To All of my Mockingbird Media Effected Facebook “Friends”… Gotcha! Right ??….NOT!!! lol

Today after the Last Manufactured Uproar against President Donald J. Trump, now being desperately Cultivated by the Coordinating Deep State into a Lasting Social Impact Narrative, other known as George Soros’ Media Matters paradigm called NUDGE, I wrote the following after my “Informed” , Brainwashed “friend” cited the “FACT” that Donald Trump Referred to a Virgin Island Governor as President of the Virgin Islands.
The one common theme derived within the members of our society who gleefully drink every flavor of Kool-aid the Subversive Deep State Minions at CNN et al serve up daily, is that their, daily, Takeaway Messages got em mad as hell all while any Context and/or REALITY is Lost .
Here’s my Factual Response to my Facebook “friend” cut and pasted below with any follow up to be added as needed (so check back for updates).
As always, let’s see if I can impart any common sense or Facts into our BRAINWASHED Brethren on Face Book.
Do note his title, “Historian” on the back of my Facebook “friend’s” name… God help us all if CNN Spin will be considered Black History some day.
Y. D. Historian Yisrael so who was his tweet to?
- We The Negro: President Donald J. Trump Tweet’s to All Americans OPENLY and AVAILABLE For You to Read for yourself, Plus the Group of Anti American Liars Who Make it their BUSINESS To Complain and Protest OUR NATION from Within, Rather than SERVE their Wanting Constituents in Democratic Bastions where Blacks are TIRED OF MARCHING, PROTESTING and GETTING NOTHING But MURDERED in Return for over Thirty Years Until Now.

Y. D. Historian Yisrael – We The Negro: sir [sic] what does this dude and his disrespect for women in one regard, the dude who did not know what ‘our nation ‘ consisted of by saying he spoke to the president of the Virgin Islands, the dude who even spoke against they who wanted to lay their lives down for ‘our nation’ and he who walked out of a meeting when it got ‘too heated’, have to say about anyone leaving a country when his roots itself go back to Germany in less than four generations here…?
We The Negro: Amazing, one who Could Care Less about Bill and Hillary Clinton VICTIMS STOLEN FROM Haiti ISLAND, or Clinton’s Black Son due to his EXPLOITATION of Poor Black Drug Addicted Prostitutes the Philly D.A. and Meek Mill handler ROBERT KRAFT wants to make Legal, IS SO ACTIVATED about President Trump’s RELATIONSHIPS With GROWN WOMEN , none of whom COMPLAINS About Consensual Relationships between Two ADULTS.
But rather, you, a grown man has his draws in a knot , Just as you are TOLD, over Locker Room Speak had between TWO GROWN MEN about Pussy in PRIVATE?
Are you CONCERNED about the Welfare of a Working Whore, Stormy Daniels BECAUSE you are Told be by CNN and her Porn Lawyer?
Are you CONCERNED about Donald Trump’s Wife for whom you were taught was in a Perv’s Fantasy Wet Dress Contest for the Fourth of July?
Are you also CONCERNED about his Daughters for whom you were taught is in a incestuous relationship with their loving father? I BET YOU ARE SIR! … SAD
The real question is… Are you CONCERNED about Me, Your Mother, Your Sister, Your Daughter or Grand daughers… i.e. All of the Black Woman who’s Womb will no longer be looked at for all of the PROFITABLE Babies Planned Parenthood cad fetch because Will Not Get their Euthanasia Tools On Us so easily due to Donald J. Trump?
Are you as concerned for the Welfare of NO WOMAN Hurt By Donald Trump as Much as you are CONCERNED for My Son and Daughter or yourself who will now be able to STAY FULLY EMPLOYED and No Longer A$$ out of Jobs in Cities where they were left to become either Drug Idled or Sitting Ducks while Mercenaries and Rouge cops, alike, play out their Real Life, Government Sanctioned PURGE and MEET THE BLACKS Scripts?
Are you as CONCERNED for all that the Mind F’ing Deep State Told you will happen to our Philadelphia and Urban Communities on their HBO’S The Wire, and on their Follow up show featuring what they did in Kensington on PURPOSE on Drug Inc?
THE FACT IS… All that you are TOLD to Get Your Panties into a Knot AMOUNTS to the FACT that President Donald J. Trump‘s ENEMIES HATE YOU, OUR BLACK NEGUS KING’S AND GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE EVEN MORE than they HATE GOYIM, the White Christians who thought EMANCIPATION and the Complete End to the Merchant’s Slave was a Good Idea.
Why do they HATE Trump?
Because they DON’T OWN TRUMP like they OWN DAMNED DEMOCRATS (Even my own Cousin, Philly City Councilman Curtis Jones Jr and his Best Pal Congressman Chaka Fattah for whom Comey’s FBI Arrested after USING Him to GET PHILLY SCHOOLS).

READ Rev 3:9 then consider the Role of the Pharaoh who appointed Joseph or CIRUS who Returned Israelites to Jerusalem the land gone to Wicked Impersonators NOW EXPOSED and Left Alone to Fight their Own Damned Battles and Fend for themselves??

As sure as the Hamite, Barack Obama Made Chicago into Chiraq and a new SLAVE TRADE like his African Forefather’s did in Libya, You must Recognize Which leaders are which and how LEADERS are AFFECTED to Entreat or Mistreat God’s Chosen Blacks who suffer from far more than just Confusion of Face and Four Hundred Years of Captivity until President Donald J. Trump‘s FIRST STEP ended the Democrat’s Three Strikes for Profit Prison Bonanza now clamoring for new heads in beds for profit…
On Trump Seeding his Presidency OVER The Virgin Islands to a Gov. see Snoops explanation then WAKE UP SIR… Your Gotcha is WEAK!!!!
J. Boyer Brainwashed to even think you can defend that racist wannabe dictator..
We The Negro: – J. Boyer if you were not Simply REPEATING your Oligarch Thought Leaders Verbatim, then you might not be successfully tooled into being a Useful Idiot who’d Kill A Messenger in order to Insure the Return of Status Quo Blacks Complained About for over Thirty Years…
Ask yourself, WHY DID COUNTLESS BLACK Greats Sing Trump’s Praises, literally, In COUNTLESS Rap Songs??
Why is Trump FEATURED In COUNTLESS Photos with Blacks from way back when?
Why is the so called racist given COUNTLESS Awards, such as, the Freedom Prize while standing Side by Side with Muhammad Ali and Rosa Parks?
Why is Trump a Jessie Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition Awardee for ASSISTING Young NYC Blacks in Realizing their Business Endeavors?
Ask yourself, WHY WERE COUNTLESS BLACKS Lined up Down the Hall outside of his All You Can Eat Buffet at the TAJ MAHAL before your Thought Leaders TAUGHT YOU TO Call Him Racist Every Damn Day?
Ask yourself, If not for your Mind’fing leaders SUCCESSFULLY brainwashing you HOW AND WHAT TO THINK AND WHEN TO THINK IT, Who has put you on the same side as ANTIFA, Foreign Actors like IRAN, Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood, the MAKERS OF CHIRAQ, HILLARY CLINTON, etc etc, etc?
The ANTI – AMERICAN Rebel SOCIALIST Puppets you’re Championing on my post Not only USE BLACKS and other minorities while Keeping Blacks on the DEMOCRAT PLANTATION, (Status Quo we complained about alive and well) they and other DEEP STATE PAID HACKS Continue to Dis-serve Blacks in Most Democrat Run Cities.
Ask yourself why you are siding with SUBVERSIVE Democrat Hacks , who are INSTALLED via Audition and Hidden Handed Oligarchs??
Why do you Simply Stand By and Agree with those who are B!ching like Nasty Women About YOUR ONLY HOME/AMERICA?
I suppose if President Donald J. Trump said I’m Going to IMPEACH THOSE Mother Fers Instead of his TRUE AND REASONABLE CHALLENGE Below you would have NO COMPLAINTS WHATSOEVER, Right???
5:27 AM – 14 Jul 2019
So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run.
Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.
These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!