The Owners of NIKE and it’s Satanic Ilk know it’s not enough to ENCOURAGE targeted Blacks to Murder each other over a pair of high valued NIKEs on the daily, and as indicated via the Satanist’s stable of signed Gangsta Rappers and evermore Deviant Black “Performers” who follow in the tormented foot-steps of Sammy Davis Jr. and his willing acolyte, Bill Cosby, who has faced losses untold for his misdeeds done in secret.
NIKE knows Michael Jordan’s , relative, Sacrifices were not enough for NIKE for them either.
Likewise, NIKE knows Communist China’s human SACRIFICES are not enough for NIKE, but rather, NIKE goes for the entire enchilada right along with the rest of their Open Aired SATANIST now told not to hide in the shadows any longer !
Sadly, targeted Blacks, ie, God’s Chosen People, are Key to their Satanic PLANS, as always!!!!!
Perhaps you’ve noticed, by now, like Starbucks and NIKE, countless Oligarch owned companies are piling-on with their top-down cancel culture and wokeness conspiracy to systematically topple our great American nation.
From expendable Govenors and Mayors who serve as Useful Idiots tasked to Target president Trump and, we, mindful Trump Supporters at every turn…
Who Needs Foreign Enemies, like IRAN or Isis to take America out when so many think Democrats, like John Kerry, Joe Biden and Barack Obama are Friends? Oligarch Controlled, controlling Politicians, like Andrew Cuomo will be the death of us all if we let them!
from threats of Bernie Bro manned ReEducation Camps…
to Teach for America debt-slaves peddling critical race theory to Eli Brode and Walton’s of Walmart captivated school kids…
from Bill Gates and Dr. Fouci Targeting Blacks with their patented Covid19 Plandemic plans wich were taxpayer funded out of the hidden handed Oligarchs’, Communist China Cohorts’s Wuhan lab…
… from George Soros & Apex partner, Pope Francis’ Open Borders plans for our systematically destabilized nation via ex FARC, MS13 / CIA assets pouring in, unfettered, from South America.
… it should be clear to the entire world, by now, that the hidden handed Ziononist are engaged in full spectrum race bating paradims to envelop us all, everywhere and at all times.
Our great nation is being made subject to a thousand corporate oligarch cuts in order to foment George Soros’ etal’s HOPED FOR Race War, Civil War, or American Spring in behalf of Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, which is now underway full steam ahead!
Wake Up Saints!!!
Instead of reading all of the evil arrows being slung at Rush Limbaugh and Tiger Woods, We must read Revelations 3:9 while we still can in order to shake the Yoke of Cognitive Dissonance and the utter Kayos Henry Ford, Boris Brasol and George Orwell all warned us about.
Much like Martin Luther, who penned “The Jews and Their Lies” along with his revolutionary, Ninety Five Thesis, WE THE PEOPLE must admit all of the evil done to our nation, particularly, since the rise of Henry Kissenger’s Communitst China and their collective forays.
Before we let their Technocrats shut us all down and drone us, as planned, we must to call the Cabal of hidden handed, jewISH Conspiriters working squarely against our great nation, out by name, regardless of how Anti-Semitic they say that saying George Soros’ name is!
As the second generation , Planned Parenthood chairman, Bill Gates, and his crafty ilk Conjures Up more wayS to Race-Bate and destabilize our jewISH oligarch usurped nation, their puppet, Joe Biden, is busy forwarding More Wuhan400 BS!!
It should be obvious to all, that the Rev 3:9 mentioned ilk who paid for the #Tuskeegee Experiments are now engaged in Paternalistic Rap Propaganda & Reverse Psycology on steroids for one reason!
The hidden handed Zionist’s, #TargetBlacks campaigns are growing evermore relentless, all while Clueless blacks trapped on the Democrat Plantation continue voting for our own, systematic, demise.
Biden’s, so called, Dark Winter is expressly designed to harm Corn Pop -n- dem the most!
I want to thank the gentleman at High Impact Flix for his restraint and heart-felt sympathy in the era of purposeful Racial animus and divide by the hidden handed Oligarchs, now working tirelessly to socially disrupt and topple our Nation, via race bating for the purpose of fomenting a race-war and/or George Soros’, hoped for, #AmericanSpring.
Please note the FACT that there’s just one race on earth who’s hair woes renders others billions of dollars as well as evokes Horror Movies and/or Documentaries that signify our lonely plight, wich is, indeed, foretold in our Bibles, as sure as Rev 3:9 isReal.
Indeed, God works in mysterious ways, yet, he will Never let us down or foresake us in any way.
After, yet, another “curious” NFL Superbowl stage-craft by the hidden handed curators of a hoped-for hell on earth, this story you are bringing to our attention is edification that our mighty God is a Promise Keeper for better or for worse.
“Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts.” ~ King James Version
No Comment! That is, there will be nothing in the News about Hank Aaron’s post Covid19 Vacine death, because facts surrounding his unfortunate death will certainly be repressed and virtually, covered up, just like the jewISH funded Tuskegee experiment!
For one, Aaron was not a open supporter of Donald J Trump, like the black repubican, Herman Caine, and unless a Black Man can Forward the hidden handed Oligarchs’agendas and causes, such as, the black proponents of Planned Parenthood, this particular Covid19 related death is a non-issue.
Some White Men helped Tuskegee, while some Jews hoped to utterly disstroy, both, “Niggers” and “Nigger Lovers”.
It’s no secret, BLACKS are being aggressively TARGETED by Dr. Fouci and the Planned Parenhood chairman, Bill Gates on the , so called, Democrat plantations, yet, we are not to know to what extent, no mater what the deadly, or Desired outcomes will be of their various efforts, including Fouci’s ties to Aids and Gates’ open admission that he is a huge fan of a vast population control and thereby it’s systematic reduction!
Both, of the Coronavirus Patent Investors, Dr. Fouci and Gates know they can rely on their Oligarch Organized and their Auditioned Black super stars to promote their planned Vacinnes.
Hey also know Cognitive Dissonance and, relative, Stokholm Sydrom suffered by Planned Parenthood Survivors made subject to Joe Biden’s Three Strikes Crime Bill and other daily assaults suffered on Democrat Plantations will be hard at work on the minds of the Propagandized and actively deceived black communities even if news of Aaron’s death gets out, along with every other direct correlation leading to our Covid19 related deaths.