Republican, Byron Donalds, learned the easy way that there is no welcome for free-thinking Black men who would dare restore the Black Republican Party to it’s former greatness.
Black Republicans and Buffalo Soldiers joined forces with White Christian Men when Black men had the balls to die fighting to rescue, free and restore their fellow Blacks who were enslaved by the damned Democrats for whom the Black Caucus was developed to SERVE!

The Black BOULE’s only job in life is to KEEP the Democrat Plantations fallen places, where Black voters live in squalor and disenchanted Blacks never vote.
Sadly, a majority of young Blacks never vote due to Zero confidence, yet, they seem to have no clue who to blame for being made subject to the foul status quo mad, Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks always complain about!
I’ve already torn up my Democrat card in exchange for Independence, yet, I may be joining the Republican Party just like my brilliant, self employed Dad.
He’s no longer with us, but damned if I let those BOULE hacks disappear all that my father Accomplished in Our Great Nation, particularly, in Free Black Philadelpha, turned Killadelphia under Black Democrat followship!