FAIR!

At the very least; If we are not already engaged in CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE and BOYCOTTS of All Corporations with a Social Justice (Sir Ronald Cohen Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION) RaceBate mandate…

…if we are not Pushing Back Against draconian mask restrictions being leveled upon our Families and the asults against our Privacy within our own homes now under siege in the name of Bill Gates and Dr. Fouci’s patented COVID19 virus bioweapon…
…then Our evermore Brazen ENEMIES who bought themselves a rigged election, who now Track our Every, Move, our Spending Habits, our Geolocations, our Close Associations, our Facial Expressions, our Conversations, our Heart rate, our Body Temperature, our Mood, our future decisions, etc)…

… As per Rev 3:9, OUR COMMON ENEMY, ie, the hidden handed Oligarch Cabal knows for certain they have NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT and NOTHING TO LOOSE as they Move Forward with their Long-Standing PLANS to Upend our REPUBLIC once and for All Times!