Whether your inclined to believe the word “theory” must always follow the word “conspiracy”, as trained, or if the thought of flat earth seems plausible to you, it is highly likely, seeing most of the Alt News and Conservative news sources suggesting President Donald J. Trump may not be the best President for this country will effectively change your mind, but not exactly as the deep state Oligarchs intend.
If empirical evidence and unadulterated truth resounds with you, it’s likely you will now recognize who is, in fact, Controlled Opposition in this nation and it will have occurred to you all in the course of three days this week, starting on August 20th, 2022.
This particular truth will break through cognitive dissonance and it will hit American patriots and partisans, alike.
There will be a sudden revelation hitting as hard as the 911 Airplains that crashed into three different locations on that fateful day in America and a revelation that will penetrate as deeply as seeing the dancing Israelis in response to the most brazen False flag event in our lifetime.
From Laura Ingle on Foxx News, to Alex Jones and David Icke, the most well known “truthers” on the planet, it’s as if they all got their 4am talking points in common and signal to sew doubt about Trump.
Much like the first-go-round with Kathy Griffin, Snoop Dogg, Alex Baldwin or Johnny Depp, there will be no doubt about those who are now obligated to roll out one concerted message this weekend.
Like the other spent shills, they are all tasked to deliver just as their hidden handed deep-state handlers go scrambling in desperation and in search of a new way to finally end President Donald Trump.
Even while Alex Jones has far bigger fish to fry a relative conservative Straw-man consumed in a biased court system with Sandy Hook Crisis Actor claims being held over his head, he still managed to flip the incurious switch right along with Liz Cheney, Laura Ingle -n- dem.
Indeed, mainstream news outlets are more inclined to deliver coordinated talking points, nationwide, so there are countless compilations of corporate news affiliates delivering the exact same script in lockstep and verbatim, but, few Patriotic Americans would attribute this group-think phenomenon to those who were considered to be independent or conservative journalists, until now.
Americans must come to realize, it is not just the targeted Black community that is systematically bamboozled via Controlled Opposition (the Black Boule) and Fake news, but now, it’s the entire American population who are being spoonfed propaganda and lies on a daily basis by the same far-reaching entities who have amassed a substantial audience over the course of several decades.

The Latin American population got it’s wakeup call a few months ago when George Soros suddenly realized his open borders plan does not resonate with families who came here legally.
As Soros shills scramble to triangulate the hearts and minds of the most gullible Hispanics his sloppy and hurried efforts are beginning to look more like a Mexican firing squad bound to murder itself.
Likewise, just when you thought a publically embarrassed Liz Cheney would hang up her “going hunting with Dad” sign, instead she seemed to make her getaway back to her evil layer in time to plot another damned day for America.
Based on Cheney’s January 6th committee performance in conjunction with Eric Garland and Christopher Wray’s ongoing overreach, we can all see there’s not only a NBC Production team afoot but that thee are those who have effectively cashed out of Hollywood all in favor of reality tv.

Just a few shallow diggs deeper into (((their))) whole damned production, Americans and the entire world who are watching the spectacle from afar are finnaly realizing Rev 2:9 and 3:9 is 100% true.
Metaphysically, it’s no wonder why the book in which these chapters and verses are derived is called the book of REVELATIONS.
This weekend it may have become clear that our favorite “conservative” correspondents are as shady and disingenuous as their fake news counterparts.
Consider the timing… After key midterm primaries, in which most candidates endorsed by President Trump won, and the aggressive and unprecedented raid on a President’s personal home and effects in Marlago, the Democrat Administration basically help to rendered President Trump far more popular than ever before.
From favorable poles for President Trump in concert with record contributions to Trump’s own political machine the numbers don’t lie!
Those who see President Trump plowing forward unscathed after all the Deep State tyrants have done to him, they figured the last thing they need is for Trump to publically announce his bid for the Whitehouse and the mighty Diamond and Silk announcing the return of the Trump Train full of greatful and fed up Americans on-board.
What do (((they))) do after (((their))) pathetic white-hope “republican”, Liz Cheney, fell on her Civil War caliber Lincoln sward? (((They))) turn to their most high profile Cabal of Controlled Opposition who are only know for stating the obvious all while it’s all of their heavy lifting fans who are filtering up facts behind the scenes that can later be distilled with just enough cra-cray, racism, or snark.
In the deep state Pantheon of ways and means upper echelon truthers give more reserve Patriots a counter big brother to look up to and therefore, we are given a false sense of security, as it seems by stating the obvious, alone, what the big talkers do is actually akin to getting something done when, nothing at all substantial is getting done by the blowhards who are granted most of the alt media bandwidth.
Besides being powerful enough to inform our votes, media personalities like Alex Jones or insider Ben Shapiro turned deep state Straw-men for the rest of us, serve up no more utility for hope-filled Patriots than the shadow puppets in Plato’s cave.
What we all realize when President Trump is treated no better than liberals claim All Blacks are treated on a daily basis is that WE THE PEOPLE are all in the same boat, looking outward at Tyrants and tumultuous times metered out by the same political hacks who wrote the many crime bills, expressly, designed to keep hapless Blacks captivated, both, mentally and physically.
Of course, the Machiavellian nature of the hidden handed fake jew’s deep state politics is lost on most, but, there’s still a critical mass of deception that constitutes the proverbial crossing of the Rubicon.
It won’t be what (((they))) did in Malonia Trump’s underwear draw, but rather all they must expend in order to put their intended narratives back on track.
Not since the Wiz, when Michael Jackson, Diana Ross and Richard Prior could still deliver the goods, all while being tweaked out of their collective, creative, Oligarch controlled minds, have we had such a ephemeral reveal.
In an instant, all of America will realize everything we ever thought we knew for certain was nothing more than an elaborate lie worthy of a book written much like Martin Luther’s.