Philadelphia Mayor Nutter used the same A-hole epitaph against the targeted Black youth of Philly after the hidden handed Technocrats launched a series of False Flag events under the banner of “Philly Flash Mobs”. Like every BLM “riot” that followed and the so called January 6th Insurrection, Deep State tied AGITATORS were used to help Rollout the hidden handed Oligarchs’ Urban Schools and Justice Department TAKEOVERS that followed, ie, Hagalian Dialectics 101
I realized that the CABAL of Conspiring OLIGARCHS were ALL working under the banner of Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION from my Philadelphia point of view while working to understand the Rhetoric coming from my own Democrat City Councilman first Cousin and the political Rhetoric coming from the Hillary Clinton Sycophant, Philadelphia Mayor Michal Nutter, turned Michael Bloomberg’s Campaign manager after helping to Rig the Philly DNC in Clinton’s favor, After Handing Over Venture Capital Bankrupt Philly to Bloomberg etal and After launching the first salvo against candidate Donald J. Trump well before Trump won the 2016 election.
WHILE PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS HINTED THAT WE ARE AT WAR, I AM GRATEFUL THAT OTHER AMERICANS HAVE COME TO THE UNDERSTANDING THAT WE ARE INDEED AT WAR ALSO, HOWEVER, it remains quite clear to me that most still haven’t a clue, as MOST are not Willing or Able to Correctly identify exactly who has declared war against our various nations and thereby WE THE PEOPLE Remain mere REACTIONARIES during Sir Ronald Cohen’s Openly Declared SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION.
Sadly, I am seen as a NOBODY FROM NOWHERE as a Black Woman from Oligarch Usurped Philadelphia, our nation’s first Capital where the Best and Brightest have been practically HYJACKED to deliver All the SOCIAL INCITE AND SOCIAL IMPACT BOND Purveyors want and need from us using EVERY LESSON LEARNED Since the jew’s BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION!!!
Not only are we subject to an asymmetrical war, Cohen has managed to Fleece Our Nation’s Pension Coffers in order to Build Up, Henry Kissinger’s Communist China right along with the Silicon Valley hacks who have declared themselves AI gods among men.
By Bankrupting our Nation from within the Oligarchs managed to USE the Bloomberg Waterboy, Nutter to spread the Oligarchs paradigms nationwide via his position as Chairman of the Oligarch Usurped Conference of Mayors.
Beginning with a council of 200 jewISH American OLIGARCHS a toolkit and frameworks for TAKING OVER OUR NATION was manifest with the help of the Clinton Sycophant’s who allowed our Oligarch usurped first capital become the primary Command Center for Satanic Hacks like Bill Gates’ who’s Microsoft School of the Future emerged just as Governor Tom Ridge worked to Install Bill Ayers Edison Schools as a PART OF THE OLIGARCHS DIABOLICAL PLANS.
After parents revolted against Edison Schools, Oligarch Eli Brode and the Walton’s of Walmart took up the Cause of MAKING OUR KIDS INTO RADICALIZED, SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS AND DUMBED DOWN BLM Shills.
After the 911 False Flag Event with the lone Plane in the PA field, Gov. Tom Ridge would go on to become our nation’s First, LIBERTY ROBBING, Homeland Security Czar, parted ways with his Weather Underground pal leaving his Ayers to install his Life-Long Lackie Barack Obama into the seat of ultimate power.
Obama would become Cohen’s most important, Harvard tied protégé when he was the Chairman of the since devolved G8.
NFL, New England Patriots Owner Robert Kraft and NBA, 76ers Owner Michael Rubin are Oligarchs On-Board to Bring Communist China Styled Open Aired Prison System to Philly using their auditioned front-men, JayZ, Van Jones and their Anti-Police Poster Boy, Meek Mill
After robbing the Brits of all of their Unclaimed Assets, with the help of Tony Blare, Cohen expanded his SIB agenda stateside by using his Alma-matta, Harvard School of Business as a key hub for TOPPING OUR NATION from within.
Cohen even managed to get his Harvard classmate, Robert Kraft of the New England Patriots on-board and shortly after the ENTIRE NFL would become systematically WEAPONIZED and used to forward, both, Cohen and George Soros paradigms, namely, Open Cities and BLM themed Social INCITES used to evoke Riots in our troubled streets.
I could go on as I always do at, but it’s dinner time now and for as long as we still have food at the onset of Biden’s DARK WINTER.
The Owners of NIKE and it’s Satanic Ilk know it’s not enough to ENCOURAGE targeted Blacks to Murder each other over a pair of high valued NIKEs on the daily, and as indicated via the Satanist’s stable of signed Gangsta Rappers and evermore Deviant Black “Performers” who follow in the tormented foot-steps of Sammy Davis Jr. and his willing acolyte, Bill Cosby, who has faced losses untold for his misdeeds done in secret.
NIKE knows Michael Jordan’s , relative, Sacrifices were not enough for NIKE for them either.
Likewise, NIKE knows Communist China’s human SACRIFICES are not enough for NIKE, but rather, NIKE goes for the entire enchilada right along with the rest of their Open Aired SATANIST now told not to hide in the shadows any longer !
Sadly, targeted Blacks, ie, God’s Chosen People, are Key to their Satanic PLANS, as always!!!!!
Once upon a time, it took the Regular Gunning Down of Unarmed Blacks by Rogue Cops via Usurped Cities that were effectively Infiltrated by Clinton’s 21st Century Justice #Reform farce and essentially, Israel’s Mosad in conjunction with plans for a complete U.N. aided Takeover of America, during the time that we were being ENTERTAINED by the Ilk’s Movie TELLS, Purge and Meet the Blacks. it took the Regular Gunning Down of Unarmed Blacks by Rogue Cops via Usurped Cities that were effectively Infiltrated by Clinton’s 21st Century Justice #Reform farce and essentially, Israel’s Mosad in conjunction with plans for a complete U.N. aided Takeover of America, during the time that we were being ENTERTAINED by the Ilk’s Movie TELLS, Purge and Meet the Blacks.
all it takes is the Daily News Outlets dramatically Narrating their
constant stream of Lies, Half Truths and Brazen Outright False Flag
Events just so that the Masses, who were once subject to George Bush Jr,
Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama’s C.O.R.E and Edision Schools Paradigms
for the making of Normal Citizens into, so called, SOCIAL JUSTICE
that the Deep State Oligarch’s Russian Spy Narrative begun by their gal
Hillary Clinton has run it’s course, the new and or newly revived,
Trump’s A Racist Narrative is Full Steam Ahead as planned.
fact that Donald Trump has a Long, and Well DOCUMENTED History of Being
With and Engaging With, Well known and Lesser Known Black People, the
Oligarchs who hoped to Topple this Nation by now, rarely applied the
RACE BATE Narrative Directly onto President Donald J. Trump until now
after realizing their Russian Narrative would not be enough to take our
Duly Elected President Out.
What most do not notice is that the Oligarchs were plying their White
Authority is Racist Paradigms all throughout the Obama Administration.
Indeed, it was a hard sell being that Whites had Helped to Elect
Ameica’s First Black President Proving that America was hardly a racist
oligarch’s Race Bate Paradigms were well under way, none the less, in
each of the cities the Georg Soros Ilk of SOCIAL IMPACT BOND peddling
Oligarchs have managed to USURP. While it would be a hard sell to
convince Blacks that they were Oppressed by the White Man in cities like
Philadelphia who was already on it’s Third Black Mayor in , relatively,
Successive terms, Oligarch Corporations like Starbucks and Hidden
Handed Entities Infiltrated, Harvard School of Business Trained Police
forces under the Auspice of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform still
managed to Pull off a steady Drum Beat of False Flag Events in order for
the Consummate ORGANIZERS, Bill Ayers and his Puppet President to
render countless members into the ranks of a Ready Made Black Lives
Matters Group with Chapters being rapidly erected Nationwide on the
strength of Rogue and Murderous Cops assured that No Arrest, No Jail
time and No Punishment would befall them just like in the TELLING Movie
fact, the Hidden Handed American Oligarchs with long standing ties to
America’s Rouge CIA managed to Enlarge themselves, greatly as a result
of the 9/11 FALSE FLAG Event, followed by a series of deep state
developments unfolded under the auspice of Hagalian Dialectics. That is,
the Deep State causes a Internationally recognized Problem followed by
what appears to be ready solutions.
just so happens that many of the Deep State’s “solutions” were
spearheaded in my home state, Pennsylvania where they thought to entreat
us to a portion of their 9/11 farce, in the way of the Downing of
flight ___ in the relatively desolate field, all while the other two
airplanes hit their designated targets, the Twin Tower Buildings already
rigged with explosives and evacuated of jews in NYC, and the U.S.
Pentigon Building in Maryland, with absolute precision.
PA. Governor, Tom Ridge, was busy spending his days aiding Bill Ayers
of the Weather Underground, in his bid to infiltrate Philadelphia
schools under the Banner of Edision Schools. Edison schools were to be
tooled to deliver CNN news in classrooms, daily, but after the citizens
of Philadelphia bulked in light of lack luster performance the Ayers
paradigm was slow to take off and in fact, the entire bid to let Ayers
takeover Philly schools was taken off of the table until the Cabal could
Regroup and get their Man, Barack Obama into office after being Bill
Ayers trained and propped up in part by way of his Book, Dreams from my
father that was written by Bill Ayers himself.
was removed from his tasks as PA Governor so that he could preside
over the making of the NSA and other Patriot Act Mandates developed by
his Hidden Handed Cabal.
forward to the Deep State Destabilizing Trump Administration, the 9/11
Truther who also saw through the Black CIA Shill Obama, is under
constant attack for all of the losses the deep state has already
sustained since the day they realized their CHOSEN Deep State Asset, who
could Seamlessly Forward their Agenda, had not won the Office of the
White House.
to popular belief, it just so happens that other Americans were seeing
and thinking exactly like Citizen Donald J. Trump.
is, indeed, no coincidence, whatsoever, that I had already written a
blog page chronicling the effects of Barack Obama’s many Regulations on
my failing Neon Sign Business and all of the peripheral bussiness who
had to shutter their doors due to Obama’s gross ineptitude in behalf of
his Deep State Handlers and their Lobbying efforts who helped to
orchestrate America’s systematic demise.
it is no coincidence, whatsoever, that I had already developed my FALSE
FLAGS and FAKE NEWS group page on Facebook in 2014 and well before our
astute President effectively made Fake News News.
just a week after the much anticipated Muller hearing, my fellow black
are in an absolute Uproar. Due to effective Brainwashing, in part, by
CNN but largely due to the Complete Media Blackout of Actual News in
Oligarch usurped Cities where the plan for welcoming the CIA’s ex FARC
members into readied SANCTUARIES was effectively desecrated by the Trump
Starbucks’s Three Years in the Making Race Together Ploys the Oligarchs
in conjunction with the Infiltrated Philadelphia Police Force managed
to Stage their Race Based Event in Philadelphia’s 18th Street Starbucks
Location. The Select Players was a White Barista, Two Greeks, A Philly
School Flipping Jew and a Jewish Novelist who was tasked with making the
Captured Video she obtained go Viral. Also waiting in the wings of the
Starbucks Race Together Campaign was Eric Holder who would Conduct
Starbucks Mandated Racial Sensitivities Training in Shuddered Locations
Nationwide. Later, the CEO who planned it all would announce his plans
to throw his hat into the ring for Presidency in 2020. Somehow, his
effort to join the fray of Roasted Nuts on the Democratic Stage got
the Oligarch Owners of the Sixers and the New England Patriots swooped
into Philly to Extract their Black Shill Strait out of his Jail Cell and
onto their Usurped Public Arena just before the NBA Championship games,
the Oligarch Puppet Masters of Meek Mill worked hand in hand with
Philly’ s Usurped Media to Promote the story of his mother’s home being
Targeted by a White Racist and, likewise, with the help of TMZ stories
of his Race Based Denial as a Guest into a Las Vegas Hotel rendered
little to now real traction towards George Soro’s Two Year Late Race
their Muller Trial Flop the Oligarchs were able to Re Focus back onto
Race as a National Debate, however, in true form Donald J. Trump has
beat them at their own Game…
the Oligarchs hooked their Wagons onto, yet, another Made Man from
Philly, the Gullible Black Shill Meek Mill, the George Soros funded D.A.
was busy conspiring with the deep state to have BRAINWASHED Blacks
Champion Mill’s relative Lawlessness right along with their plans for a
Free Needle Exchange as per paradigms first exposed in the form of a
Deep State Trail Balloon imbedded into their HBO, The Wire series where
we were fist clued into the Kenzington Plan for Police Free Opioid Drug
while the Trump Administration and the Newly Elected Florida Governor
worked to infiltrate the Human Sex Trade where Meek Mill’s Handler
Robert Kraft was caught patronizing before his arrest, the Soros funded
Philly D.A. was busy revealing his Legal Prostitution plans for the
Women of Philly.
Propping up their CELEBRITY CRIMINAL into a Cause Celeb along with
their NYC Equivalent, who is an Admitted, Thieving Whore, CardiB, the
Deep State was essentially TRAINING Gullible Blacks to CHAMPION their
Utter and Systematic Demise.
ultimately Calling out All of the BLACK DEMOCRATIC SHILLS who are PAID
Destruction of AMERICA from within our USURPED, and previously Bankrupt
ALL THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT is exactly what President Donald J. Trump Hopes
to Utterly destroy.
that said, as usual, all of this info is supplied to my fellow blacks
who have, indeed, been subject to the deep state koolaid. As always I
engage these Gullible Blacks to the Fullest Extent until their Cognitive
Dissonance Get’s the best of them resulting into predictable name
calling or until they finnaly Wake Up even a little bit after realizing
none of what they though they knew about Donald J. Trump is based on
Truth but based on the fact that they have been effectively BRAINWASHED.
I have cut and pasted an ongoing convo directly from Facebook. It is an
ongoing and fluid convo so be sure to check back for updates.
always I post in the following cut and past format to serve as Exhibit A
or as an Antidote that can be delivered as a Case Study in the Real
Time Efforts to Repeat History. It will not be lost on Free Thinkers and
the Students of History that the Same Systematic Paradigms being
applied today, were Already Tried in many periods and in many nations,
including the Media scorned Russia, where the pre Nazi era, Jewish
Bolsheviks first perfected so many of the paradigms being manifest in
the effort to overthrow our troubled nation today.
always your comment and feedback is welcome. Please support my ongoing
research by going to the Paypal link to the right and as always the
names have been abbreviated to protect the sources and more-so my
ability to engage with them as necessary. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We The Negro;s Initial Post on Facebook: WHILE The TRUTH Hurts those who are BRAINWASHED, Daily, to Hate our Duly ELECTED President for NO CAUSE and a Pack of ONGOING, EVER CHANGING, DAILY LIES…TRUMP IS TRUTH! Don’t Just Take My Word for it RESEARCH Primary Sources and FACTS! Our Most Venerable Knew that Donald Trump Is TRUTH with NO RACIST BONE IN HIS BODY!
First it took the Regular Gunning Down of Unarmed Blacks by Rogue Cops
via Usurped Cities that were effectively Infiltrated by Clinton’s 21st
Century Justice #Reform farce and essentially, Israel’s Mosad in
conjunction with plans for a complete U.N. aided Takeover of America,
during the time that we were being ENTERTAINED by the Ilk’s Movie TELLS,
Purge and Meet the Blacks.
all it takes is the Daily News Outlets dramatically Narrating their
constant stream of Lies, Half Truths and Brazen Outright False Flag
Events just so that the Masses, who were once subject to George Bush Jr,
Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama’s C.O.R.E and Edision Schools Paradigms
for the making of Normal Citizens into, so called, SOCIAL JUSTICE
that the Deep State Oligarch’s Russian Spy Narrative begun by their gal
Hillary Clinton has run it’s course, the new and or newly revived,
Trump’s A Racist Narrative is Full Steam Ahead as planned.
fact that Donald Trump has a Long, and Well DOCUMENTED History of Being
With and Engaging With, Well known and Lesser Known Black People, the
Oligarchs who hoped to Topple this Nation by now, rarely applied the
RACE BATE Narrative Directly onto President Donald J. Trump until now
after realizing their Russian Narrative would not be enough to take our
Duly Elected President Out.
What most do not notice is that the Oligarchs were plying their White
Authority is Racist Paradigms all throughout the Obama Administration.
Indeed, it was a hard sell being that Whites had Helped to Elect
Ameica’s First Black President Proving that America was hardly a racist
oligarch’s Race Bate Paradigms were well under way, none the less, in
each of the cities the Georg Soros Ilk of SOCIAL IMPACT BOND peddling
Oligarchs have managed to USURP. While it would be a hard sell to
convince Blacks that they were Oppressed by the White Man in cities like
Philadelphia who was already on it’s Third Black Mayor in , relatively,
Successive terms, Oligarch Corporations like Starbucks and Hidden
Handed Entities Infiltrated, Harvard School of Business Trained Police
forces under the Auspice of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform still
managed to Pull off a steady Drum Beat of False Flag Events in order for
the Consummate ORGANIZERS, Bill Ayers and his Puppet President to
render countless members into the ranks of a Ready Made Black Lives
Matters Group with Chapters being rapidly erected Nationwide on the
strength of Rogue and Murderous Cops assured that No Arrest, No Jail
time and No Punishment would befall them just like in the TELLING Movie
fact, the Hidden Handed American Oligarchs with long standing ties to
America’s Rouge CIA managed to Enlarge themselves, greatly as a result
of the 9/11 FALSE FLAG Event, followed by a series of deep state
developments unfolded under the auspice of Hagalian Dialectics. That is,
the Deep State causes a Internationally recognized Problem followed by
what appears to be ready solutions.
just so happens that many of the Deep State’s “solutions” were
spearheaded in my home state, Pennsylvania where they thought to entreat
us to a portion of their 9/11 farce, in the way of the Downing of
flight ___ in the relatively desolate field, all while the other two
airplanes hit their designated targets, the Twin Tower Buildings already
rigged with explosives and evacuated of jews in NYC, and the U.S.
Pentigon Building in Maryland, with absolute precision.
PA. Governor, Tom Ridge, was busy spending his days aiding Bill Ayers
of the Weather Underground, in his bid to infiltrate Philadelphia
schools under the Banner of Edision Schools. Edison schools were to be
tooled to deliver CNN news in classrooms, daily, but after the citizens
of Philadelphia bulked in light of lack luster performance the Ayers
paradigm was slow to take off and in fact, the entire bid to let Ayers
takeover Philly schools was taken off of the table until the Cabal could
Regroup and get their Man, Barack Obama into office after being Bill
Ayers trained and propped up in part by way of his Book, Dreams from my
father that was written by Bill Ayers himself.
was removed from his tasks as PA Governor so that he could preside
over the making of the NSA and other Patriot Act Mandates developed by
his Hidden Handed Cabal.
forward to the Deep State Destabilizing Trump Administration, the 9/11
Truther who also saw through the Black CIA Shill Obama, is under
constant attack for all of the losses the deep state has already
sustained since the day they realized their CHOSEN Deep State Asset, who
could Seamlessly Forward their Agenda, had not won the Office of the
White House.
to popular belief, it just so happens that other Americans were seeing
and thinking exactly like Citizen Donald J. Trump.
is, indeed, no coincidence, whatsoever, that I had already written a
blog page chronicling the effects of Barack Obama’s many Regulations on
my failing Neon Sign Business and all of the peripheral bussiness who
had to shutter their doors due to Obama’s gross ineptitude in behalf of
his Deep State Handlers and their Lobbying efforts who helped to
orchestrate America’s systematic demise.
it is no coincidence, whatsoever, that I had already developed my FALSE
FLAGS and FAKE NEWS group page on Facebook in 2014 and well before our
astute President effectively made Fake News News.
just a week after the much anticipated Muller hearing, my fellow black
are in an absolute Uproar. Due to effective Brainwashing, in part, by
CNN but largely due to the Complete Media Blackout of Actual News in
Oligarch usurped Cities where the plan for welcoming the CIA’s ex FARC
members into readied SANCTUARIES was effectively desecrated by the Trump
Starbucks’s Three Years in the Making Race Together Ploys the Oligarchs
in conjunction with the Infiltrated Philadelphia Police Force managed
to Stage their Race Based Event in Philadelphia’s 18th Street Starbucks
Location. The Select Players was a White Barista, Two Greeks, A Philly
School Flipping Jew and a Jewish Novelist who was tasked with making the
Captured Video she obtained go Viral. Also waiting in the wings of the
Starbucks Race Together Campaign was Eric Holder who would Conduct
Starbucks Mandated Racial Sensitivities Training in Shuddered Locations
Nationwide. Later, the CEO who planned it all would announce his plans
to throw his hat into the ring for Presidency in 2020. Somehow, his
effort to join the fray of Roasted Nuts on the Democratic Stage got
the Oligarch Owners of the Sixers and the New England Patriots swooped
into Philly to Extract their Black Shill Strait out of his Jail Cell and
onto their Usurped Public Arena just before the NBA Championship games,
the Oligarch Puppet Masters of Meek Mill worked hand in hand with
Philly’ s Usurped Media to Promote the story of his mother’s home being
Targeted by a White Racist and, likewise, with the help of TMZ stories
of his Race Based Denial as a Guest into a Las Vegas Hotel rendered
little to now real traction towards George Soro’s Two Year Late Race
their Muller Trial Flop the Oligarchs were able to Re Focus back onto
Race as a National Debate, however, in true form Donald J. Trump has
beat them at their own Game…
the Oligarchs hooked their Wagons onto, yet, another Made Man from
Philly, the Gullible Black Shill Meek Mill, the George Soros funded D.A.
was busy conspiring with the deep state to have BRAINWASHED Blacks
Champion Mill’s relative Lawlessness right along with their plans for a
Free Needle Exchange as per paradigms first exposed in the form of a
Deep State Trail Balloon imbedded into their HBO, The Wire series where
we were fist clued into the Kenzington Plan for Police Free Opioid Drug
while the Trump Administration and the Newly Elected Florida Governor
worked to infiltrate the Human Sex Trade where Meek Mill’s Handler
Robert Kraft was caught patronizing before his arrest, the Soros funded
Philly D.A. was busy revealing his Legal Prostitution plans for the
Women of Philly.
Propping up their CELEBRITY CRIMINAL into a Cause Celeb along with
their NYC Equivalent, who is an Admitted, Thieving Whore, CardiB, the
Deep State was essentially TRAINING Gullible Blacks to CHAMPION their
Utter and Systematic Demise.
ultimately Calling out All of the BLACK DEMOCRATIC SHILLS who are PAID
Destruction of AMERICA from within our USURPED, and previously Bankrupt
ALL THEY COMPLAIN ABOUT is exactly what President Donald J. Trump Hopes
to Utterly destroy.
With that said, as usual, all of this info is supplied to my fellow blacks who have, indeed, been subject to the deep state koolaid. As always I engage these Gullible Blacks to the Fullest Extent until their Cognitive Dissonance Get’s the best of them resulting into predictable name calling or until they finaly Wake Up even a little bit after realizing none of what they though they knew about Donald J. Trump is based on Truth but based on the fact that they have been effectively BRAINWASHED.
I have cut and pasted an ongoing convo directly from Facebook. It is an
ongoing and fluid convo so be sure to check back for updates.
always I post in the following cut and past format to serve as Exhibit A
or as an Antidote that can be delivered as a Case Study in the Real
Time Efforts to Repeat History. It will not be lost on Free Thinkers and
the Students of History that the Same Systematic Paradigms being
applied today, were Already Tried in many periods and in many nations,
including the Media scorned Russia, where the pre Nazi era, Jewish
Bolsheviks first perfected so many of the paradigms being manifest in
the effort to overthrow our troubled nation today.
As always your comment and feedback is welcome. Please support my ongoing research by going to the Paypal link to the right and as always the names have been abbreviated to protect the sources and more-so my ability to engage with them as necessary.
We The Negro’s Initial Post on Facebook:
WHILE The TRUTH Hurts those who are BRAINWASHED, Daily, to Hate our Duly ELECTED President for NO CAUSE and a Pack of ONGOING, EVER CHANGING, DAILY LIES…TRUMP IS TRUTH! Don’t Just Take My Word for it RESEARCH Primary Sources and FACTS! Our Most Venerable Knew that Donald Trump Is TRUTH with NO RACIST BONE IN HIS BODY!
One of Philadelhia’s most Outspoken Black Commentator from W.H.A.T. Radio, Mary Mason, knew for a fact that Donald Trump was TRUTH well before ALL OF OUR BLACK MEDIA SOLD OUT TO HIGH PAYING OLIGARCHS Who Systematically Usurped our Great Cities, such as Philly, where W.H.A.T. Radio no longer exists and where George Soros’ hand select D.A. is Making #MeekMill your Children’s King and while D.A. Larry Krasner, the Soros Shill is working Overtime to ensure Your Mothers, Your Wives, and/or your Daughters can become, either Free Needle Receiving Drug Addicts, or Legalized Whores so the Robert Kraft types, the and the other Handers of Meek Mill will Never Be Arrested Again for engaging in his Oligarch Ilk’s SEX TRAFFICKED VICTIMS on the Esptein Island or Beyond!!!
D. Edmonds Bullshit!
D. Edmonds A friend to black celebrities doesn’t make him a friend to black people!…This is about the dumbest sh.t I’ve read in a long time!..SMH…WTF!2
J. Boyer Maybe he wasnt back then but he surely is now1
[ex Phllly Police Officer] M. DeMota Smiling for a photo op while embracing a minority does not change shit for instance I worked with these same smile in your face while loathing your guts bullshit artists police that are in the news for racist social media post so whoever actually believes that that narcissistic idiot isn’t racist you’ve been had!!!!
B. Peters Pure BS!!!!!!!!
We The Negro – D. Edmonds (and B. Peters) BUT WAIT! There’s MORE!
If you are so TRIGGERED by the Pics of Donald Trump Moving EASILY within Circles where Blacks are Prominently Shown EMBRACING Donald Trump…. Before He Became Our President Donald J. Trump, weather they are “celebrity” , like your own Son who appeared in Movies, Tv and Commercials, or weather they are just REGULARS to his All you can Eat Shrimp Buffet at the Taj Mahal… This Jessie Jackson Accolades Video FOR HIS GENEROUS TIME, ASSETS and WISDOM SHARED WITH YOUNG BLACK ENTREPRENEURS IN HIS HOME TOWN NYC where HE HELPED JESSIE JACKSON SET UP SHOP, might make you MADDDDD as Hell!!!
But Why
would Damon, a Long Standing Black Business Man and all around Smart Guy
Get So Mad? Mad Enough to Come to His GREAT Facebook Friend and Former
BUSINESS Associate’s Page to Scream Bullshit!?>>
when EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE of Donald Trump’s Long Documented AFFINITY FOR
the Man who Turned CHICAGO into CHIRAQ????
I know
why… It’s Because Every Day, Every Week, Every Hour the ENEMY of Our
ENEMIES go on the ATTACK against our Duly Elected President, like the
Hillary Clinton Sycophants that they are.
Even M. DeMota had a Front Row Seat When Hillary Clinton’s Beard, Michael Nutter , Pivoted his Oligarch commissioned, fake ire onto Donald Donald J. Trump not long after calling ALL BLACK YOUTH IN PHILLY A-holes!
leaving office as a Black Shill for the hidden handed Oligarchs He
SERVED, he went right into his NEXT PAID Role on CNN and Net 30+ Post
Mayoral Jobs for the OLIGARCH Bosses that Now Practically OWN PHILLY,
due to him Selling All BLACKS OUT! Like so Many DEMOCRATS in
systematically Bankrupt Cities he Cow Towed to his Masters, Michael
Bloomberg et al effectively Rendering Unsuspecting Blacks into Goldman
Sachs Managed Social Impact Bond SLAVES!!! (A paradigm your too blinded
to fathom even while my Notes and Commentary have been WARNING MY
After using the
A-hole Term on the Bill Ayers Educated Children of Usurped Philly,
Nutter was actually tasked to toss the first Salvo that has IGNITED YOUR
BRAINWASHED MINDS into FITS OF IRE by Calling Donald Trump an A-Hole
They, the Clinton Sycophants and mainly the
OLIGARCHS she and her Perverse DEMOCRAT Husband Served, have pivoted
seamlessly from their First FAKE A$$ RUSSIAN Narrative UTTERED
Initially By The SORE LOOSER Hillary Clinton Who Called US Blacks and
YOUR BLACK Children SUPER PREDATORS behind closed doors, to CALLING ME, A
After the ROBERT #MULLER FARCE, Useful Idiots are Apparently FINISHED calling me a RUSSIAN BOT, so much so, that My “I’m a Russian Bot Because Your A Brainwashed Idiot” Rebuttal T’Shirt was Developed.
While your OBVIOUS
Cognitive Dissonance has you outright OBJECTING the FACT of Trump
having been EMBRACED by the Black Community of Celebrities, You also
should get a load of the Countless Musical Accounts where there are
Actual CD’s of Grown Black Men Singing his Praises.
question becomes, Why Do You get Triggered and how did your Draws Get
Balled Up Into A Knot just by Seeing Him being Able to EMBRACE COUNTLESS
BLACKS who are all HUMAN, while being, so called, Celebrities at the
same time.
Even while your feeling butt hurt about Trump just as you are Told to be Daily in the Oligarch @False Flags and Fake News outlets I made a group page for in 2014 before FAKE NEWS was NEWS, You Can’t DISCOUNT THE FACT that he has Been INVITING To Blacks.
Opened his Administration with an INVITATION for BLACKS to Bring their
Long Standing CONCERNS to him so that he might be the PROPER ELECTED
SERVANT for the People who have had Plenty of OPPORTUNITIES Afforded to
Express The Most Pressing Issues in our Gutted Cities.
who have NOT BEEN Scarred Off by the Maddonas, Bette Middlers and Kathy
Griffin Styled NASTY WOMEN have Been In the Room With Donald Trump to
while my Business Was Greatly Hampered by Obama’s REGULATIONS to the
Degree that I was forced to CLOSE MY NEON PLANT while Witnessing Two
Sign Suppliers Close their Doors, NOW MY BUSINESS IS REVIVED and for the
First Time in a Long Time My Fellow BLACKS have the Promise and Option
of FULL EMPLOYMENT and the Confidence to BUY BLACK!
D. EdmondsYeah…’ve got some evidence but the conclusion you’re asserting is wrong!..There are enough documented facts that support, that a-hole is a racist and as a mass,he could care less about black people. You sight a bunch of individual and superficial interactions with blacks and think that somehow makes your case…..Wrong!…Look at the systemic interactions he has had where blacks are concerned…..Employment, housing etc….you will find all of the typical racist behavior associated with a long history of white supremacy…..This crap with stifle some but won’t get past BS with me…….do all of your homework before you step to me!….I did mine.
the HEAD OF HUD HOUSING as something that is RACIST is Ridiculous.
The Fact is, I purposely cite one particular Donald Trump interaction with one of the most Venerable Black Personalities from Philly that I know, yet it is OUTRIGHT DISMISSED By You and that is quite Telling indeed.
Ms. Mary Mason in the Fist Picture I posted with Donald J. Trump would NEVER Be Caught Dead Standing Side By Side and SMILING with a Racist when she Interviewed Donald Trump.
Donald Trump made himself AVAILABLE to Marry Mason well Before ALL OF PHILLY and it’s URBAN MEDIA Outlets were Systematically Usurped by the Deep State Oligarchs who are Effectively BRAINWASHING You today, tomorrow and the next day.
They have effectively TOOLED your Mind and the Minds of Countless Blacks to WANT and Argue for the RETURN of the DEMOCRATICALLY wrought and Maintained Status Quo that black have Suffered by and COMPLAINED About for YEARS BEFORE Donald J. Trump stepped one foot into the White House.
Your Skewed Logic and Outright Dismissal of FACTS that you yourself Recognize as “SOME EVIDENCE” proves how WRONG one of us has been made to “Think”, indeed.
Rest assure, you can Count on Me to Bring “SOME EVIDENCE” to back every last one of my Assertions.
Meanwhile, All You are Lead To Champion in Rebuttal to FACTS is ALL OUR COMMON ENEMY has EVER WANTED TO MAINTAIN, if only they can get enough USEFUL IDIOTS On Board for the OVERTHROW of the MAN with the FAR BETTER PLAN FOR First Step, Fully Employed, and OPPORTUNITY ZONE Entreated Blacks who can now get up off their PROTESTING and Begging Knee and THRIVE.
Blacks groomed on Gangsta Rap, and No Snitch Paradigms developed by the Hidden Hand who Award such Mind F’kery, remain Sitting Ducks in Gun Free Cities like, Baltimore, home of the jewISH founded NAACP, CMD – Camden the so called Murder Capital of the world, Killadelphia, CHIRAQ, etc. etc. etc., and many are now waking up to realize that it is NO ACCIDENT, Whatsoever!!!
It is my belief that Paid Mercenaries have been Used to Take us Out After the deep state realized that Planned Parenthood, alone, Failed to get the job done.
All the while, Gullible BLACK Group-Thinkers are TRAINED to Believe the NO SNITCH LIE , such as, was forwarded by the Oligarch’s newest celebrated Black Shill, Meek Mill, who is tasked to sell us the recycled Clinton’s 21st Justice REFORM rebrand.
Just a few months ago, between being Shuttled from his Philadelphia prison cell by the Patriots Owner, Robert Kraft, to his personal handler’s place, which is Michal Rubin’s 76ers Forum, and between being Celebrated in Philly’s Oligarch Usurped City Hall, Meek Mill reminded his gullible black followers of the false efficacy of Not Snitching in his precautionary IG post regarding a fellow rapper who is said to have Snitched in order to get out of jail!
It should be noted that the Oligarch Compromised DEMOCRATS are in leadership positions EVERYWHERE They Take are taking Black Peoples’ Guns. The deep state Oligarchs managed to take Most of the Black Men Away too, and besides the Democrat’s long-standing Welfare Plan to Incentivize Fatherless families, we have Democrat, Bill Clinton to thank for his Unfair Three Strikes Law that served as a feeder program for the Oligarch’s Wall Street Traded Private Prison System!
Fatherless Black survivors of Planned Parenthood who were left behind and made Vulnerable were, essentially, turned into brainwashed Sitting Ducks with no way to Defend themselves, as per our American Constitution guaranteeing our RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!!!
“Kill them now or Kill them Later” is what the Alabama DEMOCRAT just revealed during his demonically inspired public Abortion Debate, and likewise, the PA, State Senator, Brian Sims, single handily worked to dox and harass prayer warriors in order to ensure Marget Sanger’s objective for black euthanasia remains a choice and tax payer subsidized in Democrat run hell-scapes for targeted blacks.
It is also important for Blacks to Realize what happened in Chicago too, just weeks before an American Gun Debate featuring the Hillary Clinton sycophant, Michael Nutter.
Besides the Jussie Smollett debacle, among other politically motivated irregularities in Chicago, I believe , yet another American a False Flag Event, happened to occurred on the same day as a Democratically
Was this Young Man’s, “timely” Murder, yet, another Chicago borne, False Flag Event based on the Hagalian Dialectic Principle?
held gun-grab Conference took place. Indeed, it is an open secret that a hand select Deep State DEMOCRAT Shill, Richard Boykin , called for the UN Takeover of Chicago, not long after the high profile teen, Mentee who is featured in the poster-child photo with Mark Zukerberg was Murdered in Chicago, ironically, and perhaps for full effect .
The Zuckerberg Protege, Boykin, just like the Compromised Chicago D. A., Kim Foxx, works directly for the hidden handed jewISH OLIGARCHS, much like, NJ Senator Cory Booker, who is also known to pal around with Zukerberg who has supplied him with a Boatload of Cash.
In the same manor as other Group Thinking Black Democratic Shills, Booker now states, aloud, that he too will TAKE AMERICAN GUNS AWAY, as a Presidential Campaign Promise, in lock step with Kamala Harris, who seems to have direct ties to the false flag Actor from Chicago, Smollett.
It is no accident that Boykin was tasked to call for the full UN Usurpation of Chicago, which is also known as the long-standing Jade Helm or Agenda 21 Plan.
The UN Takeover plan was to take effect soon after Hillary Clinton took office, however, the Deep State plan was, effectively, thwarted by President Donald Trump’s surprise and deep state denyed victory.
The plan called for the, so called, GLOBALIST, other known as the jewISH Oligarchy to TAKE OVER OUR NATION starting with Chicago.
They were to do so all on the backs of FALSE FLAG MURDERED BLACKS, such as, all of the well known names of Black Men and Women who were, systematically, Gunned down by Rogue Police forces that were being Deep State Federalized by the hand-select, Chicago native, Raymond Ramsey.
Ramsey’ s job as the Police Commissioner of Oligarch usurped Philly , was to implement Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Sham with the help of Barack Obama.
Making Way for the U.N. Aided Deep State Takeover on the Backs of TARGETED and “PURGED” Blacks.
Clinton’s, so called, Justice REFORM plan called for a select group of Harvard School of Business Trained Police Commissioners to develop a highly Weaponized Police state nation wide that were peopled with officers sent to Israel to be trained by MOSUL.
The deep state’s newly trained police force’s primary task was to deliver Blacks into a newly Arrayed Criminal Court System complete with laws that were written by the Bloomberg associated, Center for Court Innovation in NYC, the place Bill Bratton was brought to fully implement his CompStat plans as seen on the Deep State’s Trial Balloon show, HBO’s “The Wire”. Note also, in the video clip posted below that features Bratton’s Compstat Police paradigm, the Deep State Cabal also foretold us of their Opioid Addiction Plan for Oligarch Usurped Philly and in so called, early adapter Cities, where much of the deep state’s, so called, Justice Reform paradigms were being rolled out, relatively, unfettered until Trump took office.
See the full version here:
N The deep state’s Justice Reform program that were to be, systematically, Scaled up in Every Oligarch Bankrupted City in our nation was leaked, in part, by a New York City officer, Adrian Schoolcraft, who was Wrongfully Arrested and Shipped off to an Insane Asylum on the orders of his own police Chief for blowing the whistle. Bill Bratton’s Compstat policing plans for Targeting Blacks was also foretold, in part, by the infamous California Police Officer, Christopher Donner, who choose to go out in a blaze of fire, rather than endure a similar fate that befell Officer Schoolcraft, who was ultimately awarded millions in taxpayer dollars for his troubles.
Effectively, Blacks were to deliver Great Profits to the Cabal of well Coordinated deep state Oligarchs who have grossly infiltrated our City and State Justice Systems. They are all working in lockstep to retool our entire nation with a common playbook delivered from his global stage at the G8. As a part of his “Second Bounce of the Ball”, Sir Ronald Cohen conjured up the “Bankers” turned “Hedge Funders'”next dubious “financial instrument” known as his rapidly decimated, Social Impact bond scheme. It was he who developed their next dubious Financial Vehicle on the heels of his Venture Capital Pension Theft Ploys, that were followed up by Goldman Sachs’ Prime Rate Lending Scam, both, virtually Bringing America to it’s knees in successive market Bubbles that lead America into the, so called, Great Recession.
The Cabal of well coordinated jewISH Oligarchs began their new Social Impact Bond scheme on the back of low hanging fruits. Their, so called, anti-recidivism efforts began being promoted by the likes of George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Cohen et al at the helm, serves as cover for the conversion of Blacks into Human Capital and essentially, New Age Captives and inevitable Slaves.
While the deep state Oligarchs pretend to be sympathetically doing Philanthropically coordinated “Good”, as in, Soros’ Good Societies, the subjective term Good is used in order to lore gullible investors into their latest investment schemes.
The justice portion of the Social Impact paradigm goes hand in hand with George Soros’ infiltration of our Nation’s District Attorney’s offices and the Bloomberg associated, Center for Court Innovation was their inroads into Police Departments in Cities across America. Hillary Clinton’s so called, Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform tied all of the Oligarch’s efforts together with the help of Chicago Shills, Barack Obama and a Predecessor to a compromised Chicago Police Commissioner, , who developed radical justice reforms in a similar manor that Bill Ayers’ radical School Takeover plan that wold be used by the Deep State Oligarch’s who moved forward with their plans, shortly after 9/11.
While the Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform scheme came under threat upon Trump’s innaguration into the White-House, their deep state’s efforts to salvage their plan moved forward, albeit, far more sloppily that it would if Hillary Clinton was elected president.
In Philly, the home to our Democratically disregarded Constitution, Michael Nutter helped Michael Bloomberg and George Soros to perfect the Deep State Cabal’s Social Impact Bond plans.
Beginning with Occupy Wall-street’s, systematic Decampment by Nutter’s new Chicago Native Police Commissioner, Raymond Ramsey, Soros would effectively begin to engage with the Occupy Wallstreet participants, resulting in the Usurpation of it’s participants, who would later be used to build the ranks of more radical, Social Justice Warrior Groups that could be managed by Soros’ growing plethora of non-profit agencies as well as the Ayers’ usurped schools systems that both had their impetus in Philly.
The targeted urban blacks, who’s families were first fleeced of their hard-earned Pension funds would become the primary targets for Prime Rate Mortgage lenders turned Social Impact Bond Peddlers. Upon the outing of the, so called, Globalist Banker’s dubious financial bundling schemes including the selling of no-doc loans to unsuspecting investors, the push to encourage blacks and others into their Non Profit Social Impact paradigms under the auspice of Doing Good, began in earnest.
It was as if the Oligarchs and Barack Obama, himself, were rapidly synthesizing Community Organizations as a way to exact vengeance for Project Veritas’ expose of the Obama connected ACORN organization which was effectively outed in Philly as a Nationwide tax laundering scam.
Likewise, Soros’ was taking a crash course in Social Impact by studying tried and true Business Models, both, illegal and dubious, at best.
scale up dubious Justice Reform experimentation that took place inside of NYC’s Red Hook Projects using the Goldman Sachs’ Usurped HUD department as cover. so called #REFORM paradigm requires Unprofitable Blacks to be released from the Wall Street Traded, for Profit Prisons, all in favor of a new form of Policing and open air prison system being put in place in Bankrupted Cities. The goal is to have targeted blacks, aged 15-35 converted into Oligarch Managed Capital assets using Center for Court Innovation Laws that work exactly like post slavery black code laws.
After tooling each systematically bankrupted city, Unarmed and Targeted blacks were to be Monitored for life via Compstat data mining, Survealed via Facial Recognition Software, Tracked via Ankle bracelets and perhaps, Puma’s emerging GPS technology already built into their sneakers.
Blacks inside of Oligarch Usurped Cities like Philadelphia, our Nation’s first Capital and Home of our Disregarded Constitution are now being being sentenced inside of the Oligarch’s newly arrayed Criminal Court Systems place inside black neighborhoods and even inside of select, Eli Brode manged schools .
The deep state oligarch’s newly established, Community Based Criminal Courts Systems and Justice Reforms were spearheaded by a Historically Rouge Chicago Police Officer’s Protege, Raymond Ramsey. Just like Barack Obama’s long-standing School reform plans developed by his Deep State Handler, Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground, entire Usurped Cities and School Systems therein are being situated to turn blacks into Chattel Workers, Slaves, wards of the deep state and Useful Idiots, alike.
The entire, Techocratically run program being unfolded in our Bankrupted cities are a precursor for the Deep State’s Greater Plans for all of Americans, and namely, their hated White Goyim, for whom they constantly pit against Blacks daily. They are now Targeting and socially demonize White directly via their Usurped Media Monopolies and newly developed SOCIAL IMPACT paradigms. Their developing Social Impact Brain Science hid under the umbrella of S.T.E.M, includes NUDGE paradigms and Media Matters Coordinated Social Incites delivered by way of Fake News and their Race Bating Minions. The Fake News highlighted on my 2014 FaceBook Group page is designed and developed to spark, both, Investments in the deep state’s Social Impact Bond market, as well as, to evoke predictable Civil Unrest, at once. The Deep State ultimately wants a Race War, a Civil War, another World War and / or George Soros’ American Spring, whatever comes first.
It is the Bloomberg associated Center for Court Innovation, headed up by Greg Berman, in NYC that is responsible for Coordinating Subversive acts from within our Nation’s Soros funded D. A. departments. After Nutter, seeded all of Philly, our nation’s first capital, he went on to sell the Deep State’s poison pill to their captured audience at the annual Conference of Mayors farce. After Cohen and Sachs’ earlier financial schemes managed to dry up city and state pension coffers, Mayors were being frowned upon by citizens who wondered why they could not manage to keep basic services on track, such as the funding of Libraries, Recreation Centers, Pot hole Maintenance, Water Manes Fixed and even essential Trash Collection.
One by one, Major Cities , once, known for relative Prosperity and Innovation would announce the inevitable need for bankruptcy. The , so called, early adapter cities who sought desperately to find a way to fund pensions, as well as day to day operations after their core industries were systematically gutted by globalism over time, ie. the vast sucking sound of the NAFTA Vacuum Bill Clinton’s opponent, Ross Perot first warned us about, were all given, what they though was a plausible way out.
What the Mayors did not realize is that the Cabal’s post 9/11 Hagalian Dialectic was already in full affect. After being charmed by Bloomberg’s, so called, “Happyologist”, who is otherwise known as Hillary Clinton’s “Nutter Butter”, each city was delivered a, so called, “Tool Box” as well as a “Frame Work” blueprint first tried and perfected in Oligarch run cities, like NYC, New Orleans, Detroit , Chicago, Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.
The post 9/11 hidden handed Oligarchs tasked the PA, Governor Tom Ridge to set their ready plans in motion. Philadelphia would become ground zero, likely for the fact that it was, indeed, our Nation’s first capital. Sir Ronald Cohen made it quite clear publicly that his Cabal’s new Deep State financial paradigm fomented from their Usurped Harvard Stronghold is a Revolution, a Social IMPACT Revolution.
The Cohen led Social Impact Revolution is Global, and as far reaching as any Goldman Sachs or George Soros holding. In the same manor the Trans Atlantic Slave trade was begun, Cohen’s plan to convert targeted blacks into human capital, once again, began on the Merchant’s Usurped streets of London. With the help of Tony Blair, Cohen would convince the unsuspecting Britts to turn over every last cent of Unclaimed Assets in order to spearhead his Social Impact Bond Initiative under the banner of APEX Partners.
As mysteriously as the, so called, Jesuit Crypto jews came onto he scene to Capitulate the Moors upon the coordination of the first Crusade on the eve of the making of Portugal & Spain, the outted Pedophiles within the Vatican system felt the need to unseat their sitting Pope, Benedict,who’s name Crest barred the telling Moors Head.
The Pope with the allegorical red shoes was forced to step aside in order to have the Progressive and Globalist leaning Pope Francis put into power. He would clandestinely merge his efforts with George Soros who determined to Move Millions out of South America, home to the disbanded CIA managed FARC. Consequently, the recipients of Barack Obama and Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious Guns, stripped from the streets of Gun Free Chicago and American neighborhoods where the chronically unemployed blacks were more easily convinced to trade in their Guns for Groceries, were welcomed in as MS13 gang members and Unaccompanied Minors who would be shipped in by the busloads into the Oligarch Controlled Cities conveniently converted into, so called, Sanctuary Cities.
The globalist spawned model for vast, chaotic migration would occur in every, so called, Western Nation were targeted Goyim, aka, White Christian Men would be slated for systematic demonetization. No doubt, these are the offspring of White Christians who thought to emaciate Black slaves the first time in America. Likewise, as if no time had passed at all, the Bolshevik strategy would be reenacted on the streets of America all while the Deep State set out to poison our minds through their media monopolies with a deep seated hatred of Vladamir Putin and Russia. Meanwhile, the Satanist’s Baphamet statute was erected in Oligarch Usurped Detroit and the new Social Impact paradigms, including aggressive Gentrification of Black Communities Nationwide would commence. The arenas in our systematically fallen Cities would be Usurped and used to Stage Anti American Black Activist and Idol Worshiped Though Leaders adorned by their hidden handed celebrity handlers in Bahpamet symbols and Black Panther Gear.
As Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Cops enacted the movie script PURGE and MEET THE BLACKS with no price to pay for our Murders the Olgarch’s Non Profits began feeding Targeted Blacks in Usurped cities like Detroit Monsanto farmed foods in the name of Charity.
After the Bankruptcy in Detroit it was as if All Hell Broke Loose. Just like the first Useful Black Idiots were used to Undermine Free Markets and Black Prosperity in Detroit under the auspice of Unionization the Mayor Kwame Malik effectively poisoned the well for the Oligarch’s who’s Usurpation Plans got well underway.
Taking Detroit was an F’ U to Henry Ford and Boris Brasol who would Dare to Elevate the Post Slavery Black family, as well as, Sound the Alarm against America’s impending push into Socialism which lead to the Oligarch’s Complete Takeover of Russia and all other nations who would Surcomb to the Satanic Forces of, so called, Globalists who feign to be Anti Capitalists so their Useful Idiots would DEMOCRATICALLY do all of the PIRATOUS Work in order for the, so called, Captains of Industry to TAKE ALL OF THE Empirically Held Spoils left in the wake of Dictator Spawned Disasters.
Least We Forget How Many Black Men were Gunned Down by Rogue Cops All During Barack Obama’s Presidency, as Cover and while the Deep State’s dubious Purge and Meet the Blacks Movies were Premiered just for Chuckles.
Lease we forget, just Four days after Blacks in Chicago thought to Protest the former Obama Cabinet member, Rahm Emanuel ‘s Governors Mansion for ALL of the Unanswered Murders of Black Youth in Chicago, Over 60 Blacks were Shot Down in one Morning between the hours of 12 – 7 AM, as if the Tyrants who Run that city were Evoking REVENGE!
It was not lost on me that days before the scheduled protest, the Chicago times published a Headline indicating that Some in Chicago would be Angry if the weary blacks moved forward with the protest.
Chicago is, indeed, where Barack Obama Got his FAST AND FURIOUS guns that were brazenly given to the S. American Thugs and EX FARC babies to Practice With before MS 13 Gangs and the Wall of unvetted Migrants were Welcomed into Democratically Run Sanctuary Cities. They were being used to Flood and Overwhelm our Nation in a systematic push to Replace Blacks in Democrat Run Cities that are now being rapidly Gentrified in the int rest of Controlled Cays alluded to in Ford’s Protocols of Zion.
On Obama’s and Eric Holder’s Democratic Watch, Chicago, the City Post Slavery Blacks once Thrived in, was given the new name CHIRAQ, most likely due to the Foreign Born Mercenaries such as the ones who’d ultimately get Paid to “Hang” Jussie Smollet. I have no doubt that the hidden handed Oligarch in Detroit have paid Mercenaries to do a Whole Lot Worse to Sitting Duck Blacks for whom the Abortionists Wanted Dead Yesterday!!!
Sadly, Gullible Blacks like the Useful Idiot Black Panthers who’s ignorant members openly supported the Gun Grabbing , Oligarch Black Shill, Stacy Adams, “by a show of force”, the entire body of American Black Democrat Voters must, indeed, be suffering from a collective case of Stockholm Syndrome. At the very least, they must not be tired of the countless Losses our war-torn communities have endured for decades under Democratic “leadership”.
Beyonce’s NFL Recruiting of More CIA Controlled Useful Idiots, eg. Black Panthers
If it were not for the Oligarchs who perfected their systematic Brainwashing of Useful Black Idiots, starting with, their Socialist Black Shill, W.E.B. DuBois, the Baltimore Based NAACP Prototype, their CIA Made Man, Huey Newton or the lover of Lucifer Bobby Seals, BLACKS WOULD NEVER Continue the Mindless support of Democrats like the modern day Beyonce Recruits who openly supported the Mindless, Gun Grabbing Democrat Shill, Adams, in Florida.
I say if you truly wanted the systematic down fall of blacks and the annual Slaughter of our Youth to end, you’d Vote INDEPENDENT, or even REPUBLICAN, as if Your Life Depended On it !
At the very least be as wise as our Post Slavery forefathers where who Voted in favor of REPUBLICAN Emancipators the Deep State Oligarchs hope You will Never Have an Affinity for, for Obvious Reasons.
They Need BLACKS to Vote Democrat and forevermore Against Our Own Best Interest for at least as long as Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood Plan To EUTHANIZE us all has been duly Completed.
George Soros’, Media Matters, RACE BATEING and NUDGE Science Based Brainwashing Paradigm is the Worst thing that happened to Black Journalism since James Baldwin, who was, expressly commissioned by his hidden handed jewISH agent/handlers to pivot rising black ire against jewISH slumlords of NYC squarely against the ubiquitous “White Man”, who’s forefathers risked life and limb to emancipate the Black American Slaves from the grips of the jewISH Merchant’s long-standing Bread and Butter, the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, which was begun just in the same manor as their new Social Impact Bond ploys, that is, on the back streets of London.
Most black journalist are members of NABJ, which is heavily funded, and practically Owned, by George Soros and Hillary Clinton’s Usurped DNC.
Today, most journalistic forums are saddled with mandates from Media Matters and the Soros funded mandates include the notorious 4am memo, daily race bating and the members who are involved are fully engaging in a new form of national PROPAGANDA, called NUDGE science based Brainwashing. The NABJ touted “Code Switching” and “Reporting the Virtual Truth” go hand in hand with Soros et al’s Social Impact Narration which is designed to generate Social Impact Bonds Profits whilst Trigger the Readers in hopes for an emotional, predictable and immediately profitable response such as building the membership ranks of more Radical Groups such as Black Lives Matter the Useful Idiot arm of the Oligarch funded ANTIFA.
George Soro’s new form of Social Impact “journalism” is specifically designed to Trigger and foment divisions in the hope of delivering Protocal of Zion foretold Disruption and Soros et al’s hoped for AMERICAN SPRING.
Just as with the jewISH Cabal’s Bolshevik era revolution, for which Henry Ford and his Russian expat friend, Boris Brasol did warn us all, the jewISH effort is to promulgate their long desired Communism and/or Socialism for greater control of America, once again.
Collectively, the Globalist Cabal’s effort to employ Bolshevik era social disruptive stratagem was revived after a series of Sir Ronald Cohen’s VC Bankruptcies followed by Goldman Sach’s dubious Prime Rate mortgage schemes all had on the back of Middle Class urban blacks.
Their consequent Social Impact Bond ploys were begun in London by Cohen who was in charge of the former G8. His Social Impact plans, deemed his “Second Bounce of the Ball” were financed with the unclaimed assets that were (Stolen) gifted to him by his good pal, Tony Blair.
The Startup capital for Cohen’s new Social Impact Bond sceme depened OPM, Other People’s Money, and therefore it is the unwitting British subjects, who’s unclaimed assets were used to begin London’s latest form of SLAVERY in similar fasion as the East India Trading Co was begun. Once again a new form of Social Impact Slavery is being applied in America by the Cabal of jewISH Oligarchs in full force and sadly is is being applied with the help of Ignorant Blacks, such as, Meek Mill’s now forwarding a key part of their Open Air Enslavement Plans featuring Compstat Policing and electronic Survielance designed to surplant their Wall Street traded Private Prision Complexes and their School to Prison Pipeline which proved to be far less profitable than the jewISH, Deep State Cabal hoped.
Globally, their hidden handed efforts are manifest in their push to forcefully consolidate the Western Hemosphere under Centralized rulership. Their ploy includes Open Borders and utter Kayos just in time for their new form of Holly Roman Empire to take shape in parity with Pope Francis’ deviant moves discovered to be working in concert with George Soros; open border push.
As Cohen stated in his sales pitch for Social Impact Bonds, the Cabal’s primary goal is to “topple the world”, and his Soical Impact Ploy is actully a Social Impact REVOLUTION.
As with the Bolshevik revolution, the hidden handed jewISH cabal is active behind the scenes in the fomentation of sycological warfare as a continuation of their well funded Project Paperclip ploys that never ended since the back-room financing of Hitler.
In the spirit of Hagalian dialectics, not only do the hidden handed jewISH Cabal of Ameican Oligarchs continue to use Controlled Opposition stategem since the financing of Hitler, well known blacks shills, such as, Al Sharpton and Louis Fahrakan both opporate under their Allegorical All Seeing Eye. They have long since used Black Celebrities turned communist sympatcizers in the 50’s and 60’s and likewise, they are now using Rap Artists, such as, like JayZ and Meek Mill who can coordiate events that work in concert with the Cabal’s Media Based Propaganda on steroids.
Owned Black Celebrities and Black Journalist, alike, are now being used to foward newly developed NUDGE science based brainwashing ploys designed to create Mass Hysteria and social Disruptions with the hope of causing an American Civil War and/or Race War (whatever comes first).
The Cabal’s American Spring was to happen prior to President Trump’s disruptive victory. It was slated to take place upon Hillary Clinton’s presidentcy, followed by a U.N. forwarded TAKEOVER plans such as the one called for in the Oligarch strong-hold now known as Chiraq.
The complete Overthow of America was to begin on the backs of trobled blacks, including the ones gunned down by Hillary Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Police trained by Isreaili Mosad, and it was to take place upon the 100 Anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution, with the help of Hillary Clinton and the deep state’s sleeper cell Communists and their CIA Trained, Manchurian Candidate, and half-African Minion, Barack Obama, who spent his entire time in office rallying Democratically beligured blacks against whites as his primary reason for taking the office as the United States President who was actually groomed by Comrad, Bill Ayers of the weather underground, personally.
Gullible Blacks who Take No OWNERSHIP are bound to Suffer a Life-Time of being OWNED, Like a Forever Failing, so called, “Leader” Barak Obama.
The cabal’s concerted effort to Socially Disrupt and psychologically trigger Americans, via the Usurped American Media is part and parcel to the Deep State Cabal’s (the hidden handed Jewish Oligarchs) new Social IMPACT Bond Ploy, otherwise known as, Sir Ronald Cohen’s IMPACT REVOLUTION.
Cohen is the, so called, father of Venture Capitalism, which was the financial vehicle used to systematically, Bankrupt American Pension funds in City and State coffers, nationwide.
Thereafter, the Cabal’s black middle class targeting Prime Rate Mortgage Schemes Were to be followed by Cohen’s Social Impact Bond schemes, which are no more than neo-slavery.
Today, Meek Mill’s, so called, #REFORM is simply a continuation of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice REFORMs and thereby, Deep State Federalization of Police forces in Bankrupt cities nationwide.
With the help of Robert Kraft, Cohen’s fellow Harvard School of Business Alum, combined with the works of George Soros’ funded D.A. Larry Krasner, the City of Philadelphia based Justice REFORM Paradigms begun by the Chicago born, Philadelphia Police Commissoner, Ramond Ramsey, in behalf of the Michael Bloomberg associated, Center for Court Innovation, could be carried on, unfettered, as Rober Kraft is a part of the Oligarch Cabal who first designed the Social Media Coordinated efforts under the umbrella of Social Impact Bonds first spearheaded at Harvard.
Michael Rubin and Robert Kraft’s hands-on handling of Meek Mill, complete with qurious public appearnces on every jewISH Owned Media Platform other known as their Fake News Conglomorate is being done so triggered, potential, investors would unwittenly invest and help finance Cohen’s dubious new Social Impact Bond finantial instrument.
The cabal’s use of Useful idiot’s, like their race bate muse, Meek Mill ensures that the entire Social Impact Paradigm will be subcontiously and overtly Sold to, both, the Victims of the Oligarch’s new form of Slavery and hopeful Profiteers of their newly fomented institutions, alike, eg, Open Borders, Human Trafficing, Lawlessness and utter Kayos, as per the Protocals of Zion line by line.
The cabal’s Social Impact Bond ploys under the banner of Meek Mill’s #REFORM, include the Michael Bloomberg Associated Center for Court Innovation plans which amount to modern day black code laws that were already forwarded in Oligarch Usurped Cities and infiltrated Criminal Courts in, so called, early adaptor states nationwide.
The Oligarch’s harvard based #Reform Plan includes George Soros’ funded D.A.’s and Bloomberg associated Criminal Justice laws being implemented inside of Usurped, post Bankrupted local justice systems, nationwide. Bloomberg’s far reaching soda tax laws was a test case for the upscaling of the oligarch’s U.N. Based Police State plans (See also, Sam Walton’s Fema Camp Plans, Jade Helm, and Agenda 21) . As per, Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals they need duped and useful idiot blacks, like Van Jones and Meek Mill’s to spark Protest and recruit, so called, activists who can be further organized by Bill Ayers who was tasked to TAKE OVER American Schools where Social Justice Warriors could be made in order to keep and maintain the Oligarch’s burocratically scaled Free Lunch.
Since the former Troskyite, Raya Dunayevskaya fomented her brilliant plan to turn Blacks into Commie Shills, the jewISH Cabal’s effort to reconstitute their Proletariat, Bureaucracies, and Socialism in America could occur only with the unwitting help of Useful Idiots and Hungry Blacks. alike, who could be staged to perform on que, awarded and elevated expressly for the purpose of infultration and social disruption of black progress, since the making of W.E.B. DuBois and James Baldwin, thereafter .
Both jewISH Black Shills were brilliant writers tasked with Penning blacks into a Radical Corners hosted by their hidden handed task-masters who called the shots from behind the scenes.
Their jewISH task-masters included the founders of the Baltimore MD. based NAACP and their devious plans to successfully deemed Booker T. Washington’s Progressive Alanta Plan for blacks as a mere COMPROMISE, thus making the Baltimore Hell Scape that was featured on the Deep State’s Trial Balloon show, The Wire, the end goal and condition for All American Blacks.
The Practical, and Ongoing Demise of our forever Troubled Black Communities is due to our lacking in truth and the Usurped forth estate, which is now an even greater conundrum since All Black Media Outlets were systematically Usurped by the hidden handed jews who now dictate our daily Programing and therefore the Minds of our Youth Belongs to the hidden hand who, indeed, Usurped our Schools, Our Cities, Our States and Our troubled and triggered Minds therein.