Perhaps you’ve noticed, by now, like Starbucks and NIKE, countless Oligarch owned companies are piling-on with their top-down cancel culture and wokeness conspiracy to systematically topple our great American nation.

From expendable Govenors and Mayors who serve as Useful Idiots tasked to Target president Trump and, we, mindful Trump Supporters at every turn…

from threats of Bernie Bro manned ReEducation Camps…

to Teach for America debt-slaves peddling critical race theory to Eli Brode and Walton’s of Walmart captivated school kids…
from Bill Gates and Dr. Fouci Targeting Blacks with their patented Covid19 Plandemic plans wich were taxpayer funded out of the hidden handed Oligarchs’, Communist China Cohorts’s Wuhan lab…
… from George Soros & Apex partner, Pope Francis’ Open Borders plans for our systematically destabilized nation via ex FARC, MS13 / CIA assets pouring in, unfettered, from South America.
… it should be clear to the entire world, by now, that the hidden handed Ziononist are engaged in full spectrum race bating paradims to envelop us all, everywhere and at all times.
Our great nation is being made subject to a thousand corporate oligarch cuts in order to foment George Soros’ etal’s HOPED FOR Race War, Civil War, or American Spring in behalf of Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, which is now underway full steam ahead!
Wake Up Saints!!!
Instead of reading all of the evil arrows being slung at Rush Limbaugh and Tiger Woods, We must read Revelations 3:9 while we still can in order to shake the Yoke of Cognitive Dissonance and the utter Kayos Henry Ford, Boris Brasol and George Orwell all warned us about.
Much like Martin Luther, who penned “The Jews and Their Lies” along with his revolutionary, Ninety Five Thesis, WE THE PEOPLE must admit all of the evil done to our nation, particularly, since the rise of Henry Kissenger’s Communitst China and their collective forays.
Before we let their Technocrats shut us all down and drone us, as planned, we must to call the Cabal of hidden handed, jewISH Conspiriters working squarely against our great nation, out by name, regardless of how Anti-Semitic they say that saying George Soros’ name is!