Dumb Blacks Drawn into the fake jew’s, China Funded Deep State BLM Farce have no idea of it’s CIA Styled Purpose. That is, Black are being Organized and Used to Deliver a Nation that is no longer recognizable as anything great or sovereign.
Trained Marxist at BLM were effectively made from whole cloth by the hidden handed fake jew OLIGARCHS for the sole purpose of Delivering George Soros etal’s hoped-fore American Spring and/or Color Revolution, as per Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION Paradigms.
Along with Dr. Fouci’s ongoing Gain of Function tyranny and consequent Bio Weapons crimes, with the help of Nike and Henry Kissinger’s Communist Chinese cohorts, Bill Gates’ openly stated Depopulation Goals realized using Global forced Vaccines , Charles Schwab’s Great Reset / Build Back better farce and George Soros’ Open Cities complete with compromised DA’s there’s the busy BLM following up the rear of Jerry Naddler’s ANTIFA Myth as planned!
Furthermore, after gullible Blacks were told “You ain’t Black”unless you vote for Joe, there’s the implausible Joe Biden and his bottom Bitch side-kick, Kamalah Harris working her Black girl magic in the desecrated White House. Lost on Blacks was the fact that Biden is the same man who is responsible for the incarceration of countless Black Men and Woman nationwide, leaving our Biden targeted Black communities vulnerable and in complete shambles for decades.
it is clear to me that Harris was chosen by her hidden handed Deep State task-masters just because she too took great pleasure in Locking up Targeted Blacks for years beyond their sentencing parameters.
Having Useful Idiots on the ground, Useful Idiots called the squad provoking Dummies to act out in Congress and two Useful Idiot’s at the helm of our nation, Rev 2:9 and 3:9 mentioned jewISH Oligarchs are finding it quite easy to get hapless Blacks out on the streets of America to rage and riot on que.
Furthermore, so called, POC’s have been summons from various nations up through America’s Open Borders. Many of them are instructed in Soros’ Open Cities and they are being used to feign as if they are American Blacks.
We got a glimpse of the Deep State paradigm with the Jussie Smollett production, complete with his Nigerian cohorts who were all engaged in a well orchestrated False Flag event with Senator Cory Booker and Kamalah Harris on the business end.
Smollet’s farcical Lynching hoax was designed, expressly, to Race Bate our nation into consequent hoped for Riots. Furthermore, it is no secret NIGERIA and SOMALIA, alike, have practically sold their people and souls out to Israel and their American Infiltrating Mossad.
Of all of the Mossad shills in America, none are worse than lhan Omar, the so called Squad member who would publicly destroy her own family as profoundly as her father helped to destroy her own Nation. All that she does is clearly done in behalf of her jewISH handler/campaign manager turned lover, former spouses be damned. This is the reason why we the people were subjected to the Satanic Trifecta that delivered the most damage nationwide. That is, George Floyd, Ilhan Omar and the ANTIFA Shill, Keith Ellison are all from the same place known to have MOSSAD influence, well before the George Floyd “event”.
With the combination of Mossad Influenced False Flag Cop-Kills, Fake News provocateurs like Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo, Eli Brode Managed Schools, and Sal Alinski styled Organizing, hapless Blacks have been systematically converted into America’s Useful Idiot’s and they are being characterized as Race-Bate fodder to trigger White ire and to help along the Oligarch’s devious, racist plans as per Rev 2:9.
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. ~KJV
After being triggered like clockwork from coast to coast my fellow Blacks are used as a the Hagalian Dialectic pretense for the hidden handed fake jew’s many nefarious plans.
If triggered Brainwashed Blacks deliver the utter kayos the jewISH Oligarchs’ hope for the hidden handed Fake Jews will have all of the provocation they need.
The plan is/was to declare a UN-NATO evoked Martial Law and the rollout of their newly fomented Federal Police forces is also a part of the plan. Their Portland trained ANTIFA Goons may take up the roll and we can see a hint of the plan played out in Conrad Bill DiBlassio’s, so called Metro Police event with the ANTIFA Goons in DiBlassio’s Usurped Penn Station.
Keep in mind, the jewISH Olgarch’s clandestine Bernie Bro’s are also waiting in the wings to deliver.
Our Black Youth were targeted and systematically Brainwashed inside of WalMart and Eli Brode Usurped Schools from cost to cost and this move was done so, so that (((they))) could serve as cover for all of (((their))) SATANIC misdeeds planned and perfected since the Bolshevik Revolution over 100 yrs ago!!!!
My fellow Blacks are now being Socially Impacted with ease via AI delivered Social Media and the Brainwashed ones are being used on the daily by the Subversive fake jews who need us for cover as well as for the purpose of Plausible Deniability as they topple our nation from within.
The conspiring, hidden handed, jewISH Oligarchs are now STAGING EVENTS and they are using us to target conservative Whites along with the rest of the world who can view the emerging smash and grab spectacles that are being systematically afforded by Compromised Democrats on the Democrat Plantations nationwide.
Clueless Blacks who have basically abandoned God and the Bible alike have no idea to what extent they are being systematical enticed and used by the evermore desperate Powers that Be. Thanks, in part, to gullible Blacks, the crafty jewISH Oligarch’s are now working overtime to Topple America from within witch.
It sickens me, to no end, when my fellow Blacks go on and on about how bad America is.
Godless Blacks are so fíng brainwashed they have completely forgotten that America is, indeed, our only HOME… The concept of not shitting where you live is completely lost on them and it is all thanks to hidden handed Thought Masters who have practically TRAINED them all how and what to “think” on the daily.
Useful Idiots truly believe destroying their own communities is just and they are drawn to the Deep State Oligarch’s evil PURGE no matter how awful it makes the rest of us look to the world!