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The Perils of Serving Two Masters is Palpably Manifest in the DeSeaun Jackson and Nick Cannon REVELATIONS.

Both, Nick Cannon and DeSeaun Jackson are expected to publicly apologize for admitting, aloud, that WE ARE THE LOST TRIBES/Hebrew Israelites, in contrast to the Rev 3:9 mentioned, “jew”.

Much like Kunta Kinte was forced to admit his name is Toby, their relative owners, ie, the PHILADELPHIA EAGLES, Jeff Lawrie, are pressured by their ilk at large, to make our Mighty Men, who are feeling themselves, pay a high price for “crossing the line”.

Likewise, Public Enemy’s Professor Griffin, practically had to reinvent himself on more than one occasion outside of the jewISH Agency that helped place his Public Enemy group on a National Stage.

The latest to follow in the footsteps of Ben Carter, turned Ben Amin, the Black Israelite who made his way back to Jerusalem, where his group is barely tolerated, may be forced to say goodbye to the resulting life-styles their cohorts, like Flava Flav, have come to lavish in and enjoy, as their evermore pathetic and demoralizing Bread and Circus acts power on.

Perhaps, like Dave Chappelle, who admitted the criteria along with Katt Williams who was forced to suffer a thousand cuts thereafter, they will find a way to gain the good graces of those who can claim to have Made them.

The other’s facing the same peril are Philly natives, Bill Cosby, Will Smith, Kevin Hart and Meek Mill.

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#GoodTrouble my Ass! To Hell With the Black Overseers of Our Systematic Demise!

One day American blacks will come to realize that the hand select BOULE BLACKS is EVERYTHING that’s WRONG with the bloodied black community!

The Entire Civil Rights Farce was a Fake Jew Orchestrated Sham, delivering the Once Thriving Black American Community and the urban Business Districts, that I was born into Down the Path to Utter Hell in Every City these, so called, Black Radical Fixtures were Planted!

They could have never Gotten the Black Communities so low sa to beg others to believe Our Lives Matter, as if their don’t without their hand-select, “Talented” Tenth, BLACK OVERSEERS OF OUR SYSTEMATIC DEMISE!

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The Matter of Black Lives, Planned Parenthood, Organ Harvesters, Mercinaries & Gun Free CHIRAQ

Watch “Chicago says,” nobody kills more kids than me.”” on YouTube

While it is difficult to get our minds arround the promise introduced below, I think we will have to accept the very real possibility that Planned Parenthood Survivors in Gun Free CHIRAQ are being Gunned Down, unfettered, by Paid Corporate Mercinaries.

Think about it! Before Kanye West’s, Diamond are Forever hit, Companies like DeBeers routinely used Black Mercinaries to keep blacks from Pocketing the Rocks they were forced to mine at slave wages.

Just Think!

Where are America’s, relatively, new Mercinary Firms located????

Google the words, “Obama” and “Mercinary” together and you may be surprised the Obama is materially tie to a Mercinary firm as a stakeholder.

Think! The New World Order, ex CIA Guru, George Bush began using Mercinaries to manage the dubious Iran Contra Ploys where drug gangs in America were purposely organized to make crack inroads into our targeted Black Communities.

Fast forward, the, so called, War Hawks in politics who championed , not only the Clinton’s antics, starting in Arkansas where the CIA used entire Ports to enter their I’ll gotten gains, George Bush Jr was tasked to spearhead copious and ongong wars throughout the Middle East after his Crusades speech from a Navy carrier ship was given.

Due to our lack of knowledge, the term Crusades meant very little to blacks and the implications that got blacks over from Africa as Kaffir/Slaves in the first place, is lost on most of us who don’t realize their was life for Black NEGUS led kingdoms everywhere, including Europe & South America, long before our captors, masters, and Team OWNERS thought to peg us all to West Africa, the main objective for

When we begin to THINK, Globally, History and Logically we can indeed rap our minds arround the FACT that, Barack Obama is made of CIA Stock. We can accept the FACT that Obama was formally Trained by America’s most notable home land Terrorist, Bill Ayers and his wife having direct ties to Bernadine Dohrn, Ayers’ s partner in crime who taught and employed, Michelle Obama.

We can THINK back to the Obama administration’s ties to Kidnappers in Haiti and Obama’s direct ties to PA, where some of the Bush Sr. Era Franklin Coverup boys were sourced. Likewise, PA served as the entry point for Kidnapped Hatian Babies.

We can THINK back to when Chicago was systematically turned into Gun Free, CHIRAQ, and then galvanized as such by an Auditioned and celebrated Black, Hollywood minion, Spike Lee, one of the early black hacks Commissioned by his jewISH managers to flip his open admiration for President Trump into publicaly displayed vitriol.

We can beggin Thinking deeply about Obama’s decision to Target and Murder Muamar Gudaffi after Gudaffi rolled out his mentus African Union plans, which were,expressly, designed to reconstitute the entire African diaspora all of the way into the Clinton’s exploited Haiti, and back along our own Anchient Trade routes.

We’d realize, not only, China’s Scull and Crossbones ties from Yale to the, so called, Deep State actors in America, namely, Obama’s besties in the Bush family, we’d also understand Communist China’s ties to the Gates / Fouchi Invested, CoronaVirus.

We’d analyze China’s ties through Sir Ronald Cohen’s Usurped Harvard University and, therefore, why Gudaffi’s ambitious African concept was hijacked and seeded by Henry Kissenger’s Communist cohorts in China via, Xi’s, Belt and Road initiative.

We would realize how the Chinees’ Agressive initiatives in War-Torn Africa, via Bush’s crusade, parallels Israel’s involvement, including via it’s United States based, Deep State, Assets, including newly minted Drone bregades under Obama’s leadership, in troubled Yemen. We’d understand the Cabal’s plans manifest in Egypt, Nigeria, Ethiopia along with their Open Borders ploys which include, Ilhan Omar’s post Samali moves in George Floyd’s war torn, Michigan, etc.

We would fully understand the hidden handed Cabal, and how their False Flag Cop-Kills, perfected on Obama’s watch are indicative of the same Hagalian dialectics wich were expressed so profoundly in Obama’s key cabinet member, Rohm Emannual’s, infamous, “never let a Crisis go to waist” commentary.

that’s plunder throughout Who was Used in Jussie Smollett’s False Flag Event, not limited to Smollett but Orchestrated along with Cory Booker, & Kamalah Harris Noose law need, and George Soros’ funded Chicago D.A. Kim Foxx. Think! Israel entered into a Military – joint mission, of sorts, where Nigeria lent it’s military aged men to Isreal’.  Their military men and Mossad joined forced for training and, I will assume, possible missions.
Clearly, stage crafting Hollywood types played their role, either way. Also, Smollett was in touch with Empire “management” at the time of the event, according to leaked phone records. “Hollywood” assets and Civil Rights Assets were deployed. Jussie Jackson’s Rainbow coalition served as Smollett’s lax restoration terms that feigned as punishment.  There’s Mark Zuckerburg’s financial ties to Booker and Chicago Democrats. Zuckerburg and Brice Boykins did a Photo Shoot with a young man who ended up gunned down in Chicago. Boykins was USED to call for UN INTERVENTION , Wich is the Deep State’s old, and now new again Plan. No doubt Corporate Mercinaries who NEVER GETS LOCKED UP BY OFFICIALS is Sweeping Through Chicago weekly. No doubt the fallen are getting their organs harvested. I know it sound unreal, but I will never accept We Hate Each Other to Death, with No end in sight!

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What Does Johnathan Isaac Know that Most of us Have Yet to Realize?

The ever more brazen Oligarch OWNERS of NIKE, made Certain we All Knew What Bo Knows, but, what else should we know about the Corporate Oligarchs who now Own, far more than Nike, thanks, in part, to an initial Chicago Bull’s Sacrifice?

Likewise, well before Johnathan Issac was born, we were all made aware, deep down in our subconscious minds, that NIKE’s “Michael Jordans” were “worth” killing another Black Father and Fathers to be for, yet, we have yet to fully realize the power of such commercially vane pursuits and, all of the relative, human sacrifices that are allegorically tied to the other Godly deity and it’s deeply profound namesake, NIKE .

The owners of NIKE made us All know whi Collin Kaepernick is. NIKE sponsors the Know Nothing athlete who Staged his curious series of Events in the same era that Beyonce was commissioned to sing her praises for Bill Gates in her Earth shattering NFL Halftime Show which amounted to her “handlers”, Reintroduction of the Palistine occupying Black Panthers, and the hidden handed fake jews’ latest FORMATION, the dubious BLM that parallels Gates’ BMe (black male engagement efforts) and Agenda 201 plans.

The significance of Robert Kraft’s NFL Partnership with the Spirit Cooker Marie Abromavich’s Dance partner, JayZ and Meek Mill is completely lost on most black, just like the reason Labron James stood up in behalf of NIKE’s China benefactors.

While saints are implored by GOD to pray for our leaders, James’ vitriol against President Trump is as palpable as Lavar Ball, the ungrateful father and Hollywood Auditioned ham, who’s NBA prospected son was Freed by President Donald J Trump from a life inside a Communist China jail cell where prisoners are know to loose organs that are marketed as agressively as a pair of NIKE Shoes.

Like James’ involvement with black school aged children, we have come to know of Kobe Bryant’s Satanic leaning as illustrated in his Black Momba legacy. His Black Momba series of children’s books were slated to introduce our children into Bryant’s Satanists/partner’s emerging world of “Black Magic”.

The , so called, founders of the dubious Black Lives Matter movement are open practitioners of Black Magic and the home of the fake Jews’ NAACP farce is emerging as ground Zero for a Black Women’s Black Magic Movement, no doubt, with direct ties to BLM and the self proclaimed Nasty Women of the Democrat Party, namely, Hillary Clinton.

Kobe, who likely attempted to rennegg on financial grounds much like Bill Cosby, another Pennsylvania native who sold his soul to Satan, is now Sacrificed and Buried in California’s, similarly named Corona Cemetery, just weeks before before the Oligarchs launched their, so called, Corona Virus Pandemic.

NIKE’s nationwide reenforcement efforts, are now being bolstered by Disney, as it relates to Colin Kaepernick’s amplified BLM ploys.

Like every jewISH oligarch engaged in Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, Disney is now upscaling Kaepernick’s Social Justice Warrior project to be delivered to our young.

Thanks to the hidden handed Cabal’s ongoing efforts to uteterly destroy America, they are begining their latest efforts on the backs of the post Civil “Rights” comprmized black families nationwide.

Thanks to NIKE sponsorship, we have also come to know more about Serena Williams’s affinity for Twerking, her Nasty Woman behaviors, her interacial Sperm Donorship and the Baphimet-like Transvestites who are now featured in public libraries, and via the Kardashian’s skelleton closet full of broken men remains, brought to you by TMZ and CNN.

Kaepernick, and Serena’s NIKE commercials were allegorically telling, indeed, but one would have to be vigilant on top of their prescribed watchtowers with the word of GOD affixed between their brow on a frontlet in orderer to know that there is much that is gone afowl.

With that said, what do the Anointed, like, Johnathan Isaac Know that most of the NBA’s Owned Black Shills, have yet to realize? What was Isaac so moved to illustrate for the rest of black America and the whole entire world at large?

Lord knows not many of us realize the Merchant’s long-standing use and employment of orher God’s, such as NIKE. We have yet to fully realize the demonic relationship between NIKE and BEGUILED blacks the world over, nor do we understand the Oligarch owners of NIKE, use of the so called Talented Tenth BOULE, consisting of Auditioned Blacks and Black Greeks, alike, who are all made in the mould of Margret Sanger’s best asset, to date, W.E.B. DuBois, the biracitial front-man for the fake jews’ NAACP, who’s dubious headquarters is located in Baltimore’s latest American Murder Capital “for” hapless, TARGETED, blacks.

We can gauge the relative consternation emanating from Isaac’s brave and GODLY Stand and Stance, as the Wheat among us is separated from the Tares among us.


Indeed, via the Holy Spirit poured upon the faithul, Johnathan Isaac Knows he is of the Tribe of Judah. We can see his biblicsl understanding manifest in his telling, Twitter handle @JJUDAH1.

Johnathan Isaac Knows, that he, much like Moses, is, indeed, Anointed.

Johnathan Isaac knows that the entire world can see that he is, indeed, the most “Magical” NBA player, to date just like Moses was equipted by God to be the most Magical among the Pharos most powerful Magicians who might , otherwise, dissuade God’s Chosen people from seeking God’s Grace and the everlasting Promises that God’s favor entails .

Johnathan knows, as surly as the world knows about Moses’ good deeds in the face of the Pharos’ Tyranny what he has done for saints arround the world.

Jonathan realized the full implications illustrated in his stand as he is surrounded by Owned Blacks who’s conditional return to “Egypt/Slavery” is now allegorically immortalized in the Deep State’s ubiquitous, all seeing eye emblems, that can be found Branded onto the bare, muscular, chests and arms of so many NBA mionons.

Johnathan knows that his MAGIC 1 stance has resonated in the faithful hearts and mind Saints arround the world. We know Isaac’s public stand and stance is a nod to Moses and Moses’ freeing of God Chosen isrealies from the throews of enslavement.

Johnathan Isaac’ stand and stance in the name of Christ, is now being viewed arround the world and back again.

With Isaac’s hair like wool and skin like burned brass there gleaming so tall on the floor of the NBA’ lit areana, we can all see how Isaac stood up Strong and so Rresolved, ammong a sea of purposefully fallen black men.

Johnathan, who’s Sir name is Isaac and who’s Twitter handle is @JJudah1, knows full well that he is, indeed, a God Chosen Israelite who is born on this earth directly in the line of Christ.

Much like the Isrealite, Malachi, who refused to Bow Down before men, Johnathan knows he is related to the same family as Ester.

When Ester’s uncle REFUSED To bowl down to Hammond it CHANGED THE COURSE OF HISTORY in favor of Hammon’s soon to be persecuted israelites.

The Pursian King who married Ester determined to spare all of the Isrealites who were slated for Murder at the bequest of Hammond.

Our utter ahnnalalation now reflected in Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood Fever-dream, would be completely thwarted, all thanks to her uncle’s refusal to bowel down.

Johnathan Knows they who say they are jews are the Owners of the other Godless NIKE company and the NBA teams, alike.

Johnathan knows that the Oligarch OWNERS of the NBA are in league with George Soros’, and that they are the ones who are funding the NBA wide, Black Lives Matter Charade.

Johnathan knows the Cabal of hidden-handed, conspiratorial jews are now orchestrating and weaponizing all of their corporate owned assets in order to, systematically Race Bate Americans narionwide.

With a tin ear for deails they are doing the exact same Paradigms among the Europe based Blexiters too.

Johnathan knows the orchestrating cabal using Black Lives Matter as Cover to. Topple America, are nothing more than the ones who are Mentioned in “our” disregarded Bible’s Rev 3:9.

Johnathan knows he will be virtually tarred and feathered like the others (See the Philadelpha Eagle’s DeSean Jackson) for calling out “the Synogog of Satan” and “they who say they are jews”.

Johnathan knows he is effectively beIN used by God to show the entire world how Christ stood up to Satan who tempted him for 40 days.

Johnathan knows he has given Streagnth and guidance to the fake jews’ Socislized Blacks and targeted White Christians now being implored to bowl down at the bequest of the hidden handed cabal of mind F’ing satanist.

Johnathan also knows that Trump is humbled and anointed by God, much like Cyrus and the Pharos were before him, hence, Johnathan in the line of Issac, Moses and Abraham, was made the high priest of Soros’ troubled “Egypt”.

Johnathan knows that President Donald J. Trump signed the First Step Act on the eve of 400 years woth of Captivity for God’s Chosen People, from 1619-2019, hence the fake jews’ dubious, 1619 project out of the jewISH Oligarch Usurped, New York Times.

Johnathan knows the same , hidden handed, curators of BLM are the same Oligarch Cabal who funded the Patented Corona Virus and Margret Sanger’s Planned Parentood, alike.

Johnathan knows that Dean Koontz’s foretold Wuhan 400 would be unleashed in 2020, just like the race based Bioweapon AIDS was unleashed, as it is foretold in Koontz’s 1982 , “Eyes of Darkness” book, where Dr Fouci’s US funded, Wuhan Lab work product, was spelled out in full detail.

In the name of Christ and the Holy Spirit Jonathan and Saints arround the world know what you, apparently, don’t, including what is occuring simultaneously in America at the hands hands of Stage Crafting Oligarchs’ now engaged in Social Impact Paradigms, post Project Paperclip Mind Control, SS Tactics, NUDGE Science Based Brain initiatives and Game theory, alike, along with their Comunitst China cohorts who have become direct sponsors of the NBA and Expendable Kobe Bryant types, alike.

Johnathan knows that the nation destabilizeg cabal, is now using their NBA shills to RaceBate as they work overtime to Corona Virus to Topple America

Johnathan Knows that the hidden handed Oligarchs’ orchestrating the NBA-wide BLM farce are the same hidden handed rabble-rousers who vying to keep Status Quo in CHIRAQ, where the first calls for their planned UN Takeover of America imanated from.

Johnathan knows that targeted black, Planned Parenthood survivors are to be to be the first ones who are , systematically, subjected to Bill Gates’ dubious Covid19 Vacinne protocals.

And now those with Eyes to see and Ears to hear KNOW EXACTLY WHAT JOHNATHAN KNOWS by Way of his openly awowed Faith and the Holy Spirit.


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Bevelyn Beatty’s Thought Experiment with Blacks, Prove that Blacks are Failed by Way of No Original Thought! Most are Effectively BRAINWASHED!

Watch “Using Biden (leftist) quotes to prove how racist Trump is…. #BringTruth #Trump2020 #JesusMatters” on YouTube

L o w  I Q? The fact is, in order to sustain America’s Democrat Plantations the Majority of Blacks are Psychologically Rick Rolled Every Dammed Time.

Much like in Barack Obama’ s Chicago’s systematically turned into CHIRAQ by no accident, it’s why Blacks are trapped on the Democrat Plantation, both, dishing out and taking on dispair.

Most Don’t Vote, for good reasons, and most Continue Voting Against our Own Best Interest; That is 50/50 as to why we feel so slighted in our own nation.


This Phenomenon is proving to be the most deadly, externally attributed, Mind-Set ever imparted from outside forces, in.

Today, blacks trapped on the Democrat Plantation, live out the Empirically Evidenced results that are based on a loosing habit that is externally imparted by “leaders” confirmed by a falsifying media.

All that’s left to do now is to Get it Right by abdicating all that has gotten us into such a bad place worthy of nothing more than endless complaints and rioting.

That which has us rioting, is that which crafts the most profitable kinetic situaltions for which a hidden handed power structure that brought us and keeps us here is based upon so metophisically. Rev 3:9 is the only tell that is is “they” who have set the stage. They are the hidden handed ones who practically own our media, our schools and our most agreedious outcomes when and or if we end up in jail for profits or dead on the Democrat vine for profits, no more profoundly Illustrated than those Planned Parenhood profits.

Rev 3:9 is illustrative of the metophisical nature of the hidden hands that rule over blacks through the best and the worst of their Owned and paid for Democrat conduits.

While, we are successfully confused, on purpose, as to who our true enemies are, it s they who will always thrive for as long as blacks do suffer.


To succeed and overcome requires the full realization, and honest admission as to how we got where we are in the first place.

The good news is, there’s a SOLUTION and it is right at our fingertips on November 3rd 2020; that is, if the Powers That Be, on the Democrat Plantation we Complain About, do not get in the way…

They, who are the Powers that be on the Democrat Plantations will Always get in our way via their, ongoing, bold faced Lies, their Deeply crafted Deceptions and their Glaring Omissions dolled out via Usurped Urban Media the Media Monopolies BLACKS DO NOT OWN.

The bottom line remains, THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.

All we need to do to be free from the madness, deaths, and all that we Complain about on the Democrat Plantation, is as follows…. #WakeUp #WalkAway #BLEXIT #LIVE

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How Richard Allen’s Philadelphia/America Became Killadelphia just like Barack Obama’s Chicago Became CHIRAQ.

Elijah ‘Riot’ posted this today after his regular commentary and reports on encroaching ANTIFA and their BLM lackeys, now  incited by the Oligarch’s mainstream News Hacks to join in George Soros’ Nationwide push for Utter Kayos and Bloodshed in Targeted Black Cities, first and foremost.

He wrote, “I’ll just leave this nonsense here:”

Philadelphia is seeing an increase in shootings…to combat the senseless gun violence, city council, Philadelphia Police and community groups organized a home gun check…urging residents to safely turn in firearms lying around their homes before they get into the wrong hands.
To get the word out to Alternative News progenitors like Elijah, I wrote an 8 part response that is now cut and pasted below.
1/A FORMULA for making Democrat Hell-scapes like Killadelphia & CHIRAQ was Invented w/the help of the Hillary Clinton sycophant, Michael Nutter, who became Michael Bloomberg’s left-hand campaign shill in the Oligarch’s push to Make Americans in Gun Free Zones SITTING DUCKS.




2/Aside from Nutter’s ties to Hillary’s DNC “crimes”, Philly has ties to many False Flag events that served as a Hagalian Dialectic catalysis for hidden handed Oligarch’s ongoing plan to Disrupt & Topple our Nation from within. See how They all Smiled at the Sandy Hook “meetup”.




3/Notice Chicago’s Raymond Ramsey’s Pic above. He set up “Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform” in Oligarch Usurped Philly, before Working w/Nutter & Bloomberg’s POST Mass Shooting “Response” teams. Fast & Furious & “CHIRAQ’s” Mercenary Murders in Gun Free Zones; ALL Formulaic.






4/After 9/11, Tom Ridge was called to serve as 1st DHS Czar. Prior to, he was busy HELPING Bill Ayers establish his Edison Schools. Upon parent rejection, the hidden handed Oligarchs (The Walton’s/Eli Brode/Bill Gates) Usurped our Schools to Exploit, Brainwash & Weaponize Blacks.





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Kamala Harris’ Degree of Separation from All that Troubles the Black Community is Almost Nil.

@KamalaHarris’ “Challenges”, like Joe Biden’s “challenges” include LOCKING TARGETED BLACKS UP IN RECORD NUMBERS!!!!!

Willie Brown, the Man who she f’ed to Launch her Career was the BESTY to Jim Jones, the Cult Leader who was tasked with MURDERING nearly 1000 Blacks WHO’D DRINK THE COOLAID in the CIA Owned Guyana hell-scape in South America!

Harris works directly with Dian Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi who both HAD CLOSE and DIRECT TIES, TO JIM Jones just like WILLIE BROWN, the man who MADE Harris!!!!



Please Wake Up fam, as ACCEPTING the Whole Ugly Truth about Black Shills like Kamala, IS THE LIGHT!!

Trump is the ENEMY OF OUR ENEMIES, no more, no less!

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According to Twitter, Facebook and FB’s Instagram, I am as Dangerous as Laura Loomer

All in one week, as the Democrat National Convention takes their virtual stage “to the people”, I am purged from my social media platforms, along with countless other advocates against the Democrat’s barrage of veiled threats and terrorist acts portrayed on our troubled, democrat run streets from coast to coast.

To kick off their presidential and vice presidential nominations Biden questioned our blackness, he accused one of the most capable journalist, who might otherwise give him a free pass as a member of the National Association of Black Journalists, of us of being on dope like his son Hunter Biden, then Kamalah Harris’ followed Biden by alluding to herself as being strapped into her baby stroller and hauled out to protests by her mother, just like the ones our nation has been besieged by, since the Democrat’s 2016 bid to get Hillary Clinton into office.

As I worry about ANTIFA’s scheduled uprising in my hometown, Philadelphia, on September 5th 2020, I made the rounds on all of my social media group pages, plus the group pages I belong to to quip my Facebook friends.


during the period

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The NAACP Dishonors a Boy Legend in Favor of Delivering Margret Sanger’s Dying Wish “for” Targeted Blacks!

They call them the Black BOULE Gatekeepers for a Reason!!

The NAACP Spawned, Black BOULE Overseers represent EVERYTHING that has ever gone Wrong for Black Planned Parenthood Survivors in America!

Blacks have, indeed, suffered to no end , since the First Black BOULE SHILL & Negro figure-head for the Rev 3:9 mentioned “jews'” NAACP, was used to sell Marcus Garvey and Booker T Washington out!

The makers of DuBois’ NAACP, from whole cloth, set out to turn out the rest of us, and they started in Philly under the banner of Socialism and Sociology, alike, the first time around!

We’ve been doomed since the black, socialist Lackey, W.E.B. DuBois, happily signed onto Marget Sanger’s dying Wish “for” TARGETED Blacks nationwide! 

While the second generation chairman of Planned Parentood, and the founder of Philly’s dubious Microsoft School of the “Future” and BMe (Black Male Engagement) plys his hand to hand to his newly released CoronaVirus, his entire Cabal also  works overtime to ready us into becoming Gates’ first Vacinne victims and test-Subjects.

Until, Gates’ population control plans are finalized, with the help of key BOULE, it’s Open Season in KILLADELELPHIA and many Democrat run cities, as usual.

As the black BOULE, dutifully absorb all of the racist rants and reminiscings of the Oligarchs’, best man, Joe Biden, the imported, ANTIFA-Friendly, Police Commissioner, Danielle Outlaw, readies herself for Philly’s , Portland styled takedown , which is scheduled for the 5th of September.

Commissioner Outlaw was brought in from War-Torn Portland to join in with the Old-Guard BOULE.

No matter how many blacks, die on her watch, she is there to give cover to the same ilk of jewISH taskmasters who turned out DuBois!

As trained black minions beg the world to believe that black lives matter (as if we don’t) the latest BOULE stance to stop President Trump, places cold blooded blacks, directly at odds with the President’s, compassionate, program that is named after a slain young black boy, Legend Tolifero, who’s life was taken away in the midst utter Kayos.

While Oporation Legend is designed, expressly, to Save countless lives of Corporate Mercinary murdered Blacks,  there’s no shortage of, so called, POC’s who do far worse to Blacks, by default, than any white supremacist, of old, could ever imagine

For as long as there is a Black BOULE organization working among us, there will Always be blacks willing to OVERSEE the Corporate Mercenary SLAUGHTER of as many targeted blacks as George Soros’ hand-select D.A.’s can muster.

After over 100 years of careful observation, begining in DuBois’ famous Seventh Ward, the Rev 3:9 mentioned fake Jews have us studied to the nines and all, “figured” out.

It is exactly how, and why the first Black President of the United States of America managed to deliver one of the most well to do black cities from being named Chicago to CHIRAQ.

And as cringe-worthy as it is to see Wet Ass Pussy, Cardi B, extend her warm you know what, to Presidential Candidate, Joe Biden, just days before the Democrat Nomination, the Oligarch’s cause-celeb, in Philly can always be counted on to keep singing “Don’t Snitch”.

For more Platinum Chain’s, Red Carpet Awards and fame, the Talented Tenth, will always be there center stage with the NAACP. 

The president of Killadelphia’s NAACP branch has gladly become one of the ringleaders for the hidden handed fake Jews’ most death inviting show on earth.

jewIHS Oligarchs’ are now staging the most deadliest events, to date, since the middle passage slaughter of the blacks they thought were far too unfit to sell or feed. 

While Bolshevic Bernie lost #GoodTrouble and his Twin Dud, Elijah Cummings, there’ just enough NAACP Shills & Talented Tenth actors keeping the Democrats’ cited Doom & Gloom scenerios “for” blacks alive and well in the DNC stage.

While the Democrat Prosecutor turned VP hopeful hopes we will all forget her one degree of separation from the cult killer of targeted blacks, Jim Jones, another Black Shill in Philly is making sure Killers remain free to work the streets of our Democrat run Hell-Scapes, absolutely, unfettered.

Philadelpha’s NAACP president is now following up the Rear of Larry Krasner and George Soros, who’s hidden-handed ilk needs him to stand against the Trump Administration because Trump is determined to save our lives.

It is no accident whatsoever that the black American Muslim turned NAACP president, is of the same black faction oncel tasked by hidden handed jews to Murder Malcolm X, after he fillaly woke up.

Unlike W.E.B.DuBois, black BOULE shills who can no longer be used, get a bullet to the head or chest!

No longer do the less affectivBOULE Black Shills, like Don Lemon, Van Jones or Roland Martin, get an assignment in Ghana or CUBA to make trouble, because the 60’s black Radicals sent there by their jewISH Black Panther namesakes, likely, proved to be more trouble then they were worth.

For all of the brainwashing, bread and circus acts sustained by the willing BOULE Overseers, our gullible youth truly believe the ongoing Murder of Targeted Blacks is all on them, both, literally and figuratively. 

In true form, there is no city worse than the Black BOULE’s Baltimore based, NAACP Headquarters, turned the latest Murder Capital “for” Blacks!

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For George Soros’ Ilk, There’s No Red Line or Rubicon; Just a Free Pass to Stomp Ameircica!

As our best and brightest struggle to get a clue in the midst of fog of war, very few even realize a war against our nation was declared!

Thereby, the hegemonic cabal who financed most post-slavery wars still manage to get a leg up with every Project Paperclip lesson learned.

Thanks to their select hosts, as cover and plausible deniability, they are onto Game theory, Artificial Intelligence, Bioweapons and Brain-Science added to their long practiced State-Craft, within their full Arsenal now tooled against all of humanity itself.

The Probem is, Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION got well underway nearly a decade ago and In the annals of Rev 3:9 foretold fake Jews, men working hand in hand with George Soros etal, are the new kids in control of the, so-called, black-block! … 

…Yet, NO ONE ON EARTH , but me a relative Nobody, is willing or able to Connect the CABAL of SOCIAL IMPACT BOND leaders to their SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORs & their SOCIAL INCITE Media War-machine that is Free to Systematically TOPPLE THE UNITED STATES, from Within.

Much like George Bush’s openly stated Crusades salvo went over the heads of the pre CORE generation, those subject to an even worse curriculum are hell-bound if they don’t wake up, at last.

Through sheer ignorance alone, we are bound to allow our collective enemies to use us all with relative, Impunity & for as long as Fiona Hill types warn us, NEVER to mention a cabal member’s name, lest we be deemed, anti-Semitic by those Mentioned in Rev 3:9!!!

With the help of bought and paid for Politicians the conspiratorial Cabal, who make up the Waring Oligarchs are free to burn our nation down.

Because we failed to take our lessons from great men like Henry Ford, in favor of shills like W.E.B. DuBois, our gullible youth sere as the American Proleterate for unabashed Socialists like Bolshevic Bernie and his ilk of fake Jews who managed to Usurp all of our nation’s Schools (Manhattan Project 2.0).

The deep state cabal’s focus on Euthinasia/Genetics (Bill Gates, Dr Fouchi & UPEN’ ), brain-science (see UPEN’s David Ohrn etc), human behavior (via Oligarch Usurped MIT) and Sociology (UPEN), the work of their CIA minions and Terrorist sleeper cells, alike, from UC Berkeley and/or the University of Chicago etc, all came into focus for me.

With just a cusory understanding of history, starting with Martin Luther’s, “the Jews & their Lies, it is easy to realize there is one Cabal using every lesson learned to keep us mere Reactionaries.

Because most of their antics where either launched or metered out in my hometown Philly, all they did, do, and planned to do next in this go-round was made quite apparent to me.

Meanwhile, “their” ANTIFA Goons take whole cities,”their” Bernie Bros promise to ReEducate us, “their” UN-NATO forces stand by as Henry Kissenger’s China Cohorts & Bill Gates, alike, manage to FORWARD All of “their” PLANS “FOR” US at once, as if their very existence on this earth depended on it.

After Hillary Clinton’s loss, “they” desperately move forward with “their” decades long Plans, even without their Owned political Shills in place.

While great Truth Tellers like Dinesh Desusa continue fighting outside of prison walls for the light of day on corrupt College campuses, nationwide, the deep state cabal of hidden-handed Oligarchs’ are picking meta battles with the hope their heartless AI Bots are on the way.

They who are exposed in Rev 3:9 busy themselves, much like Constantine of old with the hope of couching their deeds within the worlds ongong Christmas conundrum revolving around God’s Chosen Blacks.

As Saints on earth connect the dots they scramble like their China cohorts who have mastered deplatforming and rendering the organs of all who can best articulate as much!

As conspiritorial luminaries and hard-truth tellers, like David Ick, Alex Jones, General Mike Flynn, Jullian Asange and whole swaths consisting of the, so called, Q movement, strive to stay solvent, alive, and relevent, the deep state Oligarch Cabal still hopes to bind us all.

No matter how hard or severe their punishment, voices in the wilderness, like mine, must continue to stand firm in principle as the sentries upon our own watchtowers armored up in the word of GOD.

Even as cognitive dissonance, Stokholm Syndrome and those Ignorant of History seem to prevail in behalf of hidden-handed puppet masters, the Faithful are implored, never to hide their lit candles under a bushel.

As the Wheat is separated from the Tares on the thrashing floors of Portland and beyond, it is time that Saints shall come together, once again, as One Nation Under GOD.

At the very least, we can all shine the light of truth in the face of Powers and Principalities, lest our children be branded, “Democrat”, “Liberal”, Muslims, BOULE, MOORS, Greeks, Universalist etc, and thereby, Satan-bound useful idiots, as planned.