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We’re to Forget the Rabbi s who Sold Human Organs, Dancing Israelis, Dean Koontz’s Wuhan400, 400 Yrs Worth of Captivity, Fouci’s Aids, Kissinger’s Comunitst China, The First Black Panther’s, etc, etc.

According to those who have Monopolized America’s Usurped media and schools, we are to, simply, forget the FACT that God

Watch “Rabbi’s Prophetic Revelations Made About America” on YouTube

He Won’t tell you Rev 3:9 isREAL however…

WAKE UP SAINTS, Read also, Trump’s FirstStepAct, as it relates to the fake “Jews'” 1619 Project.

The fake Jews used Usurped New York Times that once revealed their R1b (Germanic) DNA, to rewrite 400 yrs worth of prophesised CAPTIVITY to GOD’s Chosen People, now suffering Biblically foretold Confusion of Face (ie, Negro, the N’ word, Coloreds, African Americans, Blacks, POC’s, etc,etc,etc, unlike All Other Races who NEVER Change their name outside of Askenazi /Khazarists).

He won’t mention for you, the FACT that Our disregarded Bibles PROVE there would be NO RETURN to Defiled Jerusalem until GOD Returns a NEW JERUSALEM, not the one that Balfour and his JewISH Black Panthers cohorts detemined to OCCUPY, then completely USURP before defiling Dumb American Blacks they are still busy fasioning into their/Soros funded BLM TRAINED MARXEST , eg, the post Bolshevic Useful Idiots made from whole cloth in their Black Panther name, using MAO principles after Henry Kissenger etal MADE the “Globalist/Zionist/Jews’ COMMUNIST CHINA COHORTS from Whole Cloth at YALE.

The REV 3:9 USURPERS of Jerusalem have wrongly Occupied the Holy Land where We/God’s Chosen were EXPELLED from (to Four Corners/Contents where “Negros” were “Discovered” & put back into 400 yrs worth of CAPTIVITY (ie, Biden’s Three Strike, etc) , just like they are now doing now in America, as per, Sir Ronald Cohen’s, secret, Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION, with George Soros’, Michael Bloomberg etal working to Organize Blacks Against White Christians, who might dare Emancipate us again should Cohen’s SIB ReEnslavement prevail.

Note also, the cursed Hamite, Barack Obama, the servant of servants’ acts , not  in behalf America’s Targeted Blacks, but see his Service in behalf of the , so called, Deep State Globalists and, namely, Bernadette Dohrn and the hidden handed CIA/Globalists’, who tasked him to make Chicago CHIRAQ to Justify the weekly Murder of Corporate Mercinary Gunned Down , Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks in America’s Gun Free Zones, and the Murder of Muammar Gudaffi , bringing back the Libyan SLAVE TRADE, all while Soros evoked Open Borders to FLOOD Europe and post 911 America!

Wake Up Saints, the FAKE JEW Technocrats hope to be your AI GODS, let alone the meddling Liars now Censoring TRUTH!

We all know their Fingerprints are All Over 911, yet they know Cognitive Dissonance and Stokholm Syndrome is good money as long as they can use their Project Paperclip lessons learned to Brainwash Us! Fiona Hill says we can NEVER mention George Soros’ name lest we be deemed anti-Semitic!

Read also, Martin Luther’s “Jews and Their Lies” and Henry Ford and Boris Brasol’s Protocals of Zion! 

The Virus is Gates/Fouchi and Dean Koontz’s, “Eyes of Darkness” foretold Wuhan 400, also Written in 1980’s, as if the Future of such viral Manufacturer/Crisper Gene Splicing, ie, AIDs and FORCED POLIO outbreaks in Africa was already well known to the crafty CABAL!

Notice how the Rabbi illudes that “We said” while he discussed what the Corona Virus name “would be”/is   and stood for.

Bottom Line, Rev 3:9 isREAL!

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Ain’t Nothing Cute About What the Obama’s Did to Chicago, Turned CHIRAQ; Libya, Turned Slave Market or NETFLIX Turning Pedophilia Into a Hoped-for New Normal

Harvey Weinstein’s Hollywood ilk definitely had an axe to grind after blacks voted against California’s landmark gay marriage bill in droves, otherwise, known as proposition nine.

Watch “As Netflix Numbers Decrease “Cuties” Is Still Not Taken Down” on YouTube

After hidden handed Oligarchs managed to Usurp Philadelphia, they promptly made it a sister city to TelAviv and then they broadcasted to the entire world that Philadelpha was the Gay Capital “for” blacks inside of travel magazines and broadcasts, highlighting the first annual black Transgender “awards” & showcase, etc.

Much like the Curratotors of the, so called, Franklin Coverup, or the notorious PA, Arch Diocese caught with their hands in the cookie jar, several roads to Pedophilia have been forged right through Philadelpha.

Not only did the former Philly Mayor, and Govenor of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendel, aid Hillary Clinton’s dubious associates with clandestine air-drops of Kidnapped Hatian Children strait into Pittsburg PA, his ties to the notorious Fast Eddie Savitz is finnaly being revealed by those who were victimized in Philadelpha, by way of a vast network of well organized Pedophiles.

One credible source is Greg Bucironi, a Philadelpha native who recalls his own victimization from its onset within the notorious Philadelphia Boys Club.

Bucironi reveals how Organized Crime members developed video a Production Market based in Philly for the distribution of underaged Sex and Satanic Ritual based Snuff Films before the internet became the perfected channel for such perversions.

Bucironi bears witness to the intersectionality within America’s nationwide Sex Trafficking rings that have been forged in Philadelpha and other major cities, all the name of charity.

Jerry Sandusky’s, Second Mile Club, Catholic Church Cardinals, as well as, the UPEN assocites’s methods for refuteing adult and child sex victims who’s sexual abuse and perpetrators might, otherwise, be realized, suggests Philadelpha is ground zero for the perpetuation of such abuses.

Acording to the former child sex abuse victim Bucironi, both, the Boys Club and the Second Mile Club in Philly served as organizations for the systematic grooming of targeted young boys turned into unsuspecting victims.

Much like the Catholic Church in multiple nation’s, the Philadelpha based cheritites mastered finding victims among the poor who had very few family ties or community based supports.

The second mile club was essentially built for Sandusky’s elite and political pals who gained access to targeted boys he and his adopted son have sexually exploited for years.

Under the leadership of the PA legislator, Joe Biden, Sandusky was bold enough to use Penn State’s football arena as a lure, as well as, the locker rooms of PennState University as a personal Bathouse to sexually molest young boys in, no less.

The Lazern County PA, cash for kids scandal revealed the lucrative industry between Americas’ unbridled, for profit prison systems and elected officials who were essential tasked to fill up the Wall Street traded boheamouths.

No person in America is as prolific in the filling up of for profit Prisons than Joe Biden, who penned the, racially unjust, three Strikes Crime Bill, making America the leading nation in the incarceration of its own, targeted, citezens.

Furthermore, Bill Ayers’ best bud, Barack Obama seeded Clinton’s 21 St Century Justice Reform Farce in Philadelpha, by way of Chicago’s Raymond Ramsey, turned Philadelpha Police Commissioner.

Under the umbrella of Obama’s Pay for Performance farce, Sir Ronald Cohen’s hidden handed ilk began converting targeted Citezens, deemed, a Victim Class, into human capital widgets who’s collective fait could be openly traded as a commodity via his post Venture Capital financial market schemes erected via the Usurped Kennedy school of business and MIT after Cohen’s ilk systematically Robbed City and State pension coffers blind and their dubious No Doc lending schemes pummeled America in time for Cohen’s “Second Bounce of the Ball”.

Obama’s intrest in Public Schools fomented in his work with Bill Ayers ultimately allowed hedge funders like Eli Brode to Usurped untire school Systems Nationwide under Obama’s leadership.

In Philadelpha, where the Clinton spycopant helped George Soros usurp the Occupy Wallstreet movement wich highlighted the School to Prison Pipeline as a essential part of it’s platform, the hidden handed Oligarchs’ managed to burry the , so called, school to prison pipeline in Philadelpha by placing an Eli Brode trained school superintendent in charge of Philly’s Oligarch Usurped schools and the Philadelpha Youth detention center, alike.

Once the grass roots Occupy Wallstreet movement was crushed inside of our Oligarch Usurped former Capital, Philadelpha, the JewISH Oligarchs’, ie, Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg’s ilk of hidden handed Subversives were given the green light.

They erected their Israeli flag outside of the usurped Philadelpha city hall, then they begin conducting their series of school based Social experimentations in ernest, beginning with the technocratically spawned, fake news hyped, Philly Flash Mobs.

With former PA Govenor, Tom Ridge and President Obama’s help, both, Ayers (Bernadette Dorhn) and the hidden handed Oligarchs managed to weponize DHS against targeted children nationwide.

The post 911 federal entity, first developed by PA Govenor Ridge, the man who failed getting Ayers’ Edison Schools underway, paired off with local CPS agentcies nationwide, for the express purpose of entering into troubled homes.

In Oligarch Usurped cities across America DHS involved itself in the systematic removal of children who essentially fell through the cracks, likewise, such targeted children would be joined by, so called, dreamers and exploited children from troubled nation’s arround the world who could be lured into, so called, Sanctuary Cities, for later use, with the help of Sir Ronald Cohen’s SIB “partners”, Pope Francis and George Soros.

Again, Philadelpha would serve as ground zero, thanks to Hillary Clinton’s key sycopant, Michael Nutter.

Was Nutter who was all to happy to serve, both, the hidden handed Oligarchs’ vying to take over American Cities under the aupice of Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION Paradigms aka Soros’ Open Cities, and Pope Francis, who needed a way to save face after the world began to realize the full extent of the Catholic Church’s penchant for Systematically perpetuated pedophilia.

Perhaps Philly’s early roll as a feeder city for boy Prostitutes associated with the Jimmy Carter and George Bush era Whitehouse is why Barack Obama’s close associate, Bill Ayers, chose to build his Edison Schools in Philadelpha.

Remarkably, Ayers’ Edison schools were outright rejected by Philly parents just before the Walton’s of Walmart and Eli Brode managed to Rick roll their way into Philly.

The Walton’s Associated BAEO group, lead by a so called, civil rights activists turned hedge Funder, Howard Fuller, selected two, highly paid washed up black Democrats from Phily, namely, former Congressman, Anthony H. Williams and Senator, Dwight Evens.

They were paid a visit by an Ethiopian Rabbi Shlomo Molla and supplied with millions of dollars to help get Eli Brode schools up and running, after Governor Ridge and his deputy Gov, turned interim Gov, Tim Corbett failed.

After Williams vociferously thanked his advising Rabbis in Philly, Brode’s compromized SRC branded schools began working their Social Justice Warrior ‘magic’ in Philly, unfettered.

The Oligarchs’ Sicial Impact and Social Justice experimentations began with the experimental (Muslim) KIPP Schools and the, notorious, child exploiting Bill Gates’ Microsoft School of the Future, both, built in the black business district that was once protected from agressive Gentrifiers by my father’s Parkside Avenue civic group.

After Ayers helped to get his besty, Obama elected to the office of President, the former president and his wife Michelle Obama’s post Presidential careers took a curious turn.

If NETFLIX needed a minister of Propaganda as much as Starbucks needed a minister of Race Bate, certainly, tapping into the Obama administration makes perfect sense.

Once again, Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION mandates financed stateside by George Soros and countless other hidden handed Oligarchs, now consists of another Harvard asset, Obama.

The Obama’s are being paid millions, to forward radical social Paradigms designed to foment the hidden handed Oligarchs’ color revolution, race war, or American Spring.

On the other side of the Oligarchs’ Social Impact Bond Revolution are the social Paradigms now being ram rodded in Oligarch Usurped Philadelpha and elsewhere.

With Gay Marrage under their belt, California is now making a way for Pedophilia. SB 145 heading to Govenor Newsoms desk for a signature promises to forgive adults who chose to have sex with a, so called, consensual minor, for as long as the age span does not exceed ten years.

After Ed Rendel’s help codifing Philadelpha’s newly established cop-free drug dens, Soros’ hand select Philly D.A., set his sites on legalizing prostitution after using the dubious Coronavirus to excuse utter Lawlessness, in general.

Joe Biden thought it prudent to grant one of his few official interviews with Cardi B, just days after her Wet Ass Pussy release as a way to gain relevance.

Paired with Biden’s touchy feely videos and his cringy tales regarding his love for bouncing black children on his lap, after letting them rub his wet leg hairy legs up in the community pool we can see where our nation is heading should be beguiled enough to VOTE for such perversions!

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If You Think Joe Biden’s Three Strikes, or Kamala Harris’ Truancy Witch-hunt was Bad…

#American Patriots & #Saints PLEASE understand, Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Goons are STILL Imbedded within our Oligarch Usurped Police Departments.

Please realize America is now Under Siege with the help of Michael Bloomberg Tooled Justice Systems Nationwide!

Much like Bill DeBlasio’s NYC Metro “Police” goons, who recently staged a curious TRANING Event inside of the Usurped Grand Central Station w/ANTIFA rioters on hand in Solidarity, the hidden handed Oligarchs are now moving forward with their anti-police objectives outright.

The ever more brazen CORPORATE MERCINATIES are now fashioning their NEWLY FORMED “JUSTICE” System under the cover of their Oligarch spawned CoronaVirus.

The Oligarch’s newly established Police Goons are even at odds with the NYC Police Department!

Michael Bloomberg’s Oligarch Infiltration & Retooling of Police Departments happened in Oligarch Bankrupted Cities nationwide prior to Donald Trump’s unanticipated election.

As we can see, cities where George Soros’ D.A’s are installed are now being taken over by hidden handed oligarchs engaged in Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond REVOLUTION.

The Bloomberg & MOSSAD Infiltrated American Police forces were given a blow by President Donald Trump who cut off the head to Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform paradigms, both, figuratively and financially.

As a work around entire Police forces are now being defunded and then Swapped Out just like the ones in Oligarch Usurped cities deemed Sanctuaries and Open Cities. The infiltration of America’s Police forces nationwide was done w/the help of the Center for Court Innovation a Bloomberg associated organization who also pivoted to focus on the Usurpation of State and Local Hospitals, namely the ones where Covid19 Deaths could be propelled, via false data keeping and perpetuated via DIRTY PPE worn by unsuspecting Nurses and Nurses Bussed in, much like, George Soros paid Crisis Actors.

The Oligarch’s established Police  goons are now using Hagalian Dialectics Paradigms. These include all of the  Cop Kills on Barack Obama’s watch that were used as a pretense for the making of the Oligarch funded, BLM Marxist Group from whole cloth.

Hindsight being 2020 we can also see the work of an Infiltrated justice system when considering the Mass Shooting events that were orchestrated on Barack Obama’s watch. These include, the Florida High School Mass Shooting, where the Clinton tied police were told to stand down, and  the farcical, staged,  North Philadelphia’s Mass Shooting Event,  that involved another FBI asset similar to the one in the Florida’s  Night Club mass shooting. Even the Starbucks Event in Philly was Staged with the help of Colluding Oligarchs and their Harvard School of Business Trained Police Commissioner , Richard Ross who was apparently honney potted just like Chicago’s

for desired results. (First outted by Officer #AdrianSchoolcraft -google it). There are CORPORATE MERCINARIES, (like Portland Trained, ANIFA sympathizer, Danielle Outlaw, turned Philadelphia’s latest Deep State Owned Police Commissioner) Shill/s working much like the ones who stood down at David Hogg’s Florida High school! They are engaged in FALSE FLAG EVENTS nationwide! They work Hand & Hand w/ ANTIFA & George Soros’ Infiltrated D.A.’s Nationwide! #311

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Luzerne County PA, Cleanup on Tossed Ballot Ilse Nine!

As President Trump Gives Pause Over a Primary, Deep State target; tampered ballots in Luzerne County PA being investigated by the US Attorney General, nine recovered ballots receive outsized scrutiny matched with only with curious pushback amounting to ballot beancounting.

In the age of Social Media Oligarch editorializing and censorship including, the dubious “factchecking” of all things positive posted about President Donald J Trump, media houndogs jumped into action to equivocate over Trump’s assertion that nine out of nine, rather than seven trashed ballots that were clearly discarded.

The descovered ballots were mostly votes for President Trump that were cast via mail in ballots from the 2020 Pennsylvania primaries.

Many irregularities have been uncovered in blue states, particularly where Governors are aligned with NYC’s Govenor, Andrwe Cuomo.

Many made 11th hour announcements that poling places would be kept closed using Covid19 as a pretense for marginalizing voters.

Allegorically, Luzerne PA signifies the Nexus of Deep State Upscaling and the Leveraging of Cash for Kids nationwide under the Umbrella of Sir Ronald Cohen’s Social Impact Bond Paradigms, wich were rolled out with the help of the former Conference of Mayors chairman, Michael Nutter (Clinton’s Nutter Butter via WikiLeaks), turned Michael Bloomberg’s left hand man.

As the Oligarchs’ set upon Philadelpha they used Barack Obama’s, DHS, paired with CPS to Systematically procure targeted kids for dubious Foster Care homes (NGO’s) situated statewide.

Philly Kids first Subjected to Bill Ayers Edison Schools, give way to Eli Brode managed schools were Abused and/or Conditioned to serve as dissafected radicals who could be easily triggered to revolt against what they perceive to be legitimate government and Justice Systems.

Prior to George Soros’ Installed Philly D.A., Larry Krasner, Kathleen Kayne, a Luzerne PA Prosecutor who helped to out a Cash for Kids scandal, was imparted into Seth Williams’ office & made subject to a, so called, “Porn Gate” scandal and other forms of harassment.

Prior to the scandal in D.A. Seth Williams’ Office, Williams was on the verge of prosecuting the PA Catholic Church Cardinals involved in churchwide Pedophilia schemes.

Williams was prosecuted by James Comey’s FBI, for Honeypot & Bribery related “crimes”, making way for Soros’ pick, D.A. Larry Krasner.

Mayor Nutter was also tasked to trek to the Vatican after his stop to Israel, to invite Pope Francis to start his N. American “apology” tour in Philadelpha, as if Nutter were apologizing for D.A. Williams’ work in toppling the Pedophiles in P.A. Diocese.

All this before Clinton’s dubious DNC Debocle.

Note: Clinton used the Philly Red Cross to help Kidnap Hatian Babies, brought to Pitsburg w/help from Sandusky’s pal, Ed Rendel, fmr Gov & Mayor.

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The October “Surprize” Cop Kill in Philly is a  STAGED False Flag Event!

WARNING! The Events unfolding in Philadelpha may all be a Stage Performance and or a Stage Crafted FALSE FLAG EVENT! 

Barack Obama’s lack luster “visit” to battle ground Philly in behalf of Joe Biden was the, relative, calm before the Storm, as, few Amercans realize the hoped-for Shit-storm that Obama and Bill Ayers’ have been working on, together, for DECADES!

Like clockwork, hours after CardiB’s bo, showed “us” the way to disrespect Police on Instagram, yet, ANOTHER enraged Black Man was shot while going on a deadly rampage with a knife in his hand.

This time the BLM fodder raged in public against the Isreali Mossad Infiltrated, Philadelphia Police, just months after the powers that be determined to import the Portland Trained Police Commissioner, Danielle Outlaw into Bill Gates’ etal’s Killadelphia.

Contrary to Obama’s Vice President, Joe Biden’s, less than sage advice last week, when he implored American Police to shoot black predators in the leg, the “serenipitutously” filmed police officers in Philly are obviously left with no choice at all but to return deadly force with deadly force against the attempting murderer’s persistent knife attack.

Based on what I have learned, however, the entire event in Philly could very well be Staged.

After, Philly’s ex Mayor, Michael Nutter was invited to the Set of the Wire in Baltimore, DC, he was tasked with the implementation of what he was shown on the set. He was to bring the theme played out on the HBO show to life in Oligarch Usurped Philadelpha.

Soon after, key Philly city council members were hosted on the set of the wire, we all made witness to the outcome of the Oligarch Scripted paradigms.

Our Compromized Philly Politicians were tasked with the systematic establishment of Cop Free Opioid Dens.

The colluding oligarch effectively developed the Kensington, Cop Free Drug Zone based on the lessons gleaned from Season 3 of “The Wire”.

The episode titled “Compstat” refects the Oligarchs’ plans that were craftily desplayed on the HBO follow-up show titled Drug Inc. to prove their diabolical plans for Oligarch Usurped Philly were working.

After, Bloomberg’s future Campeign manager, Nutter layer the initial ground work, Philly is now a Perfect Storm for the Deep State Oligarch who have proven to have entire American cities under their complete controll.

Add one more False Flag Event for Philly and one more cop kill to the long list that began in ernest on Barack Obama’s watch!

Beçause my fellow Blacks have been deprived of adequate education and, furthermore, subjected to new Social Justice Warrior curriculum and daily Brainwashing by Fake News, we fail to understand War Craft, Current Events that are truthfully told, and the nature of False Flags, which are the key tactics that were used to kick off historical wars, as well as, recent  American deep state evoked Arab Spring/s.

Most Americans can not fathim the deeds of American War Hawks turned Never Trumpers and RINOs or the CIA aided Take Down of Entire nation’s, long before the deep state agencies were turned against us, the American Citizen, with the help of Barack Obama himself! The close and continuous ties between the Bush Family, the Clinton Family, the Obama’s and the Compromized, Biden family are lost on many of our fellow Americans.

The Deep State’s prowess, in emerging Brain Science proves, both, Cognitive Dissonance and Stokholm Syndrome, alike, are enough to serve them as cover.

The deep state Oligarchs who hope to Topple Our Nation have learned, using Compromized elected officials like NYC’s Governor Cuomo or Bill DiBlazo is just as effective as using celebrities to chart our course as sitting duck victims in cities who’s Democrat leaders might resort to killing their own Citezens in order to save Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenhood pipe dream.

We also saw what the riotous ANTIFA goons now slated to burn down free Black Philly, did in DC during the Justice Kavanauh hearings in order to preserve the evermore profitable, Planned Parenthood Euthinasia of targeted blacks trapped on the Democrat Plantation.

But at last, my fellow blacks remain Clueless about the fact that blacks are now being Played by fake Jews, ie, Bill Gates (BMe, Planned Parenthood, Covid19 & his Microsoft School of the Future) Soros, Krasner and ANTIFA goons .

in the he exact same manner that the post Marxest Bolshevics and every foul movement thereafter Played their Useful Idiots, Returning American GI’s withstanding !

Much like Obama’s mission to Murder the leader of the African Union, Muramar Gudaffi, in order to Restart the Libyan SLAVE TRADE, he is also responsible for converting Chicago into CHIRAQ for Planned Parenhood Surviving Blacks who are still being gunned down in record numbers, unfettered, at the hands of Corporate Mercinaries, much like the Paid, MAGA hat wearing Attackers of Jussie Smollett.

Just as we learned that BLM funds are converted into a practical slush fund for Joe Biden and the dopey, Insurectionist, Bernie Sanders and his waiting Bernie Bros, chomping at the bit to pounce after Blacks are led to Riot and rage, taking a closer look into the hidden handed Oligarchs’ dubious networks will reveal that nothing about ANIFA Goons working in Concert w/ False Flag Cop Kills that began on Barack Obama’s watch in ernest, is what it seems.

Search the Portland imported police #Commissioner “Danielle Outlaw”s name or “Larry Krasner” the George Soros installed D.A. who Threatened to Arrest any FBI official who’d dare interfere in Philadelphia’s Anarchist City Plans on the following blog site.

Visit, to learn More about my Oligarch Usurped home-town, Philadelpha, and the latesest ANTIFA Plans unfolding therein!

Raw updates & Videos will be posted below in the order in wich they are posted.

Expect ALL of the Usual Hagalian Dialectics, “suspects” in the aftermath, including, Al Sharpton, Attorney Crump, Shaun King, Meek Mill, JayZ, etc, etc.

Examine, the Cops and determine if they are Newly Assigned (Mossad Trained Mercinary/Shills) and or weather they are tied to Clinton’s 21 St Century Justice Reform Farce in any way.

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Wrong Thinking Mad Blacks and Their Wayward “Uprising”, ie, Saul Alinsky 101

After Mark Zuckerburg and Jack Dorsey determined to Target and Remove free Thinkers, like me, from the new Public Square, I continue to engage with those I have left to engage with on instagram.

When I do get outside of my work as a self employed American, I find an intolerant and brainwashed contingency of fellow blacks and a few whites Snowflakes who are utterly decieved, due to rarer personal encounters.

When I was on Facebook, with my various Group Pages and the desire to share certain FACTS, I was slowly and steadily edged out by those in power along with those who could not handle the TRUTH. Stokholm Syndrome is real.

First, I was removed from the group pages developed by prolyphic Overlords who may be organizing blacks for those who constitute Silicon Valley based social media. Groups like Bill Gates’ BLM and

Then I was removed by Public Officials, such as, my own City Councilman Cousin, when his Campeign manager recognized me to be a liability.

Next, I was shadow banned and frequently suspended for a pre determined amount of time, I guess to teach me a lesson.

Finally, all I warned would happen in my hometown Philadelpha popped off just as I predicted.

It was a week before ANTIFA/Occupy Philly engaged in a planned Riot, deemed, yet, another Peaceful Protest in America when I got my final notice from Facebook.

One week later I was removed from Twitter too.

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See How Philadelpha Tyrants are Busy Cooking Up Votes for Joe Biden!

The Tyranical Hacks in our Nation’s “first Capital, Will Do All They Can for the Hidden Handed Oligarchs who Think They Own America & The Rest of Us too!

Watch the video above as a Democrat Patriot is compelled to shed light on the devious opporation now underway in my own hometown, Philadelpha.

Besides, Tom Ridge’s effort to establish Bill Ayers’Edison Schools, prior to being named America’s Homeland Security Czar, dirty deeds have been taking place in our nation’s “first” capital for well over a decade are now coming into full view.

From the bowels of the election site full of shills busy counting fake votes, the hidden handed Oligarchs, including Bill Gates w/ his World Wide Vacinnes scam, are hoping that our Nation is led into utter Kayos, as planned!

From Dr. Fouci’s AIDs infamy, ( See Philadelpha, the movie) to Gates’ Microsoft School of the Future EXPERIMENTS, Philly is in play once again!

Search “Philadelpha” to learn more about my neck of the woods and stay tuned for the latest events.

For more information about the Oligarchs’ who have Usurped Philadelpha, along with other key states, please type in any of the following search terms in the search box.



“George Soros”

“Sir Ronald Cohen”

“Bill Gates”


“Clinton’s 21 St Century Justice Reform”

Those who are intimately familiar with the Bible and students of history, will recognize the fact that there is truly No New Thing Under the Sun. Furthermore, all the Cabal of fake Jews have done in secret is indeed coming into the light! 

Furthermore, the everlasting cabal who has funded both sides of every war, since WW1, have mastered every lesson learned. Void of innovation they are now employing paradigms gleaned from their project paperclip assets.

Mind control and Propaganda tactics are key for George Soros’ who is at the helm of several nation’s that have practically imploded from within.

It is no accident that Americans are “forbodden” from saying Soros’ name, less the entire plot, including Sir Ronald Cohen in London and his follow up to our Venture Capital based Pension heist be discovered by all but me.

While there are layers upon layers of plausible deniability at hand, we are now witness to the Rev 3:9 mentioned, “Jews” who have determined to rise up to complete their Empirical, One World, New World Order Plans, in utter desperation before their Bulshevik leaning elders are all dead and gone!

Indeed, since the Occupy Wallstreet movement and Truthers, alike, began asking all the right questions and sharing their post 911 findings with others online, all that the deep state players have built, including, the dubious Federal Reserve, has come in to the light.

While the coordinated cabal of Oligarch jews plan their misdeeds decades in advance, all that the deep state scumbags have done, since the Assassination of John F. Kennedy and Henry Kissenger’s undermining of Richard Nixon have come to bite them in the ass, by way of Roger Stone’s astute move to elevate President Donald J Trump to the office of President.

What we are witness to is nothing short of GOD’s Prophecy manifes and  there is nothing more telling than the Rev 3:9 Mentioned Jews’ effort to rewrite our 1619 spawned history, particularly as it relates to President Trump’s FirstStepAct, signed in 2019.

That is, the end of 400 years worth of Captivity for God’s Chosen People has ended at the nexus of Joe Biden’s Three Strikes and the Great Man who has been compared to Cyrus by those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

Saints, do read your bibles as it pertains to Philadelpha and be sure to highlight Rev 3:9 to understand the ultimate outcome of events foretold.

Look no further than Henry Ford’s Protocals of Zion for a practical play by play (the “Jews'” plans for street kayos), and do Brush Up on the Animal Farm Rules wich were spelled out by George Orwell, as a way not to fall for the okidoke!

Armor Up Saints!

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STABBED: Prayers Up for the First American Martyr, Bevelyn Beatty!

The Trained Marxest at BLM have launched the first Salvo in their Evil war against Good in America.

Watch “Bevelyn Beatty Gets Jumped And Hurt By BLM” on YouTube

Today, we will all have to make a choice.

Will you be on the Side of Good or pure EVIL?

I choose GOD and GOD is Good!

Together, we will remain ONE NATION UNDER GOD!

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Watch “Joe Rogan Experience #1554 – Kanye West” on YouTube

I Just Listened to Kanye West on Joe Rogan’s Podcast and can’t help but think about Booker T Washington too.

It’s clear, there are Two Kinds of blacks in America.

The BOULE are the ones tasked to keep greats like Nat Turner,  Richard Allen, Marcus Garvey, and Booker T Washington down, in favor of W.E.B. DuBois’ , Jew “led” NAACP.

Hence, DuBois’ we still Suffer DuBois’ affinity for Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood and thereby, Baltimore MD’ s latest Murder Capital.

It’s how and why Allen’s Free Black Philadelpha was Systematically turned into #Killadelphia and why Barack Obama ushered in the Murder of Muramar Gudaffi and Chicago into CHIRAQ.

It’s truly a battle between GOOD and EVIL.

It’s the Good that Inspires Me.

Golden Call on the Lord – Jesus Walks Hoodie