Julian Francis Abele (April 30, 1881 – April 23, 1950) was a prominent Black American architect, and chief designer in the offices of Horace Trumbauer. He contributed to the design of more than 400 buildings, including the Widener Memorial Library at Harvard University (1912–15), Philadelphia‘s Central Library (1917–27), and the Philadelphia Museum of Art (1914–28). He was the primary designer of the west campus of Duke University (1924–54).
Abele’s contributions to the Trumbauer firm were great, but the only building for which he claimed authorship during Trumbauer’s lifetime was Duke University Chapel. Following Trumbauer’s 1938 death, he co-headed the architectural firm and designed additional buildings at Duke, including Allen Administrative Building and Cameron Indoor Stadium.
Abraham Petrovitz Araboff
Benjamin Banneker (November 9, 1731 – October 19, 1806) was an African-American naturalist, mathematician, astronomer and almanac author. He was a landowner who also worked as a surveyor and farmer.
Born in Baltimore County, Maryland, to a free African-American mother and a father who had formerly been enslaved, Banneker had little or no formal education and was largely self-taught. He became known for assisting Major Andrew Ellicott in a survey that established the original borders of the District of Columbia, the federal capital district of the United States.
Octavius Valentine Catto : (February 22, 1839 – October 10, 1871) was an American educator, intellectual, and civil rights activist. He became principal of male students at the Institute for Colored Youth, where he had also been educated. Born free in Charleston, South Carolina, in a prominent mixed-race family, he moved north as a boy with his family. After completing his education, he went into teaching, and becoming active in civil rights. He also became known as a top cricket and baseball player in 19th-century Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A Republican, he was shot and killed in election-day violence in Philadelphia, where ethnic Irish of the Democratic Party, who were anti-Reconstruction and had opposed black suffrage, attacked black men to prevent their voting.
George Washington Carver
Oliver Cromwell: (May 24, 1752 – January 1853) was an African-American soldier, who served in the American Revolutionary War. He was born a free black man in Black Horse (now the Columbus section of Mansfield Township, Burlington County, New Jersey),[1] and was raised as a farmer. Read More
Not only was the Nanticoke-Lenape Moorish language lost but the ancient Cohen Priest Chiefs known as the Cohanzik were either killed, imprisoned and or driven away by the European Colonialists.
In regards to this history concerning the Cohanzik the word itself came to mean that which was taken out or taken away. However Allah is the Best of the Planners! It would be a granddaughter of Peter Staff who would marry a Moorish Sicilian man from the Scaletta family.
Scaletta means the ” Family of Ascension ” initially referring to the extended families of the Messiah Jesus Christ who along with those at Pentecoast received the Holy Spirit after the ascension of the Messiah. The union between Antonino and Catherine Scaletta produced a daughter Elizabeth who would marry a descendant of the Cohen Israelite tribe of Bani-Qaraiza from Medina in Arabia. From this union would emerge the High Priest of Israel (Amir) Ishaq D. Al-Sulaimani who is a DNA Proven Cohen Priest and the Great Great Grandson of Peter Staff.
The Cohanzik has now returned !! Welcome to the restored Nanticoke Lenape Nation of Moors. This is the long awaited time of the MOORISH ISRAELITES and the rebirth of the House of Joseph. IT IS A MANIFEST DESTINY!!!
*In (1840) the Moorish Nanticoke language which was a dialect of Mandingo (Nantego) became extinct with the death of its last speaker Lydia Clarke. However just 14 years later would be the beginning of redemption as the Moorish Nanticoke Lenape would unknowingly be saved by the miraculous sign of the return of Peter Staff in 1854.
Rebecca J. Cole (March 16, 1846 – August 14, 1922) was an American physician, organization founder and social reformer. In 1867, she became the second African-American woman to become a doctor in the United States, after Rebecca Lee Crumpler three years earlier. Throughout her life she faced racial and gender-based barriers to her medical education, training in all-female institutions which were run by the first generation of graduating female physicians.
Paul Cuffee: also known as Paul Cuffee (January 17, 1759 – September 7, 1817) was an American businessman, whaler and abolitionist. Born free into a multiracial family on Cuttyhunk Island, Massachusetts, Cuffe became a successful merchant and sea captain. His mother, Ruth Moses, was a Wampanoag from Harwich, Cape Cod and his father an Ashanti captured as a child in West Africa and sold into slavery in Newport about 1720. In the mid-1740s, his father was manumitted by his Quaker owner, John Slocum. His parents married in 1747 in Dartmouth.
William Saunders Crowdy: An American soldier, preacher,
entrepreneur, theologian, and pastor. As one of the
earliest Hebrew Israelites in the United States, he
established the Church of God and Saints of Christ in
1896 after he claimed to have had visions telling him
“that Blacks were descendants of the ten lost tribes of
Frederick Douglass
Marcus Garvey
Black Hessians
Richard Humphreys
– King James:
– Jameson Jenkins: Teamster, Drayman, Black Abolitionist, A Primary Underground Railroad Conductor, Neighbor and Contemporary Associate of Abraham Lincoln.
*Jameson Jenkins’ House Archaeological Dig…
– John H. Johnson: (January 19, 1918 – August 8, 2005[2]) was an American businessman and publisher. Johnson was the founder in 1942 of the Johnson Publishing Company, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Johnson’s company with its Ebony (1945) and Jet (1951) magazines was among the most influential African-American business in media in the second half of the twentieth century.[4] In 1982, Johnson became the first African American to appear on the Forbes 400. In 1987, Johnson was named Black Enterprise Entrepreneur of the year.[1][5] in 1996, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
NASA research mathematician
– Absalom Jones (November 7, 1746 – February 13, 1818) was an African-American abolitionist and clergyman who became prominent in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Disappointed at the racial discrimination he experienced in a local Methodist church, he founded the Free African Society with Richard Allen in 1787, a mutual aid society for African Americans in the city. The Free African Society included many people newly freed from slavery after the American Revolutionary War.
In 1794, Jones founded the first black Episcopal congregation, and in 1802,[1] he was the first African American to be ordained as a priest in the Episcopal Church of the United States. He is listed on the Episcopal calendar of saints. He is remembered liturgically on the date of his death, February 13, in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer as “Absalom Jones, Priest, 1818”.
Malcolm Little : Malcolm X:
Elijah J. McCoy; “The Real McCoy”
Henry Laird Phillips (March 11, 1847 – May 27, 1947) was an American social reformer and rector of the Church of the Crucifixion, an African American Episcopal Church congregation in Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission erected a commemorative marker outside the church in 1993. W. E. B. Du Bois praised Phillips as “one of the most valuable social reformers of the day.
Peter Staff: Was born in Hesse Cassel Germany settled in Pennsylvania in 1854 which was 70 years after his grandfather a Nanticoke-Lenape Moorish
Loyalist went into exile after the Revolutionary War. During the Revolutionary War, the Nanticoke rallied behind the Mohawk Chief Joseph Brant by siding
with the British against the American Colonialists.
– Denmark Vesey (also Telemaque) (ca. 1767 – July 2, 1822) A skilled carpenter and leader among African Americans in Charleston, South Carolina.
Accused and convicted of being the ringleader of “the rising,” a potential slave revolt planned for the city in June 1822; he was executed.
Likely born into slavery in St. Thomas, he served a master in Bermuda for some time before being brought to Charleston, where he gained his freedom.
Vesey won a lottery and purchased his freedom around the age of 32. He had a good business and a family, but was unable to buy his first wife Beck and their children out of slavery. Vesey became active in the Second Presbyterian Church; in 1818 he was among the founders of an independent African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in the city,[3] which had the support of white clergy. It rapidly attracted 1,848 members, making this the second-largest AME congregation in the nation after Mother Bethel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
–Booker T. Washington
–Margaret James Murray Washington
American educator who was the principal of Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, which later became Tuskegee University.
Learn more at the following link…
From NEGUS Kings to daily Shame: The making of a new name for the “New Negro”
While it is well known the Kennedy’s shared compassion and a deep seated concern for Negroes in America but Notice how the smooth speaking James Baldwin said White this and White That, pejoratively and NEVER EVER EVER Any Bad thing about the Oppressive NYC Jew Slum Lords who effectively Harnessed and Commissioned this sexually compromised BLACK SHILL as his Patron Overlords to Systematically Pivot Blacks Away from any possible alliance with the Kennedy Legacy or WHITE CHRISTIANS who DARED To Help Emancipate Us.
In lies the reason the jewISH New Yorker Dan Borros RECONSTITUTED the Usurped KKK, an organization that got started to Dispense with Leo Frank who thought to blame his Black Worker for the Paedophilia Murder of a White Little Girl lured into his company. Bottom line, Rev 3:9 isREAL and it’s time God”s Chosen and Those of the Promise finally WAKE UP!!!!
The Black Panthers:
Stokely Carmichael ; A.K.A….. Kwame Ture
W.E.B. DuBois

“Crime, poverty and idleness affect his (Black community) interests unfavourably and he would have them stopped; he looks upon these slums and slum characters as unpleasant things which should in some way be removed for the best interests of all.” WEB Du Bois 1899
Dick Gregory
-1960: Richard Benjamin Moore (9 August 1893 – 1978) was a Barbados-born African-Caribbean civil rights activist and prominent Socialist.
* Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) forms with the merger of the Combined Jewish Appeal and Associated Jewish Philanthropies. First published in 1960 in a limited edition, The Name “Negro”: Its Origin and Evil Use is Richard B. Moore’s comprehensive study of the use and definition of the word, “Negro.” Connection its origins to the beginning of the African slave trade, Moore shows how the name, “Negro,” was used to separate people of African descent and confirm their supposed inferiority.
As an orator, writer, avid reader and Black bibliophile, Moore recognized he critical need for Black people to understand the use of language as a tool of prejudice, and more importantly, as an instrument of liberation.
In early 1960, following a series of lectures on African Religion Before Judaism and Christianity presented at a loft in Harlem that he designated as Moors Gallery, Moore advanced his analysis of the term “Negro.” He traced the association of the word to the beginnings and development of the slave trade and demonstrated how the term continually conveyed connotations of inferiority. As he explains in the forward of the fist edition, the members of the audience endorsed the suggestions to form the Committee To Present the Truth About the Name “Negro” and plans were made for the presentations of a formal lecture. “The name ‘Negro’– Its Origin, Purpose And Evil Use” was presented on May 29th by Moore at the United Mutual Life Insurance Company building. The Committee adopted a resolution introduced by Attorney Percy E. Sutton calling for a change of name. Moore was urged to publish an expanded, substantiated version. By the time the text was ready for publication, Moore had presented a second lecture at St. Leonard’s African Orthodox Church located in Brooklyn, New York on June 26th, launched publicity releases to the press including a special letter to the New York Times, and mounted a campaign to solicit support for the Committee. The two addressees and pertinent related documents were published by Moore under the incorporated name “AfroAmerican Publishers” before the end of the year. Both hardcover and softcover editions were issued.
Michael King Sr. A.K.A….. Martin Luther King Sr.
Michael King Jr. A.K.A….. Martin Luther King Jr.
Al Sharpton
COMING SOON: Thompkins Funeral Home Archives/Philadelphia Death Records by date…