Black Owned Business Directory Disclaimer provides this small business directory without fault or legal obligation as a means to advertise and build awareness of our member’s businesses.
LISTINGS ARE PUBLICALLY LISTED BUSINESSES that offer products or a services to the general public, at large. All Black owned businesses are also eligible if their goods and services are rated for all audiences. X-rated or adult content will not be allowed to be listed on this platform.
The directory is intended to serve as a resource predominantly for the visitors of and the general public.
Wethenegro does not solicit any individual business to submit their information and Black owned businessess listed by Wethenegro based on their public presence on the world wide web may request to be removed at any time by contacting the Inclusion on the Wethenegro Small Business Directory is strictly voluntary. does not endorse or confirm the content or accuracy of any listing or external website. is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind, arising out of the use, reference to, or reliance on, any information or business listed throughout the listing in our Small Business Directory.
While information is updated periodically, no guarantee is given that the details provided are correct, complete or up-to-date.
It is the business owner(s) responsibility to notify the when their status or point of contact has changed or modifications are necessary.
The directory will be updated on a periodic basis, all entries are reviewed and evaluated by Wethenegro’s personnel prior to posting.
By contributing any information (including text and graphics), you grant (free of charge) the exclusive right to modify the material as determined.
Business owner(s) agree that all information is their own original work and is accurate , not defamatory, does not infringe on any laws including intellectual property rights or trademarks of any third party, and they have the right to provide the permission to use it for purposes mentioned above.