Barack Obama’s Official Portrait is all about NUDGE Behavioral Brain Science (STEM) , RaceBating, Hurt Feelings, Media Incites, Weather Underground Styled Terror, Stirring Up the Masses, Utter Kayos and a Hoped For, year late, Rev 3:9 jew’s #Bolshevik Anniversary CHAMPIONED RACE-War in America, NO MORE and NO LESS!
Yes, indeed, the #Hamite Servant of Servant, BARACK OBAMA, is Proven himself to Be the DICTATOR, But, of BIBLICAL Mandates, first and foremost, Upon his failed, and Thinly Veiled, efforts to bring about a Full Blown PROTOCOLS OF ZION Effect, to no avail but Universal REVELATION. :/
TOGETHER, WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD, yet, on a Obama Spawned CONTRARY, being the Dedicated COMMUNIST STYLED Servant to Servants that he clearly is, so DIVIDED WE’d ALL FALL!
(Sir Ronald Cohen and Goldman Sachs’ SOCUAL IMPACT Bonds = SLAVERY 2.0 for Blacks and , so called, Goyim, ALIKE!)
#BibleAllegory #BLACKAMoors #Beheaded #RaceBate #RobReiner #CivilWar #TimingIsEverything #ThankObama #Anthrax #MAGA #qanon