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Can You Remember “Get-Smart”, “Q”, and the Fact that America Was Once as GREAT as Blacks, Whites and All Welcomed Here Made it To Be???

Intelligence Anyone???

Put on your thinking Caps and Take (watch the entire Youtube series) of over 34 “Thought-tours” inside of the Dredged Washington D.C. Swamp, with My Man, George Web, in the video below. Do take a gander well before the Subversives take all of the TRUTH TELLERS Down, as planned.

While the, forced to emerge, Deep State Strives to Tool the Wired Brains of Gullible Peons and Useful Idiots, alike, who’d Respond, as planned, to their Manufactured media INCITES, independent Citizens, TRUE Journalists and virtual Intelligence “Deputies”, including, SELF IDENTIFYING Q’ TEAMS, are busy Crowd-Sharing the Obligatory Truths that are necessary to Route Out All the Embedded Deep State Parasites, not only on Capital Hill, but inside of all of our USURPED Cities, that are NOW completely Taken Over by open-border loving Oligarchs, such as, in Philly, our Stolen Nation’s very first Capital!

One such Truth Teller is my Shero, Philly Paralegal Roxanne Grinage! For her Detailed Reports and daily Chronicling of the Deep State’s newly arrayed DHS/CPS, Child Kidnapping Paradigms in Philly, she was Arrested by James Comey’s FBI, and Injected with a Fast Acting Hepatitis that Took her life in weeks of her arrest.

She reported to Obstructionist Shills, such as, D.A. Seth Williams, Well before Hellen Gym was tasked to Mitigate the Deep State’s Foster Care Hell in Philly in her City Council Presentation last month…  Mrs. Grinage REPORTED all She Knew up the Chain of Command via Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Goons for which Raymond Ramsey was placed at the helm.

The Fact is, ALL, including Barack Obama CONSPIRED TO OBSTRUCT AND SILENCE HER while Systematically #Separating America’s Children let alone all of the TAKEN Undocumented Haitians and Mexican Children too!!!!

It was, indeed, Through the tainted lens of my Democrat, City Councilman, Cousin, that I first witnessed the hour that Philly and  the Philadelphia’s Schools were completely USURPED by Oligarchs, in behalf of Barack Obama’s besty-TERRORIST Friend, Bill Ayers, of the Weather Underground.

Gullible Blacks who Take No OWNERSHIP, but are FOLLOWING SHILLS are bound to Suffer a Life-Time of being OWNED, Like our, so called, “Leader” Barack Obama.

After Bill Ayers’ Failed to Usurp Philly with his Edison Schools, he Got the School Takeover Job Done with the help of his Great Friend, Barack Obama and Useful IDIOT, Howard Fuller, who is Practically OWNED just like Philly’s ex mayor, Michael Nutter, Kenny Gamble, Anthony H. Williams, William Hite and Dwight Evens for the Purpose of Gaining our Schools.

It was the DEMOCRATIC BLACK SHILLS In the Picture Below who practically, Delivered Philly Schools into the hands of meddling Oligarchs, like Eli Brode, just before President Trump Completely Wrecked their Plan.

Sadly, there are black DEMOCRAT Point-Men (and Women) that are completely Bought off by the Waltons of Walmart, Eli-Brode, Michael Bloomberg et al. The Owners of these are all Oligarchs that Constitute an ilk of CONSPIRING, American Subversives engaged in a Bloodless Revolution, for as long as Only the Blood of expendable Blacks, arrayed on the Front Lines, just behind Riotous, Terrorist, BLM and Classically Styled (CIA Developed) Black Panther Battering Ram Shills, is Shed first and foremost.

(See over Thirty Years of our Black Death Toll inside of purposely Failed Cities like, Renamed CHIRAQ, and how we have faltered under the leadership of CIA Shill/ Rino Republicans and Compromised Dems, alike, such as, Barack Obama, Ex Mayor Nutter and Every Black On the Take for the Deep-State’s Systematic Destabilization and OVERTHROW OF AMERICA, your ONLY HOME).

The Fact is, since their Bolshevik Revolution, the Deep State meddlers have needed an endless Supply of Ignorant and/or Hungry, Socially Incited Blacks under the leadership of OWNED Maxine Water types to continue siding with their Ilk, daily, for the COMPLETE TAKEOVER OF OUR Nation.

This is why it was our Children who were TARGETED and Taken, first inside of Deep State TOOLED, Exploitative, Usurped Schools and why our entire usurped NATION, and Only Home, AMERICA, could more easily be TAKEN BY OLIGARCHS, thereafter.

It is no accident, whatsoever, that AMERICA, OUR ONLY HOME is the Place that you are now being BRAINWASHED & TRAINED, DAILY, TO HATE via the Deep State’s USURPED media monopolies that are, successfully, applying their Emerging NUDGE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE and other BRAIN SCIENCE PLOYS, completely unfettered.

The Fact is, The Complete jewISH-Oligarch Takeover of our Nation and Philly, our Nation’s First Capital, could have never have happened Without the Help of HUNGRY, Useful BLACK sycophants, like Jesuit Trained, Michael Nutter, D.A. Seth Williams, et al, who were Paid Handsomely to DO THE Deep State’s BIDDING!!!! (See Michael Nutter’s 25+ post mayoral JOBS in exchange for his Greater Gifts to the Oligarchs who Now, practically, OWN PHILLY, including the systematically taken Children as Wards of the Deep State)

If only to Return Philly’s Systematically #Separated and EXPLOITED children from the bowels and Grips of over 70 Oligarch Spawned “Foster Care” gamuts now Plaguing your Deep State Staged, “Sanctuary City” , it is TIME to Put your , Media PLANTED, Hurt Feelings about President Trump Aside, long enough to realize it is all a Militant, Deep State, Rouse!!! (We are Being False Flagged and Bamboozled, Daily, a War-Time Strategy for Taking whole Nations Down!)

The Fact is, President Trump is, indeed, the Enemy of our Hidden Handed Enemies who have always Championed Blacks to Stay Down on Bended, Begging, Knee, no mater how Rich or well to do we actually are. (See the Life Works of Black Shills like, Maxine Waters,   Elijah Cummings and the Slim-Ball Rev. Al Sharpton all ENRICHED MILLIONAIRES Hell Bent on Leading Us Astray as a Life-Long CAREER move)


We Must Stop letting FAKE NEWS OUTLETS, Fake Blacks and Real Black Thought Leaders who are OWNED BY SUBVERSIVE JEW/OLIGARCHS, BRAINWASH us in Favor of our ACTUAL RE-ENSLAVEMENT that began taking place under the Banner of Barack Obama’s “Pay for Performance” Sham, which was nothing more than The Deep State’s plan for a New World Order, complete with Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND SCHEMES, Managed by Goldman Sachs’ as SLAVERY 2.0!!!





Now, there is No Better time to Cut Our Losses at the hands of the Hidden Handed Deep State . With just a quick and honest EXAMINATION of Meek Mill’s life, for instance, we’d come to see all of the lost lives of his many MURDERED Associates. We might also come to notice All of the losses we have, yet, to fully realize due to the effective TAKEOVER OF BLACK MEDIA and the daily brainwashing perfected by the Deep State OWNERS of Meek and the Black Men of the NFL to boot!!!

We’d come to know how they use those who have Sold Their Souls to Systematically RADICALIZE US ALL as Battering Rams and Useful Idiot Tools called to RIOT…

With new INFORMATION so close at hand, there is No Better Time to learn the empirically displayed Fact that Rev 3:9 isReal!!!!

And now for the ULTIMATE SOLUTION to the, so-called, Black Problem, Again…. To Abruptly end All We’ve Complained About for decades, Simply #Wakeup, #WalkAway and #Enjoy the Deep State’s Demise WITHOUT YOU!!!

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If Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery, then Where is the LOVE???? Who’s Making the Preferred Use of Black Gif’s and Memes So Damned & OFFENSIVE?

The answer is, THE USUAL SUSPECTS.

That is, follow the money all of the way of to the head hauncho of All that “Blacks” Complain About (On Que) and there sits George Soros and his American-Spring-hoping dumb a$$ at the helm.

Unless you’re Spiritually enlightened to biblical bookends of history, events, and relative “players” therein, you might be, subconsciously, chalking this one up with the rest of their media-Spawned flack & Graphite Incites poured into your Hair-Triggered mind daily.

After decades of “happy making” , the ilk that constitutes the Synogog of Satan which is spoken of in the Book of Revelations, 3:9 and elsewhere, have Mastered the Art of Mind Manipulation, and thereby, engineered Social Upheavals wherever they called home, abroad and in all places their financial leverage is allowed to be exerted aggressively.

The ilk I am speaking of are at the forefront of concerted Mind Manipulation and they have been making steady progress in the field, after grand masters, financed under Hitler were rescued for reuse in the U.S.A. under the banner of Project Paperclip.

Along with their persuasive Madison Avenue paradigms, they have perfected more Mind Bending ways to build upon their earliest achievements, including Media Based MKULTRA, the Fomentation of MASS HYSTERIA and PREDICTIVE PROGRAMING.

Likewise, their use of Blacks as the central characters for both, Manipulation and Manipulating has a profoundly long history all couched in their Constantly Crafted Allegories.

From the establishment of their Cripto-Jew Jesuit Persuasion to the manufactured fixation on UFO’s whenever an ultimate redirect is needed, there has been no better Race Bate for those of a certain ilk than the constantly “Clowned” Black Man.

As the saying goes, History is Written by the Victors, yet, available history would be sufficient enough for the Black Man to understand all that was once couched inside of their Ivory Towers by now.

To make sure full understanding never happens for blacks, we are subject to social and educational paradigms that make all facts, weather they are couched in allegory, or trust right into our faces, go way way over our heads.

After our full Emancipation, which was made eminent after Nat Turner’s biblically inspired revolt, the Merchant-Class powers that be went into overdrive to ensure that there would be no relative gains made in the rapidly thriving Black Community.

As former slave owners declined in contrast to their industrious black neighbors, the Northern Merchant-Class industrialists were also suffering from their, relative, institutional losses including the gravest of social losses after it was learned that it was Lou Frank who murdered and raped the little white southern girl, not his exploited black worker.

How the KKK that was first organized to Stave off the jewISH MERCHANTS who thought to flood into the south from up North save Mr. Frank by any means necessary became the Life-Work of the JewISH New Yorker, Dan Burros, is a subject for a future post, indeed.

The shift into Weapon’s Manufacture, War Spending, and Sociological borne Commodities, such as, Secret Societies, Propaganda, Socialism, Communism, Afrocentrism, Racism, Sexism, Feminism, and the Mastery of Incest and Pedophilia Denial that could be exported world-wide would soon fill in for the merchant-class as “Good Money” after the devolution of international Slavery.

One might argue the advent of sharecroppers who became systematically indebted to the company store was the first iteration of , both, the Deep-State’s “manifest destiny” and Socialism, alike.

For the unlearned, the jewISH Ilk’s full intent for the beleaguered black community can not easily be recognized, however, with the proper keys we may recognize Every Device and Manufactured Paradigm that was expressly designed by the Merchant-Class meddlers to Keep the, forever troubled, Black Man Down.

Surly, turning blacks away from God and back to All that first evoked God’s Wrath against, us, his forgotten Chosen People,  was a key strategy in the making of the, so called, Black Greek and the, so called, Afro centrist to follow.

Likewise, every iteration of our Missteps into the worst half of our Deuteronomy 25 promised ultimatum is dredged up for us by Thought Leaders and Trendsetters who are quietly financed by the fake jew.

The concept of Tooling the Black Mind and Body for its relative usefulness in Toppling Nation’s began in America with key Trotskyites.

Besides William Pickens’, Raya Dunayevskaya inspired, “Vengeance of the Gods”, great strides in normalizing metaphysical misinformation in systematically Usurped College Institutions and, in their other broadcast assets have been made by the emerging jewISH bureaucracy who skillfully fomented their, ungodly Horror Dramas, Porn and Propaganda since all Hell Broke Loose and certainly since the beginning of their Bolshevik Revolution.















S.T.E.M. “learning”, so called, Social Justice Curriculum, and Black Lives Matter BRAINWASHING are just a few ways the deep-state has harnessed Blacks who can now be TRIGGERED on Que to act out against our own country and only home, like CONTROLLED human projectiles who can be tossed like expendable TNT into any Political Establishment the deep-state desires to disrupt.

Meek Mills is Ferried Away on His Handler’s Wilmington Trust Owned “Chariot”

Since some of their greatest gains were delivered by Hungry Black BOULE Shills like, such as, W.E.B. DuBois, Useful Idiots are systematically selected, groomed, and arrayed to fight their own people tooth and nail or for All that is Not in our Best Interest so much so that our own babies may not develop tooth and nails inside of the womb of Black Mothers-to-be, as “we” have been, expressly, trained to Defend and Desire the most efficient Murderers of Targeted BLACK PEOPLE, such as, the ever more brazen and PROFITABLE, Planned Parenthood.

Likewise, it was a SECOND GENERATION, CIA Shill and Hamite of the Tribe that was happy to work Hand in Hand with the Merchant Class who knew well the Difference between the, so called, Negro’s and the African’s they tasked to Deliver Us.

Fittingly, Chicago, one of many primary Thrashing Floors carefully tooled by the Merchant-Class Meddlers for our Demise, is now called Chiraq thanks to Barack Obama’s most Prolific Works to date.

I am certain that Obama’s Key Handler, Bill Ayers, is quite proud to have sewn a Culture of Radicals into America’s Urban School System Nationwide, as planned.

The Hidden Handed Ilk of Subversive Jews who Paid for the entire Misadventure for Race-Bated blacks are indeed indebted to their key Black Shills who nearly got the job done of Toppling America for them, at last!!

Doing all it takes to Hold the Course, such as having their way via the U.N. in Chicago is only hindered by the Outlier, Donald J. Trump, who now stands squarely in their way.



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Meek Mills’ STAYED and STAGED by HANDLERS Who Elect to Take A Back Seat on Justice Reforms

THIS JUST IN! Meek Mills Calls Out Officials in Teen’s Death…

Yet, there’s No Mention WHATSOEVER of the FACT that Clinton’s 21st Justice Reform hacks have DEEP-STATE Federalized our Nation’s Police Forces under the Leadership Of Black SHILL (Nutter and) Raymond Ramsey, and that PA is now Slated for a SERIES OF STAGED and FALSE FLAG EVENTS, just like the first Philly Flash Mob Feign, designed, expressly to RACE BATE Americans, with the Full Help of their AUDITIONED and OWNED Black Shills , such as, OLIGARCH Sprung, Serial Criminal #MeekMills who may have blood of the SACRIFICED on his own hands, and their Harvard School Of Business Educated, Chief, Richard Ross, who Helped with Starbucks’, three Year in the Making #RaceTogether Ploy with the Two Dollar (Settlement) Ho’s and Black SHILL, Eric Holder at the Helm!!


Our Nation is Now OLIGARCH Owned and Philly is their Primary False Flag STAGE, where Every Black who was First Deemed A-Holes by the Hillary Clinton Sycophant, Michal Nutter (i.e. Nutter Butter) are 100% EXPENDABLE!!!


First, #MEEKMILLS stays in Jail EXTRA days Until his White/Jew Handlers Puppeteered Him Out for Show, then He Voluntarily sits his A$$ OUT and on the JUSTICE REFORM SIDELINES LIKE THE MADE-MAN shill He TRULY is!!!! All This FOR KEEPING the STATUS QUO our IMPRISONED brethren have been Complaining About for DECADES!!! : ( #BOULE Negros Stay Paid SLAVES!!!!


TMZ broke the story … Meek agreed to travel to the White House to discuss prison reform. President Trump is hosting a Prison Reform Summit. Participants include members of Congress, various activists and, clearly, people who have become victims of the system.

We’re told Jay called Meek Thursday night and made it clear … meeting with Trump would be problematic for his image and for the cause.

We’re told other high-profile African-Americans also called Meek and voiced serious concern.

Meek tells us, “I was originally scheduled to be part of a panel on Prison Reform at the White House to help shed light on the issues within the system. Unfortunately, the focus turned to the President and Myself which concerned me that it might take away from creating a positive result from today’s discussions.

“Meek and Robert love each other,” Rubin said. “I love to be able to foster those relationships. People always say to me how lucky Meek is to have me. Actually, I think I’m so lucky to have him.”

Meek Mills is Promptly Ferried Away from Jail on His Handler’s Wilmington Trust Owned “Chariot”


Had Meek Mill’s Joined President Donald J. Trump and his Prison Reform Summit Would he be, effectively, Cutting out the Puppeteering MIDDLE MEN who are now Leveraging FALSE FLAGGED and Media Fomented Black Rage?

Would the Wall Street ilk’s Newly Paradigmed Prison for Profits Schemes be abruptly hampered? Their Social Impact Bond Paradigm is developed work hand in hand with Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reforms with Raymond Ramsey at the helm. A summit with Donald Trump to Fix the Fixed Philly-Spawned Criminal Justice System might crush their new Open-Air Imprisonment Schemes and the Profitable USE of our Daily Sentenced Targeted Black Citizens who are now systematically converted into Chattel workers for corporations like Comcast.

Will their newly employed Compstat Surveillance Ploys, Birth to Grave Data Mining, and their Experimental Police Zones in Philly and Test Cities Nationwide where No Constitutional Law is Applied be completely destroyed?

Could a High Profile Rapper, such as, Meek Mills end the Possibility of their FINAL SOLUTION FOR BLACKS right along with the Ending of their TYRANICAL Deep State Social Experiments, such as,  Life Long Surveillance of EVERY AMERICAN in order to Predict FUTURE CRIMES via Michael Bloomberg’s Associated, Center for Court Innovation aparatus in NYC?

Do my fellow Blacks ever wonder Why is Meek Mill so Valuable to them?

Do they even Question why he cant be the one with his first-hand knowledge to  help to Foment Actual Prison Reforms that might be crafted with his Direct Input in behalf of the Rest of our Beleaguered and systematically Persecuted Families ?

Is it because ALL OF THE Hoped-For, George Soros funded, Protests and Riotous Media Monopoly Narratives are Already Scripted For him far in advance?

Is it because their Newly Fomented NUDGE Science Brainwashing Ploys, in Concert with their Media Monopoly THEATER is already Scheduled for Blacks and all of the related Meek Mill Footage already In the Can?

Certainly, we may get a glimpse of the Fake Jew’s Concerted Plan “for” Us all through the Lens of our own FAILED HISTORY!

In Meek Mill’s Timely new Release “1942 Flow”, we are, indeed, reminded of The Reason Blacks Faltered in the first place, and how it is all due to us Letting their Hidden Hands Guide Our Every Move from behind their NAACP Styled BLACK SHILL Institutions just in time to KEEP All we Complain About Today!

It is for their effective Meddling from behind the scenes that we Cant Even Fathom a Progressive Black Presence of Upper and Middle Class Movers and Shakers of EVERY Profession, Trade and Class in the Northern States that are now Mocked with names like KillaDelphia and Chiraq!

Our New Generations know Nothing More than Riots, Pandering and BEGGING as way to FIX all that Ails Us.

The Daily FIXATIONS on What Whites are Doing, effectively, began with Made Men, such as their Most Prominent Black Shill, James Baldwin. He was tasked to Pen, daily, in their Behalf while being Wined, Dined and Celebrated. It is he who sat by and Endorsed the turning of Nat Turner into a Negro Punk like himself, rather than the BRAVEST Among Us Inspired by God. Stalin called such practice the employment of Useful Idiots, the modern fake jews Call it Star-Power.

Such  Auditioned Black Shills simply Ask “How High” just like when Meek Mill is TOLD by Handlers and Other Made BOULE EXACTLY WHAT TO DO, Think and Say, wile he is busied working for , Bill Cosby “fame” and Commission.

Even while it was the Fake Rev 3:9 jews who REVIVED their Post Lou Frank Version of the KKK from Dan Burro’s NYC Lair, it is they who still manage to Pit Whites, for whom they call Goyim, Against Blacks who are God’s Chosen People. against one another.

Gog forbid there shall ever be another instance when a White Quaker Type or President Donald J. Trump should Get the Urge to Emancipate Us all from 30 Years of Hell On Earth and from the American Oligarch’s vice grips after developing a way to Enslave Us all in plain sight  once Again via their Social Impact Bond Paradigms other known as Barack Obama’s Pay or Performance.

While Meek Mill’s puts on the Meek Mills Show in Staged Philadelphia, our Youngest and Most Vulnerable Black Philadelphian Suffer, daily, in practical CAPTIVITY!

Meek Mills could care Less About the Black Children Now Trapped inside of over 70 Crafty, DHS, Fed Institutions that have disguised themselves as Foster Care Facilities!

Likewise with the full help of Black Shills, Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground Terrorist got his Wish for Philly Schools (see his first failed Edison attempt) and now Eli-Brode’s Hand Select Black Minions such as, William Hite, was Free to Bury the School to Prison Pipeline by Merging Philly’s Youth Detention Center with our Corporate Run, Targeted, Black Schools!

While the Homeland Security Shill, Republican, Tom Ridge, failed to get the job done, the Corporate Oligarch Cabal, including, the Walton’s of Walmart managed to Muster their Civil Rights BOY, Howard Fuller, who Deceived blacks via BAEO. With Pockets full of Millions, Philadelphia Black Shills, Anthony Williams and Dwight Evens , both, were all to happy to Deliver black youth into a Bill Ayers’ fomented Hell.

Neither Meek Mills or their Puppet, Kevin Hart will ever Speak to the FACT that Philly’s Targeted Schools are now Outfitted with in-school Criminal Court Systems for the fast Adjudication of Black Youth via Center for Court Innovation Laws, for which my Own Black Shill Cousin was paid to Forward and Pass into Philly Law!

In Meek Mill’s Tribute to 1942, we can get a glimpse of Making of one of their Most Prominent Democrat OBSTRUCTIONIST, at is is the Year  that CORE was Developed.

Meek Mills is Already Singing about the Day he is Freed and Consequently Whisked Away onto their Latest Area where they are Aligned to Profit Greatly off of the Backs of Staged Blacks.

The _________ has vowed to Make the NBA Shills Social Justice Warriors who can INCITE the Social Paradigms that are already Written into our Public Theater as if we are all Mindless Participants in their Truman Show.

While Meek Meek Mills Philly’s Community Based Criminal Court Systems installed for Faster Neighborhood  and In-School Based Criminal Court Adjudications and a Ready Supply of Post Slavery Black-Code Law Chattel Workers and Non Profit Tax Laundering Fodder.


CHOICE MEEK MILL LYRICS And Perhaps Some Clues as to WHY Philly’s Deep-State HANDLERS are, indeed, CHAMPIONING Him as much as they CHAMPIONed Killary Over Trump and Planned Parenthood. :/

Dreams & Nightmares Intro…


I go and get it regardless, draw it like I’m an artist
No crawling, went straight to walkin’ with foreign cars in my garage
Got foreign bitches menaging, fuckin’, suckin’, and swallowin’
Anything for a dollar, they tell me get ’em, I got ’em
I did it without an album
I did shit with Mariah
Lil’ nigga I’m on fire …

…Gangstas move in silence, nigga and I don’t talk a lot
I don’t say a word, I don’t say a word
Was on my grind and now I got what I deserve fuck nigga
Hold up wait a minute, y’all thought I was finished?…

…These niggas tryna take my life, they fuck around get killed
You fuck around, you fuck around, you fuck around, get smoked
‘Cause these Philly niggas I brought with me don’t fuck around, no joke
All I know is murder, when it comes to me
I got young niggas that’s rollin’ I got niggas throwin’ B’s
I done did the DOAs I done did the KODs…

…Gangstas move in silence, nigga and I don’t talk a lot
I don’t say a word, I don’t say a word
Was on my grind and now I got what I deserve fuck nigga
Hold up wait a minute, y’all thought I was finished?…

…So much money have ya friends turn into enemies
And with these beef I turn my enemies to memories
With them bricks they go from 40 ain’t no 10 a key, hold up
Broke nigga turn rich, love the game like Mitch
And if I leave you think them pretty hoes gon’ still suck my dick?
It was something ’bout that Rollie when it first touched my wrist
Had me feeling like that dope boy when he first touched that brick
I’m gone…

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Spike Lee, the HYPOCRITE, and his “Mother F’kers”… for the Decided Lack of a Better Word

Based on this Series of TELLING PHOTOS POSTED BELOW can you tell, exactly, which one is the “MOTHER” that President Donald Trump, supposedly F’CKED??


It seems to me as if the Trump Troll, Spike Lee’s, recent KKK Themed Cannes Ranted  Equation Don’t Add Up !!!

 WHAT ABOUT #CHIRAQ??!!! The FACT IS, there would be NO CHIRAQ if it were no Barack and like our man #SixxKing who stood BOLDLY IN KKK Garb in Philly, illustrated, All Too Well… MORE BLACKS WERE MURDERED UNDER BARACK OBAMA’S, so-called, LEADERSHIP Than in any time in KKK History!!!!!

Likewise, the KKK Certainly did not RESTART SLAVERY IN Libya!!!; Barack Obama DID!!!!!

The Bottom Line, just as his BOULE OWNING Task-Master’s Hoped… #SpikeLee is GONE!

He is, apparently, Liberal jew-OWNED and Working On Commission, when he is not Begging for Cash for his DIVISIVE, or Woe-Is-Me, BLACK -VS- BLACK Projects!!!

These men have millions, fortune and fame. They are seasoned Black giants and leaders in the entertainment and sports industry. Their place, at this point in their careers, should be behind the desk- heads of their own corporate entertainment or sports industries.

If I didn’t know of them for what they are, I would certainty love them for overcoming what seems to be overwhelming odds and barriers to become successful in their fields. It is perplexing why these successful and influential men are on the global idiot box- shamefully cooning, shining, shuffling, bootlicking– clowning like buffoons as if they were in a dime side show.

Its the DOUBLE-BIND, it makes no sense why these particular Black men of such great global respect, renown, wealth, power, influence and stature should be making a mockery of THEMSELVES on the world stage. They love the POWER of Lucifer, more than they love the people and THEMSELVES. The Global Satanic Cabals can make them sing, dance, shine and scratch in mockery of THEMSELVES and turn against the PEOPLE. Those IMAGES too are meant to be implanted in our subconscious confusing, and discouraging our desires and aspirations for love, peace and happiness among mankind.

I watched Lee’s FREAK Show (She’s Got to Have it) upon Turning into an adult woman and soon to be mother (thank God considering the Netflix trajectory of that mind F’king plot line), then I watched his BLACK -V- BLACK Salt and Peppering of our INTERPERSONAL wounds and deep seeded black on black racism in School Days, all while Spike Openly, yet Covertly CELEBRATED The Forever Ass-Slapping BOULE Black “Greeks” on the Side (No thanks to my own Founding Uncle by marriage, Proctor Massie, who’s life’s work is Mocked Daily in the Socially Impacted School in Maryland that is built in his own name and, apparently, as a Tribute to our Taught and Ingrained Greek Tom-Foolery).. Why the cast bit the hand that Fed them at Sal’s Pizzeria Still don’t Make Since in the DO the RIGHT THING epic! Spike’s Been BEGGING for NEW JOBS Ever Since !!!!
I watched his Girl 6 Slut-Glorification, then he Delved up the Ass of the White Cereal Killer, the so called, Son of SAM in his Summer of Sam S.O.S. movie, not because of a Personal Connection but likely, because “they” LOVE Making UNFORGOTTEN HERO’S OF THEIR murderers ALL While AUDITIONED Blacks Adorn their Ways and GAMBINOEsq Names.
They, not only Got your TARGETED Communities Used to being Tax-Raped for Not Affording Auto Insurance, they go you Hating the DISMANTLING OF STATUS Quo, such as, the One that Got our Black Youth Sentenced like Fish In a Barrel to Work for Corporations like Comcast, all while they fired working class adults and let Goldman Sachs et al, MANAGE them via Usurped Work-Ready and like TAX leveraged Social Impact PAWNS… 
At the very least, Michael Nutter Could Have Called President Trump a Mother F’er Too, rather than an A-Hole like He Called Philly Kids just before Selling them All Out to the DEEP-STATE That TOOK Philly’s SCHOOLS and Still own it as their , so-called, Sanctuary City!!!!
The fact is, Spike’s BOSSES at HBO also Owned “The Wire”, the Show that showed us all how Philly’s Youth and targeted citizens would be Comp-stat Data Mined and Segmented into Easy to Adjudicate Criminal Court Prey in Police ZONES where FRIENDs are now Deemed Gangs and Denied All Constitutional Rights in behalf of a bevy of  Goldman Sachs and Michael Bloomberg associates who are now exercising their new and complex Social Impact Bond SLAVERY Ploys!!!!

HBO not only Showed us How the Deep-State would CONSPIRE To, systematically, Turn Philadelphians into OPIOID haven full of Junkies and Criminally Allowed Pushers inside of specially arrayed Cop Free Shoot-Up Zones (Kenzington), and you may have also gotten a hint of your Newly Installed Community Criminal Courts System complete with Clinton’s 21st Century “Justice” Reforms that Conveniently Converted Targeted Black Citizens and their VULNERABLE Kids into Human Capital and Chattel Workers, alike. The HBO shows Featured the entire Generation Social Impact Shills who would  be, practically, Sacrificed for Show.

We could see such users  and Conspiring Clinton ‘s 21st Century Styled Cops as the primary Stars in HBO’s DRUG INC.:-Reality-Hell well before it happened.

“The Center for Court Innovation is about … helping folks at risk, folks in marginalized communities rewrite the narratives of their own stories, to break out of loops that lead to incarceration … so that they lead to more productive and full lives,” said Wright, the Tony- and Emmy Award-winning actor who currently stars in the HBO series Westworld.

He noted that the Center has “many identities” based on its wide variety of programming, including initiatives to combat violence, improve quality of life, and influence policy.”

Likewise, the Same Ilk of OWNERS Spike Lee Panders to and AUDITIONS For, for Relevance are the same Hollywood Freaks that Had Yall Gawking at your Own Systematic Rapes all in Behalf Shows like A&E’s Parking Wars!!!
They(the Owners of Black ENTERTAINMENT, TV, MAGS, and MINDS) , not only Got your TARGETED Communities Used to being Tax-Raped for Not Affording Auto Insurance, they go you Hating the DISMANTLING OF STATUS Quo, such as the One that Got your Youth Sentenced like Fish In a Barrel via NEO-SLAVE BLACK CODE LAWS and Community Based, Deep-State Tooled, Criminal Courts Systems RIGGED to have them Working for Corporations like Comcast !!!!

These so called BLACK STARS are TOLD WHAT TO SAY AND WHEN TO SAY IT, just like Bill Cosby who Told You that a Pant Style is Worth DISSING and DISCARDING Your Own Next Generation!!

Cosby, as well as, one of their First  BOULE Class assembled Cabals, the NAACP, was plying a Divide and Conquer strategy since W.E.B. DuBois’ “Audition” for this meddling, FBI associated, inception.

While the Playboy TRAINED Black Shill was Busy Drug-Raping Women, his CIA infused Handlers MK-ULTRA Brain-Rape Us All into Staying TAX leveraged Social Impact PAWNS!!!!

Likewise, the divisive beggared, Spike Lee’s Star will certainly implode too under the weight of his Greek Sold Soul, and it is only a matter of time that his Legacy will Warn as thin  and weak as his, Puppeteered Jaw  masked only by the Large Lens of his Jew Inspired Spectacles.


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Revisiting, “Secret Daughter”… When AMERICA Was GREAT, there was NO DOUBT That Black Lives Mattered!!!

Here is a heart-wrenching story of Culture Banditry, Race Confusion, and Black Greatness juxtaposed with an innate and universal, deep-seated shame.

Ezra.9:7 Since the days of our fathers have we been in a great trespass unto this day; and for our iniquities have we, our kings, and our priests, been delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to confusion of face, as it is this day.

The Absolute Resolve of God’s Chosen People and those who, both, Loath and Admire Us, at once, is Quite Telling in this Wonderful and personal Front-Line exposé, “SecretDaughter“.

I love love love this PROFOUND HISTORY about the Intersectionality of Black and Whites and a Side-Bar of Culturally Misappropriating Jews, The MERCHANDISING Culture-Bandits who have MASTERED and MANAGED the Leveraging Us Both, God’s Chosen and Gentiles, as per Rev 3:9!