Word on the street… This week, some of Governor Phil Murphy’s NJ Prisons are being systematically emptied to accommodate Covid19 VICTIMS?!
Keep in mind, Murphy is one of five U.S. Governors that conspired to place Covid19 riddled patients among the isolated elderly population in order to drive the numbers up in time for Fouci Funded Medical Tyranny.
Phil Murphy also conspired to rob the votes of his NJ citizens in the 2020 election, I being one of them, who never asked for a mail in ballot , as claimed, and one who’s votes were never counted. Contrary to popular believe promulgated by the evil conspirators spewing fake news on a daily basis, my claims of voter fraud in NJ come complete with recipes for all of lying liberal hacks who work tirelessly to discredit the silent majority in behalf of the Oligarchs they work for!
Those in the know (few and far between in, so called, Blue States) realize Phil Murphy, committed crimes against humanity, by purposely infecting and killing elderly victims by placing infected patents among immune-compromised victims who were also deprived of family over-site in locked down nursing homes statewide.
Murphy had facilitated covid related nursing home deaths in lock-step with neighboring Governors, Andrew Cuomo (NY) and Tim Wolfe (PA), all while Governors in other key state’s took a more rational and healthy approach that did not result in copious infection rates and the consequent deaths of their citizens.
Other nations following Fouci “inspired” protocols are now treating their own citizens like prisoners who can be forcibly pulled from their homes and placed behind walls by radicalized law enforcement authorities who’s job is preventing Covid19 free citizens from escaping their evermore onerous Medical Tyranny which was spearheaded by the Fouci funded bioweapon developed in the notorious, Communist China based Wuhan lab.
No doubt, Murphy will say his move to make room in NJ Prisons is being done all in the name of Fouci forwarded “Science” and health!
Conversely, the same tyrannical Governors were busy releasing prisoners from jails or not arresting criminals at all, using Covid19 outbreaks as the primary reason. Communist regimes have used the systematic emptying of prisons and consequent kayos as a primary means of overthrowing Governments in targeted nations throughout history.
Like Dr. Fouci’s daily edicts, protocols under the auspice of Covid19 efficacy are in no way based on science, but rather, they are all based on a hidden handed objective to turn America and other Communist China targeted Nations into Totalitarian hell-scapes where the systematic culling of targeted populations can take place more easily in behalf of the emerging Oligarchs.
If we could simply follow the money, we could likely see all of the Governors who are consigned to deliver Bill Gate’s openly stated fever-dreams of DEPOPULATING the earth.
Thanks to NIKE and Dr. Fouci’s Communist China co-horts, more and more Western Democracies are being systematically developed into Communist China styled places where the corrupt and discredited W.H.O. has more jurisdiction over our lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness than jurist prudence and Constitutional Law.