No Comment!!!
No Comment! That is, there will be nothing in the News about Hank Aaron’s post Covid19 Vacine death, because facts surrounding his unfortunate death will certainly be repressed and virtually, covered up, just like the jewISH funded Tuskegee experiment!
For one, Aaron was not a open supporter of Donald J Trump, like the black repubican, Herman Caine, and unless a Black Man can Forward the hidden handed Oligarchs’agendas and causes, such as, the black proponents of Planned Parenthood, this particular Covid19 related death is a non-issue.

It’s no secret, BLACKS are being aggressively TARGETED by Dr. Fouci and the Planned Parenhood chairman, Bill Gates on the , so called, Democrat plantations, yet, we are not to know to what extent, no mater what the deadly, or Desired outcomes will be of their various efforts, including Fouci’s ties to Aids and Gates’ open admission that he is a huge fan of a vast population control and thereby it’s systematic reduction!

Both, of the Coronavirus Patent Investors, Dr. Fouci and Gates know they can rely on their Oligarch Organized and their Auditioned Black super stars to promote their planned Vacinnes.
Hey also know Cognitive Dissonance and, relative, Stokholm Sydrom suffered by Planned Parenthood Survivors made subject to Joe Biden’s Three Strikes Crime Bill and other daily assaults suffered on Democrat Plantations will be hard at work on the minds of the Propagandized and actively deceived black communities even if news of Aaron’s death gets out, along with every other direct correlation leading to our Covid19 related deaths.