At this point in history, you’d have to be living under a rock not to understand the touchy dichotomy between the Book of Revelation 2:9 mentioned fake jews… -vs- God’s Chosen people.
Likewise, by now the whole world realizes why the Titanic went down with every key member who could have stopped the dubious fake jews’ deadly Federal Reserve farce in its tracks.
For those with eyes to see, there is a certain dichotomy that is clearly spelled out, and that dichotomy is represented via the us -vs- them situation so brazenly spearheaded by Dr. Fouci, the man who funded NIKE, and Henry Kissinger’s Communist China Cohorts at the Wuhan Lab.
The us -vs- (((them))) dichotomy has been analyzed ad nauseam throughout history, weather in Shakespeare’s telling saga, “The Merchant of Venice” or in Martin Luther’s centennial, “The Jews and their Lies”.
So much of our collective woes and hardships could be utterly avoided if only we read our, relatively, discarded Bible’s, much less, accept the actual words and deeds that emanate from some of the most outspoken fake jews among us.
Bill Gates told us all about his Depopulation fever-dreams before he and Melinda paid to roll them all out, and we are all welcomed to witness the evermore Satanic Saturday Night Live, not to mention the brazen musings of Sarah Silverman, the bold jewISH “performer” who’d take credit for Murdering Christ all while admitting that she thinks “the Blacks did it” (wink*nod) just before declaring, ” Good! I hope the jews did kill Christ… I’d do it again.. I’d fucking do it again in a second”.
Those who lived in NYC all of their lives have certainly been afforded a very rude awakening by troops of dedicated Blacks said to be dressed like Klaus Schwab or the power-rangers, a far lesser insult, so when Silverman says she “thinks” it was the Blacks who ordered the death of Christ, she is simply stating what (((they))) all know to be true.
Black Israelites of NY have been working to wake up the masses for at lest a century or so and later iterations of Black Israelites, after the illustrious Ben Ammi made his way back to Jerusalem, have been seen in All parts of our nation with tell-tale poster boards full of information based on Biblical clues.
Key Blacks have come to realize American Blacks are of the Tribe of Judah and this Revelation came to American Blacks long before succumbing to the fake jew’s post Project Paperclip’s, CointelPro style infiltration.
Since the turn of the 20th century there have been crafty redirects and subtrafusions begun with the help of Blacks, such as, a long-standing redirect that was minted by an illusory man that is known as Wallas Fard Muhammad. It s no accident that the mystery man would be credited with the development of America’s Black Muslims and the modern-day sect of Black Moors, alike.
All that was missing from Fard Muhammad’s play-book was the making of the Black Greeks, and I am afraid that it was my Uncle’s father who could take credit for being one of the Charter members of one of the Black Fraternities in America, Phi Beta Sigma.
Based on the fate of a high percentage of our Fraternity members Grand children, as well as, the fate of the collective Black community, at large, there’s obviously more Cult like behaviors than positive results to be seen as a consequence of joining clandestine fraternities which appear to have done far too little to uplift our race beyond the well-fed members themselves.
See Colin Kaepernick.
Once Kaepernick was given the fake jews’ BLM script written expressly for their TRAINED MARXIST lackeys Kaepernick was able to rally his short-sited Kappa Alpha Psi brothers who were glad to join him in his JOB LOOSING Cause. Meanwhile, thinking Blacks actually took the time to see the highly compromised front-woman for the Black Lives Matter group for what she truly was.
The ANTI-COP and Anti LAW AND ORDER movement not only had aims of ripping apart the Black Nuclear Family, but also had aims to render EVERY PLANNED PARENTHOOD SURVIVOR who are still trapped on the Democrat Plantations, dead and gone by yesterday.
The deadly BLM group is tooled in our Eli Brode managed schools where, so called, Social Justice Warriors are cultivated from whole cloth… The resulting brigades of useful idiots then serve up the rear of Jerry Nadler’s ANTIFA myth and it is the mindless, useful idiot that is needed as the primary spark to ignite the fuel is poured into the Black community tender box.
Blacks, like all urban Americans living in compromised Democrat Cities, are now walking on virtual egg-shells and this is due to Clinton’s 21 Century Justice Reform farce, allowing MOSSAD trained Rogue Cops and policing techniques into our troubled nation, and it is also due to George Soros’ rigged DAs a phenomenon that is slowly coming to light.
Soros funded DAs are now allowing the copious Murders of Targeted Blacks. The compromized DAs were hand-select for their ANTI COP stance and they are the reason Police are being Shot in the Head in record numbers across our troubled nation.
The deep state cabal, for whom Whoopi is glad to serve, are now rendering our law enforcement officers as Sitting Ducks in their squad cars.
When our own American Police forces can no longer protect themselves, it sends a very clear signal to all Americans, that no one is safe on the Democrat Plantation, and all of the hot air on “the View” will not change the fact that American communities are purposefully being left un-policed and therefore they are being made vulnerable by Satanic leaning DAs in every city that is now under siege.
Having the most outspoken Blacks hang their history- void hats on every nation and times that illustrate our systematic downfall is actually a brilliant move by the hidden handed fake jews who are actually in the wings working overtime to educate us. Even after 400 years worth of captivity lifted from 1619 to President Trump’s 2019 issued First Step Act, Blacks remain associated with the Dum Diversas Enslaving Muslims and/or Capitulating Black Moors and for as long as “we” do not claim to be God’s chosen People, Whoopi Goldberg’s handlers are very happy with that.
Black Boule Shills, like Whoopi and Kapernick, are simply there to run cover, and while we closely follow the play by play featuring these auditioned fools who are more like jewISH owned prize fighters, the fake jews are able to Socially Incite us, both, emotionally and physically, as needed.
The mainstream Media Owning cabal of coordinated fake jews are now able to impart our daily thoughts and daily agendas as well. Case in point: the day before February, the fake jew’s Holocaust was the furthest thing from our collective minds.
Having talented”” Black women named Goldberg, or talented Black men like Sammy Davis Jr. sign up to the fake jews’ Church of Satan and/or other Hollywood driven programs, forevermore is actually a no brainier for fake jews who keep their most talented Black BOULEs on the Red Carpet and on speed-dial too simply because auditioned Black shills like Whoopi prove to be effective, loyal and far more dedicated than any pet the fake jews could ever hope for.
On the other end of the spectrum, and outside of the gullible BOULE arena are the enlighten Black Hebrew Israelite who are known for discomforting passerbys of all races, including my fellow Blacks, who do still suffer, biblically foretold Confusion of Face.
Weather you believe what the Black Israelites preach, or not, the so called Black Israelites work tirelessly to make Americans and peoples of all nations aware of certain anomalies within our own common perception, namely the FACT that Rev 3:9 isREAL.
There is a certain power hat inherent with being a lying Satanists so that power must be maintained by doggedly defending their lies. Defending Big Lies, such as the ones told by Dr. Fouci and Dr. Francis Collins is a full time job that cannot be mustard alone so they must employ puppets of every caliber to help them maintain all of their lies.
When it comes to matters of Race, the fake jew SATANISTS are the drivers of the narrative, as well as, the prime benefactors of their narrative evoked fallout, hence their NUDGE Science based incites can go either way as it is human nature to be on either side of the pendulum or blow-back, a fact made evident in the recent Gubernatorial race in Virginia.
For as long as (((they))) have the name Jew hostage as cover, fake jews will continue flipping the script on race and racial injustices, alike. As (((they)))) ply their SATANIC crafts they can get none of it done without Black Boule Shills, like Whoopie by their side.
It was the returning Black Gi’s that allowed the fake jews to take hold in America after their disruptive, nation toppling Bolshevik Revolution. Thank GOD, America was warned of their arrival and we were told of all of their Satanic/Zionist intentions when it was still A-OK for Henry Ford to alert us, sparing us all then from all we suffer from today.
With “friends”like Whoopi the fake jews can, indeed, get away with just about anything, including adorning themselves in Black-face whenever it suits their mood. On the other hand, WE THE PEOPLE are FORBODDEN and never allowed to question, insult or challenge the fake jew no matter what.
When we stop to think about what, and more importantly, who motivates Auditioned Black shills like Woopie Goldberg, there are layers upon layers of perception-defying character that must be carefully considered, much like Beyonce’s alter ego, Sasha Fierce. I highly doubt that we will see a Cadillac Record caliber revelation about Goldberg or a Strait Outta Compton tell either, anytime soon.
Like most things regarding hidden handed fake jews and their Black Boule Vanguard brigades, one must first start from the very Beginning to capture holy spirit delivered keys as needed for full understanding. Without the Bible, there is no knowledge, whatsoever, of the Biblically foretold juxtaposition which could, otherwise, made known to all algebraically and, particularly, through the ongoing Goldberg brouhaha.
If Americans stuck inside of the fake jews” modern day Plato’s cave had eyes to see, combined with the prerequisite modicum of faith in GOD, the upcoming episodes surrounding Goldberg and her hidden handed jewish handlers would render all who follow very profound clues.
From the stand-point of Woopie’s busy fake jewISH handlers, Woopie now faces her prerequisite PUNISHMENT for her bad American Act.
If we were reading our Bibles as required as, so called, Christian followers of Christ, would know the following facts to be true…
Whoopi is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION and a highly paid Boule Black Straw-man for the rest of us…
Whoopi says EVERY FOUL THING She is PAID to say as an Auditioned ACTRESS, practically Owned by Barbra Waters!!!!
Woopie’s Job In behalf of Barbara Walters is to CHANGE THE NEWS CYCLE, all while FEIGNING TO be a little bit Antisemitic!
Essentially Whoopi’s Job in behalf to the COLLUDING CABAL of jewISH OLIGARCHS who have TAKEN OVER OUR NATION from Within, is to TRAIN ALL AMERICANS THAT WE SHOULD NEVER F’ck WITH THE MIGHTY POWERFUL jewISH OLIGARCHS who now have the ABILITY and the tacit Approval of Hypocritical “Patriots”and Christians, alike, to CANCEL EVERYBODY, no matter how much (((they))) like or “love” you paternalistically!!!!
Therefore, as we all sit on the edges of our seats watching not Dr Fouci, Not Communist China, Not Ukraine, Not Janet Yelson, Not Merrit Garland, Not Nancy Pelosi, Not Chuck Schumer now working tirelessly to TAKE AMERICAN’s GUNS AWAY, we are all (SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION) excited to see Goldberg being dragged through the virtual mud and onto the proverbial plank by her hidden handed jewISH overlords.
What the world is actually learning is that Queen Woopie is no more important to her hidden handed Owners than Kunta Kinte was to his Merchant Class Slavers who brought so many of us to beg others to believe that Black Lives Matter in the first place.
That is, using Game Theory, NUDGE Science and Monopolized Media the hidden handed jews can now steer the Nation’s thoughts and conversations wherever they please.
It is no accident whatsoever that our Nations are suffering in the throws of a Plandemic that was actually spelled out for us see in Dean Koonts’ 1982 novel based on the same tactic that rolled out in America Decades ago.
The jewISH Cabal members, such as, the makers of the, so called, Black Panthers and the owners of Communist China Supporting NIKE, have been using their Black assets, like Colin Kapernick, to deliver our nation into any direction the hidden handed jews see fit.
Without peculiar Black halfwits, like Lil Naz X on Saturday Night Live or Duane Johnson and his “Pedophile Robot”, NONE OF THEIR SATANIC PARADIGMS WOULD EVER GET OFF OF THE GROUND.
While the world has yet to figure out the fake jews’ complex, and centuries old formulas, as seen on TV, (((they))) will continue using their winning strategies in concert and in lock-step, in order to distract us all.
Like clock-work, Once again, our attention is being focused onto their latest Bread and Circus act.
While George Soros etal hope to trigger Ukraine’ proxi-war between Sleepy Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin by yesterday, we’re all invited to engage in the hubbub surrounding Goldberg’s televised Holocaust fopaux.
Just second to the Kardasians, Goldberg’s televised saga is based on one of the Greatest, fake jew lies of all times.
When high profile Patriots, like Matt Gates wonder aloud, how the hell did Al Sharpton become a featured fixture on MSNBC after being so blatantly antisemitic””, he, like so many of us fail to consider the devious nature of the fake jews for whom such Useful Idots like Al Sharpton etal are actually working for.
Along with painting swastikas when and where they are needed, fake jews are also well known for employing both sides in most modern wars and lying as just as profoundly as Dr Fouci on a good day, so utilizing the Black Boule as Controlled Opposition, when and where they are needed, is a very small thing for the coordinating cabal of highly calculating fake jews.
For a hint and a clue about the devious nature of the hidden handed Cabal of fake jews, do start by watching the Medici’s on Netflix then research the nature of the unholy alliance between Sir Ronald Cohen, George Soros and Pope Francis. As a side-bar brush up on the role the infamous Machiavelli and understand just of few of his political schemes to get a modicum of understanding about the desire to reconstitute the Holly Roman Empire under the various Banners and Brands, such as, The New World Order, Agenda 2020/2030, The Green New Deal, the Great Reset or Sir Ronald Cohen’s SOCIAL IMPACT BOND REVOLUTION happening all with the help of Schwab’s favored World Leaders and the infiltrated Catholic church.
True to form, and a part of their STAGE-CRAFTED EVENT DESIGNED TO TAKE OUR MINDS OFF OF CRITICAL REALITY, the fake jews will must meet Goldberg’s wrongly perceived “high crime” with an equal force far greater than the initial opposition mustered up to Goldberg’s face in real time on the set of Barbra Walter’s “The View”.
This is the whole nature of the fake jews’ highly perfected method called Hagalian Dialectics. Just like their movie, Collateral Beauty the who world can see that Joy Behar’s, on-set rebuttal was not nearly enough.
Via a series of Media Controlled, SOCIAL IMPACT NUDGES we are now to Champion the utterly bereaved fake jews who must now teach their Larger than Life Black Character a very public lesson as we all cheer them on. Thereby, the fake jews, by way of their televised straw-man is teaching entire world their most important lesson all over again.
For Goldberg’s, otherwise, logical minimization of the Holocaust, in which she characterized the Holocaust as being based on a conflict between White People -vs- other White People, Golberg must now be publicly punished.
What most people do not realize (yet) is the fact that the fake jews’ knee-jerk habit of publicly excoriating , so called, Holocaust deniers may be far more difficult than ever before, due to the eventuality of bible prophecy itself.
One only has to watch SNL on any given Saturday to realize the fact that the Fake JewISH Satanists do realize exactly who they are, yet, (((they))) still go through the motions of feigning utter outrage over their Ubiquitous holocaust canard .
It matters not to (((them))) that everyone on earth could indeed realize through a modicum of research, that it was , indeed, the fake jews who Started Every World War culminating into Hitler’s WW2 itself!
Gates likely pulled the trigger on the fake jews’ openly stated DEPOPULATION PLANS, expressly because so Many humans on earth now know that it was the Cabal of fake jews who helped to finance Hitler’s war!
Now that the ivory towers have been opened up to all via the internet, it is clear to see the hidden handed, jewISH financiers dirty works. We can see how (((they))) (the Bush Family) were involved from the onset of Hitler’s reign, as well as who actually sponsored the ongoing perseverance of Hitler’s paradigms in America.
Everyone reading this today can do a modicum of research to realize why the crypto-jew, Dr. Anthony Fouci, is now being compared to Joseph Mangala. This realization is neither a lie or an exaggeration as more and more humans on earth are now calling for modern-day Nurengburg trials.
While there is indeed Behavioral Economics, S.T.E.M Studies, MIT Developed Game Theory and serious NUDGE Science hard at work, it just so happens, fat ass Whoopi much like fat ass Stacy Abrams are able to render their fake jewISH handlers what amounts to a TOTAL ECLIPSE of EVERYTHING that is IMPORTANT to Us!!!!
After Mark Zukeberg paid so handsomely to assure the fake jews’ Puppeted punk, Joe Biden, was installed back into our Oligarch Usurped white-house, there is nothing that is normal in our nation’s Capital, which is still under siege.
Putin just promised Americans that most us will all go strait to hell while most Russians will go to heaven after his RETALIATORY Nuke, yet, all mislead Americans can “think” and talk about today is Woopi Goldberg, AND THAT MY FRIENDS IS (((THEIR))) PLAN at work!!!!!
On Dr. Fouci etal, here’s what most of you are missing, all thanks to Whoopi!
The New Nuremberg Trials 2021. A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts lead by Dr. Reiner Fullmich have begun legal proceedings over the CDC, WHO, the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Fullmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud.
Chuck Schumer warned us of his Six Ways til Sunday, but what he was hinting at was all of their highly coordinated ways, including (((their))) devious disruptions. When Jerry Nadler was pressed to comment on ANTIFA, he boldly stated that their modern day shock-troops now allowed to use Portland as their urban Training Grounds before Merrit Garland took office were noting more than a Myth.
Because of our lack of Bible Understanding we are Not Armored Up in the Word of God! Not realizing Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 isREAL amounts to our, relative, Cognitive Dissonance and inability to see the Forest for the Trees.
THANKS TO Fouci Caliber “Science”, We are Practically TOOLED to Give Cover to our Eternal Enemies. Our Eternal Enemies now realize they can, indeed, be Brazen Killers AND NOONE ON EARTH HAS THE BALLS OR ADEQUATE INTELLIGENCE TO STOP THEM…
While Scumer leads the way to After Life Abortions of FUTURE AMERICANS, George Soros Surrounds us with EX-FARC MS13 Mercenaries for Future Use. The Second Generation Chairman of Planned Parenthood, Bill Gates is FREE TO ROME OUR NATION as he Steers all of the DEAD AMERICANS off a proverbial Cliff in OLIGARCH MONOPOLIZED HOSPITALS EXPRESSLY TOOLED TO DELIVER OUR DEATHS.
The highly coordinated CABAL of JewISH OLIGARCH Have effectively Taken Over Our Nation from Within and they have done while Commensing with Gates etal DEPOPULATION Fever Dreams!!!
As we bend our necks and convoluted ears to learn what is happening to Whoopi today, we essentially forced to listen to the daily utterances of self proclaimed “Nasty Women” who are there to Crow over, otherwise, important maters from their perch on “the View”.
As we are TRAINED TO Sympathize with those who Hate our DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT TO THE BONE, we are still forbodden from naming Goldberg’s hidden handed handlers at the helm of our collective woes.
This Winning Affect is the whole purpose of the fake jew’s modern day SOCIAL INCITES, SOCIAL IMPACT BOND PARADIGMS and MEDIA BASED Propaganda Ploys, and hereby, a very small issue is now larger than life, larger than Woopie Goldberg and far larger than the Petty Show that is rightly known as “the View”.
Goldberg has exceeded her only purpose in life and now the world can see the relatively outsized fallout in response to Goldberg’s sanguine, yet, seemingly unwelcome argument.
This week’s well timed display not only hinges on the onset of the fake jews’ fraudulent Black History Month, nothing says Modern Day Lynching more than the systematic Spanking that Stawman Woopie Goldberg still faces. As the fake jews game theory goes, it is expected that we all adopt the same level of outrage and consequent wrath ‘that is now leveled by the seemingly offended fake jews. As Game Theory goes Targeted Whites are exected to Deliver the Same Outrage against the jews Targeted Blacks at large.
Essentially, with so much at stake, we are to focus only on the Wars and Issues the Fake Jews Begin in order to deliver as (((they))) expect and exactly like Arthur Balfour did with the Britts.
Until (((they))) get their way, once again, the cabal of fake jews will keep pretending be utterly outraged with the, so called, negro Goldberg. Her consequent two week vacation, as a result of her wrong-think and feelings suggests that (((they))) are hardly done using their gal Goldberg for (((their))) diabolical schemes, as of yet.
After two weeks time, there will be her Comeback Tour amid your systematically IMPLANTED “Thoughts””and Opinions.
While most people in America have practically abandoned their important Biblical keys, nonetheless, there are still important lessons to be learned Algebraically should one begin to recognize all of the fake jews’, relatively, complex patterns.
Today we are made subject to the fact that their, otherwise, beloved “Goldberg-Child” must certainly be trounced in full view of us all, yet, their “trouncing” will be in fake jew fashion, and therefore completely unsatisfying to , otherwise, good and reasonable guys like Charlie Kirk who are inherently, personally invested by way of the fake jews’ Media Monopoly prowess and collective slide of hands.
In short, this insular issue should personally effect NO ONE ON EARTH and NO ONE ON EARTH should give two shits over this matter when there are LIFE AND DEATH ISSUES Before Us all!!!! That is, for those who Profess God, LET THE DEAD BURY THE DEAD!
The problem with milk-toast Christians is the fact that Rev 2:9 and 3:9 no longer registers, and thereby, those who are no longer Armored up in the Word of God, are the ones that truly believed that they are justifiably invested in the Israelite’s cause without realizing the DEADLY implications of Revelation Three Nine.
Milk toast Christians will all suffer the fate that Putin just promised for allowing Quarters to the the evermore embolden SATANIST who have Zero Shame in their ongoing deceptions and their ACTIVE DESTRUCTION OF COUNTLESS HUMANS AND OUR RESPECTIVE NATIONS THAT ARE NOW SO TROUBLED FROM WITHIN.
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
It is true that Mark Zuckerberg wanted us all to know that certain relationships were, indeed, COMPLICATED, but, there is no more complicated relationship than the relationships between those who say they are jews and those who have DNA that is actually known to be jewish.
The complicated “relationship” between the crypto jew, Prescott Bush and Adolf Hitler is a perfect example of the metaphysical relationships, at hand.
Another example of complex relationships is the direct, DNA relationship between Whoopi Goldberg and Adolph Hitler, as both are know have the exact same DNA profile as implausible as it seems to the common man.
As the saying goes, God works in mysterious ways but Satan, not so much, and this is because we were already warned.