Chicago Citezens Begged to Question the Obvious to no Avail in CHIRAQ all During the Celebrated Obama Administration.
Fact about the Demorat’s Status Quo…
Even in the face of Facts, statistics and empirical evidence, they will smile in your face, piss on your heads, and tell you it’s raining.
Call it the charm offence, when a Deep State intity wants us all dead, such as, Bill Gates Sr. , who served proudly as Chairman to Margret Sanger’s, Planned Parenthood.
Still lost on American blacks who remain die-hard Democrats, Sanger is the same woman who sold the Democrat’s KKK arm on the efficacy of black euthanasia, with the help of the first black BOULE shill, W.E.B. DuBois.
DuBois was the charming black figure-head who was used to discredit, Booker T. washingtipn’s Tuskegee plan for post black by calling it an Atlanta Compromise.
After Washington visited the President of the United States in the Whitehouse he was subject to the same caliber of attacs as Kanye West.
Ultimately, Washington was blugened over the head in NYC, home to Rockefeller who facilitated his infamous syphilis studies on unsuspecting Tuskgeegee men.
On the contrary, after spying on the well to do free-blacks who were systematically gentrified out of Philly’s Rittenhouse Section and beyond, DuBois was poised as the head of the jewISH spawned, NAACP.
Yes, the same NAACP headquarted in the lastest Urban Center deemed a Murder Capital of the World, “for” targeted blacks who were being systematically underserved by Deep State celebrated black shill, Elijah Cummings, aka, #goodtrouble.
Simply put, blacks cannot be systematically ahnialated in in America, without the help of key black Overseers.
Case in Point, Hillary Clinton was the Favorite for Philly Sycophant, Mayor Michael Nutter. He opened Philly to the Chicago Police Officer turned Philly Commissioner, Raymond Ramsey, who was personally tasked to install Clinton’s, so called, 21ST Century Justice #REFORM Nationwide
We might only recognize the hand select, BOULE, Overseers when we realize our systematic demise in Docrat run cities is in no way normal.
On the same day the Aurora Illinois mass warehouse shooting occured, Ex Philly Mayor Attended a Gun-Grab Conference in Chicago with Mayor’s he likely made contact with as Chairman to the Conferce of Mayors, a group heavily influenced by George Soros et al.
Once we snap out of our, media manufactured Stockholm syndrome, we may begin to notice, in spite of empirically evidenced outcomes worth marching in organized protests for, our, so called, Democrat “leaders” presiding over all we complain about are quite proud of their works, wherever Planned Parenthood Survivors are Gunned Down in our Democratically Neglected Streets!!!!
The sooner we accept basic Facts in the midst of suffering Stockholm Syndrome and Cognitive Dissonance, alike, the sooner we can all break free of the Democrat Plantation and the fraudulent, hand-select, Democrat “leaders” who are hardly worth our hard fought votes in the first place.
Jussie Smollett’s Black Lynching Themed Hoax may not be the only tell-tale sign of Coordinated False Flag Events perpetuated by Democrat Shills of the Deep State. A Scheduled March to the Front Gates of Rahm Emanuel’s Governor’s Mansion for Justice in CHIRAQ, Apparently Warranted this Front Page News THREAT!The Administration that turned Chicago into Chiraq used Chicago Cop, Raymond Ramsey, to Export a real life PURGE of Unarmed Blacks Nationwide under the Auspice of Clinton’s 21st Century Justice ReformDid Richard Boykin and Mark Zuckerburg Use the Murder of Theotis Luckett to Forward the Deep State Oligarchs’ ready UN and NATO Takeover Plans, starting in CHIRAQ?
Fam, Please Know Clinton’s 21st Century Cops, established in Philadelphia, with Chicago’s, Raymond Ramsey, on Barack Obama’s watch, are still involved in their newly Tooled, American “Justice” System!!!
Please know, AMERICAN Cops were being Trained by ISRAEL’s MOSSAD (Google it) and USED in Key Cities, Nationwide, to Forward Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Social Impact Bond Paradigms, after Police Commanders Nationwide were TRAINED at the Harvard School of Business, which is Practically, Owned by Cohen et al.
After Cohen’s systematic Bankrupting of our City and State Pension funds, effectively, bringing Whole American Cities and their Services to a near halt, ROGUE and Incompetent COPS Were being VETTED by outsiders working in America’s, so called, Early Adapter Cities WITH the help of Quasi-Governmental Entities, such as, the NYC Based Center for Court Innovation which was working in Association w/ social Impact Bond purveyor, Michael Bloomberg.
PLEASE KNOW fellow Americans, at this Critical Time in Our Nation, America is at War and ITS OPEN SEASON on Targeted Blacks All Over Again, Like “PURGE”!
Essentially, this is the Urgent Threat, the infamous California Police officer, Chris Dorner, and the New York City Police Officer, Adrian Schoolcraft were trying to Warn us all About with the telling of each of their heralding tales!
Because it’s their final chance, Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reform Goons and the hidden handed, jewISH Oligarchs they are working for, have NOTHING TO Loose by their estimation and EVERYTHING to gain by TARGETING US THIS WAY.
We are desperately being Targeted again by Clinton’s justice system hold-outs in order to Kickoff S0ROS’ Hoped For Civil War, which is nearly three years behind schedule because Clinton failed to win!!!
There is No way to APOLOGIZE or JUSTIFY this or any sloppy Cop Kill, with WhatAboutism or Otherwise!!!!
But the Bottom Line, Rev 3:9 isREAL!
Because they can, MORE OF THE SAME is on the way for us for as long as we all can simply be had!!!!
This great American Patriot is one among many Black Greats serving as a credible Translator and Clearinghouse for callers who bring Facts and Images from the, so-called, Caravan, and Inside of Deep State Subverted America, daily.
Stay tuned for my Black Patriot All-Stars page where I will feature and publish our Best and Brightest News-makers from the Black Persuasion who know how to bring much needed change against the Status Quo we complain about.
See more about the hidden handed works by the Deep State and their Invading “Caravan” below…
Keep in mind… The S. America FARC was Established for use in the Contra CIA Ploy to Keep Drugs FLOWING into America in Exchange for Guns etc.
The FARC was just recently Folded, and not long after, Barack Obama and Eric Holder brazenly engaged in a dubious ploy to Supply S. Americans and Mexican Criminals with Confiscated Guns from America when they Engaged in their Fast and Furious scheme.
Also Obama’s “hometown” is replete with Domestic Mercenary Forces who are likely being used to conduct Targeted and Timely Murders of beleaguered Blacks in Gun Free Zones Located in Chicago and in big cities Nationwide with high, so called, Black on Black Murders.
Note, Chicago native, Raymond Ramsey was purposely positioned in our nation’s Deep State Usurped first Capital and tasked to establish “Clinton’s 21st Century Justice Reforms”. These reforms included the Military Grade Supply Weaponization of Police as well as the implementation of Bloomberg’s Associated Center for Court Innovation Criminal Laws to be administered first and foremost inside Neighborhood based Criminal Court Franchises just as it was first formulated in Bloomberg’s NYC base Red Hook housing project run by a deep state Usurped HUD official.
Commissioner Ramsey designated Constitutional right free Police zones throughout Philadelphia and new Criminal Courts where arrayed therein for the service of newly written Laws that mimic post slavery black code law.
These specially written laws were to be first delivered, only inside of targeted black communities before using them on citizens nationwide.
The stated goal spelled out in a bill forwarded by my own Democrat cousin, a Philadelphia city councilman, was to subject every member if the targeted Philadelphia community to a “life-long relationship with the Criminal Justice System”.
To begin, the central Criminal court was disbanded and Center for Court Innovation Satellite Courts were established, including inside of designated schools where the new Criminal Courts could begin subjecting screened school aged kids to criminal adjudication and related chattel work punishment as a way to foment the deep state’s plan that was first mentioned by Nute Gingridge inside of the Deep State Usurped Harvard Kennedy School of Business.
We got a hint of the plan when he delivered his, infamous, fire all of the janitors speech.This plan was forwarded with his assertion that Black youth have no work ethics whatsoever.
The New York Center for Court written laws were designed to deliver Tax Payer supplied profits into the hands of the deep state via Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Goldman Sachs managed, Social Impact Bond ploy which is basically, Skavery2.0.
Commissioner Raymond Ramsey was essentially tasked to Federalize our Nation’s Police forces, first in, so called, Early Adapter Cities that were successfully fleeced of City, State and Institutional Pensions.
Prior to the Usurpation of Harvard University Sir Ronald Cohen’s, Venture Capital ploys were first established around the time of George Bush Sr.’s vice presidency under Ronald Reagan, who began suffering Alzheimer symptoms while he was in his last term.
Chicago is where Harvard graduate, Barack Obama and his long-time pal, Bill Ayers, worked closely together on Ayer’s School Takeiver Plans.
Philly, under Tom Ridge’s governorship, first allowed Ayer’s Edison Schools to operate, complete with daily CNN Programing as a part of the curriculum in Every classroom.
Upon the 911 attacks, and after Edison School failure, PA gov. Tom Ridge was Elevated to develop the first Patriot Act fomented agencies under the umbrella of the NSA.
Bill Gates picked up the mantle of school reform by establishing his Microsoft school of the Future and The Waltons of Walmart, who’ s father helped to establish FEMA camp principles, and Hedge funder Eli Brode would step in to Retool and Rebrand Bill Ayers’ initial Push to Radicalize American Students by Establishing a Black Hedge Funder as the face of BAEO.
Two, hand select, lame duck, Philly Senators where supplied Millions for their election bids and turned Advocates for deep state infiltrated schools where the new NSA tsar and the former Weather Underground Terrorist, Bill Ayers left off.
Meanwhile, Back in Ayers and Obama’ Chicago, former Obama Chief of Staff Ralhm Emmanuel and the Marc Zuckerberg’s financed County Commissioner Richard Boykin worked to Usher in a UN TAKEOVER, First in Chicago Il.
Amid Political Losses The Deep State’s Subversive PLANS are Still Moving Forward, albeit, they are getting far more brazen and sloppy with exposure and without their chosen successor, Hillary Clinton in place as Commander and Chief.
The deep state’s North American Migrant Crises, as seen played out their European and Canadian strongholds is taking place haphazardly with the passive aggressive aid of the newly elected, Socialist Leaning, Mexican President all while the outgoing President can, simply, claim lame-duck status.
The hidden handed deep state’s calls is for the disbanded FARC and , so called, MK13 Gangs to coalesce as the bulk of an Invading force capable of overwhelming America’s southern border.
The 2018 Insurgency is complete with the Aid of Pope Francis’ network of sheltering churches working Deep State financed NGO’s however, the Deep State Subversives are Severely Crippled now that Donald Trump is in office.