And here HE go again!

This week the Chinees took a Human Rights department seat in the festering UN, then they incited a Communist styled checklist of supposed human rights violations in “my behalf; oh.. Asians too.
We are now to “think” China-men are being brutalized by police in America as a form of Systematic Racisim and I have no doubt what the Next batch of False Flag Events in America will entail.
Indeed, there was a MAGA Asian -vs- ANTIFA Asian facing off in NYC this week, signaling the new paradim shift.
Let’s hope there’s at least one wide awake American in each Chinatown USA who will warn their people that it is now Open Season on unsuspecting Chinese, just as I was warning my fellow blacks that the Movie’s Purge and Meet the Blacks was a deep state precursor for Clinton’s 21 St Century Justice Reform OBJECTIVES culminating in the making of the Chinees tied, BLM and their #SayTheirNames BS.

Indeed, Deep State besieged Americans must now be prepared for an emerging Asian Lives Matter breggade, as the Communist Cabal’s Nation toppling schemes are all formulaic.

In lock-step, heinous “elected” officials in America are paid handsomely to roll out the most insidious Covid-19 campaigns, to date, including Texas, where word of more pop-up morgues is being filtered back upon our conscious via RT news.
Just short of China welding their hapless Citezens inside of apartment buildings, the poor victims in Chicago are made subject to another round of, post Halloween, Stage-Craft, featuring a frightening knockoff of Beetlejuice.
Normal Stragglers trapped in NYC, were first taunted on the streets by Mini Marxest da DiBlasio Kid, who admitted Joe Biden stole the election, and now they are being shuttered inside by Ten PM, as if they were the prepubescent teen Children of Govenor Cuomo.
It’s all being done under the purview of #Chatham House Rules, as key Covid19 investor, #Dr. Fouci, reigns over another diminished Flu Season in America and beyond.