President Donald J Trump brings so much water to the Federally Deprived Residents of Palestine Ohio, the surplus is enough piss off every angred anchorman and woman on Fake News!!

President Donald J Trump brings so much water to the Federally Deprived Residents of Palestine Ohio, the surplus is enough piss off every angred anchorman and woman on Fake News!!
Watch, (((Their))) “Media Blackout 📺” on YouTube
Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION is well underway!
The Unmentionable jewISH CABAL of American Oligarchs’ have launched (((their))) Asymmetrical Warfare, that includes a spysycological means of paralyzing and demoralizing us into being sitting ducks that can be Purposefully DEPOPULATED by systematically desensitizing us via preemptive illustrations of our foretold fait on their Media networks, like NETFLIX, DISNEY or HBO.
Our consequent Cognitive Dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome is effectively achieved when the hidden handed ENEMIES of our nation Show Us, then Do Deadly Attacks, then Get Away with them time and time again.
We are no longer surprised, so our Fight and/or Flight instinct is effectively Dismantled psychologically.
This fact and method is illustrated in Dean Koontz’s “Eyes of Darkness” written about the hidden handed Oligarchs’ manufactured (Gain of Function) and A.I.D.S.basrd Bioweapon in 1982 and (((their))) highly Accurate “Contagion” movie was followed by Wistar-Fouchi’s “Wuhan 400” Pandemic in 2019, as indicated years prior to the “predictively PROGRAMED” , FALSE FLAG attacks and consequent Deadly Events in the form of Deadly Pharmaceuticals that are yet to be Recalled or Challenged beyond the highly persecuted strawman and Deep State whipping boy, James O’Keefe.
We are left to realize how we are Attacked and Destroyed Daily by Busy Enemies who OVERTHREW OUR GOVERNMENT Algebraically!
Due to the psychological aspect of (((their))) MIT Game Theoried Asymmetrical war, it takes the critical mass of our systematically ravaged population and nation, days, weeks, months, years, or decades to fill in the blanks.
As Noah Harari’s Hackable Animals WE do not need Mark Zuckerberg’s hoped for VR Goggles as WE THE PEOPLE are still easily SOCIALLY IMPACTED via Satanic GRAMMYS, UFOS & NFL Based Bread and Circus Events so much that WE THE PEOPLE can’t see who (((they))) are Deadly Enemies Within are more beyond our collective, psychological blinders.
Having attended three Funerals of, relatively, young family members in less than a year serves as my own psychological blinder, while knowing the unfettered, American purveyors of the plandemic and consequent, January 6th, Usurpation of my Nation from within are responsible!
Bottom Line, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 is as REAL as Bill Gates and George Soros among the hidden handed Cabal of jewISH Oligarchs who indicated, publically, (((They))) wanted US dead, eating bugs not meat, and/or Utterly Destroyed (DEPOPULATED) by yesterday!!!