In an era when Lil Naz X is celebrating a Black Man’s worst nightmare, or a Black Man’s most Satanic Fantasy on TV and in behalf of winning Grammie Awards, Platinum Chains and a Guest Spot on NBC’s SNL, we can all admit our eyes and sensibilities are being systematically compromised via every monopolized platform owned by single ilk.
Ben Shapiro, a rare “conservative voice” who has been spared the wrath of Jack Dorsey unlike the rest of us, illustrates a dubious paradigm perfected since the Borgia era.

Not only have I binged watched “The Borgia’s” on Obama’s politicized Netflix, this week, for historical truths, half truths, whole lies, and glaring omissions, I’ve also been noticing all of the strange bedfellows attached to certain narratives tossed into the American ethos as purposefully and as systematically as government trial balloons of old.
Not being aware of biblical prophecy, and moreso, not caring one iota about the living words of God, one may miss the duplicitous spirit of all who are besieging our troubled nation from within, albeit, some have already gleaned clues about Shipro.Â
Indeed, the Project Veritas revealed, Bernie Bros seem more like an old dream, rather than the existential threat that Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA “Myth” now poses in every Soros captured City on que.
Essentially, the hidden handed cabal is so effective at obfucasing their acts of irregular warfare, our nation is taking hits on every front without the full Armor of God allowing most to realize none of thee assaults are an accident, nor are they happening in a vacuum, separated from the rest.
While mainstream media stations are known to be owned by less than seven powerful entities, their seismic effect against our troubled nation is not realized enough to evoke America’s antitrust laws.
Perhaps it is enough, for the hidden handed perpetrators of all that is wrong in our nation, to stage straw-men along what should be a counter insergencie’s front line.
To make us believe that something real is being done, the evermore brazen American Oligarchs have planted motor mouths all along the way, including, inside of Capital Hill on January 6th.
Shapiro’s tweet illustrates 4x the perfect example of 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned FAKE jewISH enterprises TRIPLING Down on Plausible Deniability.
This latest nothing-burger story intrensically tied to President Donald Trump is not quite a Nancy Pelosi rap up smear, but , it comes in contrast of Joe Biden’s disastrous half year and soon after God’s Chosen Ones begin making the Greatest Social Impacts against Critical Race Theory that Never Allows for the discussion or Defense Against the hidden handed Fake Jews… (See, Larry Elders court victory, Vincent Johnson’s impact, or Brandon Tatum’s “BLEXIT Mom” on YouTube)

Meanwhile, Shapiro, Comcast, Disney’s Fox in the Henhouse and the stinking Lincoln Project are all Homogeneously tied and they all are busy doing what Fake Jews have done since time immemorial, eg, witness every wink and nod illustrated in the lines spelled out on Netflix’s “The Borgia’s”.
The duplicitous pawns in the feckless Lincoln Project get a fake takedown this week for what, exactly? For show, clicks and likes, no doubt.  Â
Penning all four entities within one social impact article tis far cheaper for the emerging deep state Oligarchs’, than staging a Bread and Circus act for the same effect

All seem to be pushing FOR the FOUCI/GATES VERSION of the PLANDEMIC Spawned vaccine regiment just in time to muster new fall consequences, and they are pushing Americans and many other nations far beyond our unrealized boiling point strait over the edge.
It is all Growing Old like parched straw-men stationed on Both Sides of the hidden handed Jews’ compromised and puppeted Political isles.
True American Patriots are wondering, aloud, much like the Balfour betrayed English men, who is on our side, if not for fellow Republicans?
For homogeneous fake Jews, something had to be done to spare the last remaining Fox in the frazzled American henhouse, thereby, Wonderboy & Comcast to the rescue!
Certainly, there are those who will never wake up to the crafty deeds of fake Jew’s and the deadly endgame that is,indeed, spelled out in the Book of Revelations for all to see, but for as long as it’s not already far too late, GOD please continue your help for us all.