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The doomsday phrase of the year is, “Food Security”… Consider yourselves warned!

February 10, 2011 at 11:27 AM

Listen out for the new trial balloon seeping into the matrix… “Food Insecurity” . This term is being systematically pumped into the populous’ subconscious through the media, via press releases, to justify the new paradigm of food engineering and ownership (genetic patents).

After loosing out on mineral rights, this is the next commodity the Western powers that be (multinational cooperation – WTO) are working to control and maintain their diminishing leverage in world markets.

They will bring news to highlight the term Food Security and they say it enough until the masses say uncle, and this will give them the green light to bring GM foods to markets without opposition.

They know it will take a generation or two for acceptance, but they are laying the groundwork now.

Don’t say you were not warned.

Educate yourself before it is too late… VOTE NO to GM foods.

See the following helpful links below.

What effects could genetically modified crops have on the environment? and other GM questions answered here.

Food Patents—Stealing Indigenous Knowledge?


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Common Sense Ban on Plastic Defeated in City Council….Shoprite Cash & Carries Chamber Members at Will

June 19, 2009 at 7:51 AM

Shoprite effectively cashed in their chips in City Council this week… Check voting records to see who they own there …

Us blacks should be so thankful that they have blessed our city with the only source of real food and jobs…

This is the recurring assertion that is getting so under my skin!… If I hear this fake ass refrain one more time I will scream!..

Forget the multi-million dollar parkway expansion projects with the Mann, Please Touch, and Microsoft. And forget the impending gentrification of the neighborhood where I was born, as the fighters who held off this land grab for years are now old and dying off.

Shoprite is not, and never was a gift to blacks in this city like they and their partners in crime make it out to be, but pre positioning for the rich young whites who will, in deed, take over now, just like in Northern Liberties …

As long as a few of us our bought we will all be sold out!

I just hope not by the people I know and love so well…

Wake up or live the spoils!.. Philly, for now look out your window and try to enjoy those bags your City Council voted to keep.


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Running with H1N1 is worse than running with scissors… Flawed science unleashed and now perpetuates an unprecedented pandemic.

October 29, 2009 at 5:13 PM

Through man's aimless endeavors the influenza virus, which is known to be a highly efficient adapter like most viruses, can now easily be transmitted between man and beast.

H1N1 fear mongers are now causing unsafe hospital environments for those with “real” emergencies. Through man’s aimless endeavors the influenza virus, which is known to be a highly efficient adapter like most viruses, can now easily be transmitted between man and beast.Victims with true emergencies, hospital workers, & visitors who aren’t sick are now at risk. Emergency rooms are being flooded with swine flu contaminated folks fearing death due to all of the swine flu hype! Dr’s are urging flu contaminated individuals to stay home! Genius or Stupidity — You decide —

Methods of incubation developed by scientist of the human influenza virus is likely a key part of a new and out of control influenza pandemic, but you won’t hear this in the news…

Scientist have chosen to incubate human influenza inside of bird eggs because is was the fastest and cheapest way to develop commercially distributed vaccines. This method of cross-species incubation is the primary cause for the swift evolution of the human influenza virus into the new strains that are unleashed into society today. Due to DNA/RNA tampering a virus that did not historically jump between animal and man has evolved in a single generation to display new, more efficient capabilities of affecting the masses.

Through man’s aimless endeavors the influenza virus, which is known to be a highly efficient adapter like most viruses, is now easily transmitted between man and beast.

Each time one has subjected themselves to the flu virus via vaccination, they have unwittingly been genetically modified. A human influenza virus that is grown inside of bird egg will readily adapt to the materials found in the egg. The materials that constitute the finished vaccine are then injected back into man, thus scientist are essentially inserting a genetically modified flu virus back into humans. These actions have actively opened doors for a more evolved strain of disease that can be transmitted easily from beast to humans.

Overzealous efforts to achieve everlasting life…

Virus tampering is done in the name of inducing a man made resistance, but efforts to play God or to defeat the Most High’s plan by tampering with his perfect design have been a utter failure. Humans are now easily infected by the new modified strains of influenza unwittingly facilitated in labs and no one seems to be willing to admit or discuss how these so called progressive efforts have and will continue to cause much more harm than good.

Scientific tampering has not been limited to bird eggs, we must also factor in biological endeavors, such as, breeding genetically modified pigs for the purpose of harvesting organs.

The goal is to manufacture organs for sale that will not be rejected by humans. To do so biologists have purposely modified human and swine DNA to force compatibility. This is yet another example of the aimless and foolish work of biologists. There is no doubt in my mind that this brand of DNA/RNA tampering is one of the prime factors for a new swine flu pandemic.

These so called advancements in science have caused an unnatural infinity between humans and animals subject to wayward experimentation. Now there are new dangers to us all due to the nature of viral transmission. The commercially driven efforts of scientists have made the human influenza virus more able to cross species at will.

Bottom line… People are out of control and not many seem to understand or be willing to admit it.113 Comments2 SharesLikeCommentShare


  • Miah Hand Eileen..please keep on with positive energy until they GET IT!!!! PEACE BE UPON YOU..Miah


  • Eil Thompkins “Doo Right”, there is no way in hell that one who is enlightened by the word of the Most High should submit to the mad science of injecting themselves with SWINE, an unclean animal, however, those that would invite us to partake in their plagues readily have modified the human gene, as well as the unclean beast to be like human (see pigs developed to support human heart growth and bird eggs harvested to incubate the, once, limited to human Flu prior to scientist tampering, etc.) and they actively invite you to partake in their concoction on every street corner.

    Now those who cannot hear or see what has been written for our edification are subject to the newly devised plague just on the horizon.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~ ARMOR UP MY FRIENDS!!!

    Swine flu strains could mutate and infect humans, study says – LA …
    Researchers find a flu strain from pigs that spread among ferrets and easily killed them, suggesting that people are vulnerable to it. They advise global vigilance.
    Shrinkage, skate tricks and a new swine flu →… /
    Two Mutations Can Transform A Swine Flu Virus | KNAU Arizona …
    Flu pandemics don’t happen very often. So many people might feel the relative fizzle of a flu pandemic three years ago somehow immunizes the globe.
    TeacherTube – Photos » swine flu map google
    TeacherTube is an educator and student friendly site for sharing the best content for you class.…Edit or delete – Shrinkage, skate tricks and a new swine flu
Posted on

Philadelphia City Council will vote to further erode key Constitutional Rights and Protections for inner city Blacks.

February 3, 2011 at 10:29 AM


There’s a City Council initiative to bring a more efficient system for indictment into inner city neighborhoods, in the form of Community Courts.

Key City Council members may be working with groups (K-Street lobbyist/special interest/etc.) who want to regulate, criminalize, and monetize poor minority citizens of Philadelphia from cradle to grave. The new paradigm for social service.

(Resolution No. 080177) EXCERPT:


Authorizing the Council Committee on Public Safety to investigate the expansion of the

Philadelphia Community Court in order to reduce cost, reduce overcrowding within the

prison system and empower the community.

WHEREAS, Community courts are neighborhood-focused courts designed to create

lasting relationships between local communities and the criminal justice system; and

WHEREAS, Community courts can be a useful tool in reducing crime, involving citizens

in the court system, improving neighborhood safety and creating accountability for low level

offenders; and…”

This initiative goes directly against the constitution, and further infringes the rights of minority citizens of Philadelphia in particular, yet no-one seems to care or resist this disaster in the making.

3345 CommentsLikeCommentShare

  • Anthony Johnson Here is the sad and final chapter to ensuring that if we–the one’s that give a damn like yourself don’t address this most important issue; it will pass and the uninformed will be herded and rounded up like cattle.

    While many Philadelphians in these communities are fixated on being entertained by way of th “buffoonism” on radio and television, their natural rights are being stripped away.

    So it is up to us–the one’s that give a damn about everyone’s natural rights to step-up.
  • Clarence Brown III Interesting who developed this concept
  • Eil Thompkins Introduced by: Councilmembers Jones, Tasco, Goode, Green, Reynolds
    Brown and Miller
    Sponsored by: Councilmembers Jones, Tasco, Goode, Green, Reynolds
    Brown, Miller, Greenlee, Sanchez, Council President Verna,
    Councilmembers Rizzo, Blackwell, Kenney and DiCicco
  • Joseph Barnes May be good idea if they can keep career criminals from evading prosecution. The current system has built in inefficiencies. Because the round house at 8th and race can not hold but so many people, after 24 hours they must release persons to the street, because of overcrowding. R.O.R. release and fingerprint search errors allow many criminals to be released after arrest even though they have prior records.
  • Joseph Barnes Okay explain your position. Help me out. I will admit that I am not aware of how it will hurt blacks who are not committing crimes. Won’t the community courts also have neighborhood based teams that can get misdemeanor crimes and first offenders released to do community service and avoid prosecution. I recently talked to an Assistant DA (Lakeisha Fields ) about this. Check this out..But talk to me about other things that I may not be aware of. I am new to this Policy matter.
  • Joseph Barnes If everyday citizens are being encouraged to participate a lot in this new system, doesnt it line up better with the constitution. Representation by our volunteer peers in positions that have decision making power gives our people representation that protects from incarceration if we use the system the right way.
  • Christine Lester Harrity Eileen I’m having trouble following your protest. “and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” Communities and neighbors once again are going to have more input. What’s wrong with that?
  • León Mansa Musa I’m conflicted about this. On the one hand, community input seems to be maximized. On the other hand, it seems that same community is being left out of the infrastructure that’s already in place to deal with justice issues. A lot more investigation needs to be done by me before my thumbs up/down is issued.
  • Eil Thompkins Before I respond emotionally please allow me to share the principals that supply the framework for my thinking on this issue.


    Definition, OF COURT:

    A court is a form of TRIBUNAL, often a governmental institution, with the authority to adjudicate legal disputes between parties and carry out the administration of justice in civil, criminal, and administrative matters in accordance with the rule of law.[1] In both common law and civil law legal systems, courts are the central means for dispute resolution, and it is generally understood that all persons have an ability to bring their claims before a court. Similarly, the rights of those accused of a crime include the right to present a defense before a court.

    Definition, POLICE STATE:

    The term police state describes a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive.

    The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement. Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state.


    Amendment 4 – Search and Seizure

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    Amendment 5 – Trial and Punishment, Compensation for Takings

    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
  • Eil Thompkins Perhaps my eyes are deceiving me and the following motion
    is not an appeal to get local communities plugged in via a LASTING RELATIONSHIP with the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM.

    “WHEREAS: Community courts are neighborhood-focused courts designed to create …lasting relationships between local communities and the criminal justice system.”

    Who among you thinks the above statement of purpose is a good thing?

    Do you currently have a lasting relationship with the criminal justice system?

    Do your family members currently have a lasting relationship with the criminal justice system?

    A court a place adjudicate a wrongdoing and to deliberate punishment or settle disputes. What it is not, is a place to heal the wrongs of an impoverished community. Only a guarantee of a living wage can do that.

    I must admit, I am a bit astonished at most of your replies and more-so, that I haven’t heard outrage expressed from more people who might be concerned for their personal freedoms.

    Based on most of your tones, I suspect that many of you, like myself will not personally be subject, whereas I moved out of city 16 years ago, and I do not know what it is like to be inherently suspect daily prior to the commission of any crime.

    What I have noticed in my 16 years away, is how my personal freedoms and liberties were being challenged more and more each time I would return to Philly.

    The citizens of Philadelphia have become used to merchants following them throughout the sales floors, seizing shopping bags of prior purchases, and even imploring that they remove their child from the stroller and leave it parked outside or at the bag/check counter.

    I watch as many of my remaining black young males friend and family-members are being harassed/searched by police for simply standing still in their own neighborhood.

    I see police mini stations parked outside the doors of residents who live in my old neighborhood. And what I don’t see is anyone lifting a finger to bring jobs, business, investment in the community.

    And most of all what I see is that the residents of Philadelphia are basically CLUELESS!!! and all I can say is SMDH!
  • Joseph Barnes Eileen, you gave Amendment 4 & 5, definition of Court, definition of police state, but did not explain or tie them into the subject at hand.
  • Eil Thompkins Joseph, I have commented below my primer/definition post^^, though; I have a feeling, to no effect with you :/

    None-the-less for the benefit of a doubt, will you at least answer the following questions…

    “Do you or your family members currently have a LASTING RELATIONSHIP with the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM?

    Is a LASTING RELATIONSHIP with the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM something that you and your family look forward to having in the near future?

    If so, how will your LASTING RELATIONSHIP with the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM be beneficial to you and your family members?
  • Eil Thompkins Derrick, since you wont share the drink, at leas share your thoughts that have evoked such thunderous laughter…
  • Joseph Barnes I don’t think i have a lasting relationship right now.
  • Joseph Barnes I think the relationship will be better in the future. I don’t know its benefits until it has been around for a couple of years or so.
  • León Mansa Musa It seems Community Court is already in existence, but now being expanded. The idea sounds fairly good.

    “THE PHILADELPHIA COMMUNITY COURT is an innovative, problem–solving court that combines criminal justice and social service agencies under one roof for a comprehensive response to quality–of–life crimes.”

    “The Court emphasizes community service sentences and behavioral treatment programs, rather than jail time, for low–level offenses and helps to cut repeat offenses by addressing the defendants’ underlying social or medical service needs.”

    “The Court has jurisdiction over quality–of–life offenses, including theft from auto, retail theft, minor drug possession, vandalism, and prostitution. Defendants receive expedited hearings, no later than the next business day after arrest. On–site social service staff provides professional screenings, which are provided to the Judge prior to sentencing.”
  • León Mansa Musa “Community Court was established several years ago in an effort to expeditiously handle court cases involving minor crimes, including such offenses as narcotics possession (for small amounts), possession of narcotics paraphernalia, and quality of life concerns such as public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and other crimes often affiliated with those who are suffering from addiction to illegal illicit narcotics and/or alcohol. While these types of cases frequently clog an already overworked, understaffed court system as that which exists here in Philadelphia, Community Court handles only these types of cases. In almost all criminal cases, the focus of the court system is towards disposing of the case as quickly as possible, and not on the rehabilitation of those who are arrested. Community court is different than the rest of the court system, in that TREATMENT IS THE HIGHER PRIORITY, and those who are found GUILTY of their minor narcotics-related crimes ARE OFTEN PROVIDED OPTIONS to receive treatment for their addictions, often either in addition to penalties, or sometimes even in lieu of them.”
  • Eil Thompkins I thank you Leon, for taking this time to educate us on the purpose and virtue of Criminal Court, but, please take a moment to really analyze the phrase contained in the City Counsel’s Motion …

    “…Neighborhood-Focused Courts Designed to Create Lasting Relationships Between Local Communities and the Criminal Justice System”

    What seems to be lost is, we are talking about the CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM! A place once reserved for CRIMINALS!

    We have all witnessed the Philadelphia justice system (and nationwide) operate in a parallel manor, ordering white defendants to rehabilitation and blacks into prison. It would be a leap forward towards equality to end this practice and, furthermore, to treat victims of drugs as humans as opposed to criminalizing them.

    Increasing the number of criminal courts seated with politically appointed judges, known be bias, will only make an unfair system of justice more efficient in doling injustice.

    When we see how prolific the conviction rate is for blacks -vs- whites is today, we can clearly see that efficiency is NOT the problem, and I doubt community compassion is the prime objective here, considering the players behind this initiative.
  • Joseph Barnes Eileen I agree that black men have been discriminatd against in the past and there are people working to correct that problem everyday. Advances in DNA testing have gotten many black people out of jail who were locked up wrongly. There is a strong movement going on that is dealing with the problem and I support them. Community Courts is not some satanic beast that is going further destroy black men or black people. I think you are too hyped about this.
  • León Mansa Musa The Community Court seems to be to divert those who are heading toward the PIC. Some of these crimes are going to occur, so why not try to address some of the issues of the offenders to try and prevent further offending?

    I have no real position or exposure to this. My only intent is in trying to sort out the pros/cons of the program.

    Center City District workers as free labor is one aspect I doubt anyone, except participants, is aware of. I always thought those folks were paid employees. Though, that doesn’t necessarily make it a bad thing……..again, the pros/cons analysis needed.
  • Eil Thompkins Joseph, I know how you feel about me… It is clear from your earlier discourse with me regarding religion…

    I thank that you are able to separate your personal feelings and opinions of me and semantics long enough to give levity to the disparities blacks face at the hands of our existing criminal justice system.
  • Joseph Barnes The bigger problem is why do parents of criminally minded black men and women don’t want to take responsibility for their children who are out of control at 10,12 & 14 yrs old. Now if you want to attack that issue Eileen, I will line up with you and work on that committee to help educate our brothers and sisters about how important parenting is. Talk about a broken system !!. It’s not just about rehab our little criminally minded boys and girls. It’s getting to the ones who produce them in the first place. Lets save our parents Eileen, then we can turn this thing around. Government is not the only problem..
  • Joseph Barnes Hey Eileen ..making people work off their crimes to society is a good thing. If you stole something from me, then to pay me back I put you to work sweeping my floors and washing down my walls as restitution is a great way to pay me back instead of sending you to JAIL. You can’t have it both ways Eileen. Your logic does not make sense. For petty crimes, you work for free…Then I will help you go to school and get a job if you are going to be responsible and turn your life around!!!
  • Eil Thompkins Leon, where there is starvation and offense has already occurred prior to the offense that will likely follow.

    Here is what I mean…

    *Take away jobs (with a scheme to fill the service industry jobs by citizens and their Lasting Relationship with the Criminal Justice System),

    *keep drugs illegal (a joke of a law effecting blacks in disparaging numbers in relationship to their white counterpart),

    *keep drugs prevalent and easily assessable (Lax boarder patrol for drugs but air tight for terrorist),

    *keep guns plentiful (none manufactured by the intended parties)

    * Purge the school system of nearly 50% of the minority male population (insure guaranteed participation and lasting relationship with the criminal justice system)

    Leon the ills of society and the predicted problems that follow have already been solved in a previous life and time.

    In fact most of these ills, were irradiated by the forming of This Perfect Union, and the adoption of the Constitution which are rites established to prevent Americans to be ever subject to what they saw as an unfair and unjust society.

    Equality, Jobs, Opportunity, An Informed Citizenry, and Healthy Resources (food, open spaces, healthcare) are known remedies for the ills you describe.

    Why not employ the remedy? Because a remedy wont get your re-elected!
  • Joseph Barnes We have the most informed society than ever before. Food , Healthcare, Equality & JObs are not going to solve the problem by themselves at all. Socialism & communism have never been shown to solve people problems on large scale. In fact if you really want to rule over people and have absolute slave/master relationship just make everybody equal and guarantee that everybody will get free everything run by the government and military. THE remedy is being EMPLOYED. See ye first the Kingdom of GOD and all things shall be added unto. NOt socialism and Communism..which are anti GOD systems.
  • Eil Thompkins Joseph. YOU DON’T and will never AGREE. I GET IT!

    You are 100% status-quo, so please recuse yourself.

    It is not necessary to have the last word here…

    You have your own wall. If you want to state that all is well in black society please tell the disillusioned there.
  • Joseph Barnes Hey Eileen. You and I are much alike. All is not well with black society. I just said lets work together on somethng we do agree on !!. You did not respond to that. I agree with your passion to save black society. I agree with tackling the problem at it’s source. We have a lot in common. We do agree at the 90% level. Our methods are different.
  • Joseph Barnes 90 % agrement on the major concern. Disagree on methods to solve. Makes for a powerful & dynamic team if methods to solve the problems can be intertwined. Makes for a great coalition.
  • Eil Thompkins That 10% disparity is the wrench in the gears of change.

    A mere token is all they need.

    I am working on something Joseph. It called stating the truth.

    The plain and sometimes not so plain truth.

    Truth is, with people like you on the front lines, black society is doomed!
  • Joseph Barnes We not doomed Eileen, if this is actually ( Eileen ) I’m talking to. I’m not on front lines at all. I’m a fly in the ointment. A bug in the juice. We are not doomed my friend. And No one has monopoly on truth. Is what goin on in EGPYT truth ? Some would say its the only way to fix the problem.
  • Joseph Barnes Others say, it will never be solved.
  • Eil Thompkins Please Joseph take your Rhetoric elsewhere… I have exhausted all reason to no avail… Poof Pow, be gone!
  • Joseph Barnes You have great reason.. lol lol
  • Joseph Barnes You can’t be exhausted.. Black man needs help. Can’t get tired Black women need you. Can;t get tired. jesus did not get tired.
  • Joseph Barnes Eileen, is this really you !!
    if you tired of me and my stuff, yu can’t possibly take on the world. You gotta work with people.. Even those that don’t agree with you. It’s like marraige.
  • Joseph Barnes Keep your swagger.. man up… Good discussion…You never know how much I may really agree with you about. I applaud you and your efforts. There would not have been a Malcolm without a Martin
  • Joseph Barnes Remember that. stop reposting that Eileen. Silly…stuff ..what yu doin ??
  • Joseph Barnes Take care… I see you can’t take it.. Everyone has there limit. I have no limit. Warriors don’t quit… but do rest. So get rest. Peace
  • Joseph Barnes stop reposting…people gonna think somthin wrong with you.
  • Joseph Barnes bye
  • Joseph Barnes ADIOS
  • Eil Thompkins Oh wow Leon!… I just went to the link you supplied and it clearly illustrates the entire process that I am warning of… I am getting sick to my stomach with what I see.

    Who knew that the gentlemen and women we see dressed in those nifty …blue and aqua outfits bearing the logo of the website below were nothing more than chattel!

    These are the poor citizens of Philadelphia, likely on drugs and picked up for petty crimes and misdemeanors being used as a free labor force, in the name of restitution!

    OMG, we see them everywhere quietly making down town Center City a beautiful place for the tourists and business men who promise to keep their multi-million dollar companies from leaving town in return.

    This is the whole of the process your City Officials are working to make more efficient!

  • Eil Thompkins THE STATS ARE IN!

    EXCERPT FROM THE BELOW WEB – January 2011 Report

    “we impede their development and limit their life chances by taking them out of the learning environment and often sending them into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. In short, we have created a “School-to-Prison Pipeline” in which Philadelphia’s young people are being treated… as if they were disposable.”…/default/files/YUC-report.pdf
  • Theresa Brunson I’m at a lost re: this debate. Community Court has existed for years. Maybe the confusion could have been alleviated if there had been town meetings in the relevant areas before the dispersed Community Court system was rolled out.
Posted on

While we celebrate the memory of a single man for dying for our freedom and liberation, remember this too

January 17, 2011 at 4:32 PM

Today, Blacks comprise 13 percent of the national population, but 30 percent of people arrested, 41 percent of people in jail,18 and 49 percent of those in prison.19 Nine percent of all black adults are under some form of correctional supervision (in jail or prison, on probation or parole), compared to two percent of white adults. 20 One in three black men between the ages of 20 and 29 was either in jail or prison, or on parole or probation in 1995.21 One in ten black men in their twenties and early thirties is in prison or jail. 22 Thirteen percent of the black adult male population has lost the right to vote because of felony disenfranchisement laws.

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH . ORG Sotiredofshit Greene and Christopher Griffin-Davis1 CommentLikeCommentShare

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Why do Maury and Jerry love us so? “…a reproach and a taunt”

November 27, 2010 at 3:18 PM

Ezekiel 8:14, Moreover I will make thee waste, and a reproach among the nations that are round about thee, in the sight of all that pass by. 8:15 So it shall be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and an astonishment unto the nations that are round about thee, when I shall execute judgments in thee in anger and in fury and in furious rebukes. I the LORD have spoken it.

111 CommentLikeCommentShare

  • Joseph M. Grier Their producers seek out the destitute – not just ours but theirs as well. From the ghettos of North Philly to the ghettos of mid-western Trailer Parks. They take the money and tell Pookie nem they were on TV and everybody gathers to watch. Even the destitute have a part to play in the great devide – we all have our place. Those positions are not permanent – but whether we stay or not – is up to our ability to break the sickness – post traumatic slavery syndrome – and make more CHOICES of conviction.
Posted on

Perot -vs- Gore on NAFTA… Seventeen years later, the verdict is in

November 16, 2010 at 12:47 PM

Hind sight is 20/20 ~ In 1993, Ross Perot said “If you don’t make anything, you cant buy anything”. Gore said “If NAFTA doesn’t work for America we could get out in 6months time”… – Imagine if Ross Perot won. He said that NAFTA would bring down the standard of living for Mexicans… Fast forward 17 years… now the standard of living in America has plummeted far worse, and Mexico is heading strait to hell in a hand-basket. 

Watch the debate again…
3Robert Bell and 2 others11 CommentsLikeCommentShare

  • Anthony Johnson Truly, Clinton’s biggest failure. I never agreed with NAFTA. Perot was on point.2Delete or hide this
  • Eil Thompkins Eerily on pointEdit or delete this
  • Anthony Johnson Like him or not…Perot was a visionary and he had my vote until he bailed–then he came back.1Delete or hide this
  • Anthony Johnson Its funny, but when Hiliary was running for president she even stated that NAFTA was wrong.1Delete or hide this
  • Eil Thompkins This was where my first presidential vote went… Humm :/ – Sorta validates my sensibilities even as a young adult.1Edit or delete this
  • John Lindsay Green Eileen, I bought Perot’s book some years ago entitled “Why NAFTA Must Be Stopped.” OMG, he vividly described how the U.S. negotiators, virtually were going to hand America over on a platinum platter to the then President of Mexico, and how further indu…See MoreDelete or hide this
  • John Lindsay Green I wonder if Hiliary and Bill argued about that one behind closed doors?Delete or hide this
  • Eil Thompkins Yes, NAFTA and Welfare to Work were on the table durring Clinton’s admin. And,there were many concessions made with Republicans during his “lame duck” season (pending impeachment, 2nd term, etc).

    Perhaps Clinton’s penance for Lewinsky was a high price to pay for a few years of surplus. The exuberance & deregulation led Americans on a spending frenzy, and we now see who were the benefactors.1Edit or delete this
  • John Lindsay Green Eileen, what gets me, is that lots of folks are still so mesmerized, blinded and in love with “can’t-do-no-wrong-clinton.” LOL!Delete or hide this
  • Eil Thompkins What gets us all, is the fact that we continue to plow forward with the NAFTA plan while US coffers are clearly plundered by the wealthy brokers who race to the bottom to serve the third-world at our expense.Edit or delete this
  • Gene Allen Great post and comments. I would also have to point out the Financial Services Modernization Act signed into law by Mr. Clinton in ’99. I can’t understand why people never point out the road he started us out on…….1Delete or hide this
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Doctors own a part of you at birth. Biological tracking is the next step

November 15, 2010 at 10:07 AM

Doctors are now being invasive at birth. As far as they are concerned they own a part of you.

Doctors are now being invasive at birth. As far as they are concerned they own a part of you.Scientist are classifying newborns at birth, and hope to classify and track all people from birth to death electronically some day soon.

Anyone that knows me knows I am a hands on kinda gal, and this includes during childbirth.

I know for a fact that women are built to give birth, complete with pain, and I strongly believe that very little intervention is needed for a healthy child to arrive into the world. Essentially, all a doctor must do, if all goes well in labor, is catch.

Doctors and Scientist thirst for your placenta.

After a successful birth, (keeping the doctors hands off of me until the very end) I found myself having to do much more. I had to declare ownership of my own body parts at my child’s birth, by insisting that they hand over her T cells, and DNA, in the form of her placenta… They had every intention to keep it, and they were getting it ready for transport to who knows where…Doctors and Scientist thirst for your placenta.

Before interest in keeping your biological data, hospitals would incinerate your placenta on site.

All minorities in Europe are being sought and traced via DNA. American databases are being built with each minority conviction.

In my case, as in all modern births the hospital would not release my placenta to me until I got an undertaker to pick it up… It just so happens that my Dad is an undertaker, otherwise; they would have kept a part of my child for research, classification, and possible use.

Tracking device ready for insertion into human beings.

All minorities in Europe are being sought and traced via DNA. American databases are being built with each minority conviction.They have already started a campaign to collect every black persons DNA in Europe and they are building their data bases here too. If you are ever incarcerated and convicted they will be swabbing your mouth for a part of you. Biological tracking for all citizens is the next step…

Tracking device ready for insertion into human beings.They are floating the prospect of a national database of all humans, especially minorities, as well as, a personal ID chip, as if it were a service to us all. They make it seem like a convenience in hopes of gaining an understanding and volunteer populous, but it is far easier to get 100% compliance doing it without us ever knowing.