Joy Reid gets paid to forward only what she is trained to forward as news, no matter how fake the fake news she spews from her face is.
While Reid is glad to call herself a journalist, she will never admit she is nothing more than a trained Black shill used to evoke and stir certain emotions among her targeted audience.
Reid will never tell the story about her monopolized media platform which is among many jewISH owned entities tooled to propagandize and race Bate the troubled citizenry in America, a nation now under siege by Reid’s corporate oligarch Overlords.
While Reid is quick to give a shout out to her mind f’ing mentor who is still working through Reid to coin a ridiculous phrase, “Missing White Woman Syndrome” posthumously, Reid will never tell us she and her dead mentor, Gwen Ifill, were nothing more than lowsome Black shills paid by their hidden handed jewISH Oligarchs to forward a new form of “journalism” minted by George Soros’ Media Matters and his Pro-publica associates.
When the Soros funded Social Impact paradigms began on the same taxpayer funded NPR station that I had grown to love, since childhood, I wrote directly to the purveyors who began doling out fake news like clockwork.
Once I realized what was happening to my beloved non-profit stations, I developed my own social media group pages on Facebook.
I developed my “False Flags and Fake News” group page to voice my concerns and to highlight all of the obvious fallacies that were expressly designed to Socially Incite the public.
Ultimately, the Cabalist powers that be censored me and removed me from every social media platform (((they))) own so black shills like Reid can spew her racist lies unchallenged by Blacks who realize she is nothing more than a race bated straw-man there to deliver Soros et al (((their))) hoped for race war, now over four years behind schedule, thanks to President Donald J Trump. .
For me, there was one telling program on PBS that served as the precursor for the devastating and disingenuous Critical Race Theory now manifest in every usurped institution practically owned by the jewISH Cabal that managed to monopolize America’s mainstream media too.
Shortly after the CIA tied assassination of Martin Luther King, Jane Elliot emerged with a divisive classroom experiment illustrating her ability to inculcate gullible children with a notion of tangible division among friends for as long as Ms. Elliot could teach them a new value system centered on eye color alone.
Fast forward, beyond the copious losses that were incurred after CIAÂ radicalized Black Shills (the Black Panthers, etc) were led to burn down the last Bastions of Black Wall Streets nationwide, eg, how our North Philadelphia Black business district gave way to the million dollar homes in Northern Liberties, we were all made subject to Ms. Elliot’s impactful experiment, once again, after it was featured on PBS.
Elliot was invited to administer her motivational devices on unsuspecting adults willing to immerse themselves in racial stereotypes only to inverse those stereotypes in a manor in which the majority could be made to feel socially marginalized and systematically demoralized at Elliot’s bequest, just like the affected children who bore a certain eye color.
As an extension of Elliot’s PBS launched social experiment, the hand select Black Boule shills on Non Profit NPR and PBS, alike, were tasked to engage in a daily form of race bating that could be remotely realized in every place that aired the Jews’ satanic Social Incites.Â
I saw the divisive dichotomy manifest on Disney’s newly acquired FOX News station, where the former NPR Shill, Juan Williams towed the race lines daily, no matter what the news topic was. Â
Much like Al Sharpton, who was booed out of Texas this week for doing his same ole, post MLK race hustle schtick, the Boule shills get paid handsomely deliver racist commentaries without a modicum of nuance or facts.
America’s jewISH “owned” race hustlers manage to spin everything to fit Sir Ronald Cohen et al’s Social Impact Bond Revolution objectives and they are the primary reason American Blacks are failed.
The erasable Candace Owens rightfully called Reid a monster, after Reid spewed such an evil tirade against a dead White woman, simply because the dead White woman’s story warranted coverage on the mainstream media Reid is happy to work for.
Owens reminded Reid of her own agency and the fact that missing Blacks do not enjoy news coverage because Black Boule shills like Reid, Sharpton, Juan Williams, and Don Lemon types are expressly tooled to deliver all that their hidden handed jewISH Overlords dictate, no more, and no less.
To fully appreciate the charge Owens launched against Reid, contrast Reid’s heavily curated fake ire about a Missing White Woman to her lack of coverage of Murdered Blacks, particularly, all of the Black people murdered anywhere Black leaders feign to be in charge in race bated America.
For instance, Chicago Blacks are hardly ever mentioned on Reid’s show, lest We The People dare to hold Barack Obama, Kim Foxx or Lori Lightfoot accountable for it’s systematic convergence into a place called CHIRAQ!
Likewise, you will never hear Reid’s commentary on Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood fever-dream realized because Reid stays too busy bitching about a dead White woman.
Essentially, it is Reid’s job to keep Blacks mad about the wrong damned things all while her hidden handed corporate overlords strive to keep targeted Blacks murdered in the womb or on the streets of Reid’s New York City community in record numbers.
Therefore, is no accident, whatsoever, that Reid’s racist rant is aired the very same week the damned Democrats in congress are working overtime to allow Planned Parenthood far greater revenues gleaned by selling full term aborted Black baby body parts on the open market.
Thanks to Black Boule Gatekeepers like Reid, who get paid to hog up the airwaves with her “Missing White Woman” nonsense, socially incited Blacks do not realize Sanger’s Planned Parenthood is now selling Murdered Black babies for far more than the price live Black Slaves!
Since the Rev 2:9 mentioned fake Jews’ initial inception of the Black Boule, practically Owned Black shills like Reid Allow for the ongoing, UNREPORTED, Murder of targeted Blacks nationwide!!!
In Philly, the transient home of the first Black Boule gatekeeper , W.E. B. DuBois, Owens was physically and verbally accosted by Reid’s communist ANTIFA comrades. Of course, Reid said nothing, whatsoever, on MSNBC when the outspoken Black woman was forced to remain silent. It is Reid’s appointed duty along with the other Boule Black shills, to attack outspoken Blacks for as long they are not towing the Socialist and Communist party lines!
The same hidden handed Oligarchs who pay for Joe Biden’s racist ANTIFA idea, used their BOULE Pet, Reid to verbally attack Nicky Minaj for stating her own empirically evidenced facts about the Covid 19 vaccine and why Blacks, at large, are rightfully hesitant to take the Fouci and Bill Gates spawned concoctions. For as long as Reid types entice us to excoriate the dead bones of missing White woman, missing and exploited Blacks are the furthest thing from our twisted minds.
Owens skillfully reminded Reid she could be covering who, how, and why countless Blacks are, either, missing or murdered on Democrat plantations nationwide.
For as long as Reid refuses to talk about us truthfully on her own MSNBC platform, Blacks have no one else to blame for disregarded Blacks!
Since the hidden handed Jews’ formulated the NAACP (see Baltimore MD’s latest Murder Capital) and the Black Boule Gatekeepers therein, their Boule shills get paid to systematically distract and socially incite Blacks away from all that truly matters, just like Joy Reid!