All of the way from the Netherlands, there are those who wish to learn more about American False Flags and the Crisis Actors used by America’s deep state Oligarchs who regard us all as nothing more than Hackable Animals.|
Because the Oligarch working overtime to topple our nation from within consider themselves globalists, there is hardly a corner of the world that is not impacted by their efforts to reconstitute the Holly Roman Empire under banners such as Green New Deal, New World Order, Globalism or Open Societies where no borders exist to thwart their every whim, including using Global Pandemics to make a more manageable place to them to rule over without the consent of the people.
Here is an interesting conversation brewing after a Woman from the Netherlands reached out to me on a topic that is near to my heart as the administrator of False Flags and Fake News on Facebook, a group that was stolen from me by Mark Zukerberg just weeks before he help to rob American’s of our votes so that the most deadly and compromised man on earth could be placed in the Oligarch Usurped White-house regardless of elections.
Here’s the covo below and it will be updated to include ongoing responses as they appear on Facebook messenger.
As our Tyrant and Chief, Biden works on ways to thwart our American Constitution and our 1st Amendment Rights afforded therein in behalf of the Oligarchs who practically own, both, he and his son, I appreciate curiosity and the ability to speak ideas, facts and opinions with all who have eyes to see and ears to hear, even if they are in the Netherlands.
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The purpose of my group pages were to allow me to counter the SOCIAL IMPACT contrived Narratives crafted by hidden handed Oligarchs who apparently wanted and still want most of us dead and gone by yesterday.
Because I was politically connected to members of the Philadelphia electorate , I could use my group pages to spark conversations, challenge political talking points and to offer up alternatives to what George Soros etal call NUDGE, which is essentially SOCIAL IMPACT paradigm.
The colluding Oligarchs were known to deliver what is called 4am talking points via Media Matters tied minions and other newly developed methods of propagating Social Impact Narratives which are mirrored by AI algorithms and “Fake News” Outlets.
This phenomenon was indeed realized by Candidate Donald Trump, however, 2014 is when I developed my “False Flags and Fake News” group page. George Soros’ etal developed Media Matters and ProPublica which are assets expressly designed to cause Mass Hypnosis, Mind Control and Social Impact caliber Brainwashing, alike (See Martin Ornes’ work at UPEN) Their method of delivering Fake News is key to the TAKEOVER of our entire nation, as many voters were purposely deceived and many Americans are still convinced things like Hunter Biden’s laptop or Joe Biden’s influence in Ukraine has nothing to do with America but everything to do with Vladimir Putin’s desire to cause WW3 for No Reason at all.
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After being SHUT DOWN by the hidden handed Oligarchs working overtime to topple our nation from within, I continued speaking to like minded people who migrated to Social Media Platforms who respected free speech.
I continued Blogging, I call my public officials to voice my concern about prevailing issues, I speak to family friends and neighbors for as long as they can tolerate truth in contrast to Tyrannical lies and I try to inform people here after returning under a new name and retaking ownership of one out of several groups given to other’s after my censorship.
Lastly, I have the ears of key political officials in my home-town who now understand all that I have warned about, as the entire world is slowly waking up now, thank God.
I only hope it is not too late, as the one man I warned my fellow American’s about before they squandered their votes on Biden now has the red button and Nuclear Codes and every reason to Kill Us All to Cover up his and his Corrupt Son’s own Dirty Deeds in Ukraine.