Much like the Movie, “Contagion” that preceded Bill Gates’ Covid19 pronouncement, the Movie, “Collateral Beauty” staring, Will Smith, showed us all what to EXPECT when Hollywood “types”, including CIA associated assets manage to CONTROL our Every Thoughts, Feelings and Beliefs on any given day.
I truly believe the Deep State Oligarchs had my former Classmate, Will Smith, ACT like a God Damned fool at the Oscar Award SHOW for a nefarious reason.
The Oscars Award Show is the same venue that snubbed another Black Philadelphian, Kevin Hart, in 2018 for engaging in Oligarch determined “wrong-think” when (((they))) wanted to launch their #MeToo campaign in order to hurt President Trump, and for years the Oscars were not very kind to Smith’s Tupac associated Wife after Jada Smith cited the obvious lack of diversity at the pre-woke Oscars.
As the entire world is goaded to go along with, yet, another Deep State MANUFACTURED War, their Weaponized Oscars Show is busy handing out Awards to Token Blacks in the same manor the powers that be are handing out Supreme Court appointments.
Americans would realize that It was no accident when Jada Pinket’s “classmate”, Tupac Shekur was gunned down in cold blood for failing to go along with a Deep State Oligarch formula, as planned.
It was during the heated Brett Michael Kavanaugh confirmation trial that members of the, so called, Truther community began to understand that there are actually select schools in America dedicated to the grooming and recruitment of Deep State agents and CIA shills, such as, Christine Blasey Ford.
The entire world witnessed the immediate Agency surrounding David Hogg, the curious, CNN associated “kid” who is now deemed a “Gun Control Activist” on Wikipedia. Hogg is the young man who portended to witness the Mass Shooting Event at Florida’s Stoneman Douglas High school, where a Hillary Clinton associated Police Chief told his men to Stand Down until well after the FBI associated gun-boy was done unloading is preemptively confessed ire on all of his targeted victims. There was another FBI associated gun-man who shot up the Pulse nightclub in Florida and of course, that shooting event was followed by calls to disarm Americans.
Another, infamous Teen first entered into the political spear on the strength of her School associated Audition real is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the so called, Minority Woman from NY who was hand-selected to run for office by the members of the, so called, Young Turks, a disturbing name when armchair historians like me consider the Genocidal implications of the purposefully adopted “Young Turks” name in itself.
When watching Tupac’s high school “audition” real from Baltimore MD, it becomes quite clear to me that Tupac was a second generation made man who was likely EXPECTED to carry the torch for his Exiled Aunt very early on in his “development”.
Like every TRAINED MARXIST in the Oakland California developed Black Panther’s group, Tupac’s aunt, Assata Olugbala Shakur, was tasked to do heavy lifting for the Cabal of hidden handed fake jews, she and every Black Panther Shill were, and still are, working for. One would only have to understand the tenants of the, so called, Frankford School to know the long standing and deeply seated objectives of Angela David’s favorite Marxist mentor, Herbert Marcuse etal.
All of the dirty deeds done by Black Panther shills are exactly what Black Lives Matter shills are expected to do today, including, murdering America’s targeted Police forces in cold Blood, just like Tupac Aunt is accused of doing.
Today, Tupac’s Aunt is still toiling in communist Cuba, which was developed from whole cloth by Justin Trudeau’s alleged Daddy, Fidel Castro, so it is NO ACCIDENT, whatsoever, that the world witnessed Trudeau’s Canada devolve into a Tyrannically run hell-scape just weeks before the Smith’s Oscar show distraction.
Now Canada is the place where it’s concerned citizens were treated exactly the same way the so called Democrat nation’s in NATO wish to treat Vladimir Putin. While everyone in America is trained to focus on the Oscars and consequent Award Shows, the January 6th political prisoners who did not commit suicide are utterly forgotten.
On full display on the Oscar Award stage are the same sexual deviants now manifest in Ukraine. All of the Eastern orthodox people of the Russia are rightly concerned about the Satanic developments in neighboring Ukraine, the nation that was once a part of Russia, itself.
In spite of the Deep State’s many staged distractions, Americans are slowly learning the details of the Color Revolution that took place on the order of the Obiden administration and with the help of the depraved members of the Republican party, alike.
Besides taking countless dollars out of Ukraine, Biden’s actions in Ukraine includes allowing for the encroachment of American based Oligarchs into Ukraine and each of them are on the same page as George Soros and Sir Ronald Cohen in London.
Slowly but surly there are headlines emerging about Biden’s Crack head Son, and more importantly, Hunter Biden’s direct role in the Ukrainian firm, Burisma, a company found to be tied to Deep State funded Bio Weapons labs uncovered during Putin’s special operation in Ukraine. Likewise young Biden scores his dad big doe by being tied to Politically tied firms like Rosemont Seneca. The name Rosemont came about because of John Kerry’s compromised son. Young Kerry is also a Rosemont Seneca partner who helped name the dubious firm tied to Hunter after the Heinz family’s Rosemont estate which is located near Pittsburgh PA., ie, the crash-landing place of the third 911 airplane.
Regardless of the Deep State’s scripted antics during it’s weaponized Award Shows, America is learning exactly how many compromised American Congressmen and Senators have a personal stake in Ukraine at the full expense of the American people and it is clear to me that the powers that be are hoping to dominate the headlines with trivial matters, such as, Will Smith’s “slapping” of Chris Rock at their latest staged Oscars ceremony.
Lost on so many is the fact that Tupac and Will Smith, both, had “intimate” ties to Quincy Jones, the man who happens to be a long-standing Deep State Shill brought in to forward Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Revolution paradigms. Like Pope Francis in the Vatican, Jones was cosigned and tasked as a high ranking member of the jewISH Oligarch’s elite cabal who are working tirelessly to topple our nation from within.
Unsuspecting American’s can connect the dots from the Smith dominated Oscar Award show and it’s underlining Gay agenda, directly to recently indited Disney Pedophiles in that Quincy Jones’ daughter, Kidada Ann Jones, is a designer for The Walt Disney Company.
The entire nation is now waking up to the fact that it was Disney employees who first tried, and failed to launch public protests against Ron DeSantis’ reasonable Bill in Florida,a bill that is expressly designed to protect Elementary School children from an evermore predatorial Gay “community” who hopes to make Pedophilia 100% acceptable in America.
Jones is intrinsically tied to the Obiden Administration, as there would be no Obiden Administration without the help of Jones and Hollywood types like Harvey Weinstein. Furthermore, Jones was tasked to help spearhead Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond paradigms, along with hidden handed Oligarchs, like George Soros, Charles Schwab and Michael Bloomberg in America and while Jones was so game to reveal dirty secrets of many of his Celebrity cohorts it’s sad to see how many of them could not survive the various gamuts they’d find themselves in because of Jones.
Besides being solely responsible for Smith’s acting career, some of the situations that Quincy recalled so late in life have been featured in several movies depicting the dead.
Jones revealed that he was one of Malcom X ‘s regular heroin customers, but., the question is, how much of the heroin was purchased in Ray Charles’ behalf? Likewise, how much of the personal degradation in Michael Jackson’s life was Jones’ fault?
Was it Jones who first introduced a young Michael Jackson to the well known sexual deviant, Marlon Brando? In his death-bed tell-all, Jones admitted Brando would F’ck a Mailbox.
So many of Jone’s associates were riddled with drugs, strife and situations hinted of in various Movies, but it remains astute conspiracy researchers who manage to dig far deeper than the celebrity crowd is willing to go on their own sick and twisted accord. Great comedic minds like Dave Chappelle and Katt Williams
are doing the same thing Richard Pryor did before he self-destructed right before our very eyes, but sadly the Sheeple continue to blindly follow the Satan auditioned Stars and Starlets who have completely lost their minds.

Among Jones’ many “victims of circumstances”, Tupac revealed very shocking factoids about Jones before he was brutality Gunned down in the Streets of America. In a 1993 interview with The Source, Tupac said, “Quincy Jones is disgusting. All he does is stick his dick in white bitches and make fucked-up kids.”
Here’s what Jones said about his decision to make his half white kids with his White wives in a GQ interview, “…I don’t give a fuck. Because they think that’s all you like, but that’s stupid, man. Here’s what you’ve got to understand: The interracial thing was part of a revolution, too, because back in the ’40s and stuff, they would say, ‘You can’t mess with a white man’s money.… Don’t mess with his women.’ We weren’t going to take that shit. Charlie Parker, everybody there, was married to a white wife.”

Perhaps, the Revolutionary minded Jones’s sought his White wives as a way to avenge his half White father as Jones characterized his own grandmother as an Owned Slave who was raped by the man who procreated with her four times, his father being one among three half white (Welsh) girls. He would never consider for a second weather or not his Grandmother was in love with his White grandmother because EVERYONE he surrounded himself with were all about the exploitation of Women who were deprived of their own Agency as made evident in the 10 A & E Series on Hugh Heftner’s Playboy Club, for which black men like Jones were card carrying members.
My question is, WHEN WILL “REVOLUTIONARY” BLACKS STOP WANTING TO BE A PART OF ORGANIZATIONS THAT CLEARLY WANTED NO PART OF US, including the Racist Joe Biden Administration?? Tupac died after asking the exact same question.
Knowing what I know, I have NO DOUBT that Smith’s STAGED “Assault” against his fellow ACTOR, Chris Rock, was allowed on air in order to steer the National Conversation away from the Democrat Buffoon in America’s Stolen White House. Every show on the major networks go by a seven second rule, so any unscripted fight or disruption to the pre-planned and Highly Politicized Oscar Award show could have been edited out if they wanted it out.
As hoped for by the Powers that Be, on Monday after the Oscars few Americans were discussing the Staged Man in the White-house who is hell-bent on STARTING A deadly NUCLEAR WAR ANY DAY NOW.
Besides Biden having his hands all up in the Ukrainian Cookie Jar he is working tirelessly to drum up WW3 in concert with another Bad ACTOR staged as the latest President of OLIGARCH Usurped Ukraine.
Deadly Entertainment Gamuts include useful idiots like Shaun Penn who suggested the Zolinky, himself, be Staged at the Awards, and then there is Penn’s old lady, the Pussy Hat wearing Madonna, who threatened to Blow up the People’s White-house before her preferred Kabbalah Hacks took it over completely. Maddona’s depraved Pussy Hat wearing Counterparts in Russia are also no accident or coincidence either.
Our nation is inundated by star-struck Mayors like Bloomberg’s water-boy, Michael Nutter. Nutter is the Man who implemented the Deep State’s Drug Inc PLANS when he was not busy letting Clinton takeover the entire DNC in Philly, he was busy launching the first salvo against President Donald J Tump on CNN when Trump was just a candidate.
Nutter first called all of the Kids of Philly A-holes just before giving them over to the Oligarch Hedge funder Eli Brode, then Nutter was tasked to call Trump an A-hole too after one of many post 9-11 False Flag Events were orchestrated in Philly. Besides a severed Hog Head left at the front door of a Philly Mosque, the hidden handed Oligarchs and jewISH Technocrats, alike, have assailed upon Philly with the help of Tom Ridge.
Men like Starbuck’s CEO, Howard Schultz were using False Flag Events as profoundly as the Big Brother Reality show was telling us our George Orwell foretold future was neigh. The Big Brother Show premiered in Philly and so too, Dr Fouci’s Wistar Institute developed A.I.D.S. There’s Martin Orne’s / CIA / Deep State’s Mind Control at UPEN added to Bill and Melinda Gates funding and Gates’ Microsoft School of the Future.
While we were discussing matters tied to the all encompassing Kardasians, the home to our nation’s Constitution is completely under siege.
Indeed, Nutter should have been included in Trump’s recent lawsuit against Debbie Wasserman Schultz and key members of the Clinton Cabal.
Never forget it was the Kabala bracelet wearing Nutter who invited Pope Francis to come to Philly in order to start his first leg of his Post Pedophile come-back tour. Never forget how the Obiden Administration are all good friends of Harvey Wienstein types and they are no longer afraid to tell us they are coming after our kids.
We all witnessed the powers yielded by depraved and Auditioned Black Philadelphian’s when Robert Kraft’s anti-cop poster-boy Meek Mill was flown directly out of Prison strait onto the NBA Arena floor like a champ.
Mill, Van Jones and Jay-Z were all used to Convince Black Americans that we do not need police, when there is nothing further from the Truth in the Oligarch targeted Black communities. In places where Soros funded D.A’s are located to foster Record Murders of Planned Parenthood Survivor deaths a new form of Federalized and MOSSAD designed Policing is underway.
Now they are bringing on Free Needles and Drug Pipes nationwide, VR Games and utter Urban Lawlessness first tried in our Nation’s first Capital in which Will and I were born. It the very same FORMULA that caused Vladimir Putin to Draw the Line.
Now, the Mind F’ing cabal is far beyond the days of Orson Welles’ War of the World/UFO hoax, War-time Propaganda and the mere Power of Suggestion, a specialty that was fine tuned by Martin Orne, the University of Pennsylvania Professor known for the development of Mass Hypnosis, Child Trafficking, Ritual Sex Abuse & MK-Ultra.
Some might argue the Smith’s children are, indeed, being used by the powers that be to promote certain, paradigms, such as, Gender Fluidity and Cross Dressing. On pace with Kanye West who wore a skirt on stage in 2012 and Omar Epps who appeared on the view in a skirt in 2014, it was Jaden Smith who made his big public splash in 2016 while adorned in a dress, which still remains as a highly controversial “fashion statement” for black men in the wider Black community.
It became clear to me that the powers that be had a certain vendetta against the targeted black community for whom (((they))) blamed for the smack-down of California’s controversial, Prop 9 bill in favor of same sex marriage. I chronicled the making of Philadelphia into the Sister City of Telavive, the so called, Gay Capital of the world and there, the same hidden handed Oligarchs who are working to keep Ukraine’s status quo were determined to broadcast Philly’s Gay district as well as the rollout of the first Annual Transvestite Festival featuring Gay Blacks.
Like earlier, skirt wearing predecessors, Jaden’s first appearance in a skirt garnered much push-back online. Now, many speculate weather Jaden is Gay or strait and it seems as if having his audience, relatively, confused about the sexual orientation of, both, Jaden and Willow is an important part of their paradoxical brand and commercial “appeal”.
At the “tender” age of 13, Willow found herself at the center fof controversy when a photo emerged of her in bed with a half naked “white” adult male who is clearly not related to the Smith family. Many speculated that the intimate photo of Willow in bed with an adult male was proof that Willow was being sexually exploited.
Furthermore, people became even more critical and concerned when they learned that Willow was in that situation with the full knowledge and consent of her parents. Essentially, Jada Smith accused all who dared wonder about her daughter in bed with a shirtless man with having perverted minds, even though Child Protective services in California determined to investigate the family, as if the claims of sexual impropriety may have been credible.
It was Will, himself, who went on the radio admitting to being being far too loose and liberal with the Smith children. Also, the public has come to learn a whole lot more about the entire Smith family after Jada developed her post Oscar protest, Red Table Talk series an on-line show that serves as a Smith family confessional, of sorts. There, we learned that Jaden was allowed to be “independent” well before the age of emancipation or consent.
At 15, Jaden moved out of his parents home into his own 4 million dollar home in which he could not secure himself in any state in America without his parents, express, permission and participation.
Certainly, no one could argue the Smith’s are not now at the forefront of the celebrity promotion of Open sexual relationships. Will’s latest quote on the issue, .”..marriage for us can’t be a prison”, was already making the rounds on the internet well before the, so called, slap heard around the world. The Oscar host used that common knowledge to crack her own joke at the expense of the Smith family.
Some would argue that Jada’s, so called, “entanglement”, a term she will go down in history for coining herself, teetered on the cusp of exploitation, as her sexual paramour, August Alsina, was first a friend and associate of Jadeni. Alsina admits he was a vulnerable young adult at the time of Jada’s entanglement and it should also be noted that Alsina was just 22 when he had an affair with 44 year old Jada and therefore he was two years younger than Monica Lewinsky, the “victim” in Bill Clinton’s infamous cheating scandal.
Rapper Daz Dillinger is on the record with his own claims that Jada Smith was in an inappropriate relationship with Rapper, Chris Kelly, the member of the Kris Cross Rap group. Fans who analyzed Dillinger’s salacious claim factored that Kelly was just 15 years old, compared to the 22 year old Jada Smith, at the time of their supposed involvement.
Then there’s the rumors of the Smith’s direct involvement with the infamous Church of Scientology, as well as, a Private school that was underwritten by the Smith’s that was said to be tied to Scientology indoctrination . The school lasted less than four years and it closed soon after parents began complaining about Scientology Based “learning materials” as well as the Scientology developed teaching methodology known as Study Tech.
In 2018 the Church of Scientology and a key official, David Miscavige, were charged with Child Trafficking, Child Abuse and Forced Labor in LA by a number of victims, including one who was said to be born into the organization.
As a disclaimer, I would not have known what happened on the Oscar award show on Sunday evening if it were not for another old friend of Will’s which is my hubby, the man who Actually Got into a High School fight with Will after busing on his Girlfriends’ eye glasses. Indeed, Smith was tapping in on a familiar place, but I truly doubt he would pop off ON STAGE at the Oscars, of all places, unless he was having an utter mental breakdown or unless it was truly staged.
So many American’s now know to expect plenty of Scripted Drama from the Oligarch tooled Oscars and Every Award Asset the hidden handed jews own, but what is not clear to most Americans is that their collective declaration known in their jewISH circles as Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION is well underway, and USING unsuspecting Blacks is key to their ultimate objective.
Other Owned Hollywood shills include comedian, Wanda Sykes, who took the same Oscar opportunity to launch her scripted political campaign against Florida’s awesome Governor, Ron Desantis, the Man who is doing all he can to stop the raging Gay “community” from systematically indoctrinating children sexually by introducing homosexuality and gender fluidity before the third grade.
I registers not to owned Hollywood freaks like Sykes that there should be zero adult conversations with children regarding sexuality in America’s public schools and therefore they are happy to characterize Governor Desante’s new Bill as the “Don’t say Gay Bill”.
Not only did the, so called, Gay community hijack the word Gay (Happy) and the Rainbow (God’s Covenant) for their ever evolving flag and agendas, myopic Hollywood Lesbian’s like Sykes don’t even recall how it was she herself who was first scripted to lecture all of America on how and when NOT to say the word Gay.
As per the book of Revelations, the hidden handed fake jews have launched their all out war against the freest nation on earth and every nation on earth at once.
From Henry Kissinger, who’s been chipping away at our nation since his ilk’s infiltration into the spied upon Nixon White-house, to every Deep State tool hatched out of Kissinger’s Oligarch usurped Harvard University, there is hardly a jewISH Usurped American institution that is not calibrated to INCITE and/or NUDGE America towards their openly stated Objectives.
The ever more brazen Satanists are using well known communist tactics, such as, the indoctrination of isolated children in their Eli Brod Usurped public schools, and they are busy redefining common words and symbols to suit their needs and their divisive, nation toppling, objectives.
From handing out Church of Satan applications in their Chicago stronghold, to manifesting the same Satanic paradigms in the Obiden toppled Ukraine, after launching their BioWeapons based Tyranny across the entire globe with the help of Communist China, they now feel they’ve nothing at all to loose.
The hidden handed American Oligarchs will continue using every American asset they can control in order to achieve their evermore demonic objectives, and that means having everyone in America discussing my former classmate and his Award winning Oscar performance instead of Joe Biden and Vladimir Zolinki’s very bad acts on the troubled world stage.
THIS JUST IN … The fallout; Stay tuned for updates…
March 31, 2022 …
MARCH 2nd 2022… #TheSlap
DISNEY 101… The Cabal says, NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WAIST; What they work tirelessly to turn into RACE BATE is spelled out for all of us to see in Rev 2:9 and 3:9… The question is, WHAT IS Sean Hannity’s HANDLERS telling him to do and say as (((they))) continue using my fellow Classmate to CHANGE THE AMERICAN NARRATIVE AWAY FROM Joe Biden’s Bad Acts against Vladimir Putin and Russia in behalf of the George Soros’ Ilk for whom Hannity and other Rino Republicans Apparently Serve!
APRIL 2nd 2020:
Now, the same freak who portends to Define Blacks, like the Bilderberg Darling, Stacie Abrams, is doing it again in behalf of the Democrat Plantation. Jim Carrey has taken it upon himself to paternalistically man-splain the televised Will Smith “situation” in behalf of Jada Pinket days before the Pinket shoe-drop.
Certainly, Carrey is now focused squarely on Jada and her emerging Alopecia “condition” as profoundly as Pfizer, the Oscar sponsoring Drug Conglomerate who’s ties to Alopecia is being publicly announced, ‘so much so, that the hidden handed Oligarch’s , so called, Fact Checkers are now busy disputing news of Pfizer’s “Breakthrough alopecia drug.
What the dubious, Deep State owned Fact Checkers are not doing is bringing focus onto the emerging news of Pfizer’s Covid19 vaccines being implicated in the rise of alopecia, a very sensitive subject in the realm of Blacks who do suffer from the following Biblical prophesy.
Alopecia is not only a side effect of stress but it is implicated in the habitual use of Damaging Hair Products as well as Fake Hair which is discussed in full detail in Chris Rock’s important Documentary titled “Good Hair”.
Topical Balding among God’s Chosen People, along with Confusion of Face among the Tribe of Jacob is all spelled out in our , relatively, disregarded Bible’s.
3 Now is the end come upon thee, and I will send mine anger upon thee, and will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense upon thee all thine abominations. 4 And mine eye shall not spare thee, neither will I have pity: but I will recompense thy ways upon thee, and thine abominations shall be in the midst of thee: and ye shall know that I am the Lord. 5 Thus saith the Lord God; An evil, an only evil, behold, is come. 6 An end is come, the end is come: it watcheth for thee; behold, it is come.
7 The morning is come unto thee, O thou that dwellest in the land: the time is come, the day of trouble is near, and not the sounding again of the mountains. 8 Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations. 9 And mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: I will recompense thee according to thy ways and thine abominations that are in the midst of thee; and ye shall know that I am the Lord that smiteth.
10 Behold the day, behold, it is come: the morning is gone forth; the rod hath blossomed, pride hath budded.
11 Violence is risen up into a rod of wickedness: none of them shall remain, nor of their multitude, nor of any of their’s: neither shall there be wailing for them.
12 The time is come, the day draweth near: let not the buyer rejoice, nor the seller mourn: for wrath is upon all the multitude thereof. 13 For the seller shall not return to that which is sold, although they were yet alive: for the vision is touching the whole multitude thereof, which shall not return; neither shall any strengthen himself in the iniquity of his life.
14 They have blown the trumpet, even to make all ready; but none goeth to the battle: for my wrath is upon all the multitude thereof. 15 The sword is without, and the pestilence and the famine within: he that is in the field shall die with the sword; and he that is in the city, famine and pestilence shall devour him. 16 But they that escape of them shall escape, and shall be on the mountains like doves of the valleys, all of them mourning, every one for his iniquity.
17 All hands shall be feeble, and all knees shall be weak as water. 18 They shall also gird themselves with sackcloth, and horror shall cover them; and shame shall be upon all faces, and baldness upon all their heads.
19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.
20 As for the beauty of his ornament, he set it in majesty: but they made the images of their abominations and of their detestable things therein: therefore have I set it far from them. 21 And I will give it into the hands of the strangers for a prey, and to the wicked of the earth for a spoil; and they shall pollute it.
22 My face will I turn also from them, and they shall pollute my secret place: for the robbers shall enter into it, and defile it.
23 Make a chain: for the land is full of bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence.
24 Wherefore I will bring the worst of the heathen, and they shall possess their houses: I will also make the pomp of the strong to cease; and their holy places shall be defiled.
25 Destruction cometh; and they shall seek peace, and there shall be none.
26 Mischief shall come upon mischief, and rumour shall be upon rumour; then shall they seek a vision of the prophet; but the law shall perish from the priest, and counsel from the ancients.
27 The king shall mourn, and the prince shall be clothed with desolation, and the hands of the people of the land shall be troubled: I will do unto them after their way, and according to their deserts will I judge them; and they shall know that I am the Lord.