Perhaps the Betty Ford Clinic is Warranted for Kevin Hart’s Much-needed PR “repair”… NONETHELESS, Our Cities (Philadelphia’s) REPUTATION and Acts by those who’d Follow in his Drunken and, yet to be told (Hollywood) Ways, NOW HINGES On the Characters of MADE-MEN like, Bill Cosby, Meek Mills and Kevin Hart! 🙁 WAKEUP PEOPLE!!! #SeeTheBiggerPicture
In God’s Name and with true GRACE, the Philadelphia Eagles Prayed for Victory and Won!!!….THEN THERE’s ANTIFA, the Godless Fly in our PHILLY EAGLES VICTORY Ointment, as Rev 3:9 is Real and George Soros’ Cabal is Behind it All!!! 😞
Philly Gov and Citizens, Alike , need to HANDLE Its BUSINESS and WAKEUP/whup some ANIFA Ass for Causing Such Mayhem and ill repute IN PHILLY, our Nation’s First Capital, just as I sadly feared! (See my pre-game post)
Those interlopers in Philly, and our OCCUPIED Constitution Hall, alike, are Stationed Proud, Unmoved, and Unfettered in the Lava bldg. on 59th and Landcaster Ave. , and The Hillary Clinton Inspired , Deep-State Overlord Funded, SUBVERSIVES won’t Stop Until our NATION and only home, #AMERICA, is TOAST!!!! 😕
They are Proud BOLSHEVIK-Styled (traditional) “REVOLUTIONARIES” and Foreign #StateActors of Duel Citizenship and National Interest, alike! (I.e. See Chuck Schumer’s first , publicly, attested allegiance and all of “their” “Ways Till Sunday”, both, Past and Present!)
They’ve been Behind #PhillyRIOTS the Eli-Broad Run Urban Schools TAKEOVER, and Philly’s Deep-State Inspired DNC Crimes too!
While Crooked Hillary and her fellow, Communist Leaning underling, Barack Obama, have Effectively USURPED our Tainted Justice System, through and through, they also strove to FEDERALIZE Local Police, NATIONWIDE, from their Philly base too!!!!
Nonetheless, We Must Keep STANDING TALL just Like the Philadelphia Eagles did, all IN THE NAME OF GOD , and in Full Support Philly Police who have Pledged to Uphold Our Constitution and Rule of Law as ONE NATION UNDER GOD today!
For Those emboldened American SUBVERSIVES Who want to foment Riots and and Their long-Planned AMERICAN SPRING, it’s the 100 Year Anniversary of their first Bolshevik Antics, for which Henry Ford and Our Russian FRIEND/S Did Warn America About in the notable Dearborn Press Article, on “the Protocols of Zion”.
Now in the face of those who have Forgotten, its on and Poppin All Over Again!
It is no secret , by now, that former Philly D.A. Seth Williams and Mayor Mutter , aka, Hillary Clinton’s pet-named, Nutter Butter, alike, Were Bought and Owned by the CNN ILK, right along with Hillary Clinton too, but, likewise George Soros did, indeed, Pay For, and now practically Owns Philly’s New D.A. Too, so his ACTIONS Should be Scrutinized for more SUBVERSIVE chided Obstructionism while the Sheltered ANTIFA in Philly has their way as the World looks on to see their utter Kayos unfolding (for how long?) with Full Immunity!!!!
Indeed, The new Philly D.A. is the One To Watch as the, all too common, Deep-State inspired OBSTRUCTIONISM in Philly Ensues.
Also, “They”, the Never Mentioned by Name Cabal of Bad Actors at the Helm, are now plying Predictive Programing via Their Media Monopoly Strong-Holds in Philly along with their emerging NUDGE/ Behavioral Science Brainwashing Ploys.
Each of their new Subversive REVOLUTIONARY Tactics are now Well Underway in Philly! ( see the Unprecedented and, frankly, Ridiculous Greasing of all of those “INVITING”, “CHALLENGING” and now, totally Uprooted light Posts and Poles as mentioned for weeks via our Usurped Media Monopolies)
Please, Jeff Sessions, Do WAKEUP Sir, as their Homeland Terrorism and MEDIA Derided Spectacle had all on the Back of Philly’s Nationally/Globally Watched Victory is TYRANNY and NUDGE Science Based BRAINWASHING to the Highest Degree!!!!
Even from my most humble viewpoint, without the power of National Intelligence, the work of the Not So Hidden Handed Subversives is becoming PREDICTABLE to us All!!!!
The Newly Aligned Feds Should have known that Philly is Ground Zero for ANTIFA by now, and that those American Subversives who made Philly home to their DNC Crimes are Still Unfettered, left Alive to Act, and Well Equip to SRIKE AGAIN AND AGAIN! (I have Written to You certain facts about Philly myself on several occasions and on several Whitehouse forums, including, RNC Surveys)
NOW, THIS IS OUR MOMENT TO UNITE AS ONE NATION UNDER GOD in All Truth, just as Surely as the Philly EAGLES have Evoked His Mighty Name while the World Watches on to see What’s Next in Philadelphia!
I have All FAITH That it will go just as it is Written in the Book of Revelations for All the World to Read and See!
Together, with President Donald Trump’s ADMINISTRATIONS’s Help, We Are ONE NATION UNDER GOD Again! So In God’s Name SAINTS, let this VCTORY Be Ours!
Philly is no Stranger to FALSE FLAGS and the Beyoncé/Black Panther/ BLM PRIMED NFL may be No Exception!!!!!
The, so called, “Philly Flash Mobs” Allowed Hillary Clinton’s Pet named, Nutter-Butter to Usher in Bill Ayers/ Barack Obama’s School TAKEOVER plans for the Systematic Radicalization of Black Students who could become the Rank and File under ANTIFA Terrorist unit, stationed in the Lava Center on Lancaster Ave. near Overbrook High, my alma matta.
The Philly FALSE FLAG Connection followed up with a FALSE FLAG at the fabled PULSE Gay nightclub where Wannabe Rapper /Fox News Intern Patience Carter may have eventually scored her Rap Relayed Millions as a Superstar and Crisis Actor who’d follow in the footsteps of countless, useful black Shills from the College of New York (such as the posthumously Awarded, Baynyard Rustin and John Thompson, a former NYC Pimp now turning American Black men onto Brazil Tricks in a burgeoning open air Sex Trade, perhaps the one that Turned Out D.A. Seth Williams)
It was Philadelphia Based False Flags that opened up Philly/ City Resources to Develop Clinton’s entire POLICE Federalization Unit All under the Auspice of “Clinton’s 21 Century Justice Reform” Fraud assembled just in time for an American Takeover and PLANNED, in advance, American Police State to be had all on the backs of FALSE FLAG Cop-Murdered Black Men who were Taken Down, as needed, just like in the movie PURGE and MEET THE BLACKS where No Person on Earth would be Held Accountable!
The only Outlier to Stop Hillary Clinton, Bill Ayers, George Soros and Barack Obama’s (Sir Ronald Cohen and Goldman Sachs led) SOCIAL IMPACT,BLM GOON, ANTIFA TERRORIST, Queen B Black Panther Radicals KAYOS followed by NSA/CIA/DHS/FBI/MI6 MARTIAL LAW PLAN for America is President Donald J Trump and any American that might Take His Lead to Save Us from our Most Damned “Selves”.
THE WORLD IS INDEED THE American Subversives’ STAGE and THE NFL SUPERBOWL LII , including FORMER screenwriter Jeff Laurie’s EAGLES Team is It!
By now you should know, well, that these Made “Men” and Made “Women” attending these Award “shows” are ALL Auditioned, OWNED and STAGED SHILLS Tasked to guide Your Children and the Weak-minded, alike, into WHATEVER “they” deem DIVISIVE, DEPLORABLE, and Emotionally DEMORALIZING!!!!
“THEY” who are In Charge are, Indeed, the Synagogue of Satan “jews” as Spelled out in your Disregarded Bibles, as per, Rev 3:9!
Each of their Telling Symbols Equates Directly to the DOWNFALL of God’s Chosen, BLACK MEN And WOMEN, Who Still Suffer “Confusion of Face” with the Daily Help of the, so called, jew’s, themselves!!!!
See, ISIS’, All Seeing Eye (Gaza), and Think Freemason’s Key IDOL, Solomon and Hiram Abif who Waylayed the Temple and the Promised Land that we still Strive for as per MLK, Away into the hands of the Modern Day Occupiers, thanks to Solomon’s Own Error at the Bequest of his Forbidden Wives.
It is why the Pentacle of Achievement Embedded into Martin Luther King’s, Fake/Jew Written, Freak/Perve Rustin Banyard Forwarded, “I Have A Dream Speech”, along with The Statute of Liberty’ s “Melting Pot” Charade, includes Us Getting Watered Down as God’s Chosen People, all while the Usurping Occupiers of Israel, who stay Penning Our miscegenation paradigms STOP ALL OTHERS At their Walled-in Borders with the Exception of the Useful Human Shields they have invited in!
Indeed, it is We (the Moors, Negro’s, Coloreds’, African American, Confused of Face “Blacks”) who are Still the SHAME OF EGYPT just as our unread Bibles Foretold, and for as long as we Have No Clue, Whatsoever ,what their GOALs And Allegories all truly Mean “for” Blacks and those of the Promise Alike!!
Nothing can Realign a Common Enemy than taking away PLACATING Funds that have gone directly to the Controlled Opposition in Palestine for Decades!
President Donald J Trump is Effectively Removing the one Jenga Block that has kept the Floodgates from Caving in Upon Occupied Israel.
Weather he is playing 3 – D chess or innately Carrying out Biblical Prophecy right on time for the Fulfillment of Rev 3:9 just as The Cabal thought to RE-ENSLAVE Blacks via their dubious Social Impact Bond Ploys, the dire Results Against Fake Jews will be the Same! 😀
They Did it with Marcus Garvey… Pitting Black SHILL, W.E.B. DuBois AGAINST a Global Network of COHESIVE Negro Nationalists….. then Formulating their Contrary Baltimore NAACP “Plan” for the Rest of Us to be “Stayed” by!
Now “they” Host these HUNGRY Negros on their National STAGE to One Up Each Other All Damn Day Long as a Viable Career Move for as long as they get PAID to ACT OUT AGAINST ONE ANOTHER so Publically!!!
Booker T Washington Said it best when he Saw the, so called, “BLACK LEADER” Cottage Industry Emerge, citing that Some Blacks have begun to Make it Their BUSINESS to Air Out the Troubles in the Black Community for “show”, however even those who Feign to be Our HISTORIANS fail to LEARN OF THIS HISTORICAL FACT as they Gleefully Repeat the BLACK SHILL/NAACP PLAN Over and over again!!!!!
It’s time to Turn These BOULE Shills and CONTROLLED Oppositionists Alike Off if we Ever Hope to Get Ahead Atlanta Black Millionaire and Black Wall Street Style Again!!!!!
FACEBOOK and Zukerman are now posited as thee Feudal overlord Ilk of Rev 3:9 mentioned JEWS who now Think themselves Too Big to Fail with the Full Backing of Nuclear Options in Occupied Israel for which they Openly serve, first and foremost!!
Throughout America, With Your Help, via Our Collective Participation as Consumers to All that these Oligarchs’ have made, WE ARE NOW Being “ENTREATED” to the Boling Water we have basked in happily, for as long as they did not turn up the… heat so.. No not So much, previously, as to lead to the DEATH OF THE FIRST ADMENDMENT and the Virtual Death of ANY TRUTH just before their Hoped-For Civil Unrest, Civil Disorder , Deep State Meddling and Race WAR for EMPIRE is Kicked Off.
While it is clear, So Many of my Fellow Blacks have already Drank the Kool-aid, I still have Hope that GOD and TRUTH may still be Entreated Upon You in a Sea of Lies as a Lifesaver for those Who are TIRED OF PROTESTS, COMPLAINT AND THOSE PROFITABLE REASONS THAT WE ARE LEAD AWAY LIKE BEGGARS AS ALWAYS!.
As I am FORCE Off this FOUL Platform I will be Migrating to lend ASSETS to my OWNED Platform as well as Filling a “CONSERVATIVE” BLACK Void on YOUTUBE with CONTENT beyond Type!
And as far as my VALUABLE Group Pages for TRUTH AND INFOMMATION, FB Can Kick Rocks upon the NEW YEAR as MY ASSETS WILL ALL BE REMOVED!!!
#checkmarkcaution-solid (<—– the Hidden Code that is attached to my targeted posts now is TYRANNY!!!)FACEBOOK and Zukerman are now posited as thee Feudal overlord Ilk of Rev 3:9 mentioned JEWS who now Think themselves Too Big to Fail with the Full Backing of Nuclear Options in Occupied Israel for which they Openly serve, first and foremost!!
Throughout America, With Your Help, via Our Collective Participation as Consumers to All that these Oligarchs’ have made, WE ARE NOW Being “ENTREATED” to the Boling Water we have basked in happily, for as long as they did not turn up the heat so.. No not So much, previously, as to lead to the DEATH OF THE FIRST ADMENDMENT and the Virtual Death of ANY TRUTH just before their Hoped-For Civil Unrest, Civil Disorder , Deep State Meddling and Race WAR for EMPIRE is Kicked Off.
While it is clear, So Many of my Fellow Blacks have already Drank the Kool-aid, I still have Hope that GOD and TRUTH may still be Entreated Upon You in a Sea of Lies as a Lifesaver for those Who are TIRED OF PROTESTS, COMPLAINT AND THOSE PROFITABLE REASONS THAT WE ARE LEAD AWAY LIKE BEGGARS AS ALWAYS!.
As I am FORCE Off this FOUL Platform I will be Migrating to lend ASSETS to my OWNED Platform as well as Filling a “CONSERVATIVE” BLACK Void on YOUTUBE with CONTENT beyond Type!
And as far as my VALUABLE Group Pages for TRUTH AND INFOMMATION, FB Can Kick Rocks upon the NEW YEAR as MY ASSETS WILL ALL BE REMOVED!!!
We Read ~ Recommend, Review, Write & Share Books too!
Consumers, Creatives and Entrepreneurs’ of Color, Stand Up
False Flags and Fake News
New Jersey Business Exchange
Eileen Thompkins
Empress Sign LLC.
Custom Neon by Empress Signs LLC.
#checkmarkcaution-solid (<—– the Hidden Code that is attached to my targeted posts now is TYRANNY!!!)
Job well done Black Lives Matter! The Technocrats are WINNING with your Help!
The more Dead Minded Blacks they recruit to Pop-Off all LOUD and Indignant on Que, the Closer they Get to Owning our only home, AMERICA, All Blacks Once Again, and their hated Christians, and GOYIM, Too!
It’s their new Social Impact Bond Slave Plan that will benefit the most!
They, the, so-called, Technocrats, want to Rule the World, and for the most part, they have. They, the Hidden Handed technocrats now enjoy full cover, all because they have mastered Every Foul Brand, Every USURPED Media Platform, and Every Deviant way , but most IMPORTANTLY, the Potent Black Man and Women alike are their Ace in the Hole as it relates to their Foretold Protocols of Zion Plan.
“They” are called, “Globalists”, “the Elite”, the “1%”, “Liberals”, “Progressives”, Socialists, all, but calling them ALL out as Jews, who would, otherwise, be, rightly, pegged for the acts of each deceptive title, and such as they would gladly call themselves, is just like calling our ,Once Great Kings, High Priests, and God’s Chosen, all, the N’ word, as we are all Mentally Reduced by these crafty Fake Jews in only a manor the Synagogue of Satan itself could create for as long as HUMANITY will LET THEM.
AS GOD IS MY WITNESS, it is ONLY With the Help and Aid of our STIFFED NECKED Israelites who are still suffering Confusion of Face at this Time of REVELATION, THEY WILL DECIVE THE VERY ELECT! The Second you all FINALLY Wake Up… Not so much!
YES Indeed, that Demon-Shill BARAK OBAMA, is OUT and GONE!
So too, is that Crooked as Hell Voodoo Queen, Hillary Clinton, albeit , All of their Buried Bodies have yet to Be Found!!!
There is Still Much to Learn of their High Crimes, Including how one Roxanne Grinage was MURDERED BY COMEY’S FBI after she stood in their way, STRONG, and resolve in her Efforts to SAVE Us from Loosing Philly Babies to their Deviant DHS aided KIDNAPPING Rings!
No Longer Will the American Black Man be Subject their 21st Century Justice Reforms, i.e the Justice System with one OBSTRUCTIONIST after the other, all of the way up the Chain of Command, such as, D.A.Seth Williams on the Ground, and one Raymond Ramsey seated , squarely, at the Helm.
No longer will we see a Loretta Lynch or any of her MOB of Sycophants seated on the Tarmac with another Clinton Get Out of Jail Free Card in the Ready and Waiting, as always.
We will no longer be subject to those FALSE FLAG PURGE Events, where Our Black Son’s, Brothers’ and Fathers and Grand-Fathers all Faced a Real Life MEET THE BLACKs Scenario, nor will a RECORD Number of AMERICAN BLACK MEN be TARGETED and LAID TO REST LIKE it were merely CLOCK-WORK and Our fault ,somehow.
Least We Forget How Our Men Died in Record Numbers, not only in Barack’s ABANDONED State of Chicago, but in All Places where the Clinton’s Dubious Justice Reforms were ALLOWED!
Lets also Remember, in all TRUTH and RECONCILIATION for TRUTH, that NONE OF IT HAPPENED on Donald Trump’s Watch!
While the DEMONIC DNC Hacks hoped to Continue Milking Each Murderous Event DRY for All they were worth to them, They LOST!
Now They will secretly follow up as the sleeper cell TERRORISTs they are! With Nothing Left to loose they now come completely out into the open with their true ways and Crimes, albeit, still thinking LIKE the Oligarch’s that Tasked them that they are also Now far Too Big to Fail!
With no More left to LOOSE, It is on of THEIR GREATEST High-Value Friends, Jay-Z, who has now Openly Announced HIS True and Long-standing Affinity and Allegiance for Satan!
With the Full Backing of DEMOCRAT Sycopants, plus that Weather Underground Terrorist Barack Obama, the Sal Alinski Styled Riot Hag is still Sore losing aloud!
It’s their LAST and FINAL chance for starting those Readied Riots and resulting KAYOS that will get them their way.
Make no mistake at all, what we are now witness to, even by their Own Allegorical Estimations is nothing short of Biblical in its scope. While they remain Hidden-Handed Only by Physiological Conditioning and CIA Sysops Aided Defaults, We can all clearly see the Consolidation of Will and Deviancy All under the Control of the Synogog of Satan itself.
Their MEDIA Monopoly Spawned Efforts are still, expressly, designed for Race-Bating and Race War via Emerging Nudge and Brain and Behavioral Science, and their Greater Homeland Security PLAN is Still On Under their , ever eroding, Command.
FOR, Travon Martin and All of the Others that were, ceremoniously or allegorically, caught up in their FALSE FLAGGED AMERICAN CRUSADE, NO PERSON ON EARTH WILL BE CHARGED OR MADE ACCOUNTABLE, for as long as we are MADE TO Believe in these ENEMIES of God and All of Humanity!
For as long as You FAIL To WAKE UP NOW, that is, while “they” are all being unequivocally OUTED, All of their Satanic Acts will continue to become Normalized, as planned.
Should the TRUTH be rejected Outright by those who Cannot Stomach the truth, as they have already hoped aloud via one of many Hollywood Tells, they feel themselves to be home-free and content to carry on, as usual, in all of their Secrete Places.
They will continue on with their dirty work in Places like America’s TAKEN School Systems and on ALL OF THEIR DEPRAVED MONOPOLIZED Networks while their TECHNOCRATIC Members envelop us all.
While we are Overwhelmed by every ISSUE they will continue on with their work to make their ALL of Depravities more of an OPEN SOCIETY cause and for us, Every Foul and Ungodly Way, a New Normal.
We’ll continue Calling on THEM, the Little d, Deep State Hacks for Justice, as we are all TRAINED so wrongly, to do.
By Blacks Not Realizing that Justice for Satanists amounts to More NO BID BODY CAM Contracts, More “Homeland Security Apparatus” , More Time to Tactically Train Against Unsuspecting Americans and a real HOPE for their pending AMERICAN SPRING, All of their Foul Acts Against Us, both, American Blacks and So Called may still be GUARANTEED!
While Crooked Hillary is Tossed, Conveniently, UNDER THE BUS for Show, her Rev 3:9 OVERLORDS are Free to Do, Come and Go!
Likewise, Obama’s own self Proclaimed SATANIST Friend, Jayz just SIGNALED his True Allegiance to SATAN, and With his STUDENT MINION MEEK MILL Ace up their Sleeve the Still Have their RIOTOUS RACE-BATE just there to stand in the Ready
As you are all forced chew on their DailY False Narratives, it WAS THE WHITE Man Who is the PROBLEM ALL ALONG, but never,e ever the HIDDEN HANDED FAKE JEW, you’ll Choke the Notion of Celebrating the Fat White Man Who First Made Black Pete his Slave too!!!
Bottom Line, REV 3:9 and furthermore REVELATIONS to come! At this Critical Historical Juncture and Impasse we will all Have to Recon Ourselves, Spiritually, ONCE AND FOR ALL.
I say, Armor Up In God’s Word and Not CNN Hearsay to Make it far Easier On Yourselves!
It is Imperative that You Will come to know God in order to KNOW the whole TRUTH!
VIA SPIRITUAL REVELATION, The Whole TRUTH IS only lost, now, in the screeching, Eco Chambers OF ALL OF THEIR DAMNING LIES!