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Indeed, it was Mark Zukerberg who invited “us” to say that our RELATIONSHIPS were “Complicated”.

When considering George Soros funded D.A. permissive stance on record Murders could Oligarch’s like Zuckerberg be responsible for this young man’s murder in Chicago?Sadly, Zuckerberg is now making many determinations in behalf of targeted Blacks, and this fact is made evident with the amount of money Zukerberg bestowed upon the lap of hungry Blacks like, Stacey Abrams,  the Bilderberg darling who definitely delivered!

We can thank hungry Black Shills for helping to deliver the hidden handed Oligarchs behind Biden and Harris too. Key Blacks are responsible for all of the fake and phony votes in Georgia and they delivered like no other American group, forcing the rest of us to suffer all of the devastating results emanating from the most  incompetent President’s America has every known.

Another hungry Black shill doing heavy lifting for her hidden handed Deep State task-masters proves that she is still willing to swallow Jim row Joe, even thought it was Kamala Harris, herself, who argued that Biden was a Racist piece of shit on the national stage when she stood toe to toe to confront Biden.

Like a two dollar hoe, Harris chomped at the bit to become Biden’s, loathed, bottom Bitch in the most COMPLICATED relationship in American Presidential history.

As one who is only two degrees Separated  from the CIA Cult hack, Jim Jones, Harris illustrates all of the complexities of the dubious Biden / Harris’ relationship for all the world to see. Everyone knows that Harris would not be anything in Politics without Willie Brown and neither would Jim Jones.

With just a modicum of analysis a certain dichotomy between Corn-Pop (Charlemagne Da god types) and Candidate Joe Biden, who told Charlemagne We are Not Black unless we vote for Massa Joe, becomes clearer by the day. Understandably, Biden is racist as F’, yet Blacks are slow to realize this is the true nature of the Democrat Party too and it’s thanks , in part to all of the Blacks who serve Biden’s needs with the moral fortitude of two dollar hoes.

With the Biden presidency we are witness to the full arc of the Dixiecrat party politics and it’s clear Boule Blacks are willing to help cover up all of the perversions, therein, such as Bill Clinton’s deviant ties to the Black Prostitute from Arkansas and worse.  Boule Blacks said nothing when we all learned about the sick, drug idled woman from Arkansas who was exploited by the former Governor to the degree that she would become pregnant with Bill’s, Hillary Clinton bastardized son, Danney Williams.

Black Democrats are willing to ignore certain facts in favor of their Democrat Masters but we the people can no longer ignore Clinton’s penchant for partaking in Pedophilia, even if we are willing to forgive him and Biden for their Black family devastating Three Strikes Crime Bill, etc.

Sadly, hungry Blacks on the DEMOCRAT PLANTATION may never realize it’s the Democrat Party that employed the KKK just like Ralph Newsom and Dan Burros did. Burros was the hidden handed, Rev 2:9 mentioned fake jew from NYC who systematically recruited, so called, white supremacists the same way Democrat Party did in an effort to stop the Virginia Republican, Glenn Youngkin and his Black Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears from Defeating the Black-face / KKK adorning fraud , Ralph Northam, the racist piece of shit Black Democrats are apparently trained to love and want.

A week after feigning direct action during the Civil Rights era before a gullible Black audience in Atlanta, Biden visited Philabundance in Oliarch Usurped Philly, no doubt, for a photo op and a PR stunt just in time for MLK Day. Sadly, in targeted, free Black, Philadelphia Blacks are all WELCOMED to partake in “free” food programs with MONSANTO (Now BAYER) as a major Underwriter and targeted Blacks are ENCOURAGED to use GMO Crops as a Primary Source after the “Produce Dessert” lie.

You were  all TRAINED to think, hapless Blacks were void of Vegetables and unable to find or purchase them for miles within the TARGETED Black Communities arrayed as per Agenda 2020 and Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND paradigms with George Soros’ at the helm in the USA, but what you may not know is the hidden handed Oligarchs who are allowed to encroach into the lives of Blacks deemed hapless victims are also allowed to tool our entire society in order to target you with the same deadly paradigms too.

Now, life, death, and how my fellow Blacks Behave is determined, in part, by the Diet they are on and the Water  they drink so TARGETED BLACKS are being made subject to every deadly paradigm paid for by hidden handed Oligarchs who are leveraging Blacks for your hard earned tax dollars using Saul Alinsky principles guaranteeing them a “free lunch”. The Democrat controlling Oligarchs have effectively privatized most of Philadelphia’s government run assets, including the Philadelphia Water Works and hospitals too.

In Philadelphia Dr. Fouci and the Wistar Institute (UPEN) worked tirelessly to FORMULATED  A.I.D.S  and or distribute the Virus which was developed from whole cloth. Then, the novel Virus developed under the auspice of Polio research was released it into the CONGO were (((they))) could TARGET Blacks first and foremost.

Today, Fouci’s Communist China designed BioWeapon was developed with the help of the Second Generation Chairman of Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood, Bill Gates‘.

The man who openly announced his desire for DEPOPULATION and Fouci have effectively developed their GAIN OF FUNCTION derived Virus and Consequent, DEPOPULATION Vaccine, to be Race Specific, among other things…

BOTTOM LINE SAINTS, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL and the Colluding Satanist know that our relative Cognitive Dissonance Surrounding Certain FACTS will be the Death of Us, both, TARGETED WHITE CHRISTIANS and GOD’S CHOSEN People said to suffer “Confusion of Face”, hence, Joe Biden truly thinks he is the one who can, indeed, Define who is Black based on us voting for him  or not.



Author: ecofer