Black, Sage, Powerful, Strong, Outspoken, Multi-Generational Entrepreneur, Speaking TRUTH to Power is EVERYTHING!
Thereby, the California Gubernatorial candidate, Larry Elders, is everything the, so called, Liberal Democrat elites and their Black Boule lackies hoped to have Planned Parenthood aborted in the targeted wombs of our Brainwashed Black “feminists” for decades since W.E.B. DeBois became Sanger et al’s favorite NAACP mouthpiece.
Most of us have been taught the useful schoolyard mantra, “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”, however, cattle herders, Madison Avenue moguls, Propagandist and Slave owners, alike, know well the value of branding.

Long before vast swaths of citizens were allowed and encouraged to read, every profitable notion was spelled out symbolically.
Likewise, the hidden handed jewISH CABAL of nation toppling Oligarchs have managed to pull the wool over the eyes of hapless citizens in every nation they have set up shop in.
One can watch (((their))) monopolized media offerings to see how crafty symbology works to brainwash the masses on any given day.
From the movie “Outbreak” to the Netflix series on the middle age moguls “Medici” and “The Borgia’s”, we the people may wish to thank Hollywood and men like Harvey Weinstein for their absolute candor.
Thanks to (((them))) we the people cannot say we were not already warned.
Besides CNN’s Sanjay Gupta’s seemingly serendipitous roll in “Outbreak”, where Gupta was saying the exact same lines Citezens are now being subjected to in places like Australia, Dr. Fouci’s plandemic plans were first spelled out plainly in Dean Koontz’s 1982 novel “Eyes of Darkness”, indicating the fact that there are folks in America who have thoroughly thought things through well in advance of their highly coordinated execution.
We must realize it was the Deep State’s CIA apparatus that practically enjoined the word Conspiracy to Theory, as if every conspiracy is merely a theory.
Also, we must come to realize all that the Project Paperclip assets have wrought in America for their hidden handed financiers who could not stomach the complete loss of their well invested Nasi Germany regime.
Indeed, George Soros was quite candid in his telling interview on Sixty minutes, however, he knows well, much like his Nazi SS employers who trained him during his youth that it is our own, relative, cognitive dissonance that allows him to get away with murder on a grand and international scale.
It’s no secret that global hacks like Soros have poured millions upon millions into Governor Newsom’s excoriated political campaign, yet, few can imaging what hidden handed Oligarchs like Soros are actually buying.
Case in point, few Americans realize key States have been practically bought and thereby, whole swaths of America are “owned” by a close knit cabal of rulling-class Oligarchs who manage to steer our global conversations and daily thoughts, alike.
Besides rasing an army full of useful idiots and potential Shock-troops inside of America’s Walmart usurped, Eli Brode managed schools, Jerry Nadler’s ANITFA Myth pedals along freely knowing they will not be held accountable by public officials in Democrat run strongholds like California.
As we approach the 20th Anniversary of the “dancing Jews” who rejoiced over the systematically imploded buildings in Andrew Cuomo’s NYC, we got to witness the odd attack of Larry Elders by an Egg Wielding, Bike Riding, Black Face Gorilla with Pink hair.
Because of the compromised power structure in Nancy Pelosi’s nephew’s district, the attacker who assulted Mr. Elders was never arrested, perp-walked or facially identified, although the rest of her attire was indicative of “Black Block”, a term gleaned from the Milwalkee Democrat Attorney General, ‘s ANTIFA handbook .
What will be highlighted via the Monopolized Media networks is the large, irate, loudmouth Black shill who happily accompanied the lone, “white” biker-chick in the unchallenged Blackface gorilla costume.
Meet the God damned, mind f’ked BLACK Boule!
They are the Democrats’ two dollar hoes tasked to follow up the rear of Egg Tossing, Black Face, Gorillas in Pussyhat Colored hair!
They are the ones who Insure Margret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood Survivors stay Gunned Down and MisEducted on Democrat Plantations nationwide.
The Black Boule, since it’s jewISH spawned NAACP inception, is to make and keep all we see manifest in the NAACP’s Baltimore MD,” Murder Capital Headquarters.
It is the big Black man’s job to accompany Blackface wearing Democrats and to keep his paychecks flowing he is ablidged to attack Men like Larry Elders just so his hidden handed task masters can keep Skid Row U.S.A. as thee Status Quo for downtrodden Whites and targeted hapless Blacks, nationwide.
Much like Kamala Harris, the loudmouth California goon who will get more airtime than his leading blackface 🦍 winch is likely less than Six degrees separated from the CIA Spawned Jim Jones.
With just a modicum of thought and research Blacks would come to realize Black Democrats, like, Maxine Waters, have been the Deep State Oligarchs’ greatest asset since the Republican’s bloody efforts to Emancipate Black Slaves in America.
The Black man tasked to personally attack Elders after Soros’ millions poured into the California race is essentially, Joe Biden’s CORN-POP and no more upstanding than Cardi B or Charlemagne da god!
While Candace Owens calls for her unmasking and hate-crime charges to be leveled against the highly symbolized, Black-Face Gorilla wearing egg thrower, thanks in part to the BOULE Black shill who will steal the headlines inside of the Oligarchs’ vast media empire, the world will never know who she/it/her/they is.
Elders’ brazen attacker in the Black face Gorilla mask will not be arrested for a hate-crime, thanks to Elders’ Black Boule attacker and for as long as her attack is against a free thinking Black man who might actually Save his fellow Blacks who have been downtrodden and disregarded since Willie Brown’s hard work and, relative, Democrat Pimping durring the days of the CIA’s Jim Jones.
The hidden handed Newsom funders will raise up an entire army of Black Boule an flying monkeys, alike, in their ongoing effort to protect their Silicon Valley investments made with the fleeced pensions of middle and upper class Blacks.
Democrat Plantation trapped Blacks are stayed wondering who is busy gunning Planned Parenthood Surviving Blacks inside of “Gun Free”, Cop-Free, Oligarch “Owned”, “Open Society” designed Drug Zones flooded with Jay-Z and Meek Mill tracks imploring us to “Don’t Snitch”.
While we are trained what and how to think about Larry Elders by highly skilled, MIT trained American Mind F’kers, Black Planned Parenthood Survivors are busy being robbed of our votes and fleeced on the daily.
As we are implored to twirk and sing to the tune of the SNL featured Naz-X, Meg da Stallion or CardiB, we are also being trained,via Predictive Programing and the Oligarchs’, Deep State, CIA, Mockingbird media apparatus to castigate Strong Black Men like Larry Elders.
This is how Blacks who are not the trained Marxest leaders of BLM are being brought lower than low, wherever Soros’ filthy Democrat D.A.s preside!
Furthermore, we have yet to realize all that was systematically robbed from America’s urban coffers first set upon by Sir Ronald Cohen, the, so called, “father of Venture Capitalism”.
After the blatantly racist attack, who we will not see come to Elders’ aid are the, relatively, powerful Boule Blacks in California, who much like Opera Winfrey, are now at ease in their Satanic Truth.
They are the ham-strung Hollywood Blacks who, much like Bill Cosby and Sammy Davis Jr. before Oprah, have sold their hapless souls to the same Satanic ilk who is paying millions to destroy, yet, another Strong, Outspoken, Black Man who wants nothing more than the very best for his fellow Blacks.