Why don’t you understand, the Quasi Government Oligarchs’ who Took Over Philadelphia, including the chairman of Planned Parenthood, Bill Gates, WANTS TARGETED BLACKS DEAD BY YESTERDAY????

Do you not know of the UPEN Virologist who released AIDS into the Congo under the pretense of Polio eradication???? Is it not known to you, his INVENTION was expressly designed FOR Targeted Blacks????

Do you not know the First Black Gangs, just LIKE GANGSTA Rap itself was Made from Whole Cloth by meddling Jews (a Rockefeller Project)???

Do You Truly Think Blacks Murdering Ourselves is a PREFERRED Method And Pastime on Every DEMOCRAT PLANTATION suffering the same fait as Killadelphia??????

Have you Never Heard of PAID CORPORATE MERCINARIES like the ones that are headquartered in Barack Obama’s CHIRAQ????

Do you truly believe Police Commissioner, Daniel Outlaw, is in Philadelphia Doing a Great Job and THERE’S AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF MURDEROUS BLACKS WHO SIMPLY LOVE MURDERING Their Neighbors and Classmates????