Yes, it’s true, now that President Trump is on the Sidelines looking into our Oligarch Usurped White-house, “America” has become the subject of MORE WARS and RUMORS OF WARS, not long after President Trump, effectively, Ended them All!
Sadly, most of my fellow Blacks educated on the Democrat Plantations don’t know the half of what Vladimir Putin realizes, not only as a student of history, but also as an Orthodox Christian in a nation that relished it’s Black Russian Icons for Centuries.
What we must come to realize is that We the People are in this position because Rev 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL…
Most of my fellow Blacks do not even realize, Russia was one place on earth that did not partake in the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, but rather, Russia allowed and Encouraged it’s Gifted “Slave” to Build it’s Nation’s Capital, St Petersburg and it’s literary backbone from the Ground up, thereafter.
Sadly, most of my fellow Blacks still do not realize it was Barack Obama and his Corrupted counterparts, the Robert Byrd and Strom Thurmond loving Biden, and the Margret Sanger loving Hillary Clinton, who ordered the Vicious Murder of Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, the President of the African Union, thus, Giving Ground to Biden’s benefactors in Communist China, with their Belt and Road Colonization of ours Former Trade Routs in Africa, all while restarting the African Slave Trade in Libya all over again!
It is no secret that Vladimir Putin REDEEMED HIS OWN NATION after REMOVING THE HIDDEN HANDED OLIGARCHS of a Certain Ilk from Power , thus, Returning Russia to Sobriety and Orthodoxy, not Subject to the well known Freak, Pope Francis’ and his notorious Pedophile Farms or the Busy Satanist who are now Working Overtime in America to Topple the entire world, one troubled nation at a time.
The same ilk of Oligarchs who birthed Marxism in Russia are now rekindling Marxism in America, relatively unfettered, and they are the Same Communist hacks who colluded with China for Fouci’s Gain of Function BioWeapon developed just before Murdering American’s in Oligarch Run City Hospitals, as per Bill Gate’s fever-dreams.
The same ilk of Satanic Oligarchs are busy getting our Eli Brode Captive Kids Signed Up to the Church of Satan when they are not Planing to array our expendable Troops on the FRONT LINES of Biden’s Disrupted Ukraine to “PROTECT the BORDERS WE THE PEOPLE DON’T OWN like Hunter Biden the Crack-Head Stakeholder and Son to the Compromised Stakeholder and Chief.
Anyone who believes Putin is the aggressor now are essentially helping the Vicious Oligarchs and they are now giving the UN-NATO Aggressors, with no love for America, all of the Cover they need to proceed with Biden’s SHAKEDOWN and ongoing provocations after we the people witnessed Biden’s proven penchant for meddling into Ukrainian affairs, as a part of the Nation Crushing Obama Administration and ongoing family grift. See also, Haiti, Libya, Yemen, Syria and that War Torn place now known as CHIRAQ, thanks to Barack!!!
My fellow Blacks know this mantra well, “Don’t Start None, Wont Be None , yet, thanks to Fake News and Deep State Oligarch ‘s Propaganda blasted over every Monopolized News platform in America, Useful Idiots are completely oblivious to the facts, regarding Russia, Putin or the nature of America’s previous meddling in it’s former territory and Oligarch owned beachhead .
The fact is, as a part of the hidden handed Oligarchs’ plan, Sleepy Joe Biden was basically installed with the help of the young Zionist, Mark Zukerman and he, the hapless liar and pretend chief is a critical part of Henry Kissinger etal’s second Coup, and thereby, Biden is now on Auto Pilot and hardly in control of anything, whatsoever .
Like a trained monkey with well greased palms Biden is HELL-BENT on finishing what he, and his Crack-Head Son, HUNTER Biden, already started in Troubled Ukraine at the bequest of George Soros and Colluding Oligarchs with ill intent towards “Mother Russia”.
Any aggression using Biden and Soros’s purposely ravaged Ukraine as Oligarch forwarded Provocation will Warrant Putin’s promised retaliation and furthermore, the entire world knows that Firm Handed Putin is not the aggressor, but rather, forced, thanks to the incompetent and Ukraine entangled Joe and Hunger Biden, to go into defense!!
Biden, on the other hand is proving to be an arm of the previous Obama Administration and furthermore the most greedy bull in a Made in China China cabinet, and thereby he’s F’ing up America from within on purpose as it’s military assets are noting more than expendable and primed for wars American should have zero interests in otherwise.
Biden, being so beholden to other nations is why he purposefully F’ed up Afghanistan, and it’s why he and other Compromised world leaders are purposefully f’ing up the Covid19 Response in behalf of Fouci and his Cabal’s Communist Chinese Cohorts.
Biden’s Controlling interests is why he is purposefully hampering Covid 19 Cures while using the full force of our Oligarch Usurped Federal Government, including the US Post Office now tasked with stopping life saving Ivermectin and other well known therapeutics that cost far less than anything Dr. Fouci and Bill Gates is invested in, expressly for their murderous protocols and Depopulation plans.
Biden is purposefully F’ing up the American Economy in concert with his appointed, Deep State Federal Reserve hacks and when realizing the Obama Administration Job losses, again, we can see that Biden is now f’ing up American Jobs formulaically too, including his allowing Russia to finish their pipelines all while abruptly shutting down American Pipelines from day one of his dubious ascendancy into our deep state Oligarch hijacked Capital.
It’s clear, Biden’s deep state handlers mentioned in Rev 2:9 and 3:9 selected Biden, just like they selected Bill Ayers’ besty, Barack Obama and it is because the hidden handed Satanist know exactly how compromised Joe is and they are confident that Biden is great at destroying EVERYTHING he puts his feeble mind too, including his own compromised family and drug idled Son held out as a sacrifice to enrich the “Big Guy”.
Being a greedy compromised deep state shill who is racist a F’ towards his brainwashed Black constituents , is exactly how Joe Biden’s Three Strikes and Other Crime Bills played out, al in behalf of the Wall Street conspirators who built far more prison facilities than in any other nation on earth, thereby, completely F’ing up the Entire Black Community for Generations to come!!!!
If you do not know why the last Dixicrat, Biden, was chosen to help fill up all of the For Profit Prisons exactly like Kamalah Harris did, then please do yourselves a favor and read Rev 2:9 and 3:9 now.
By realizing how Bible prophecy is being manifest, today, you will also begin to realize why targeted Blacks were slated for utter Captivity for 400 years in America, from 1619 until President Trump’s 2019 First Step Act, which was just one of Trump’s important moves devised to help my fellow Blacks, directly.
Trump’s First Step Act is also the same Act that was forwarded by the Oligarch owned, Van Jones, and it is the exact same act that Obama refused to sign into law before trump Won the election over the Obama Administration hag, Hillary Clinton. President Trump’s first step act essentially reversed the affects of Biden and Bill Clinton’s Three Strikes act and other dubious Crime Bill laws Biden loved to brag about so much in public.
By understanding the Biblical implications of Blacks in Captivity for 400 years, as per Genesis 15:13 or understanding the Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned Satanists who are now working overtime to Openly Depopulate Targeted Blacks and White Christians, alike, you may also come to know GOD as it is all edification.
Thanks to all of the turmoil at the hands of the evermore blatant Satanists, you may now realize all of the Prophesies being Revealed along with GOD’s promised intentions for our world.
You my come to understand how GOD fearing Putin was able to free his nation of Drunken Debauchery at the hands of the same wicked Cabal of hidden handed Oligarchs now Troubling the entire earth in concert with Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION and George Soros’ Open Borders fiasco perpetuated in each nation Pope Francis’ evermore satanic Western Catholic Churches has its grips.
Indeed, Putin knows our GODLESS America, oh so well and so much so as to call out Biden’s Bluff by letting him know this Nation, among others set upon by the hidden handed Satanists are also the ones with a One Way Ticket strait Hell, no matter what assurances Pope Francis provided Biden during his curious visit to the Jesuit perverse Vatican City.

Much like Biden’s Corn-Pop Story told just after saying how much he loved Black children rubbing his wet hairy legs and having the Black kids sitting on his lap in the swimming pool he worked at in his youth is as cryptic and Racist as Biden’s reference to the venerable Black trailblazer, Satchel Paige at the Vatican.
While Allegory is hard to read without the proper Biblical Keys, do wake up saints, and know for certain that our nation is now under siege by the exact same Cabal of Satanic hacks that blatantly overthrew Ukraine’s Government on Obiden’s watch!
Please understand that it is the Same Cabal of Satanic Hacks who were dogging President Trump out on their Saturday Night Live Stage just for kicks and giggles are the same Satanic Hacks who elevated and featured their latest Owned Black Shills, such as their Trained Marxist freak, Patrice Colliers, who’s only mission in life was to front woman for the Soros funded BLM.
In order to destroy the last bastions of Nuclear Black Families and our youth, in general, nationwide they roll out Black freaks like Travis Scott who thrives on Kayos, or Lil Naz X the “Pregnant” boy/man freak tasked to hump an effigy of Christ on Easter when SNL’s Alec Baldwin was not busy murdering unsuspecting victims on his Post Donald Trump era movie set.
using False Flag tactics in America , ie, the Planned January 6th Siege that got Ashley Bobbitt, an American Patriot, Murdered in Cold Blood, thanks in part to the American FBI.
If the majority of Americans believe all of the well timed Rhetoric Spewing from the Predictable War Hawks, RINO’s and our Empty Shell PUPPET LEADERS who actually helped the Deep State Oligarchs Steal our own Nation from within then, it’s already settled: WE ALL DESERVE TO DIE! JUST KNOW THIS SHEEPLE… FEWER HERE WILL GO TO HEAVEN AND ON THAT NOTE, VLADIMIR PUTIN IS RIGHT!!!!